Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 572 These cowards

In the supernova flagship cockpit,

In front of Captain Pang Hai, who was in synaesthesia, was an unfolded holographic projection star map.

In the center of the star map is the huge Earth, and in the orbit of the Earth, there are 647 red dot targets!

These are all the space facilities within the earth-moon orbit of the world on the surface of the black hole!

With the addition of 124 armed towing warships, the total number reached 771!

771 red targets,

Just in an instant, it turned gray,

On the display table, gray means destroyed!

The speed of light, unstoppable attacks, high-speed U-turns, these characteristics are combined together, coupled with the super computing power of the assistant,

The enemy didn't even react;

771 goals,

Under the impact of the speed of light, a flash of light flashed across like a meteor, and then,

Then there was only explosion, destruction, fire and death!

At this moment, the tearer transformed into a life harvester, defeating the entire defense system on the periphery of the earth at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine!

In the cab,

Pang Hai looked at the targets that all turned gray indifferently, and targeted the final attack target in the dock not far from the subspace crack!

There is the source of this disaster,

As long as the spaceship that opens the subspace is destroyed, everything will be over!

At this moment, in the cab, the assistant suddenly sounded a prompt:

"Attention, it was detected that a communication signal was sent before the enemy flagship was destroyed. The signal has been analyzed and the content is as follows:"

"... Zizizi, I am Captain Bol of the World. Within the crack... there is a strange spherical object... He was involuntarily attacked by us. I'm sorry."


Pang Hai, who was still confused as to why the other party sent the signal before being destroyed, suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the content.

Boll, the captain of the World, actually woke up from the state of being possessed by the corrosive body?

And what did he mean?

Crack, there is a strange spherical object in the subspace crack!

"Captain, there are still 30 microseconds before the tearer hits the dock!"

The intelligence adjutant also heard it, and he immediately reminded Pang Hai.

300 microseconds!

Within the synaesthesia command system, due to the super transmission speed of super fibers, their instructions have reached the millisecond level!

"The attack target remains unchanged, let the tearer start the self-destruction program after crashing into the dock and spaceship, and then rush towards the crack!"

Pang Hai paused for a while, immediately made a judgment, and reminded emphatically:

"You must self-destruct the moment you enter the crack, and you must not let the tearer enter the subspace!"


The munitions adjutant immediately took the order and conveyed the captain's instructions.

There is something in the subspace crack, and is it a spherical object?

This information,

Pang Hai has an intuition, it is not simple, very not simple!

But he wouldn't be so reckless as to let the tearer crash into it.

Because it is possible that Bol's sobriety was actually caused by the corrosive body on purpose!

The purpose is to make them curious enough to explore the subspace!

"In addition, all the received tearer data is stored separately and no one is allowed to touch it!"

The more Pang Hai thought about it, the more he felt that the matter was fraudulent, so he held back.

"I understand. None of the 24 assault fleets will receive any data about the subspace from the tearers this time. The information will be stored on the unmanned exploration ship!"

The intelligence adjutant immediately understood and took immediate response measures.

"Unmanned exploration ship?"

Pang Hai was confused, they didn't launch an unmanned detection ship, right?

"Now, we launch an unmanned exploration ship."

The intelligence adjutant smiled slightly and saw that it had not been launched, but now it was launched.

"Very well, that damn thing, all manned ships are best left untouched and untouched!"

Pang Hai understood and nodded, approving of the tacit understanding between the two.

"Don't worry, the unmanned ship comes out at super-light speed. Now it has reached the area in the orbit of the earth and fire. It is relatively open there. Even if there is a problem, it can be controlled in time. Moreover, we should also be offline."

"Well, now, it's time to shut up that black-smelling devil!"

Pang Hai nodded with satisfaction, turned his head, and looked at the cracks on the holographic projection with sharp eyes.

This damn thing, even the image looks weird.

Go where it came from!

"Hehe, hehe, you can't escape either!"

In the dock, in the gravity-driven source module of the New Frontier, Thomas, with his face covered in blood, stood in front of the opened artificial black hole, laughing maniacally.

Although these guys have things that can resist their invasion,

But this only surprised Thomas a little.


This is just a negligible influence projected from the subspace.

When they actually see "it" in the warp,

All resistance is meaningless and ineffective!

These guys, like the Planetary Defense Drag Fleet, will be completely polluted and corrupted by the subspace.

"Come on, come on, become my ship, follow me to conquer the entire manifest universe, and let all living beings be immersed in terror and fear!"

Thomas stood in front of the strange instrument of the artificial black hole, dancing excitedly.

It looked like a spiritual wizard from ancient times praying to the god of his faith.

The fact is correct,


He is about to sacrifice himself so that a more powerful fleet can become part of "it"!

Hahaha, these guys will never think that,

as long as they see its body in the subspace,

any intelligent life form in the visible universe will fall into chaos and madness,

because it is the opposite of order and reason in this universe!

It doesn't know how it was born, but since its birth, it has known that its mission is to erode the visible universe and bring destruction and chaos to all intelligent civilizations that come into contact with the superluminal field!

Thomas, or the possessed one, has also been faithfully fulfilling its mission.

In this universe, humans are not the first intelligent civilization to open the chaotic subspace and encounter it.

And other civilizations, facing it,

without exception, can only go to annihilation!

It's just that,

just when this crazy ritual was performed to the end,

in his perception, the 24 warships that had been maintaining some kind of communication suddenly disconnected!

The space fleet has turned on full communication silence.

The only ship guiding the ripper, Thomas shifted his gaze and followed the communication fluctuations. When he saw it, his eye sockets suddenly opened, and his face quickly showed incomparable anger. Although he had no eyeballs, he was now the New Frontier.

He saw it very clearly, very clearly.

The only thing that was connected to the weapon that was about to be led into the subspace was an unmanned ship!

An unmanned ship,

and it was completely disconnected from the main fleet, and it was an unmanned ship far away between the earth and fire!

The other party was so cautious about the subspace? !

Damn, its body can affect the machinery, but what's the use of just affecting the machinery!

This group of cowards!

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