Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 581 Enemies in the Records

Border outpost,

It's not just an outpost,

It is the limit of the expansion of the ancient Cybertronian civilization. It is located a thousand light years away from the Cybertronian planet. There is a huge mineral planet here.

One of the Thirteen King Kongs, he transformed it into a fortification where the Transformers live, integrating mining, defense, and vigilance.

The planet that should have been extremely prosperous due to mining has become dilapidated.

Even the huge bombardment crater on the main body of the planet tells the story of such horrific wars that happened in the past.

"I heard that Megatron once mined here? Its original model was a mining robot!"

Seeing this broken planet, the Autobots felt a little heavy.

Tiepi felt that this was a bit bad, so he took the initiative to bring up the topic and broke the atmosphere.

"Yeah, so this is also the most damaged planet."

Optimus Prime nodded slowly and drove the spacecraft directly to land on the broken planet.

The hot explosion crater has cooled down, and the vitrified sand shows the horror of this place. The high concentration of particle radiation in the air is a nightmare for carbon-based organisms.

But this is Transformers,

Optimus Prime and others just braved the radiation and walked leisurely across the planet.

"Let's go to the Planet Forbidden Sky Tower, which was built by the prehistoric Cybertron civilization. We just scanned the system and found that it was only damaged. The internal damage was not hit!"

Soon, they found their target,

To be honest, on a planet that has been hit so hard, it is still very difficult to find a place that can be used.

But fortunately,

The Decepticons' destruction of this place is not a blanket one.

They still have a chance!

The Forbidden Sky Tower is at the highest point of the planet. It is a mountain made entirely of metal. The ferocious metal spreads upward, converging into this magnificent wonder of Cybertron. Under the reflection of the faint light, the entire mountain peak becomes The translucent silver peak!

As white as silver, magnificent!

Optimus Prime leaned the spaceship against the top of the mountain, and the Autobots jumped to the top of the forbidden air tower.

Passing through the complex lumen, they entered the interior.

But it is a pity that due to the war that year,

The interior of the Forbidden Sky Tower has long been dilapidated, and there are even rusty corpses of the original Transformers on the ground.

That's a humanoid Transformer,

Cybertronians who haven't mastered the ability to shapeshift yet!

Their bodies are scattered scattered, but if you look closely, you can find some patterns.

"Oh, the fighting here must be fierce, but it seems like they are protecting something?"

After the ambulance scan, a shocking conclusion was reached.

"That's where they're protecting!"

Optimus Prime also noticed it. His eyes were surprised and he pointed at a certain room in the inner cavity.

The deaths of these original Transformers were scattered, but there was no doubt that they were escorting something away!

"Go and see!"

Taking the lead, he led the Autobots into the room at the corner.

The scene that greeted his eyes directly shocked all the Autobots.

It turns out that these original Transformers were not escorting any important people, but a few special pieces of metal were still firmly protected by several pieces of metal until their death.

"These Decepticons who only know how to kill are really a waste of resources. I'm sure they are something terrible!"

Tiepi, who was illiterate, held a cyber cigarette in his mouth and directly staged a rebellion against Tiangang.


Although he is illiterate, he knows how to respect knowledge and history! This is much better than the Decepticons!

"I also feel that the education of the Decepticons is biased toward the military, and they never care about the history of Cybertron."

Optimus Prime nodded in agreement. He expressed his condolences to the dead Transformers, then brushed them aside and wiped the dust that had accumulated on the piece of metal they were sworn to protect.

After removing the dust, I took a closer look and saw ancient Cybertronic inscriptions engraved on it.

Fortunately, during this time, Optimus Prime learned this ancient writing from Skyfire,

He understands it completely!

However, just when he was halfway through reading it, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Guys, we might have hit the jackpot!"

Mr. Zhu didn’t have much hope in sending Optimus Prime for the time being.

Just a casual move,

It doesn’t matter if you don’t find anything, but if you find something, it’s a surprise!

"Oh, even if there is a discovery, it will probably be a long time later. Archeology is not that easy!"

Sitting at the desk, I poured myself a cup of tea leisurely.

Mr. Zhu enjoyed this few leisure time.

A cup of hot tea is enough to put him in good spirits in the afternoon!

However, I haven’t finished the tea yet.

Outside the office, hurried footsteps sounded. Zhao Guangyao rushed to Mr. Zhu's door like an arrow from a string, and then gently stretched out his hand to knock on the door.

"Come in, your footsteps can be heard from far away!"

Zhu Laoshou paused and put down the tea cup.

"Mr. Zhu, I happened to be at the door of Space 5. I received the news from Optimus Prime and ran over immediately."

You could have called directly.

However, Zhao Guangyao happened to have something to report to Mr. Zhu, so he simply made a trip.

"Optimus Prime? What's the news?"

Mr. Zhu raised his eyebrows and thought, can't it be such a coincidence?

"Optimus Prime asked. They found clues at Cybertron's outpost and are heading to the Knight Center based on the clues!"

Zhao Guangyao opened his mouth and went straight to the topic.

"Discovered the clue, so quickly?"

Mr. Zhu stood up in shock. He didn't expect to find clues so quickly.

Send Optimus Prime,

What he is fighting for is a blind cat that kills a mouse, a touch-and-see mentality.

As a result, we met directly!

"It's a forbidden air tower built by Cybertron in prehistoric times. There are inscriptions inside the tower that record some of the history that has long been lost on Cybertron."

"These Decepticons are really hateful. They are so focused on military affairs that the splendid history and culture of Cybertron have been basically lost!"

Having said this, Zhao Guangyao handed the document in his hand to Mr. Zhu, not forgetting to complain about the Decepticons.

Culture is the root of a civilization,

If you only build the military and don't develop science and technology, you will be dead sooner or later!

"Let me see."

After taking the file, Mr. Zhu couldn't wait to open it. After seeing the content on it, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The document describes the entire process of Optimus Prime's discovery of the metal piece, as well as the contents on the piece of metal.

This is an epic, an epic from the perspective of an extremely ancient Transformer!

When Cybertron continued to expand its territory and reached its peak, there were no frontier outposts at that time. Strange enemies appeared on the borders of their territory!

These enemies have an aura that disgusts them. According to the ancient King Kong, it is the energy opposite to the "Tianzun". Contamination will make people corrupt and chaotic. Fortunately, they have energy similar to the "Tianzun" in their bodies. Energy will not be infected by the other party.

So, a war broke out!

According to the ancient Vajra records, they followed the example of the "Tianzun" and paid a heavy price, finally defeated the "Great Emperor" and established a border outpost!

However, because of this,

The prosperous Cybertron has fallen!

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