Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 6 Is this... Is this the Wandering Earth? !

Fang Jing reappeared, holding the document personally instructed by No. 1 Huaguo from another world.

When the news spread, it immediately attracted the attention of Universe No. 1.

Soon, a helicopter appeared outside the 710 station.

Wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a weathered face and deep eyes, like an old man who could see through people's hearts, he was slowly helped off the plane.

Zhou Weirong supported the old man respectfully.

"Xiao Rong, are you still used to being in the 710 office?"

"Father, I'm still used to it. How are you doing at the United Nations these days?"

Zhou Weirong looked at his old father and sighed in his heart.

Now the burden is all on this old man, which really makes him, a son, heartbroken.

"It's still the same as before, quarreling over and over again, nagging incessantly."

The old man waved his hand and became a little angry when he mentioned the matter of the United Nations.

"Father, the Digital Sect is very active. Comrades with intelligence bureaus have received information. It is said that they are in danger of attacking the United Nations. You..."

Zhou Weirong paused, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes, and said with difficulty: "You must pay attention to your safety over there."

"Okay, stop talking about those bad things, let's talk about the scene you mentioned."

The old man waved his hand to signal Zhou Weirong not to pay attention. He chuckled and asked instead:

"According to you, that young man is not a bad person?"

"Yes, but the whole thing still boggles my mind."

Zhou Weirong felt a little apprehensive in his eyes when he thought of Fang Jing who appeared and disappeared like a ghost.

He doesn't know where the other person is coming from or what his purpose is.

Don't know anything.

"The unknown is the source of fear in people's hearts. I'm here not to eliminate the 'unknown'."

The old man spoke to Zhou Weirong in a serious tone, looked at the old white-green building in the distance of Building 710, and murmured: "Besides, there are more than one unknown incident happening here."

"Father, what did you say?"

The old man's last words were spoken in a low voice. Zhou Weirong frowned and asked quickly.

"Nothing, take me to meet that young man!"

Putting back the emotion in his eyes, the old man shook his head and smiled.

"Yes, father."

Zhou Weirong felt a little sad.

With this smile again, he knew that this old man had always kept a secret in his heart for the sake of this country and this world.

Now, the secret may become two.

In the interrogation room of No. 710.

Fang Jing didn't eat anything at all.

After Zhou Weirong left, Fang Jing immediately sat next to the soldier who stayed here.

That's right, the soldier left here is the one wearing the full-coverage exoskeleton armor!

"Comrade, may I ask your name?"

Fang Jing stretched out his hand to touch the black-painted exoskeleton with a sci-fi feel.

Unexpectedly, the soldier was also very nervous. He noticed his movements and quickly backed away, looking at him warily.

"My name is Wuxian Daoyun, Fang Jing, right? Please wait patiently for the captain to come back."

The little warrior looked nervous and spoke a little awkwardly.

He didn't want to offend Fang Jing, but he also didn't want Fang Jing to think he had a bad attitude.

"Haha, don't be nervous, I'll just ask."

Fang Jing didn't pay attention to these details. His eyes were almost fixed on the exoskeleton armor at the moment.

Well, it uses batteries.

"You wear this exoskeleton all day?"

"That's right?"

Wrinkle Daoyun saw Fang Jing's burning eyes and swallowed secretly.

This guy can't be sexual orientation...

Thinking of this, he tensed up and looked at Fang Jing even more nervously.

"How often do you charge it?"

Fang Jing's eyes became even hotter when he heard that he was wearing an exoskeleton all day long.

"A week. When fighting, it's once a week. Normally, it's once every two weeks."

This information was not confidential, so Wuzhen Daoyun said it without any pressure.

"Two weeks!"

Fang Jing was shocked when he heard this.

It is known that the working time of this universe-wide exoskeleton is two hours.

Therefore, the power storage capacity of the battery in Universe 1 is... 168 times that of this universe!


Fang Jing took a breath.

Even if we only get this battery technology this time, it will be a huge success for China in this universe.

More than 168 times battery saving capacity.

Batteries of this level can bring about earth-shaking changes.

"Yes, two weeks, but it is said that there is a stronger battery that is used in the central shaft of the space elevator..."

Seeing Fang Jing's ignorant and shocked expression, Zou Daoyun showed pride on his face and prepared to introduce this battery in a grand manner.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw Fang Jing, who was already frozen in place.

"Space elevator? Space elevator!"

Fang Jing suddenly raised his head, as if he was possessed by evil spirits, and kept muttering in his mouth. Then he grabbed Zou Daoyun's hand excitedly, and asked with fiery eyes: "You said you have a space elevator?!"

"Hey, stay away from me!"

Zou Daoyun got goosebumps when Fang Jing caught him, and he quickly struggled to stay away.

Fang Jing was still immersed in surprise.

Good guy, he still underestimated the scientific and technological strength of the Hua Kingdom in Universe No. 1.

His grandma's space elevator has been repaired!

Needless to say, once the space elevator was unveiled, its technical strength was unquestionable and undisputed.

One word, strong!


Just at this time, the door of the interrogation room slowly opened.

Zhou Weirong walked in with the old man.

As soon as he came in, he looked a little surprised.

Why did Xiao Zou hide so far away?

"Commander Zhou, you are finally back."

Fang Jing put away the excitement on his face and looked at Zhou Weirong with fiery eyes.

After getting a rough idea of ​​the technical strength of China in Universe No. 1, he became more enthusiastic.

"Well, let me introduce you. This is Zhou Zhezhi. He can be responsible for your affairs."

Zhou Weirong looked at Zhou Daoyun strangely and solemnly introduced the old man behind him.

"Father, this is Fang Jing."

Zhou Zhezhi showed a gentle smile on his face, stretched out his hand to Fang Jing, and said: "I am too arrogant to call you Xiao Fang."

"Didn't you bring a document? Can you show it to me?"

Fang Jing was already stunned at this time.

When he saw Zhou Zhezhi, he was stunned.

After hearing his name again, the whole person was even more shocked.

Zhou Zhezhi, isn't this the Chinese representative to the United Nations in The Wandering Earth 2? !

So, is this the Wandering Earth Universe!

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Jing immediately licked his dry lips and stared straight at Zhou Zhezhi, the old man in a Zhongshan suit, with a growing sense of familiarity in his heart.

"What's wrong, Xiao Fang?"

Seeing that Fang Jing had not handed over the document for a long time, Zhou Zhezhi's eyes flashed with doubt.

He saw that this man named Fang Jing had been in a state of shock after hearing his name.

He... had heard his own name!

The old man narrowed his eyes and had an idea in his mind.

"Oh, Mr. Zhou, the document is here."

"Please take a look!"

Fang Jing suppressed his shock and prepared to ask the doubts in his heart after the other party had read the document.

Is this really the Wandering Earth Universe?

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