Sally never expected,

This abandoned Internet prototype actually received an unknown Internet signal.


The signal seems to be still there...

"Read the data recorded in the computer?"

Sally was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized,

Isn't this just stealing their data? ?

"Quickly, check the source of the signal. Someone is stealing our computer data. This computer contains our previous nuclear test data!"

After thinking about this clearly, Sally's expression changed drastically, and he was extremely shocked.

Which computer is bad for stealing data from? Why is it this one? !

There is data on nuclear testing in it!

With a scream from Sally,

The researchers behind quickly rushed forward.

What was stolen was not nuclear test data, but what was stolen was clearly their lives!

That's right,

The few graduate students who rushed the fastest were the researchers responsible for operating this computer.

No matter what the problem is, the higher authorities will ask them!

"The direction of the signal source is being detected. A large amount of data is being read. It can't be stopped. It can't be stopped at all!"

The researcher who rushed to the console had cold sweat on his forehead.

Can't stop it, can't stop it at all!

The speed at which the other party steals and the means by which they intercept the data flow are simply not the same dimension!

You know,

This is the early development stage of network technology.

The researcher responsible for the interception didn’t even know how to intercept!

"Which direction is the data stolen from?"

Sally's voice was almost crazy,

If you can't stop it, don't stop it. As long as you find the approximate range, it's better!

It would be even better if it could involve someone on the other side of the world.

This way they can find excuses to shirk responsibility!


How to shirk responsibility?

Watch carefully and let Sally show you what it means to be professional!

"Doctor, we found the direction of the thief, in..."

Network attacks require nodes. Now this computer is not physically connected to the Internet, so it is very simple to find the direction of the attack, but simplicity sometimes does not mean easy explanation.

After the researcher found out the result, he was stunned.


Sally's voice was a little nervous, and he stared at the researcher.

" heaven!"

The researcher pointed his index finger at the sky outside the room and stammered in response:

"I guess, it's probably in low-Earth orbit!"


Sally's eyes widened and his pupils shrank.

After a few seconds, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and silently walked to the computer's power supply.

Under the puzzled looks of nearby bureau personnel, he reached out and ripped off the computer's power supply.

As the power cord is unplugged,


All the lights on the huge computer went out, and the information theft stopped immediately.

"Okay, the matter is solved!"

Sally regained his composure and patted his dusty hands expressionlessly.

"Dr. Sully, was that just now?"

Because the air force general was not very technical, he stretched out his hand and asked feebly what had just happened.

He just seemed to hear Sally talking about stealing or nuclear test data.

"It's a big red country, it must be that certain alliance in the north!"

It wasn't until the Air Force General asked that Sally showed a gnashing expression. He was very unhappy and angry and gritted his back molars and roared:

"General, the data we stored in the computer on the nuclear test in Nevada was stolen just now. The source of the theft was from space!"

"As we all know, only us America and a certain alliance in the north are competing for space supremacy, so this alliance must be using some kind of technology that we don't know about to steal our data!"

"This is an invasion!"

"Naked aggression!"

At this moment, Sally waved his hands with an angry expression, and his tone was even more indignant!

His words made the air force general who asked the question stunned for a moment.

Is this really the case?

But what Dr. Sally said seems to make sense!

At this time, the space was empty except for them and a certain couplet.

So if it’s not them, it must be a certain alliance!

"We already know, and I will immediately notify the Ministry of National Defense to take action to make the other party pay the price!"

The air force general was very angry.

How dare you steal their technical information right under their noses?

court death!

After saying that, he walked out of the laboratory angrily.

Seeing this scene, Sally let out a sharp breath.

He believed it, he really believed it!

I threw this pot away!

Afterwards, a certain league was severely scolded by the U.S. Department of Defense.

The other party was dumbfounded by the scolding and had no idea.

A certain couplet:? ? ?


Wonderful, very wonderful. It is simply a textbook shirking of blame and a textbook shirking of responsibility.

Sally's reasons were reasonable;

It’s almost impossible to find anything wrong with it!

A certain couplet in the north was scolded by Lao Mi for no apparent reason.

World tension +5%

Immediately, the two sides began a protracted wrangling and competition.

Comparing with each other,

What triggered this war of words, and even the cause of the conflict, was the theft of valuable nuclear test data stored in Laomi's computers. Instead, it was forgotten by both parties because of mutual comparison.

This creates a strange situation,

Two people who were already fighting each other became even more fierce because of this incident.

But as long as they do a little research, they can obviously find the culprit.

Because this universe doesn’t even bother to hide the communication fluctuations of those drones in the sky,

All they need to do is investigate,

You can find it immediately,


The source of this data theft turned out to be... the southwest belly of the great Eastern country!

However, all this is if,

In reality, the two superpowers have already quarreled over this matter to the extent that it has frightened the entire Western Europe and even the entire world.

Because the fight is between these two superpowers,

What is hurt is that these small countries serve as various dishes on the dining table!


At this time,

Fang Jing finally found a place that he thought was very unusual among the many ice and snow worlds around the world!

677 and lab,

Fang Jing stood in the unfolded command center, watching the pictures flashing above, constantly selecting abnormal places.


Before him was a lot of image data from all over the earth.

Fang Jing definitely couldn't handle the massive amount of information.

But with the processing power of brain plug-in interfaces and super quantum computers,

Almost instantly,

The fifteenth minute of the drone and monitor operating in orbit,

A snow-white picture with faint black shadows was placed on top of the largest screen on the podium.

In the picture, among the white snow on the ground, there is a huge circular shadow.

This shadow is not a donut. If you look closely at the enlarged image, it turns out to be a huge disk-shaped creation. The dark color is the visible color formed after the detector reflects the metal waveband.

That is to say,

In this world of ice and snow, not only is there such a huge disk,

What is even more incredible when you think about it is the curvature of this thing. It is a round object and the whole is flat. You can tell at a glance that it is a man-made thing.

This is exactly like a spaceship creation!


When he saw the location of this ice and snow world, Fang Jing was almost sure,

This is the key to understanding the world!

Because that location is...


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