Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 638 It’s time to wake up!

After the captain and deputy captain of the Tarot ship died one after another,

The crew on the ship had no time to grieve;

They began to study the captain's body,

Captain Arimin is the source of all this!

How he turned into a monster is the key!

The crew investigated for a long time, and the main person responsible for the investigation was the ship's recorder.

He is responsible for compiling the logbook and is also the ship's medical officer.

"It's very strange. All kinds of organs are present in the captain's body, but the traces are a bit strange!"

The recording officer was very professional;

He placed the captain in the medical cabin and dissected Captain Aremin through remote control.

At the same time, he also isolated everyone outside the glass cabin.

They have strict epidemic prevention regulations and strong enforcement, which is a necessary means to maintain safety when sailing in the space!

He carefully opened Arimin's skin and saw the structure of the cells. He couldn't detect anything abnormal, so he simply used high temperature to stimulate it.

As a result, the stimulated blood suddenly changed!

The record officer's eyes widened suddenly, and he realized something was wrong!

Cold sweat broke out on my forehead,

He immediately took out a sample of Aremin granulation and stimulated it in the same way.

As a result, the cell's structure also undergoes significant changes.

The moment the original ordinary cells were exposed to high temperatures, spiky structures immediately appeared inside!


The recording officer who was leaning over the microscope to observe the situation straightened his waist and stood up straight.

I'm sweating profusely!

Seemingly thinking of something, he took a deep breath, turned around and showed a smile to everyone in the isolation room, then made a gesture and said apologetically:

"I forgot to replace the electron tunneling device on the microscope. Haha, I didn't see anything. You guys stay in there for a while and I'll be back soon!"

After saying this,

The recording officer just ran away!

And behind him,

In the separate isolation rooms, the eyes of several Tarot people suddenly became deep and strange!

After the recording officer ran out,

I just brought some food and locked myself in the recording room!

"It's over, they're done!"

The recording officer had just discovered it,

He or something,

The monster the captain turns into has the functions of infection, devouring and mimicry!

Not only the captain, but the captain's blood and the white solution also have this function. The energy of infection, devouring and mimicry is extremely terrifying. He just estimated that a person can be completely transformed in a few seconds!

But he still remembers,

The captain's granulation had just been torn open, and the white solution splashed onto several crew members!

These crew members may have turned into monsters like the captain!

And they are still hiding in the crowd!

Thinking of this, the record officer trembled all over.

He recorded his guesses and data in the log and sent them to the spacecraft and the home planet!

"The ship must activate protection mode in time!"

Until now, after ensuring his own safety, he was immediately thinking of ways to rescue his colleagues.

Just his departure,

Still attracted the attention of the weirdos,

The ship's order was not issued for several seconds,

The spaceship sounded the alarm, and the monster began to hunt!

Chaos, destruction, killing, this thing has no strange abilities.

But he is able to hide in the crowd in a strange way,

Just when you thought you were safe, you quietly converted more people!

There are more and more corpses,

The Tarot people were unable to dispose of so many corpses, so they had no choice but to throw them into the universe.

Even in the end, during the fight, the spacecraft lost control!

It is falling towards the earth at an unstoppable speed!

"It's over, it's completely over!"

The Recorder was desperate;

The ship's resistance failed, and the home star did not respond.

Outside the door, the crew members banged on the door and screamed for help.

"Hai Ruo, open the door and save us!"

"You've discovered it a long time ago, right, but you're hiding here by yourself, you deserve to die!"

"No, I curse you!"

Several people were flapping wildly outside the door, but the thick walls of the recording cabin were an insurmountable barrier for them!

The recording officer was reluctant, but his attitude was very firm.

He will never open the door!

The three companions in front of them looked very normal, but who knew if there were any hidden monsters among them? !

"It's time to leave, I hope the rescue from the home planet will arrive!"

Taking a deep breath,

The Recorder made up his mind;

After taking a long-term dormant drug, he ignored others' calls for help, lay down in the dormant cabin, swallowed the drug, and directly pressed the separation button before dormancy started!

That's right,

The recording cabin also doubles as an escape cabin!

There is a small nuclear fusion in the cabin, which can stand by for tens of millions of years!

It's enough to record the rescue team from Gou's home planet!

"This damn spaceship will treat whoever you like!"

Taking a deep breath,

The Recorder closed his eyes!

This is also the reason why he immediately escaped to the recording cabin.

On your own territory, you can control the ship's data, and finally run away!

You can advance or retreat,

The best choice in this situation!

At this point, all the records in the voyage log are over.

The record officer in charge of writing simply shut down the spacecraft computer and ran away.

Everyone is gone,

Of course the diary ends!

In the laboratory, Horus watched the whole process, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This Tarot recorder is really a super smart guy!

His speed of running away and his ability to judge the situation are too strong!

The moment he discovered the ability of the monster,

he immediately realized that the spaceship was completely finished and these teammates could not be kept, and then he ran away directly!

He deserved it that he succeeded in running away in the end!

"I didn't expect there were survivors of the Tarot people. Where is the recording cabin?"

Tianhuo was also amazed.

Such a person deserved to be alive in the end!

Except for not caring about the life and death of his teammates, he is really good at surviving!

"According to the navigation log, it should be in the Kuiper belt. I have notified Captain Pang to rescue him. After so many years, I hope there is no problem with the escape cabin. He is still alive!"

There is some hope in Horus' eyes.

There are still survivors of the Tarot people!

Isn't this a coincidence!

They just need to understand this civilization. The recorder is a senior intellectual of the Tarot civilization. Naturally, he knows enough about their civilization!

"Well, let's hope so!"

Tianhuo nodded, also full of hope.

In the distance,

among the many asteroids in the Kuiper belt, a cylindrical aircraft with dusty surface and even some impact marks was clearly visible under the illumination of the headlights of this spacecraft.

Several robots controlled by soldiers carefully connected to the unmanned airlock.

After changing the air pressure inside the airlock according to the gas structure inside the aircraft,

the robot opened the hatch and entered the escape cabin of this Tarot man.

The space inside the escape cabin is very small,

mainly a hibernation cabin!

The robot came to the hibernation cabin and directly pressed the button to release the hibernation!

Old Deng, who has been sleeping for 10 million years,

it's time to wake up!

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