Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 659 What about the Earth that is so big?

Tarot First Fleet, cockpit,

The captain stood on the command podium, looking at the combined fleet stretched out on the star map, with a smile on his lips.

Now, they are getting closer and closer to each other's home planet,

He was so close that he could smell the charming Qi of the living body!

"Captain, the opponent's home planet has launched a counterattack!"

"Struggling in vain, the fleet's light shields are stacked up to block this attack. Let them be completely desperate!"

The home planet personally attacks?

Being forced to this point,

The captain already knew in his heart that the other party was really at his wits end!

Block the opponent's attacks and destroy their positions,

Across the orbit of their home star,

Make the other party completely despair, and then drop the strange seeds,

There, it will become a paradise for monster breeding and madness!

In the dark space,

After detecting an attack from Earth,

In the darkness, a group of four Tarot fleets, four spaceships, quickly approached,

Four points formed a square. Then, the front of the ship's bow lit up with bright golden light. One, no, four light shields appeared at the same position.

They are superimposed together and get an epic level of enhancement!

And it was during this time that

The beam of light emitted from the earth's mainland bombarded this four-in-one light shield!

The attack power of the giant cannon in the planetary complex base is terrifying!

After all, the size and energy level are there,

However, what is unexpected is that the Tarot man was able to block this attack with the help of his four-in-one light shield!

The orange light beam collided with the metal light shield,

At that moment,

The whole sky near Neptune was bright!

The brightness of the collision between the two parties was as bright as the sudden flash of a star in the universe.

"Block, charge forward!"

"Completely destroy the opponent's position!"

This time, the momentum of the Tarot fleet was completely unleashed.

This is the opponent's attack spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers?

Not even a single spacecraft was damaged!

"Hahaha, this is already the opponent's star system. They can't let go and don't dare to use powerful weapons!"

Captain Tarot made his own judgment,

Of course he could see that the opponent's attack was deliberately contained!

Why suppress the attack?

If a thief comes to your house, you can use a knife if you have one, and you can use a gun if conditions permit. You can even use grenades if conditions permit.

But you will never take out a nuclear bomb!

Get a nuclear bomb?

Doesn’t this mean that you must be included in it? !

If you resist to the end, you may not die if you lose.

All intelligent creatures have a sense of luck!

"This is a good opportunity. Inform the forward Fifth Fleet that even if they use light shields to carry the opponent's attack, they must completely capture the opponent's planetary position for me!"

The captain, who consciously took advantage of the opponent's luck, gave a cruel smile and said,

Their chance has come!

Originally, when the third fleet was destroyed by the opponent's "repatriated" light particles, he had already lost most of his heart. He held the idea of ​​​​desperately sending "seeds" to quietly sneak into the earth, and then developed the idea of ​​​​destroying the opponent step by step.

Finally, we actually arrived at the scene,

Hey, I didn’t expect that this battle would get smoother and smoother as the battle progressed!

They now have a huge advantage!

In space, in the orbit of Neptune,

The Tarot Fleet also became excited,

The four spacecraft are close together. While the bow light shield blocks the attack from the Earth's native planetary comprehensive defense base, the huge cannons on the side are also constantly bombarding the orbiting position.

Naturally, the position is also counterattacking,

However, at the front of the Tarot fleet, the two fulcrum ships opened their light shields, and the bright light enveloped the entire attacking ships in the rear, blocking all attacks from their positions!

These are two pure "tanks\

,"There are no means of attack, just a suit of equipment and full defense!

They are born for defense!

There were "tanks" blocking the position attack, and the fleet behind them simply had a great time.

Don't worry about anything, just blast!

Just like that, in the name of cooperation,

The position was quickly breached.

And whenever this time comes, the decisiveness of the "earth people" will also shock the Tarot consciousness.

Because all the positions that were breached,

Those defenders, without exception, chose to self-destruct and completely perished along with the position!

Of course, it's shocking,

Since the other party is so courageous, then with respect, let's completely eliminate the other party!

The Tarot fleet continues to advance,

The attack on the earth is still continuing,


That orange beam of light was like a little embellishment in a boring offensive and defensive battle, and had no impact on the direction of the battle at all.

The Tarot people march forward with all their might!

"The Neptune position has been eliminated!"

"The Saturn position is destroyed!"

"The Jupiter position has been eliminated!"

"The fleeing fleet has been eliminated!"

When finally, the news that the fleeing fleet was wiped out reached the command station,

Captain Tarot finally couldn't help but laugh wildly!

If the solar system is the capital of this civilization,

The earth is their "imperial city\

,"And now, they have reached the city wall!

Climb over this wall,

Victory is at hand!

"Hahaha, all the fleets will press forward for me and seize the orbit of Mars. We will completely win this battle!"

At this moment,

The First Fleet, which had been wandering outside the solar system, finally lost its temper and flew into the Kuiper Belt.

The situation has been decided,

Unless the earth gains wings and flies away!

Otherwise, they will definitely win!

Since all the unmanned fleets have been destroyed and there is no air defense force, Mars orbital defense is also unable to support itself.

Soon, he was defeated by the Tarot people using the same tactics!

Above the orbit of Mars,

More than 800 ferocious warships of the Tarot people stood in the void, looking at the blue earth from a distance.

This planet is so beautiful,

The main color of blue is paired with white strips and green land.

At a glance, Captain Tarot knew,

This planet is definitely a hotbed of life!

"Jie Jie Jie, we have finally reached this point. Looking at the earth from here, it... is already within our grasp!"

An earth without a fleet would be a port without naval warships.

They attack the Earth across the orbit of Mars,

The enemy has no idea what to do!


The flagship of the entire fleet where Captain Tarot is located has just cautiously entered the vicinity of Neptune.

The assault fleet also moved out of the orbit of Mars,

As a result, his order had not yet been issued, so he made preparations!

They saw that the orange light on the earth in the real-time star map projection suddenly disappeared as they stared at it with greedy eyes, and they saw the whole planet flashing.

Then he didn't stop for a moment,

call out--

With a sound, he disappeared without a trace!

The captain opened his mouth to give the order, but what he originally wanted to say was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't come out.

At this moment, his pupils shrank sharply and he couldn't believe it at all.

What about Earth?

Where has my whole world gone? !

Did he really put on his wings and run away?

? ? ?

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