Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 671 Touch it and you will fall asleep in seconds

No one knows what happens in the subspace of the black hole's surface world,


From the perspective of space detectors,

It's very honest there these days!

But those who can be bombed are already numb,

That weird sphere is now accustomed to the subspace cracks that open from time to time!

It has no intention of rushing out,

Every time it has this idea, that ghost spaceship, like it is endless, rushes over to play with it at warp speed and self-destructs,

Sometimes there is too much noise,

Even ten ships can rush in at once!

That scene was scary! ! !

The energy that is naturally capable of restraining corrosive bodies suddenly exploded,

Directly turning its "distorted subspace" upside down!

It even feels like,

Let the other party continue to explode like this,

This twisted subspace will probably have to be straightened out!

From now on, it will be renamed "Suppressed Subspace"!

There is no effective way to deal with this situation.

It even released the read memories of Thomas, Will, and the crew of the New Territory, but the conclusions reached by thinking made it confused.

According to these human memories,

Their civilization should not have such strange means.

Even the New Territory was the first ship to attempt faster than light speed!


Now, as long as there is a spaceship outside, it can fly over and slap him twice!

Is this fucking eight years old? !

"No, I can't bear it!"

While I was thinking about what was going on, the subspace crack opened again!

This time,

I can't bear it anymore!

Lines composed of pitch-black forest energy surged crazily like tentacles, stretching out towards the cracks.

When the missiles are about to fly in from outside,

It chose ugly rejection!

The dark lines struck out like a whip, trying to push the missile out.

Not only must the missile be pushed out,

It has to squeeze itself out!

The strange sphere, half machine and half surging flesh and blood, looked extremely oozing, and quickly rushed to the crack.

It's about to go out,

As long as it lands in the manifest universe, nothing can stop it!

Massive killing!

Kill these annoying bugs!

This time,

The reaction outside the crack was not very big. It really poked out a little bit of its body.

Entering into the manifest universe it so desperately longs for.

It has no eyes,

It is activated and relies on some kind of detection to observe the world.

So the part that sticks out of the body can serve as eyes!

Staring at the outside world angrily,

When it saw clearly what was outside the crack, its "eyes" instantly became clear.

turn out to be,

Outside the crack at this time,

One hundred unmanned warships lined up in a long queue, quietly lining up in front of the crack!

The bow of the ship was facing him, as if he was staring at it!


Unexplained silence,

Eerily quiet!

"Ball" was stunned and smiled. If it had a mouth, it would definitely be extremely embarrassed to say:

"Sorry for disturbing everyone!"

The body trembled,

Being stared at by hundreds of spaceships loaded with strange particle missiles, the "ball" carefully moved back the exposed cracked part.

But it's too late!

It's okay if it doesn't move. When it moves, it's like a signal.

The engines of a hundred battleships were ignited and they rushed directly towards the subspace crack!


This wave, a hundred ships!

The "ball" happened to be at the door again, and it was almost blown to death!

After this time,

It was considered completely silent.

"Ball": I have been honest, please let me go! ! !

The originally tense atmosphere of the world on the surface of the black hole,

Just because of this proactive attack, an immediate change occurred.

The sphere hidden in subspace,

Unexpectedly timid,

Ten thousand rounds of attacks are just three thousand rounds.

It just shrank!

Each one beats them without making a sound,

Anyway, the subspace is very big, and this universe can’t find where it is hiding for a while.

Anyway, it takes its time!

Even if subspace is weird, at least energy conservation must be followed.

This universe, which has several resource universes, is not afraid of fighting a war of attrition with its opponent!

I have eleven universes,

What are you doing with me? !

The subspace is all over you!

In this universe, in the conference room,

Mr. Zhu looked at the documents about the world on the surface of the black hole and gave a rare laugh.

"This universe is so troublesome!"

First, it was the Tarot civilization that littered red crystals and gave birth to babies; now it is the surface world of the black hole, this twisted subspace!

"Hey, there are wrinkles in the subspace! Now the unmanned ships can tear apart the cracks in the subspace 80% faster!"

Zhao Yaoguang shook his head and chuckled,

This is not an acceleration caused by technological progress!

This is purely because the long-term tearing of space has resulted in wrinkles in space on this side of the manifest universe!

Just like stretching a rope for a long time,

The other party has "memory"!

"Let's not talk about it anymore. Horos has verified the safety of strange particles. This is the report. The biological experiment is correct!"

Mr. Zhu took out another document from his document bag and murmured:

"The surface world of the black hole, now the other party has been suppressed, we have some free hands..."

"It's time to explore the new world!"


Zhao Yaoguang scratched his head and suggested helplessly:

"Now the scale of our 237 plan is getting bigger and bigger, and with the continuous development of Mars by residents, although the node island has been listed as a restricted area, it has still attracted a lot of attention from the outside world..."

"Don't worry about these for now, we will relocate when it is suitable."

Mr. Zhu said that he already knew about this,

but the most urgent thing is the new world.

As for the public opinion of the outside world, he didn't really care too much!

After all, even a fool knows that the technology of this universe is not right!

Three years of controlled nuclear fusion, five years of superluminal speed, ten years of space jump,

Technology explosion can't explode like this!

This is something that everyone knows, but the paper can't cover the fire anymore,

especially in Yangcheng Star,

those chicken cunning people in this universe, they just force people who migrated here to drink,

When drunk, it is inevitable that they are tricked into talking.

After drinking too much,

some people just can't control their mouths!

"I see, I'll go inform Fang Jing right away."

Zhao Yaoguang mentioned this matter, as long as Zhu Lao knows it,

he left immediately,

and found Fang Jing in...a giant game room with holographic projection + synaesthesia + virtual reality.

These are the games designed for Fang Jing when he is bored, using the extra computing power of his assistants,

the super quantum computer group,

can program thousands of different games for Fang Ji in one minute!

But when he heard that a new world was going to be opened,

the game-addicted Fang Jing jumped up immediately,

happily touched a handful of gray-white strange particles in the maintenance room!

The result,

of course, young people sleep well,

in an instant,

his head tilted,

and he fell asleep!

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