Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 696 This kind of thing deserves to be beaten!

Sotaro, flax,

The two of them are Arnov hunters lurking in Europe,

After the mothership failed to arrive and lost contact with them,

These two men also responded to Slor's call and went on a rampage to kill.

Kill until the rivers of blood flow!

However, compared to other tribesmen, they are very unlucky!

Everyone else was directly bombarded by Li Ze's men.

They are different,

The moment the weapon was activated, Sotaro jumped up and avoided the obstacle!

Then his pilot's leg was directly shattered, and he fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

Linen is even more unlucky;

At that time, he happened to turn sideways, and the attack missed him. He directly opened the hatch of the pilot, pulled him out, and threw him to the ground!

These two,

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick", a pair of unlucky people!

After the two were captured,

First, he was beaten to death by nearby residents.

With great difficulty, Li Ze's people fished them out from the crowd.

As a result, these people beat them up again!

What a massacre was caused,

The beating is considered light!

If these two were not the only ones alive,

They witnessed aliens harming humans with their own eyes,

All ready to go directly to the top ten tortures!

If you burn some sky lanterns, everyone will spit on them and call them bad luck!

The helicopter falls,

The two cages were unloaded, and Sotaro and Flax were imprisoned in them, with wounds all over their bodies.

There were fist marks, footprints, a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Deserve it!

After being unloaded from the plane, the two subconsciously shrank into the corner of the cage, their bodies curled up, and their eyes were full of fear.

You're not going to hit us again, are you? ?

"Go to the airlock, treat them first, Yao Guang, and find someone to interrogate them."

After Zhu Lao finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the others and gave orders.


The two Arnoff Hunters were loaded into the airlock and taken away.

Until we hit the road,

They breathed a sigh of relief.


Finally, I don’t have to change transportation and get beaten once!


Wouldn’t people in this universe hit them?

That’s weird!

Mr. Zhu is busy now.

When it's all right, he's going to give me a kick!

Kick hard!

Also, the base Erha is already gearing up!

Nine meals in three days,

They must let these guys,

See what cruelty is!

"We are very satisfied with your gift. Next, we will officially start cooperation!"

"Also, it's time to dig up those rats buried underground!"

Speaking of which,

Mr. Zhu narrowed his eyes, kept his smile, and shook hands with Li Ze again.

So far,

Todai from World War has officially joined them!

Member +1!

The space door is opened,

There are only two things to do in this universe now,

Dig up the buried aliens and pilots; then inspect the destroyed ship.

The first thing is more complicated,

After all, the number of pilots is as high as one million, which is enough to dig for a while!

The second thing is not simple either. The spacecraft was distorted by the tearing bomb. After it was dragged back, it had to be repaired bit by bit!

All in all, both are troublesome jobs.

But fortunately,

The obstacles to poaching pilots have been solved by Li Ze.

United Nations,

The meetings these days have been extremely heavy.

Although the aliens have been dealt with by Dongda, the carnage they caused was too great.

Whenever the number of casualties is mentioned,

The atmosphere at the scene became a little heavier.

At this moment, the secretary next to the Dongda representative suddenly came forward and handed him a document.

Representative Song quickly took the document and looked at it carefully.

Then he stood up suddenly.

This is his stop,

It made everyone present feel their hearts skip a beat.


Don't scare us, it won't be bad news about aliens again! ?

"Everyone, it's time for you to fulfill your promise. We are going to dig up this kind of aliens in various countries around the world. Data shows that there are still a large number of such weapons underground!"

Representative Song glanced at it and spoke with a heavy tone.


"And, a lot!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the venue took a breath and felt extremely scared.

More than a thousand units,

After killing them all, they lost their temper.

Now you're saying there's still a lot of this shit buried underground? !

"So, do you have any objections to Dongda University's excavation in the territories of various countries?"

Representative Song saw that everyone was speechless, so he took a step further and asked.

"No objection, of course no objection, you can dig as long as you want!"

In this regard,

Which country dares to have an opinion?

Now only the University of Tokyo in the world can deal with these aliens.

If you object,

Suddenly this damn thing popped up from the ground again. What if they don't help? !

Are you waiting to die?

That's how things worked out,

This time, even the United States fell to its knees at the speed of light.

after all,

This pilot is indeed crushing to them.

They don't even have the strength to resist!

Once the obstacle is resolved, the next step is to dig!

This matter has to be left to this universe.

After all, one million units,

This is no small amount.

But this doesn’t care about Fang Jing.

After he opened the space door, he immediately found an opportunity to slip away!

Zhou Yuan also saw it with his own eyes,

Follow him and run away in advance,


They will definitely be left as coolies!

"Hey, let's come back when we explore that spaceship!"

Fang Jing flipped the abacus with a smile on his face.

"You finally figured it out. If there's nothing else to do next, let's go fishing?"

Zhou Yuan shook his head,

Anyway, nothing, just go fishing.

"No, we're going to another place!"

Fang Jing narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists while speaking.

"Oh, you mean, there are two captured cowards there?"

Seeing this action, Zhou Yuan immediately understood and narrowed his eyes.

"That's right!"

A touch of cruelty appeared on Fang Jing's mouth,

These guys,

Even after a beating, he still doesn't feel relieved.

We need to fight every day, every time!


What if he is beaten to death?

Don’t worry, with the biotechnology of this universe, we can’t be killed!

Kyushu, a prison dedicated to holding alien captives,

Under the guidance of the prison guards, Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan walked into the air-locked detention room with ferocious smiles on their faces.

All three of them were wearing biological outer armor.

The resistance is directly maxed out.

In the corner, Sotaro and Flax looked at the two approaching people with despair on their faces.

Why, why are you here again! !

The point is, what really makes them despair is not this,

They had been beaten a few times before, but they were already used to it and didn't care at all.


After being sent here,

They were given an injection of unknown medicine.

This resistance is gone!

They also become less numb!

That is to say,


These two people will feel the pain of being beaten for the first time if they beat him!

That unforgettable pain!

"Jie Jie Jie, I heard that your pilot is very good at driving, and you are also very good at hiding!"

Fang Jing bared his teeth and let out a ferocious smile.

Raise your hand and you'll get a beating!

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