Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 698: Twisted Back

World War, Interstellar Dust Zone,

Fang Jing dragged Zhou Yuan back to the old place and boasted.

"I was here at the time. Arnolf's spaceship had just completed the program and was ready to land. It was so fast that I opened the space bridge and fired a tearing bomb..."

He stood aside and talked about his great achievements.

Where is Zhou Yuan?

He rolled his eyes and operated the instrument to scan the fragments of Arnolf's mothership.

The large fragments had been taken away by the repair ship. They were searching for the remaining small fragments.

"At that time, when I fired that one, I only heard a roar from the spaceship, but it was useless..."

Fang Jing continued to chatter and brag.

This was a single soldier against a warship, and it was a victory. He could brag for a lifetime!

"Come on, come on, are you going to help or not!"

Zhou Yuan's ears were callused from listening.

Are you here to help find the fragments, or are you here to talk about your three hundred rounds of fighting the mothership?

I'm here, the equipment is almost smoking,

You're here, not only don't help, but also buzz like a mosquito!

"Hey, help, why not, I found it, didn't I?"

Fang Jing smiled and floated in the space,

The scanner in his hand finally started to move.

Coming here again,

His mentality is different. Last time he was nervous, this time he is relaxed, just like playing.

On the maintenance ship, in the cab,

Tianhuo looked at the guys on the star map who said they were helping but were actually slacking off, and covered his head.

These guys,

Sure enough, you still can't count on them!

"Optimus Prime, Ironhide, take the soldiers of this universe to look in Fang Jing's direction, they are studying across!"

"Understood, moving to another location!"

Optimus Prime and others are honest,

Looking for things, they are really looking for them diligently,

At this time,

The fragments of the spacecraft that were originally blown away by the explosion have been found.

Tianhuo was worrying at this time,

How to repair this Gou Ba spacecraft?

At that time, for Fang Jing's safety,

This tearing bomb was super powerful!

Once it went down,

There was no way for them, the repair personnel, to survive!

The high power was fun for a while,

but when it came to repairing, it was really a crematorium!

"Tianhuo, I checked it. The trajectory of the entire spacecraft has a distortion of 560 degrees and has been twisted several times."

"The people in the equipment department really didn't consider our life or death!"

This universe logistics officer almost bit his teeth,

After this matter is over,

He must find someone in the equipment department and have a good chat about life!

"I am simulating the repair method, wait a little longer."

Tianhuo sat in front of the main computer, looking at the repair screen simulated by his assistant, and the entanglement on his face gradually began to ease.

Especially when he turned his head,

Seeing the craters on the spacecraft that were completely penetrated from front to back in the detection screen, his eyes lit up.

He, thought of a way!

"What, Skyfire is going to fire another tearing bomb?"

Fang Jing heard the news when he came back after fishing and appreciating the scenery of deep space.

He raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised.

"That's why I asked you for the data of the tearing bomb at that time. Fortunately, you came, otherwise I would have to go to the space gate base to find you."

Optimus Prime said, just looking at Fang Jing.

"Okay, but what does this data have to do with repairing the spacecraft?"

After sending the data of the tearing bomb at that time, including the trajectory, energy power, deflection and position, to Optimus Prime, he asked curiously.

"Skyfire is going to fire a tearing bomb with the opposite deflection direction and the same power at the same place, pull back the twisted part of the spacecraft, and then repair the fragments!"

Optimus Prime received the data, left this sentence and left.

Fang Jing, who stayed where he was, raised his eyebrows and was surprised.

Oh my god,

This method is simple and crude!

In the void,

Kuiper Belt, Tianhuo set up the bombardment position,

Then returned to the interstellar dust zone, watching the repair ship slowly move Arnolf's spaceship to the predetermined position.

"Will this work?"

Optimus Prime was beside Tianhuo, a little worried.

"Fang Jing's shot was very good, and it penetrated the spaceship directly!"

Tianhuo smiled slightly and said:

"It is because of the penetration that I came up with this idea!"

If it didn't penetrate,

then there would be damage caused by the impact explosion,

but this spaceship, at present, has only distortion damage!


They just need to twist it back, and most of the physical components will return to their original state!

"Prepare to fire!"

After getting ready,

Tianhuo's eyes were full of expectations!

At the beginning, he and Horus were still competing to see who would produce results first,

what was the result?

Sorry, he is going to overtake on the straight road!




In the Kuiper Belt, a tearing bomb twisted in the opposite direction suddenly jumped through the space bridge and then appeared on the side of the scrapped spacecraft.

Just as it was measured in advance,

the tearing bomb accurately drilled into the bullet hole on the side again!

It was just because the twisting direction changed,

The unknown metal object twisted into a ball around the originally torn crater was actually broken back by it!

It's like turning back time,

All traces of the ship being distorted,

Everything was restored to its original state in an instant!


That crater left forever,

Still telling people what happened here.


Optimus Prime looked at the picture on the projection, his eyes widened, as if he thought of something, he suddenly asked:

"Senior Tianhuo, will the energized consciousness of those Arnov hunters be deflected back?"

"No, their internal structures have collapsed under the huge deflection force, and then they dissipated."

Tianhuo shook his head,

He wants to too!

However, after those energy bodies were distorted, they probably dissipated directly like the cosmic wind!

Things have dissipated,

How could it possibly be twisted back?


However, just when Tianhuo vowed that it was impossible,

After the tearing projectile that penetrated the spacecraft flew away again, a weak radio signal actually sounded in the spacecraft? !


Skyfire's eyes widened.


Optimus Prime looked at Skyfire in confusion.

"There are infinite electric fluctuations, wait a minute, there are also fluctuations in the energy consciousness body. Holy shit, it's really twisted back?"

Tianhuo couldn't believe it,

The universe is not static!

Energy that is distorted and then dissipated will float away.

In other words, theoretically, space distortion cannot restore it at all.


But at this moment, inside the spaceship, there were fluctuations that Tianhuo was very familiar with.

He can be sure,


It’s the fluctuation of the conscious energy body!

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