Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 70 Sadness, is it really necessary to call it the Moon Wonderful House?

On February 4, the lunar orbital space station was successfully launched in the South China Sea.

The "Builder" space station, equipped with five earth-penetrating missiles, successfully entered the lunar orbit.

Due to time constraints, the space station used high-power engine maneuvers.

It is expected to reach the lunar orbit in a day and a half and start bombarding caves.

At the same time, the Space Administration is also soliciting names for the buildings in the lunar base on its official website.

The moon, a satellite that China has endowed with unique emotions since ancient times, is finally about to usher in a long-term human presence.

Therefore, netizens from all walks of life are very enthusiastic.

"The whole base is called Moon Palace, so we can freely name each building and vote?"

"The rules are like this, I'll go first, the core module will be called Guanghan Palace, and those who object will be dragged out!"

"Hahaha, what the above person said is right, I can already predict the result of the vote, after all, I don't want our base to be called Pipi Shrimp 'Funny Face'."

"Why do I feel that Pipi Shrimp doesn't seem to be either..."

"Don't, don't, it's embarrassing!"

"Now on the moon, there are Jade Rabbit and Chang'e, what's left, Wu Gang, Cassia Tree?"

"I think the plantation can be called Cassia Tree, which has a good meaning!"


Name the lunar module.

For some people, this sense of freshness even exceeds naming their own children.

For a while, the popularity was directly off the charts.

Originally, the names provided by everyone were quite standard.

What Wu Gang, Jade Toad, Guanghan Palace and Cassia Tree.

Everyone was quite satisfied.

As a result, when there were too many people, there really was something fishy.

What horizon, outpost, guard post...

This is not so bad.

The most ridiculous thing is, which great "genius" came up with the idea of ​​"Moon Magic House" for me?

Disney should charge you for copyrights, right!

What's even more outrageous is that these netizens are not afraid of trouble, and the tickets for Moon Magic House are not cheap!

It's simply unbearable to watch!

Imagine that in the future, when an astronaut lands on the moon and performs a mission, he says: "South China Sea, South China Sea, I am in the Moon Magic House, preparing to leave the cabin..."

This scene.

I guess the astronauts have to laugh every time they say it.

It's outrageous!

In the conference room of the Space Administration, seeing the ranking on the big screen, the ranking of the Moon Magic House continues to rise, many scholars and experts were silent for a long time.

"No, it must not go on like this!"

Director Zhang Zhaoming of the Space Administration paced back and forth, sighing repeatedly.

I never expected that such a moth would happen!

Why did the Moon Magic House come up with any other name?

Who is so smart to put it up for me?

The key is that netizens are still making a fuss!

This ranking, like a rocket, is soaring up.

What a sin!

How can it end now! ! !

"Director, I have a plan!"

At this critical moment, the Minister of Propaganda, Liu Xuefeng, stood up.

He raised his head and tried to save the reputation of the lunar base.

"Tell me!"

Zhang Zhaoming saw someone standing up, his eyes shot out, and he looked at him hopefully.

Liu Xuefeng smiled confidently, pointed at the data on the projection, and curled his lips:

"Director, look!"

"Now the people who vote are young people, this is the reason why the data of 'Moon Miaomiao House' continues to rise."

"But this time it's a national vote!"

"We can let middle-aged and elderly netizens stand up and vote. According to Internet data, this group of people rarely have the intention to vote!"

Liu Xuefeng adjusted his glasses and smiled more confidently.

As soon as he said this, the whole conference room was boiling instantly.

"What a good plan!"

Director Zhang was even more surprised, overjoyed, and ecstatic!

This damn name collection activity is finally saved!

Under the Xishan base.

Fang Jing looked at the activity interface of the Space Administration with some regret.

Everyone obviously liked the Moon Miaomiao House, and it was almost in the third place, but somehow, it suddenly lost its stamina.

Now it has fallen out of the top 20 again.

"I even voted for it, what a pity, it's so interesting!"

Fang Jing shook his head,

I just think that calling this name is really interesting.

"Xiao Fang, are you ready?"

On the other side, Zhao Guangyao greeted Fang Jing and straightened his military uniform.


Fang Jing was also wearing a military uniform. He immediately turned off his mobile phone and stood straight.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Zhao Guangyao nodded, and under the solemn gaze of Zhou Yuan, he solemnly took out a small wooden box, took out the epaulettes from it, and handed it to Fang Jing with both hands.

The solemn military music sounded.

Zhao Guangyao personally helped Fang Jing put on the epaulettes.

"Fang Jing, congratulations!"

Wearing the epaulettes means that Fang Jing has been officially awarded the rank of colonel!

This is the decision of Mr. Zhu.

Fang Jing's contribution in recent days is worth it!

His contribution is obvious to all.

In addition, as a moon landing personnel, he must also have a certain status.

So, today, this ceremony was held.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhao, I will continue to work hard!"

Fang Jing was also very excited.

Until yesterday, strictly speaking, he was just an army cadet, but in less than a day, he was promoted to colonel on the spot.

This is an honor, but also a responsibility!

"Your parents and family have been informed of this matter. The veterans are very happy and proud to hear that you have made great contributions to the army!"

Zhao Guangyao was also proud of Fang Jing, and at the same time felt proud of the changes outside.

Because he is also a part of Project 237.

Being able to contribute to this country is enough for Zhao Guangyao to be proud of.

"My family already knows?!"

Fang Jing was shocked, and the scene of his father and old man laughing happily appeared in his mind.

"Yes, you will be stationed at the moon base next. You can't hide this from anyone."

Confidentiality must be ensured for Fang Jing's safety.

However, there are many ways to carry out confidentiality work. Changing an identity whose importance is not so obvious will not only keep it confidential, but also have a misleading effect.

Kill two birds with one stone!

"You just need to continue your daily training, and we will arrange the rest."

Zhao Guangyao laughed, patted Fang Jing on the shoulder, and hurried off.

The moon base plan has begun!

The lunar orbiting space station is almost reaching the moon.

Next came the important moment, and he started to get busy!

After all, it is not easy to be reasonably put into the moon landing team by a person who has never experienced it.

Just like that, the time came to the night of February 6th.

The lunar orbit space station has reached the lunar orbit.

The ground-penetrating missile painted in military green has revealed its sharp corners, and the missile has been aimed at the entrance of the cave discovered in the Ural Basin!

This explosion was the first shot of human civilization on an extraterrestrial satellite in this universe.

The success of this missile is also the key to the success of the lunar base!

The scientific researchers of the entire lunar base project have focused their attention on this second!

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