Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 729: A random punch kills the master

Kay Dees never expected that,

Someone really dares to attack him here!

Didn’t you see the dazzling cross on its spaceship?

Dare to take action against the alliance?

Be bold!

"Wait until I put this thing away, and then I'll take care of these hidden rats!"

Cai Dis shouted angrily,

He did not operate the spacecraft to open the shield, and the opponent was still a long way away from him.

For the first time, he just continued to move and took out the metal square cone brought out from the link space.


When you really take it out, put it in front of the detector and scan it.

Seeing what was in front of him, Kai Dis smiled suddenly,

He was so angry that he laughed!

Because, the surface of the metal square cone does have the smell of corroding body,


It’s just a breath!

Unfolding the square cone, in addition to this breath, there are several large, ironic Alliance universal words engraved on it with the Alliance standard etching machine.

"Fool, you were deceived!"

"Haha, what a courageous dog!"

Laughed, Kay Dees really laughed,

He operated the grasping manipulator, and with a sharp grip, he crushed the metal square cone he grabbed into a pile of debris.

They even use fake bait when fishing.

This ambush civilization is so unscrupulous and unscrupulous!

"Open all the protection for me. I want to see if this dog civilization is capable of eating me!"

"Don't be afraid that if you don't have enough strength, you will end up losing the rice, and you will get fucked by me instead!"

"I'm going to cripple you and send you to the alliance's court!"

Kay Dees was really angry,

Finally, he went on a field trip to prepare for a big discovery that would change the fate of the entire alliance.

Then you told him that this was a trap?

He can't stand it anymore!

Even a person as well-educated as him really can't accept it.

He wants to beat the shit out of the other party alive!

in the void,

The light emitted by the light pillar suddenly became brighter in an instant,

Circles of light bloomed in an instant, covering the entire light column.

Layer by layer, like a dream bubble,

Firmly guarding the pyramid-shaped spaceship at the core!

"Sixteen layers of shield, let me see how you break it. If you can't break this, you just wait to die!"

The detector has discovered the enemy,

Nine spaceships sealed the entire space, Kai Dis glared, preparing to receive the first wave of enemy attacks.


The Neville fleet did not launch an attack rashly.

The Avatar looked at the besieged battleship with no emotion in his eyes.

"Continue to implement the plan and completely seal this space."


At this level, if a fight breaks out, the sound will not be earth-shattering?

And this is in the Broken Star Territory,

Just messing around with people from the alliance's main star on the edge of the alliance, isn't that just holding a lamp in the toilet - looking for death!

This universe is not that stupid,

No one would be that stupid!


Next, is the highlight of this ambush!

On the Neville fleet side,

After the Avatar completed the restricted air, he quietly watched the reactions of the Alliance ships.

When he discovered that he actually still had the will to fight and didn't leave directly, he knew that the real opportunity had come!

"Closed communication, closed space, expand space bubble!"

Three orders were issued,

The entire area is forbidden,

Within half a light year,

In addition to the flagship, the remaining twenty or so warships flew out in unison, with a bright silver halo emitting from above the ships.

They stood in the sky, arranged in a circle,

Constantly echoing and connecting with each other!

At the moment they came out,

With the restricted air range remaining unchanged, several silver rings covering the entire forbidden air range suddenly formed, and then the rings shook violently and suddenly separated.

Four or five such circles instantly formed a huge sphere!

With a buzzing sound,

This sphere, centered on Kai Dis, shrinks dramatically,

The speed of shrinkage is very fast,

In an instant,

It was reduced to the 100-kilometer level.

That is, at the moment when the sphere formed by the rings completes its contraction,

Inside, the space is directly solidified, and any light that happens to pass through it will not return to its original speed.

When the light shines in it, it's like a turtle crawling, so horribly slow!

This entire space was completely frozen!

Not just space,

Communications, gravitational waves, energy waves, everything here is blocked.

In the eyes of outsiders,


It has become a blank area!

"Time Corridor Adjustment, the space freeze time is only 10 seconds!"

Information was transmitted into Captain Avatar's mind at the speed of light, and instructions were sent out at the same speed.

The moment all of this is done,

Avatar immediately gave a solemn order:

"Covered by the space bubble, prepare to... teleport!"


In the void, a regular flow caused by space fluctuations came into being with this command.

The aperture ball surrounding Kai Dis suddenly began to blur.

The so-called slow step, slow step!

The moment Kay Dees realized it was a trap and didn't run away immediately,

He has already failed!

"not good!"

Kai Dis, who was waiting for the opponent to attack so that he could determine the type of civilization and defeat the opponent with one strike, felt the data on the detector, and the entire light ball was suddenly startled.

The surrounding space is blurring,

Moreover, the other party didn't know what technology he used, and his thinking... stopped!

"The space is fluctuating at an extremely fast speed. No, they want to teleport me and the ship away!"

Although his thinking was affected and slow, Kai St. could still clearly "feel" that the outside space was changing, and that the solar radiation and cosmic background radiation were changing.


Being transferred!


It wasn't until this moment that Kai Dis suddenly realized,

He or something,

They knew what the Alliance was looking for, so they deliberately ambush him here!

This is a trap against the alliance!


Kay Dees thought this was a common hunter's trap, an indiscriminate ambush.

There are dozens of such ambushes every day in the entire chaotic realm.

It’s not unusual at all!

However, it was not until now that he understood that this was deliberately targeting the alliance!

To deal with civilizations with backward technology,

Where can I use this set of combos?

After this combo of attacks, he was directly blinded by the attack. Those little novices had to be beaten to death!

The other party came prepared! ! !

"Which civilization is this? What are they going to do? What do they want to do to the Alliance?!"

As the space vibrated,

Kai Dis's consciousness completely froze in space.

Or, in the time corridor, the pause button was pressed.

In order to deal with the alliance whose technical strength is unknown,

As soon as this universe came up, it used all its strength!

All available means were pulled out directly.

And the result!

The effect is obviously very good!

The so-called random punch to kill the master, this combination of punches,

I completely stewed Kai Dis!

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