Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 753 Destroy, destroy!

At the moment when Silver Shark's ambush fleet contacted White Shark,

Although their communication is hidden,

But it was still directly locked by this universe!

"The location of the ambusher has been locked and the entire area is being scanned,"

"At the end of the scan, the opponents are all hiding behind bunkers. The number is estimated to be more than 320. They are all cube-shaped spacecraft like the tracker. They are determined to be from the same civilization."

The detection results were directly transmitted to Wu Tong's mind.

He was expressionless and nodded slowly.

“They are all hiding in one area, that’s great!”

See the place marked on the star map,

The ambush fleet was hiding in a dense area of ​​​​asteroids not far from the obstacle.

Also, there are more than 300 warships, how can they hide the meteorites if they are not densely packed!

"Captain, all enemy forces have been locked. Do you want to issue an attack order?"

"Slow down, fire a concentrated energy beam with 60% power, aim at the target area, and attack!"

Wu Tong did not hesitate;

Now that the other parties happen to be gathered together, isn't this the best moment to catch them all?

So, just blast him!

"One shot of focused energy beam, 60%, ready to launch!"

The arms adjutant conveyed Wu Tong's order.

The crew members who were in combat were all fighting nervously at their respective posts.

In a corner of the synaesthesia virtual reality space, when Fang Jing heard "focused energy beam", the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

If he remembers correctly,

A 60% focused energy beam should be powerful enough to sweep across an entire interstellar dust area!

Go directly to this weapon? !

I'm afraid this is not going to blow up the other party's ashes!

"Too cruel!"

Fang Jing grinned.

You started with this weapon just to fight a predator?

It is estimated that only these Gou Daoliu captains in this universe can do this.

It's like a nuclear bomb blowing up mosquitoes!

"It's not the first day like this. Look at your surprised look. You're ignorant!"

Zhou Yuan rolled his eyes,

He reached out and pressed Fang Jing's hand hard, trying to use it as a cheat.

Dude, I'm trying to divert my attention.

I won’t be fooled!

Silver Shark doesn't believe in "infinite boundaries".

It left its own civilization, went to the Alliance, and became a predator, just to satisfy the mother planet's almost crazy belief in the infinite world.

But right now, right in his wheelhouse,

When they saw the ferocious muzzles of the human fleet pointing at them,

On his ring body made of crystal clear material, he can sense the "sight core" of the outside world.

I vaguely saw a portal!

According to the legend of the home planet, this portal is the passage to the infinite world. Only the Raiya people will see it when they are dying. It is the destination of their souls and their destination after death.

Silver Shark doesn't believe this at all,

After all, something that can only be seen before death does not meet the conditions to be passed down.

Could it be that the dead Laiya people came back to life and faked their corpses in situ to tell all the believers?

But now,

The portal flashed suddenly in front of him!

"Am I going to die?"

Yin Shark sounded confused. After a few seconds, he laughed coldly and said disdainfully:

"How is this possible? It will only be our enemies who die, but it will be these human civilizations!"

"The entire ship is listening to the order and preparing to attack!!"

So what if I'm discovered?

The numerical advantage is here, they take the head to lose!

Rush, that's it!

"Captain, the other party has slowed down!"

The detector was a little confused.

You discovered them and smashed the obstacles. Why the hell did you slow down?

Shouldn't we speed up and escape immediately?

Why doesn’t this human civilization play its cards according to the rules?

"court death!"

Letting out a roar, like a pirate in the Age of Sail, Silver Shark cheered and was about to lead his brothers to stop those human warships!

Not only did the opponent not run away, he even slowed down.

This is simply stupid!

"I want the other party to pay for their stupidity!"

Silver Shark cursed angrily,

He pushed hard with the putter in his hand,

The cube-shaped spaceship sprayed out a long blue tail flame,

The predator fleet attacks at full speed!

While making this move, he gave a vicious order:

"The entire fleet, intercept and destroy the opponent!"

More than three hundred warships galloped out from behind the shelters they had taken shelter in.

They have energy shields on,

Some rushed out, and some were still hiding behind their bunkers to provide long-range fire support!

They roared to tear the target fleet into pieces.

"I want to see what kind of attacks your little cannon can produce!"

Silver Shark's flagship took the lead,

The thick shield opened up to ten levels, protecting not only him, but also all the ships that charged with him.

A full ten layers of shields,

He fearlessly launched a charge towards the local fleet!

It is answered only by silence,

And, the main gun of the human fleet aimed at them,

The main gun has a ferocious shape, but it doesn’t look very big at all.

But if you underestimate it because of this, it would be a big mistake!

A little light came from the muzzle,

To Silver Shark's surprise, what the opponent fired was not a particle weapon or a common laser, but a small light spot, a light spot that attracted everyone's attention just by its appearance.

This spot of light is unpretentious,

In this way, light travels at the speed of light, leaving a clear light path on the track, forming a ray of light.

See here,

The ferocious smile on Bai Shark's face completely froze.


He can't laugh anymore!

Originally, I wanted to see what kind of medicine you were selling from the muzzle, but it turned out that you were selling focused light particles!

Light particles start? !

When did such a cruel guy appear in the league!

"It's over!"

Silver Shark left this sentence,

He closed his eyes with regret,

Damn it, they are really hitting the muzzle of the gun!

The predator fleet is still charging towards this space fleet,

The speed of the light particles does not have to be too fast at all. As soon as the relative speed increases, the two sides collide directly!

The light particles gave Silver Shark a warm hug,

Then the backhand exploded!


The position of one point and five light-years outside the Stellar system,

A huge ball of light shines directly on all the civilizations leaving nearby,

Explosions and shock waves followed one after another,

Under the terrifying impact that caused ripples and cracks in the space,

The more than three hundred battleships of the Predator were like a joke. The ten layers of energy shields were like paper. They were pierced with a bang, and the spaceships protected within them shook suddenly and turned into powder.

Under the terrifying blow,

The Reaver ships, their shields, their bunkers,

They all look extremely ridiculous!

far away,

The white shark following the human fleet saw this scene,

Everyone on the ship was stunned.

"Destroyed, destroyed?"

The white shark's entire body was trembling continuously,

With just such a blow, their entire main fleet was destroyed!

This is not a fat sheep at all,

This is a bad wolf,

A hungry wolf in disguise!

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