Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 760 You want to change it in front of me, right?

war of the worlds,

space gate base,

interrogation room,

Bai Shark and Luo Luo stared at Zhao Guangyao for several hours.

This awkward atmosphere made Bai Shark always feel terrified.

Will there be another electric shock demon later?

No one can be caught,

Just call them? !

"Well, we have an agreement with Arad. He will only wait for twelve alliances. If your people don't arrive in time, don't blame me if he runs away!"

White Shark, who has a strong desire to survive, is ready to explain things clearly in advance.


Zhao Guangyao did not respond to him, but simply looked at the time.

Twelve alliances, that is, two days,

A greedy and unwary naturalist was captured in two days?

How is that possible!

With the pace of Optimus Prime and his companions, they were able to jump through the space gate all the way, so they would probably be back soon!

"Even if you're punished, don't call that electric shock demon over!"

Seeing that Zhao Guangyao did not respond to him,

Bai Shark is in a hurry. Don't call anyone but Fang Jing!

In his understanding,

Humanity had just joined the Alliance, and the war had just happened in the Broken Star Territory. Naturally, there was no fleet there, so the success rate of this capture operation was actually very low.

He only had so little time, and if he could really catch it, he would be so happy even if he was shocked!


Just when he was convinced, the door of the interrogation room was opened.

The soldiers from the Logistics Department pushed in a huge glass jar at an extremely fast speed and placed it next to the white shark. They waited until the position was fixed before lifting the covering cloth covering it!

"Let me go, you damn humans!"

"I am from the Pan-Alliance. If you dare to touch me, the Alliance will not let you go!"

Before I saw him, I heard his voice first.

This arrogant and domineering voice was extremely familiar to White Shark.

Wait until the covering cloth is completely lifted,

He took a closer look!

White Shark's eyes widened!

At the same time, Arad, who kept shouting, hurriedly looked at the outside world after the obstruction was removed, and saw the white shark in front of him.

The two looked at each other with nine eyes, looking at each other speechlessly.


"Hi, Arad, you're here too..."

White Shark was extremely embarrassed and said hello.

"It's you, White Shark, Luo Luo, ahhhhh!"

Across the way, Arad saw these two guys and immediately got angry, shouting at the glass jar next to him:

"White Shark, I'm going to kill you, how dare you betray me!"

Arad was very angry,

He pressed down on all fours and was about to jump and hit the glass wall.

"The glass wall is very thin. If it is damaged, the gas will leak out and you will be suffocated to death!"

Zhao Guangyao, who was watching quietly from the side, suddenly said something coldly.

This sentence, like a magic spell, directly caused Arad's expression to change suddenly, causing all his little movements to come to a sudden halt.

Can't do it, can't do it,

This life is your own!

"Okay, the principal criminal and the accomplices are all here..."

Zhao Guangyao felt that it was too easy for them to let them die like this, so he waved his hand:

"Send it to mine!"

With such a small body, I can just send it to mining.

Day 135 is spent mining, day 246 is used as a test subject, and blood is drawn on Sunday.

It will happen immediately in this life!

White Shark and his accomplices were recaptured,

When in the interrogation room, Zhao Guangyao announced their fate of mining through hard labor,


The white shark actually let out a cry of surprise.

"Mining? Great, I love mining the most!"

As long as you don't queue up for electric shock, you'll be fine doing anything!


Arad, who hated the white shark very much, stared at the white shark angrily.

This guy is really crazy,

Being dragged into digging mines for the rest of my life, yet I am still so happy!

White Shark: That means you have never been electrocuted before. When the person you suspected of being electrocuted is alive and the other person directly rescues you and then re-electronizes you, you will know what it means to be unable to die!

"It's decided, let's move down!"

Zhao Guangyao saw that there was still some faint dissatisfaction in Arad's eyes.

I know that this kind of person can't ask anything now,

After letting him dig for ten and a half days and recognizing the reality, he will spit out everything!

At this point, the last tail end of the alliance matter has been dealt with!

People were taken away,

Zhao Guangyao was about to sit down and take a sip of hot tea.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and the entire base shook violently. He was so shocked that his body trembled, and the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

"What's going on?!"

"There's an attack!"

He ran out of the interrogation room in shock.

It wasn't until he saw clearly that there were only emergency personnel rushing to the experimental area in the corridor that he let out a deep breath.

experimental area,

First responders, not combat personnel, it seemed that something was wrong in the experimental area rather than an attack.

experimental area,

Fang Jing, who was working on his electric shock business, was also startled by this violent muffled sound.

Put down what you are doing,

He dashed forward, possessed by the deformed metal, and took off directly in the corridor, sticking to the top of the corridor, passing through the disinfecting area, and directly reaching the explosion site.

Where is the explosion scene? This is obviously a crime scene.

The main culprit is Horos!

At this moment, the tall Horus was all black, standing in front of the destroyed experimental equipment. When he saw Fang Jing coming, he opened his mouth, a black gas rose up, and he kept muttering:

"It's impossible. I followed the information obtained by Kai Dis and the alliance, and deliberately mixed in heterogeneous energy when it was energized. Why did it fail directly?"

"Isn't it just to find the reason for the failure!"

Finding the reason for the failure, the result was a direct failure and explosion, which is very reasonable!

"Are you okay?"

Fang Jing fell to the ground, waved his hand, and conjured up a medical cabin, looking at Horus, who was all black, with some concern.

"It's okay. At the moment of the explosion, my assistant helped me open the shield. I was just smoked by the damaged equipment."

The black gas in his mouth continued to come out.

Fang Jing was worried, so he let Horus lie down directly. In just this moment,

the emergency response personnel also rushed over.

They acted professionally, extinguishing the fire and removing the harmful substances released by the detector in one go, and soon cleaned up the scene.

At the same time, Fang Jing also checked. Horus was not damaged at all except being blackened.

"Those who know would think you are doing an experiment, and those who don't would think you are Nobel Prize winner!"

He rolled his eyes.

What a big fuss!

"Ahem, there is a problem, there is still a problem. We already know that the reason for the failure of energy transformation is that someone tampered with the rules, but what tampered? When I was extracting it, it actually exploded directly!"

"No, to be more precise, it was successful the first time, and when it was reproduced the second time, the energy body grew a flower, and the third time it exploded directly!"

Horus climbed up from the medical cabin,

and he was in a trance.

After he sorted out his thoughts, he remembered that they were at the Kongjiamen base and in the world of World War!

The same experiment,

the same data, the same sample, different results,

Horus suddenly raised his head, widened his eyes, and said in horror:

"Fuck, the rules of energy transformation are being changed!"

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