Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 780 I can beat Lao Mi again!

Like catching a chicken, Fang Jing flew out from inside the nuclear power plant with a few terrorists, and slowly landed in front of the military headquarters.

at this time,

After verifying with the above, He Guang rushed out with the lieutenant colonel and others with nervous expressions on their faces. They looked at Fang Jing with some vigilance in their eyes, and at the same time they were also very curious.

General Zhang said it was possible that he was really one of theirs!


The teacher and other terrorists were thrown in front of everyone. Fang Jing adjusted the thrust of the nozzle behind him and slowly landed on the ground. The moment his feet touched the ground, there was a mechanical sound of "clang\

,"It sounds extraordinarily crisp and sweet.

"This is the teacher who wants to take action against the child. I have implanted the robot into her body. If you want to ask anything, you can ask her directly!"

The huge silver-white mecha stood upright, with the sun just behind it. The light hit its back, like a huge golden halo, which looked sacred and majestic.

Not to mention anything else, he is really handsome!

"A robot implanted?"

He Guang frowned, a little confused,

What is this statement?

People cannot imagine things beyond their cognitive scope.

So He Guang was stunned and didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Considering this situation, the teacher, who was lying on the ground like a dead man, suddenly twisted,

Her actions instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the headquarters.

Her eyes were empty, like an insect constantly twisting her body, and then she opened her body stiffly like a robot, and made a sound that chilled the hearts of everyone present:

"This is Detection Bug No. 7469. The human body has been controlled. Please give the order..."

"The memory has been read. Possible members of the Eden organization and their information have been sent to the military network and can be investigated within the headquarters."

A voice with a synthetic feel, coming from a real person’s mouth,

With the "teacher" acting like a puppet on strings, He Guang swallowed.


He understood what Fang Jing's words meant!

But before he had time to ask, Fang Jing waved his hand slightly,

Detection balls the size of several people's fists flew out of the armor again. They flew to the terrorists' side and spun around in the air for a few times. The "kakaka" turned into metal bugs twisted like spines.

Everyone present watched helplessly as they crawled into the terrorist's nasal cavity. The nearly one-meter-long detection bug crawled in, and the six terrorists immediately opened their eyes and shouted in unison. Same sound:

"The detection bug is in place and the human body is under control. Please give the order..."

Such a scene,

It had a strong psychological impact on He Guang and others who were still in the technology of 2009.

What method is this?

What kind of weapon is this!

Can actually control humans!

"Who are you anyway?"

He Guang waved his hand for the armed police to interrogate him. He turned his head and looked at Fang Jing with wide eyes, full of doubts in his heart.

"You will know that the person who picked me up is here. I hope we still have a chance to cooperate, Colonel He Guang!"

Fang Jing didn't answer, just chuckled, then turned to look at the sky,

On the horizon, several helicopters lowered their noses and were coming at high speed.

This is the person who came to pick him up!

"What about these... detection bugs?"

When He Guang learned that Fang Jing was leaving, he didn't forget this and asked quickly.

"Ahem, I'll leave that to you!"

Fang Jing waved his hand nonchalantly and penetrated into her body. It was so disgusting that he didn't even bother to take it back and gave it to He Guang instead.


Hearing this sentence,

He Guang's eyes suddenly lit up and he was overjoyed!

No matter who he is, this kind of good thing is given away as soon as he says it, and he directly approves it anyway!

Fang Jing got on the helicopter,

With his help, the helicopter took off.

On the way to the base,

He has been wondering whether the world of "Ball Lightning" is connected to the Trisolaran world, so he quietly did something bad, that is, sitting on a military helicopter, and then invaded all the networks on the earth.


It is now 2009,

What reassured him was that there was no Operation Guzheng or the launch of the Wallfacer Project.

This world is completely independent!

"It's not three-body, but with observers, it's not easy!"

Taking a deep breath, Fang Jing only breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of the malicious eyes staring at the entire microscopic world in the machine prompts. He would never take it lightly before opening the space door!

Moreover, this world is actually a bit tragic!

The war between Tokyo University and the United States,

In the end, macro-atomic fusion was used to scare the opponent to silence, and Lin Yun also turned into a quantum ghost. The whole story ended with the war and the "death" of the protagonist.

When Fang Jing watched it, he felt a little aggrieved.

However, thinking about the gap between the Eastern Navy and the American Navy in 2009, it is really a helpless move to win in this way.


Fang Jing is here!

If Lao Mi still wants to cause trouble,

The mimic armor he is wearing is not a vegetarian.

The fleet, the air force, and the United States are all just rubbish in front of him!

He can kill seven in and seven out by himself.

Pick each other up directly!

"Hey, hey, I hope the United States still has the guts to attack. It's been several worlds, and my hands are itchy. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to beat old rice again?"

Fang Jing is not a trouble maker.

The situation in each parallel world is different, and the way to deal with it is naturally different.

A country like this, the United States, which deserves a beating,

It’s not like they haven’t encountered it before!

After a good beating, the other party will be honest!

in the sky,

The helicopter flew very fast with his help,

The pilot even had an illusion,

Is he still driving a helicopter? This speed is comparable to that of a jet fighter!

Very soon,

They saw a huge cement building hidden in the woods. This secret base was shrouded in a thin layer of light under the sunlight, making it look a little hazy.

This is the Three-Phase Bomb Research Institute of Dongda University. Among all the bases, it is also the one with the highest level of confidentiality!

General Zhang Jingshan was already waiting at the door.

Looking at the helicopter in a strange state, especially the half of the body that was exposed from the cabin and spraying blue light, he covered his face with his hands.

He vaguely seemed to understand something!

It's so embarrassing,

Go pick someone up,

As a result, the helicopter capacity is insufficient, so we can only ask others to help provide sufficient lift?

It was really embarrassing and embarrassing for him.

But from another perspective,

The other party is quite friendly!

"Space force, airborne division, detection bugs, sonic weapons?"

Zhang Jingshan looked up at the landing helicopter with burning eyes. He also called the superiors to verify. The answer from the superiors was very clear. Dongda did not have this secret force at all.

Therefore, he is looking forward to it,

The true origin of the other party!

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