Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 784: Cancelling my project as soon as we meet, is this reasonable?

The world of ball lightning, three-phase bomb research base,

Fang Jing is teaching researchers how to operate the automatic production line in front of them.

The researcher is the original scientist of the base. He is looking at this metal cube with fire in his eyes.

"This is a fool's machine. You don't need to understand its principles now, as long as you know how to use it!"

Fang Jing led the researcher to the control panel.

With a gentle click, a directory was listed.

"This is a machine that this machine can produce. You just need to add the required raw materials and it can be produced automatically."

Although this kind of black box has high technical requirements, it is extremely simple to operate.

How simple is it?

As long as you can read the characters and know the names of the raw materials above, you can operate it!

"Table of contents!"

The researcher and Zhang Jingshan were shocked. They craned their necks and came over to take a closer look. Their eyes immediately widened.

"Electromagnetic pulse cannon, nuclear fusion power station (full set), fusion engine engine, unmanned deep space orbiter..."

Zhang Jingshan murmured to the first few in line,

I immediately felt dizzy!

As long as they master the first three technologies, they can directly enter the semi-interstellar civilization in one fell swoop.

This is a magical outfit given directly to you!

"Haha, you will be thinking about these complex technologies later. The most urgent task is to speed up the production of unmanned deep space orbiters!"

Fang Jing knew the priorities, his eyes lit up and he said:

"You provide the materials, and only 60,000 detectors are needed to form an orbital system that covers the entire earth and integrates communications, monitoring, and mapping."

"At that time, every move of all the forces on the entire earth will be under our control!"

Shake hands violently,

Fang Jing snorted in his heart,

What Eden, what terrorists, what America, what observers,

The moment the surveillance network is formed in the outer space of the earth, their true identity will be exposed in front of him!

Especially the so-called observers,

Fang Jing now has a very bold guess,

This observer may not be targeting humans. Its malicious observation gaze may be all over the entire universe!

That is to say,

The other party is randomly observing the microscopic world of the entire universe!

"If that's really the case, then I have nothing to worry about!"

The reason why Fang Jing never struck hard at Eden or Lao Mi was because he was worried about this so-called observer!

What are these two Gou Ba things?

He can pinch both with one hand!

I am afraid of the "observer" hidden in the dark!

But if the other party just looks around with its malicious eyes and interferes with the world in this way, then Fang Jing will have to stand up!

"Monitor the entire earth and every move of all forces?"

Zhang Jingshan recovered from the shock, his eyes flashed, he immediately clapped his hands and loudly agreed:

"I'll arrange the raw materials right away,"

"Do as you are told, do as you wish immediately!"


The winner in the end is Dongda!

Moreover, those lunatics in Eden Garden have suffered such a big loss at Dongda, so it is inevitable that they will not feel resentful to retaliate against them.

Passive defense is always slower.

So why not take the initiative!

Eden, your grandfather, we are coming to kill you!

After handing over the specific matters of material preparation and production to the researcher,

Fang Jing followed Zhang Jingshan and got on the helicopter heading for the Chenguang Army.

Morning light troop,

It is a secret force that studies ball lightning and is committed to transforming it into special weapons. Its main person in charge is Lin Yun, and Dr. Chen and Ding Yi are important researchers.

"We have been able to weaponize ball lightning, which currently only works against living organisms."

"It can melt the human body instantly..."

Zhang Jingshan was still introducing the situation of Chenguang troops,

Beside him, Fang Jing shook his head and said softly:

"This secret force can stop researching. When the space gate is opened, Dr. Chen and Ding Yi can be sent to the world of Kyushu for further study."

Ball lightning as a weapon?

This is just an act of pure helplessness!

In Fang Jing's opinion, this kind of weapon is completely useless.

Bullies don't understand it, and it can be used well when caught by surprise, but once the opponent is on guard, this thing is useless.

Simply put,

You can only sneak attack and kill at first sight!

"Kyushu World?"

Zhang Jingshan raised his eyebrows,

Now, he is full of curiosity about this mysterious "parallel world union"!

"That was a world where... a biochemical virus broke out. Now, there are only Chinese people on the entire earth. That is our rear area. There is a comprehensive interstellar university in it, and there are even many aliens teaching there."

Fang Jing thought of engineers and Autobots.

Well, Interstellar University sounds amazing!

"Only Chinese planets, interstellar universities, and aliens teach!"

When these words came out of Fang Jing's mouth, Zhang Jingshan was instantly shocked, and he suddenly became more expectant.

What kind of grand scene is that?

A world that encompasses thousands of light years nearby and is technologically advanced and prosperous.

And now, they are about to join this world and become one of them gloriously!

starry sky, space,

Zhang Jingshan never thought that he was only one step away from these two things!

The two chatted about the grand scene of this universe, and before they knew it, they came to the research institute where the Dawn Army was located.

This is a valley area. The military research institute stands in the woods, with hangars and residential areas adjacent to each other. Below, someone is pushing a small car. There is a strange machine gun on the car. The muzzle of the gun looks like a laser device. It must be a launcher. Ball lightning weapon.

The helicopter landed slowly,

Underground, in the research room, Lin Yun, Dr. Chen and Ding Yi came out with surprised expressions.

"This is... a helicopter from the headquarters. Someone important is coming?"

Ding Yi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"Important person, come here?"

Dr. Chen was a little dull and couldn't understand why someone of this level would come to this small research institute.

"Could it be that our weapons can be used?"

There was a hint of surprise in Lin Yun's eyes. For some special reasons, she has been committed to the research of non-traditional warfare situations. Ball lightning is her current trump card!

Although this kind of weapon has been around for a long time,

But it has always been experimental in nature. Could it be that today, it can finally be used in actual combat?

Thinking of this, she became very excited,

She has been waiting for this day for a long time!

The helicopter landed on the ground, and the three people greeted it and left.

Lin Yunzheng saw the man wearing a strange exoskeleton armor in the cabin. She was confused and was about to ask questions, but Zhang Jingshan's words made her freeze on the spot.

"Lin Yun, the ball lightning weapon project, including the entire Morning Light Force, will be canceled soon. You must be prepared."

Zhang Jingshan is also a resolute character. The first sentence he got off the plane made his decision known.


Lin Yun's eyes widened and he exclaimed in disbelief:


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