Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 79: Popularity and signs of division

According to his colleagues, Jiang Xu is a very serious person.

Being serious also means that he takes his reputation very seriously.

Therefore, the slander of the United States made him feel endless humiliation physically and mentally.

This is also the reason why he stayed up all night to succeed and prove himself.

"Okay, we will sacrifice our lives to accompany the gentleman, but Lao Jiang, you must at least make sure to sleep a little every day."

Hearing Jiang Xu's words, his colleague sighed helplessly, and then immediately went to prepare to continue the experiment.

Lao Jiang usually treats them very well and has a good relationship with people in the institute.

Since he is willing to risk it, they will do it for their friends!

"Don't worry, it's just this time, prepare to heat the deuterium-tritium gas."

Jiang Xu smiled at his old colleague.

He was about to say a few words, but suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Why are there footsteps outside the door?

It's so late, there are actually people besides them? !

"Tap tap tap--"

The footsteps approached, and the door of their laboratory was slowly opened.

"Mr. Zhu, you haven't rested yet?"

Jiang Xu's eyes widened, and when he saw the person coming, his face was full of disbelief.

The person coming was actually Mr. Zhu!

"Haha, I heard that you have been working until four or five o'clock every day during this period?"

Mr. Zhu pressed his hand, walked slowly to the control console, pressed the fuel injection switch, looked at Jiang Xu, smiled slightly, and continued:

"Do you really want to achieve results?"

"Of course, Mr. Zhu, only if I produce results will the higher-ups approve the funds for building large equipment."

Jiang Xu's eyes were firm, and he said affirmatively:

"While ITER is not installed yet, we will build it first and produce key results. Not only will we be one step closer to controlled nuclear fusion, but my shame will also be washed away!"

Jiang Xu was very sincere.

He did not hide the reason why he worked so hard.

To wash away his shame with blood!

"Well, your temper is really like a cow."

When Mr. Zhu heard his reason, he was not angry because of his personal reasons, but he appreciated him very much.

When did they not bury themselves in the desert for more than a decade just to fight for their dignity?

"How do you feel about the new materials provided by the base?"

After pondering for a moment, Zhu Lao changed the topic and began to ask other things.

"Very good, the first wall made of this material has an active cooling efficiency five times higher than the original one!"

Jiang Xu said excitedly, "I even feel that the limit of the first wall is about 900 seconds!"


After asking this question, Zhu Lao looked at Jiang Xu quietly and stopped talking.

Jiang Xu felt a little scared when he was looked at. He didn't know what Zhu Lao thought, so he could only wait for his next words.


After coughing twice and grinning, Zhu Lao suddenly waved his hand and turned around, saying to Jiang Xu mysteriously:

"You are already the world's top in the research of controlled nuclear fusion."

"Come with me, I can borrow your hand."

"It's time to let you know what is hidden in the Xishan base!"

"What is hidden in the Xishan base?" Jiang Xu's heart trembled, and his eyes were bulging.

It turns out that those secret experimental devices are not the main hidden objects of the Xishan base?

There are more mysterious things behind it!!!

What is it?

Curiosity instantly filled his heart.

Gritting his teeth, he followed Zhu Lao's steps without hesitation.

France, at the ITER construction base.

Fulun looked at the huge transport vehicle parked safely in the designated area and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn, the stuff is finally ready, can we start the final assembly now!"

Aside, Ennis, the person in charge of the ITER equipment, exhaled and snorted coldly: "The Chinese thought that ITER would not be able to operate without them?"

"How ridiculous!"

"Ennis, it was originally like this. If it weren't for the United States' investment at all costs, we would really be in trouble without them."

Follen shook his head and refuted his companion while sneering: "But now, we don't need them at all!"

"And they are destined to be eliminated by us."

"ITER is destined to bring us the era of controlled nuclear fusion!"

"By then, we, the Western world, who control the device, will regain control of the entire earth!"

"The Eastern powers' plan to divide us militarily will be broken without a fight!"

"We will control the real future of the world!"

After speaking, Foren and Ennis looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Energy is the real future of the whole world.

A certain Eastern power is just a moment of violence!

The future is still long, and the West has not declined that badly, let's wait and see!


US, White House.

Fred hung up the phone call from France.

Finally, there is good news!

ITER has officially started assembly!

"Great, I hope it can produce results soon."

While Fred was happy, he saw the intelligence in his hand and his brows suddenly frowned.

This is the latest intelligence received by the FBI of the United States.

Because the United States was driven out of East Asia, its influence in the Middle East was also broken.

The US dollar-oil hegemony collapsed.

Unable to suck blood from the whole world, all the contradictions in the country suddenly broke out!

The rate of civilian gunfight crimes has soared by 500%!

What's more serious is that some wealthy areas have been invaded by criminal gangs.

In the entire United States, even the wealthy areas are not immune!

And the person who was robbed was a big capitalist.

If this matter is exposed, it will be a big uproar.

The United States is actually a large company disguised as a country.

Many big capitalists are shareholders of the company. The entire company is actually controlled by them in secret.

As a result, this issue, the flood washed away the Dragon King Temple.

The big capitalist was robbed by the mob? !

"Texas is dissatisfied with the new oil policy and is now clamoring for independence."

"San Fran claims that the federal government can no longer provide a safe environment for their high-tech industrial park. Their industrial park has been smashed and robbed fifteen times in just five days, and they also want independence."



Looking at the content of the intelligence report, Fred, who was finally happy for a few seconds, suddenly felt depressed.

"These damn bastards!"

"Everyone is against me, all of them deserve to die!"

Fred felt a little scared.

These guys are all snobs. If the United States really declines, they really have the guts to be independent!

The states in the United States have a high degree of autonomy, and some states even have very different laws.

For example, the death penalty.

People who don't know the United States will say that the United States is a country that has abolished the death penalty.

But in fact, there are still 28 states in the United States that retain the death penalty.

So, in fact, when there are big differences in interests.

The entire United States is not without the possibility of splitting.

Especially the rebellious Texas.

Texas is a resource-rich continent. If it is independent, it will become the world's 10th largest economy!

And Texas even has a tradition of splitting!

It even has an independent power system.

Fred saw the intelligence in his hand, and the cold sweat on his forehead and back flowed down involuntarily.

These unruly people began to attack the big capitalists.

Some big capitalists will definitely take irrational actions when they see danger.

Split, it could really happen!

"No, I won't allow it!!!"

Fred crumpled the intelligence in his hand and yelled hysterically:

"I won't allow this to happen!"


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