Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 804 The true laws of nature are very cruel

What is nature?

Human ancestors lived in jungles, deserts, and in various harsh environments.

Fight with the sky and all kinds of wild beasts,

Fight to the end, language, wisdom, inheritance, settlement, and finally the country!

all of this,

Everything human beings have is accumulated and understood in the struggle with nature.

These people in the Garden of Eden have lived in the city for too long, lived a comfortable life for too long, and been aloof for too long.

Their legs are already off the ground!

I simply don’t know how cruel the real wilderness and real nature are to humans!

Wild beasts, disease, hunger...

Do you really think that the jackals, tigers and leopards in the forest are "cute animals" in the zoo?

Is rural life really just about farming, sitting on a cow and being a shepherd boy, carefree?

So naive,

So naive that it’s almost stupid!

Wild beasts invade the village, resource shortages cause villagers to fight against each other, and water shortages can even lead to large-scale fighting!

Today’s comfortable life,

They are all brought about by the development of science and technology!

For the sake of so-called nature, the Garden of Eden wants all mankind to return to pastoral life?

Either stupid or bad!

Now, Fang Jing will let them experience the pastoral life. You have to survive in the wild first!

"Colonel Fang, the number of wild beasts is not much greater. According to our speculation, except for Compsognathus and seven other species, the rest have coexisted with humans,"

"They became extinct in large part because humans hunted all their prey."

"In addition, for these people from the Eden Organization, we did the opposite and restored their bodies to a state where they had not been exposed to any vaccines at all!"

Next to me, a researcher from the Academy of Military Sciences on the Wuyishan was talking very enthusiastically.

That's right,

In order to let these guys experience the human journey,

Don’t they like science and technology?

Then spit out the vaccine for me,

Get close to nature and feel the diseases nature gives you!

"Have people been thrown to various islands?"

Fang Jing nodded with satisfaction,

He really looked forward to seeing if there would be a settlement in the Garden of Eden that could "moisturize" life on this island!

"All the Eden members detected by Tianling before have been captured and thrown on similar islands. According to your instructions, various viruses that were prevalent among humans in the past have been randomly released!"

The researcher also looked down upon these people in the Garden of Eden,

Pastoral life?

Smallpox and plague will directly crush your pastoral dream!

He didn’t even talk about the damage done to farmland by droughts and floods!

"'Serve' them well and let the sufferings that humans suffered in the pastoral era be repeated to them. Don't they like pastoral life? Then live enough!"

After hearing the researcher's report, Fang Jing nodded with satisfaction.

These people with holes in their heads,

Since you hate technology so much, he won't say anything about finding a place to live a pastoral life.

As a result, others are forced to live this kind of life,

It's not enough to think that you are nature's "savior" and you have to force others to follow you.

Fang Jing can only describe these people as "idiots"!


The iron fist is coming to you!

On the island of "Valley\

,"Just one charge of Compsognathus took away the lives of more than a dozen people.

After catching food, they retreated directly.

The priest led the people fearfully along the beach, bypassing the forest, and came to a relatively dry area.

"Water, there is water here!"

Senter exclaimed,

Not only is there fresh water here, but the branches underground are dry and he can drill wood to make fire!

As long as there is fire and fresh water,

They can barely survive on this island!

But, I haven’t had time to be happy yet,

Among the crowd, a fanatic suddenly squatted on the ground in discomfort, groaning in pain.

"Ah, it hurts. My stomach hurts suddenly!"

This man's face turned pale;

His head was constantly sweating. Not only that, he also had symptoms of diarrhea.

This made the people in the team with some medical knowledge suddenly change their expressions. They stood up in horror, opened their sleeves, and looked at their elbows. When they saw a small red pimple spread out on it,

I couldn't help but feel despair in my heart.

"He...he has malaria, and, and..."

The rest, this man with medical knowledge did not dare to say.


Got smallpox!

He couldn't mistake that red pimple look!

Malaria, smallpox, primitive islands, unseen stars,

He suddenly woke up,

The person who caught them put them directly into a special cell and prepared them to truly experience the disasters they would suffer if they lived in nature without science and technology!


It is the suffering of wild beasts and diseases!


Isn’t the suffering of illness often accompanied by the difficulties of human nature?

If he said now that he had smallpox, these people would probably abandon him.

Then, he will be used as food by that dinosaur!


He doesn't want to die!

This man with medical knowledge had a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Until now, until he actually contracted smallpox and was thrown into this situation on an island with nothing,

He suddenly remembered,

How wonderful it is to have technology, advanced medicine, and stay in an area where humans gather!

How is it like now?

"It's hopeless. He has malaria. We only have a pair of underwear now. We don't even have fire or clean water. We don't have the ability to treat him!"

He lowered his head and stood up,

With one word, the man holding his stomach fell into despair.

This man never thought that he would be killed by a small case of malaria!

Born in a city, he had only heard of this virus in the news all his life, but he didn't expect that he would be... killed after seeing it for the first time!


The pastor was also speechless;

They have been fighting against technology their entire lives;

But now, after really losing their technology, they suddenly discovered that,

It turns out that I am so fragile,

Malaria alone can kill them!


The fanatic who was lying on the ground, his stomach shaking, roared and screamed,

Is this how he will die?

Infected by a virus that has long since disappeared from the civilized world, and then died of dehydration and diarrhea?

Such a death made him very unwilling and extremely desperate.

He raised his head and looked at the priest, the protector, and the familiar person in front of him, and shouted loudly:

"Save me, pastor, you must save me!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Yelling desperately, constantly asking for help,

all around,

Everyone just looked at him quietly, with pity, fear, and disgust in their eyes.

Truly in front of nature,

Survival of the fittest, the law of survival of the fittest,

The eliminated ones,

There is only death!

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