war of the worlds,

The "Alliance Captain" who had a great chat with Pang Hai was finally leaving.

I searched for Tiger many times but couldn't find it.

It's time for them to go back and resume their lives.

After sending a message to bid farewell to human civilization, the captain dismantled the temporary station and sailed away.

The giant transfer station that originally hosted dozens of spaceships, a prosperous area where bounty hunters and wandering civilizations were constantly coming and going to communicate, suddenly became deserted.

"The cleaning is really clean. Although my experience may be a factor, I am quite cautious."

"Captain Wyler, isn't it? Interesting!"

After the other party left, Captain Pang Hai came and went and searched near Makemake several times.

Good guy, it’s really clean!

"It's okay, Captain, just pay the rental fee."

The deputy had a smile on his face. No, when he left, the Alliance Fleet directly gave him a few technologies as payment for his stay.

This civilization has many frontiers of debate and research,

Maybe he really can’t compare to Ye Luzi, who travels around the world in this universe.


Their research history is really long, and the detailed processing of various technologies is really unparalleled in this universe!

So this harvest is quite impressive!

"Well, make sure the other party has left, and immediately activate the forbidden air tower in the solar system. In addition, the armed cruising fleet will move forward to deter the wanderers entrenched around."

Pang Hai nodded,

He was quite satisfied with this result.


The deputy, armament and intelligence adjutant, responded loudly and immediately began to command the fleet.

The Alliance fleet is gone,

But some guys didn’t leave at all!

Human civilization is still unknown in the galaxy.

Originally, no one noticed it in this truly wild place in the galaxy.

Now, because his identity as a fugitive from the alliance has caught the attention of other hungry wolves and his backer is gone, these people are not allowed to rush out to see if there is any "profit" to be made?

There must be some!

"It's best not to have anyone really looking for death!"

Pang Hai frowned, a fierce light flashed in his eyes,

These guys think that with the alliance gone, their backers will be gone?

Wrong, very wrong,

It's the alliance that's gone,

They don’t have to hide like this!

What's the best way to keep it secret?

Kill all the enemies and no one will be able to reveal the secret of human civilization’s hidden strength!

"Captain, multiple unknown signal sources were discovered in the asteroid belt in the interstellar dust area. They are suspected to be stranded wandering civilizations and bounty hunters. The targets have been marked green and navigation warnings are being sent."

The intelligence adjutant’s expression was serious.

Just with this scan, there are more than a dozen signal sources nearby!

"The navigation warning has been sent. Ten of the seventeen signal sources have left. The remaining seven are in the Axin Regiment and are still stubborn."

"The left and right wing fleets will double-team silently with unlimited power, and the armed cruising fleet will rush forward to give the opponent another chance."

Pang Hai commanded calmly, and there was absolutely no way out.

Gave them one last chance.

If you are still stubborn,

The surrounding fleets will ask them to stay here forever.

outside the solar system,

Hidden outside the interstellar dust, on the backside of the chaotic asteroid belt, among several spaceships shaped like cylinders,

A silicon-based life form that looks like a shuttle is plotting.

"Captain, is this human really rich?"

The deputy was a little skeptical;

A wealthy civilization would live in such a desolate place. The recent trade wars between civilizations are thousands of light years away!

This cannot be used as desolation,

Comparing it to the earth, this is exactly a small city in the Sahara Desert!

Can’t be more desolate?

"Surface, really rich, is it our turn to rob him?"

The captain was speechless to his deputy, with disdain on his face.

Relatively rich and ignorant,

If someone who is really rich can buy any number of weapons and technologies in the alliance, is it our turn to snatch them away?

Do they dare to rob?

It's this kind of guy who is in the corner, who seems to have a normal relationship with the alliance. He has some assets, but not much, and is not very strong. Only guys who are not very strong are easy to grab!

"Threats, robbery, protection money!"

"You have to pay something!"

The fusiform captain's whole body glowed with fluorescence, and his tone became a little excited as he spoke.

In this business, observation is the most important thing!

He has been observing for a long time,

When helping the Alliance find fugitives, the average speed of human civilization is a little lower than their spaceships.

Moreover, when cleaning large meteorites, their attack power is also a little weaker than theirs.

Low speed, weak weapon power,

It shows that the energy utilization level is not as good as theirs,

Then there is no problem with the conclusion that they are weaker than them!

Based on this,

The captain was sure,

This human civilization is up for grabs!

"Captain, human civilization has sent us a warning. The other party informed us that we know the fleet's position and have delineated a navigation identification zone!"

Suddenly, the deputy reported the situation in a worried voice.

"Don't worry, it must be a bluff, they are not that strong!"

The captain was full of confidence, and with a wave of his hand, he was full of high spirits!

If it is not open normally, it will last for a hundred years if it is open!

This time, they will definitely grab it, no one can stop them!


The deputy looked at the detector screen, swallowed, and reminded softly:

"Captain, the fleet of human civilization is rushing towards us!"

"Coming over? Looking for death!"

This wandering marauder captain hasn’t gone to trouble the human civilization yet.

The other party actually rushed up on his own? !

"Let the fleet prepare for battle. In addition, take out the concentrated beam weapons and aim at the opponent's home planet!"

The captain snorted coldly,

At this position, use shaped beam weapons to target your home planet.

Just asking you if you are afraid!

This move, as a predator, he has tried repeatedly.

Ordinary civilization can't stop the focused energy beam at all, so it can only be coerced and hand over the protection fee.

As for extraordinary civilization,

Do you think the predators have a list of civilizations they shouldn’t mess with?

Well, at least for this captain, human civilization is not on the list of things not to be messed with!




The deputy felt a little uneasy, but he had been following the captain for a long time, and had successfully robbed him countless times, and had never failed so far, so he chose to believe him!

"Ship No. 7, the shield has been opened, the focused energy beam is being charged, and the shield has been deployed!"

The deputy took a deep breath;


Come on!

To be honest, being a wandering raider requires a lot of experience and luck.

Just like them, the Shining Plunder Group, relying on the captain's judgment since its establishment, has never been defeated!

In other words,

The raiding groups that survived were all undefeated.

Achievements can be checked!

Because there is only one result of failure: being hammered to death by an angry "victim"!

The robbery failed,

Isn’t that just because I can’t beat him and I’m hammered?

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