The great elder of the Laiya people felt very aggrieved.

But now people are fighting for their own good, and the fleets are coming to the interior of the planet, so we can only endure it!

The ships in this universe slowly lowered their altitude,

Until we entered the bottom of the sea and came to the "forbidden land" where energy was constantly gushing out!

As for whether the spacecraft can enter the seabed?

For a spacecraft that can enter space, there is no doubt about its airtightness and pressure resistance.

It can travel up to the nine heavens, and it can dive deep into the nine abyss.

It doesn’t matter if you go to heaven or to the sea!

"This is the forbidden area, the location where the infinite boundary is cracked. The energy index has exploded. The alliance must be conducting intensive experiments!"

Professor Dong looked at the values ​​​​of the detector and exclaimed.

Judging from the current energy density,

The energy erupting from the crack every second is basically the same as the energy generated by a supernova every second!

"Converted to the surface area of ​​Laiya Star, that is to say, within two days, the entire Laiya Star Ocean will be wrapped in this pure energy, turning this place into a 'paradise' filled with energy to the point of luxury!"

No wonder,

The people of Laiya will miss the days of the "Kingdom of God";

In this situation, if it were Teacher Dong Lai, he would also miss it, miss it fiercely!

No need to do anything,

The endless energy that has been used for thousands of years, used for nothing!

Who doesn’t want to have sex for nothing?

"The robot has set off, entered the forbidden area, and is in contact with the Raiya people..."

In the forbidden area,

The great elder looked at the robots that were brought in with a complicated expression, watching them install various equipment next to the Infinite Crack without anyone else around,

You don't take him seriously at all, you bastard!

It wasn't until the robot finished installing the equipment that he turned around and looked over.

Just a moment ago, he felt looked down upon, but when the robot actually turned its head, the elder became a little nervous.

These robots won't rush over... just kill me!

"You are the 'Great Elder' of the Laiya people, right?"

A special robot with a human appearance, but painted in white, with the word "Captain" spray-painted on its waist, walked straight up to the great elder.

"Yes, Your Excellency?"

The great elder asked cautiously.

"I am the commander-in-chief of this fleet. Next, we will explore the Infinite World."

Captain Yuan Hong controlled the robot and informed the Great Elder of their plan.

This is a notification, not a request,

So he didn't consider the other party's opinion at all.

"Just don't destroy the cracks in the Infinity."

He took a long breath,

What else could the Great Elder do? He could only agree.

At the same time, his curiosity was also piqued by this universe.

Infinity, what exactly is going on?

Where does it come from, where does it lead, and why is there so much energy in it?

Previously, it was because of the fanatical belief in the "Kingdom of God" that these thoughts were suppressed.

Now that the other party is pointing at his head, reason has taken over his brain again.

Instead, he began to think about these issues.


What exactly is it?

What is it?

Surrounded by the cracks that are constantly spewing out pure energy,

Professor Dong and the scientific research team on board the ship began to be busy.

After several experiments,

What surprised Professor Dong was that,

Ordinary detectors can't penetrate this crack!

"This crack is like... some kind of projection, our physical detector can't get in at all!"

"Unobservable scale, this is the unobservable scale, go to the particle detector!"

Professor Dong really doesn’t believe this evil.

Immediately switched to the "pinnacle" work of this universe, the particle detector!

How do you say this thing?

A masterpiece that works wonders with great force!

This universe's current grasp of dimensional technology is not too advanced, and the expansion of polytopes is still relatively unfamiliar.

Therefore, to achieve this kind of particle detector,

Scientists took an unexpected path,

That is...use the quark knife to forcibly burn onto the particles!

Simple craftsmanship and ultimate technology create the pinnacle product, the particle detector!

This was a very small particle that flew out from the energy gun-shaped launcher, went directly against the energy flow, and instantly rushed into the crack of this "unobservable scale".

"As expected, macroscopic substances cannot come into contact, but microscopic particles can enter!"

This is indeed what Professor Dong thinks.

If matter in the form of energy can come out, it can naturally go in!

The so-called unobservable means finding the wrong method!

"Let me see where you are connected to!"

I rubbed my hands together,

Professor Dong controlled the particle detector, constantly swimming upstream, heading towards the "infinite boundary" within the crack!

Enter the eyes,

It is an endless torrent of energy. The amount of pure energy accumulated here is outrageous!

Here, the detector cannot find its direction and can only continue to move in the opposite direction of the energy flow. It keeps moving until the particle detector comes into contact with a layer of film that slows down its progress, and then it stops.

Obviously, this film blocks energy.

Since they had already entered anyway, the detector didn't hesitate and crashed directly into it!

The tiny particles hit the film, pushing out a huge dent in the film.

The protrusion keeps extending, using the last effort,

The detector finally drilled a small hole in the film that allowed it to pass through!

Come out from the small hole,

In the cockpit of this universe, Professor Dong's eyes widened when he looked at the screen on the console. Captain Yuan Hong, Fang Jing and others also had a look of astonishment on their faces!

After leaving the film, I looked back at the place where the detector was just now.

It turned out to be an endless "wall". The wall was pitch black, with silver-white "lines" spreading like tree roots constantly flowing on it. They snaked and extended until they reached the end of the wall.

And there,

There is a huge dark bulge,

Silver-white lines converged from all directions, converging on this dark convex object, and as they passed by, the lines that originally passed straight through became curved,

And just at that short curved place, the color of the line also changed!

From silvery white, it turned into purple that Professor Dong was extremely familiar with!

"This is the boundary wall leading to subspace. From this perspective, these lines are energy, energy gathered from the entire universe, and then... changed through that bulge!"

Professor Dong's eyes widened, and his heart suddenly suffocated when he saw this magical scene.

This scene is so concrete,

It happened right in front of his eyes!

On the boundary wall, those silver lines are still surging energy. After flowing, this energy converges to a position that cannot be seen clearly in the distance.

This is the hidden space between the boundary wall and subspace!

Professor Dong was shocked and dumbfounded.

At this time,

The dark bulge where energy gathered suddenly trembled,

Then, as if his eyes were opened, a dark sphere suddenly rotated and looked towards the direction of the detector with doubtful eyes!

Were they discovered?

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