Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 93 Rebellion, real rebellion!


This month is an extremely exciting day for China.

The Jinwu controlled nuclear fusion prototype reactor has been repeatedly tested within a month.

If it were not for the production limit of deuterium-tritium gas.

The result given by the Ministry of Energy is.

Jinwu controlled nuclear fusion can continue to burn without trouble and maintenance for at least 70 years!

In layman's terms, Jinwu can run without trouble for at least 70 years!

Of course, the premise is that there is enough deuterium-tritium fuel.

As the saying goes, a good cook cannot cook without rice. Like now, there is not enough fuel, and controlled nuclear fusion can only be forced to stop the reaction.

This makes the people very uncomfortable.

It's especially painful in my heart.

I can only look at it, but I can't use it!

Such a big treasure was finally made.

As a result, due to insufficient fuel supply capacity, it can only be left there.

Everyone is itching in their hearts, and they wish that the whole country would immediately switch to controlled nuclear fusion power generation tomorrow!

Of course, this matter can't be rushed.

The scientists of Project 237 are not in a hurry about the industrial line.

They just tried to build a separate deuterium-tritium gas production line for Jinwu.

As for why they are not in a hurry...

"Deuterium-tritium fusion is only a stopgap measure. Helium-3 fusion, including re-fusion, is the technology we ultimately want to master!"

This is what Mr. Zhu personally instructed.

He emphasized this many times in internal meetings.

"We must use the technology of our fellow compatriots on Wandering Earth to quickly go through the technology tree."

"Deuterium-tritium fusion is just the beginning. As a technology, it broadens our horizons."

"Our ultimate goal is re-fusion!"

Re-fusion is many times better than deuterium-tritium fusion.

Deuterium-tritium fusion requires deuterium and tritium, which is available on Earth and has some radiation.

Re-fusion is not like this.

A classic line from Wandering Earth.

"Re-fusion is burning stones!"

That's right, re-fusion is burning stones!

Heavy fusion is actually controlled nuclear fusion, but the elements of fusion are mostly after hydrogen and before iron in the periodic table, and fusion requires higher temperature and higher pressure.

To achieve heavy fusion technology, it is definitely more difficult than the current technology.

But the end result is the same.

They are all controlled nuclear fusion. After mastering deuterium-tritium fusion, they will follow this line and have the help of Wandering Earth. Mr. Zhu believes that it won’t take long for them to master this technology!

And the most important thing is.

The cost of heavy fusion is cheaper!

Use silicates and carbonates contained in stones for fusion.

Although the energy efficiency is lower than that of light nuclear fusion.


Heavy nuclear fusion has an absolute advantage that no one can refuse!


Cheap fuel cost!

Therefore, at present.

There are two completely different attitudes between the public and the official.

The public is: Why haven’t the deuterium-tritium gas industry line been built yet?

When can controlled nuclear fusion be rolled out on a large scale?

When can electricity prices be reduced?

Three anxious questions.jpg

As for the official, it cannot be said that they dislike deuterium-tritium fusion, but they are not very interested.

I can obviously have more advanced helium-3 fusion, or even heavy fusion.

What's the use of deuterium-tritium fusion!

Technological breakthrough? Go to the museum and lie down!

I deserve better.jpg

This may be the trouble of happiness.

You can also choose the way of controlled nuclear fusion.

The Ministry of Energy has never "fought such a rich war"!

The Eastern power quietly accepted the visit of Da Mao and Luotuo in such a tangled happy trouble.

Two major oil-selling countries.

In the past, they relied on their mines and were arrogant.

Now, they can only come to pay their respects and test China's bottom line.

At the same time, Da Mao was also confused.

How, how did the Eastern power suddenly achieve controlled nuclear fusion?

It didn't give him any reaction time.

He is blackmailing Western Europe!

Without making any noise, suddenly stabbed me in the back? !

Of course, the Secretary of Commerce is experienced in negotiating matters and can easily handle it.

That's not the point.

On Christmas Day, the real point is...

Texas rebelled!

Really rebelled!

Seven states on the West Coast formed the Texas Alliance, known as the German Alliance, and organized a referendum to secede from the federal government and become independent!

As soon as this news came out.

The focus on the Eastern Power was pulled over.

There was no way, it was too eye-catching!

It was too sudden!

The U.S. federal government was naturally shocked and angry, and repeatedly questioned the German Alliance.

As a result, the German Alliance didn't even bother them.

Just replied lightly: "Everything will wait for the referendum result!"

Xu Xing is a reporter of the Eastern Power stationed in the United States. After getting the news, he came to Texas overnight.

He was standing on the streets of Texas at this time, introducing the situation in Texas to the people in the country.

"I'm in Austin, a major city in Texas. You can see that outside the Central Park, groups of people are queuing to vote."

"Also, on the main street of Austin, the army tanks that originally belonged to the 7th Army Armored Division of the United States are on duty."

Xu Xing asked the cameraman to quietly turn the camera.

Sure enough, at the corner of the street, there was a tank parked, and several fully armed soldiers were patrolling.

In the air, there are fighter jets and helicopters flying over at low altitude from time to time!

"A tense atmosphere has enveloped the entire city of Austin. The Second Fleet, garrisoned air force, and coast guard on the west coast, and even nuclear military facilities in Texas and Ohio, have all expressed support for the German Alliance!"


A violent engine roar passed overhead.

Xu Xing covered her ears in discomfort and shouted loudly to the camera:

“The risk of fragmentation is infinitely higher.”

"Federal troops are at the state border."

"It's hard to imagine what's going to happen next here."

"However, I will stick to the first scene. I am Xu Xing. Today's report ends here!"

Glancing at the American soldiers approaching him in the distance, Xu Xing quickly asked the photographer to turn off the camera.

The live broadcast ends here.

There was silence for a long time in the live broadcast room...

"Holy crap, America is going to split up. Are you serious this time?"

“Austin is the capital of Texas, right? Holy shit, it’s true!!!”

"The disintegration of the United States and the great changes in Western Europe? 'Dog Head'."

"By the way, the words upstairs seem a bit familiar. Was it performed once thirty years ago?"

"Hahaha, it's true. My high school classmate studying in the United States received a warning from the embassy and is now returning home!"

"What a great thing, the United States is about to be torn apart!"

"Fred shouted to Texas, his anger was visible to the naked eye, hahaha, awesome, the last president of America!"

"Weren't you very arrogant before? Hey, the country is about to be destroyed!"

"Correct the building manager's mistake. It's not gone, it's broken in half."

"Delian, come on, work hard, hahaha, it's fun to watch!"

Regarding America’s split.

What do people in other countries think?

Ha ha ha ha.

Of course, sit and watch while laughing!

This is the fun of the century!

The last time was more than thirty years ago!

Now, Big Brother and Eagle are about to meet underground.

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