Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!

Chapter 202: Teenage hair loss

  Chapter 202 Teenage Hair Loss

  Kang Mingyuan sent someone to drag the chef Chen Wu out and punished fifty boards, then drove him out of the post house, and ordered the post house to strictly control the next meal, so that everyone's anger was calmed down.

Seeing that everyone was still having stomach troubles, vomiting and diarrhea, it was very uncomfortable. Chu Nanzhi asked Ma Laifu to go to the medical center to buy two liang of silver to clear away heat and detox. Significant improvement occurred.

  The yamen servants with mild symptoms are basically unharmed.

  After the turmoil was settled, Chu Nanzhi continued to follow Ma Laifu to Zhu Xiancheng's residence to check the relics.

It was already evening at this time, and when I stepped into the backyard on the west side of the first floor of the post house, a biting cool wind came blowing in my face. Two government servants who were ordered to be on duty at the entrance of the quiet courtyard stood solemnly and solemnly on both sides. When they saw Chu Nan Zhi's figure called out respectfully: "Sister-in-law."

  Chu Nanzhi looked at the two of them with a slight smile, and first asked in a warm voice: "How is it, is your body feeling better?"

"much better."

  One of the yamen servants replied gratefully: "Thanks to the good medicine my sister-in-law prepared for everyone, I don't have much pain in my stomach now."

   "That's good."

  Chu Nanzhi nodded in satisfaction: "Open the door, I'll go in and have a look."

  The two immediately opened the door, and Chu Nanzhi walked in slowly, leading Sibao.

  The moment he stepped into the door, a burst of fragrance came to his nostrils, but he took a deep breath, and the fragrance he inhaled seemed to be mixed with a disgusting and unpleasant stench.

   This taste seems familiar.

  The vision in the room was a bit dim, Ma Laifu quickly took out the torch and lit the oil lamp in the room, under the clear sight, Chu Nanzhi looked around the room with bright eyes erratically.

  The house has been tidied up all around, the quilts are neatly folded, and all the relics have been placed back in the distance.

  In this way, it is completely impossible to restore this place as a murder scene.

   "Fortunately, Zhu Xiancheng should not die in this room."

  Chu Nanzhi thought so.

   After all, this place is too far away from Sun’s Village, and the aqueduct behind Sun’s house does not lead to the county, so coming here is nothing more than learning more about Zhu Xiancheng’s life before his death.

   As the eyes flashed, he inadvertently looked at a saber hanging beside the willow window.

  Chu Nanzhi pointed to the past: "Does Zhu Xiancheng know some martial arts such as boxing kung fu or swordsmanship?"


  Ma Laifu stared intently at the saber, and replied in a soft voice: "Brother Zhu was a martial artist in their village before he became an official, and his fist and kick skills are particularly good."

   "In this way, he is also a talented scholar with both literary and military skills."

  Chu Nanzhi stared at the stack of books piled up beside her desk with a sad expression.

Ma Laifu replied quite proudly: "It's not that my younger brother is trying to elevate Brother Zhu on purpose. In terms of boxing skills, no one in our county can match him, and in terms of eloquence and writing, I am afraid that only the chief secretary Tan Miao can match him." .”


  Hearing this, Chu Nanzhi couldn't help showing an evil smile, such a talented young man with literary and military skills could have someone wipe his neck in front of his face, how negligent and careless it would be for someone to do it.

  Raising her eyebrows, she turned her gaze back to Ma Laifu, and asked earnestly, "Who is better, your uncle or Zhu Xiancheng, when it comes to boxing skills?"

   "Hey, my uncle is just full of brute force. If there is a fight, how can he fight Brother Zhu?"

   Thinking of his uncle Sun Wuji, Ma Laifu snorted coldly with disdain.

   "That's interesting."

  Chu Nanzhi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and continued to look at the furnishings in the room while concentrating on thinking.

   In a dazed state, Sibao picked up a strand of filament from the ground, and said in surprise, "Mother, your hair is so long, why did you start to lose it?"


  Chu Nanzhi looked closely and saw that Sibao was pinching a foot-long black hair in Sibao's hands. She was so frightened that she quickly reached out to stroke her head for a while, but then realized that she had never noticed that this body had lost hair in such a long time.

  She took the strand of blue hair and looked at it repeatedly, and then plucked one from her own head for comparison. The two are completely different.

  My own hair is black and dense, with extremely thick roots, while Sibao's hair is as thin as a coil of silk, and it is slightly yellowed under the light, but it is very similar to Sibao's hair quality.

   It's just that this little guy's hair is not so long.

   But I think it should also be caused by malnutrition.

The Four Treasures seemed to have discovered a new continent, lying on the ground and continuing to search, then picked up a lot of hair sticking to the ground, squeezed it in their hands and shouted excitedly: "No, no, this is not A Niang's, it must be. It won’t be Uncle Laifu, it’s our first time here.”

  Chu Nanzhi took the hair strands picked up by Four Treasures and gathered them together, only to see that the strands of hair were messy, as if withered, without any nutrients.

Ma Laifu looked at the hair in her hand, suddenly thought of something, and said uncertainly: "It should belong to Brother Zhu. I accompanied him on a tour of the county once and accidentally discovered the secret of his loose hair. He once told me He mentioned that he always lost a lot of hair after coming to this county, so he always likes to wear an official hat when he goes out."

  Hearing this, Chu Nanzhi couldn't help asking: "How old is Zhu Xiancheng this year?"

   "Twenty and Three."

   "How can you lose your hair so much at such a young age?"

  Chu Nanzhi was a little puzzled, he was only one year older than Lin Jinxiao.

  That little fair face was full of scheming all day long, and his thoughts were heavy, and he didn't see his hair fall out.

Ma Laifu sighed: "It must be that Brother Zhu has worked too hard since he came to our county. It is the same reason to be an official with his brothers and sisters at home. It is difficult to be a person who is always caught in the middle. The county magistrate only needs to do everything. When giving orders, the chief bookkeeper, county lieutenant and other small and big officials only need to do their own work well, and in the end, it is he, the second in command, who has to worry about every detail."

  Chu Nanzhi was directly amused by this guy's words: "You brat can see everything clearly."

   "Hey, sister Zhi, don't underestimate me. Although I'm just a mountain boy, when it comes to being an official, I may not be worse than Kang Mingyuan. He is just good at making money."

Ma Laifu pursed his mouth and complained dissatisfiedly: "Sister Zhi also saw it today, the crudely made private salt has been mixed into the government office, but he turned a blind eye, if Brother Zhu hadn't investigated a case of private salt last month If the case is involved, the Yan Commander of the Yandao Yamen will not be removed from his post to investigate and deal with it.”

  Chu Nanzhi nodded vigorously. At this moment, she could finally empathize with Lin Jinxiao's decision to conceal her identity.

  Indeed, the officials in Haikang County are too sympathetic to obey their yin and yang.

   Staring deeply at the little Sibao who was still picking up hair on the ground, she walked up to the little one thoughtfully, and said softly: "Sibao, let's stop picking up hair, the things on the ground are not clean."

   Sibao straightened up and threw the picked hair back to the ground, put his little head on her body, and shouted happily: "Mother, let's go back and find Dad."

"it is good."

  (end of this chapter)

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