Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!

Chapter 73: Don't forget this paragraph

  Chapter 73 paragraph, do not memorize

  Chu Nanzhi felt a sigh of relief when she heard this.

  She had only seen this kind of thing on TV, and she never thought that she would run into it now.

   There are indeed many rotten criminals in the prison, but since they have not been sentenced to death, it means that the crime does not deserve death.

  Although the place she is in now is not her own world, she really can't bear to ignore human life like this.

  As a criminal policeman, she never dared to forget her professional ethics.

  Looking deeply at Hu Maoxi, she held her breath, mustered up the courage to ask him calmly and seriously:

   "My lord, there are a lot of doubts in this case. It's not that there is no turning point. Why don't you be more careful."

   "Chu family."

  Seeing her stubbornness, Hu Maoxi became angry on the spot, and when he got up angrily, his eyes were full of fierce light:

"I am grateful for your kindness, and I also think that you are a student of Chang Lao and Nie Lao, so I will be more tolerant of you, not to mention that there are doubts in this case, just relying on Lao Nie, how can you, as his disciple, have the heart to go to court?" Swept his face."

   Fighting against each other, the fierce eyes of the two intertwined at the same time.

  The air froze instantly.

  After a long time, Hu Maoxi let out a long breath, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly slowed down and said earnestly:

"I also know that Mrs. Chu's investigation is just to earn some money, but as far as I know, the brothers and sisters of the Wei family are not the ones who can afford this money. It's a picture of something."

   "My lord's words are wrong."

  Chu Nanzhi also lowered her face, an inexplicable anger ignited in her chest without any fear:

"It's true that a woman is just a village woman, and it's true that she is greedy for money, but a woman also knows the truth that human life is greater than the sky. If there is something wrong with this case, it is related to the lives of several people and the future of two families. Please also My lord, think twice."

   "Human life is greater than the sky."

  These words pierced into Hu Maoxi's heart like sharp edges.

  His head was buzzing, suddenly like a deflated ball, he sat down on the seat limply, and slowly fell into deep thought.

  Chu Nanzhi frowned, and continued: "Old Nie is highly respected. If he knows that there is indeed a grievance in this case, the woman thinks that the old man will be willing to pay the wronged person a justice."

  Hu Maoxi took a few deep breaths, gradually recovered from her deafening speech, and finally laughed with her in relief:

   "Listening to Mrs. Chu's words today is better than reading sage books for ten years. I have really been taught."

  Nodding his head sincerely, he immediately promised: "I am determined to retry this case and ask Mrs. Chu to continue to assist me in thoroughly investigating the case."

Hu Maoxi's words came to Chu Nanzhi's ears word by word. She was pleasantly surprised and sad. Her complex emotions were intertwined. She was overjoyed, and the tension and oppression just now disappeared, making her unable to help loosened down.

  She leaned on the desk as if she had completely lost her support.

  Hu Maoxi stood up thinking about it, seeing her exhausted, suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

   This time, the woman in front of him once again impressed him.

   But even so, what should be said must be said.


  He deliberately coughed a few times, and said with a warm smile: "Well, Mrs. Chu, I have something to say first. This time I will not be able to pay for the investigation."

  Chu Nanzhi bit her thin lips lightly, pulled herself together and nodded in satisfaction with him.

  But there is a faint feeling of being stabbed in my heart.

  Hu Maoxi ordered Sun Xiancheng to take care of Erbao and Wei Nianyi in the backyard, while he led the chief secretary and Chu Nanzhi to the prison to re-interrogate the prisoners to make notes.

  In the dark precept room, there are all kinds of instruments of torture, and the eerie atmosphere can make people creepy just by looking at it.

   When the jailer brought Shen Yang and Wei Ziqing up, they were already covered in blood, and their faces were so messed up that they couldn't see their original appearance.

   Wei Ziqing saw Hu Maoxi, but he didn't have the slightest fear. He raised his chest and looked upright, and said with a sarcasm:

   "The county magistrate judges the case like a god. I and Shen Yang have both confessed. Why should the lord condescend to come to this dirty place? Could it be that you want to torture us two again?"


  Hu Maoxi panted heavily out of breath, then suddenly slowed down, pointing at Chu Nanzhi and explaining calmly:

"Wei Dalang, this is Mrs. Chu who was entrusted by your second mother to file a case for the two of you. If you two really have grievances, you can truthfully state her. Give you some justice."

After Hu Maoxi had finished speaking, Chu Nanzhi walked towards the two of them slowly, and couldn't help but look at Wei Ziqing carefully when he got close to him. Leaving Xing, there is still a charming arrogance in his bones.

   As expected of the man whom the original owner had been tempted by.

   She pretended to be very familiar and asked:

   "I don't know if Brother Wei still remembers me? I am Nan Zhi, daughter of the Chu family in Tong'an Village."

  Wei Ziqing looked up, and then revealed a look of joy: "It turned out to be Sister Zhi. I heard that you helped the county government to investigate the tax and bank case and saved the Lin family. It turned out to be you."

As he said that, he looked at Shen Yang, who was weak, and smiled happily: "Miss Yang, we are saved, please talk to my little sister Zhi, and you can answer whatever she asks, and my little sister Zhi will definitely be able to return it." We are fair."

  Hearing this, Shen Yang raised his head tremblingly, his eyes were full of fear and sorrow.

  She stared quietly at Chu Nanzhi for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth and nodded heavily.

  But when she noticed Hu Maoxi and the torture instruments in the room where she looked, she suddenly felt a little vigilant again.

  Chu Nanzhi immediately asked Hu Maoxi, "I have an unfeeling request from a woman, a woman."

   "Miss Chu, you just say it's okay."

   Before she finished speaking, Hu Maoxi immediately promised: "As long as it is conducive to the investigation of the case, the entire county government can be transferred by you."

  Chu Nanzhi moved her eyes back and smiled: "It's not so much trouble, the woman just wants to ask the adults to prepare a quiet and elegant room for the woman."

  Chu Nanzhi knew that in such an oppressive environment, even if the prisoner knew some details, he would neglect them because of tension and fear.

   Moreover, these two people are at most suspects in her eyes now, and there is no need to coerce and lure them.

  Hu Maoxi was really surprised by her actions. It is rare to interrogate a prisoner like this, but in the end she agreed to her request.

  The location of the interrogation was changed to a side hall in the backyard of the county government.

  In the spacious room, there is plenty of light, the environment is quiet, and the air is filled with a very comfortable smell.

  Chu Nanzhi only left behind the master recorder and the two suspects. In order to relieve the suspects' nervousness, she deliberately persuaded the county magistrate Hu Maoxi to leave.

  In this relaxed atmosphere, Chu Nanzhi sat at the corner of the desk, quietly staring at Wei Ziqing and Shen Yang, and asked casually:

   "Miss Yang, I heard you have a son?"

  The calm questioning was neither related to the unspeakable things of the two nor the facts of the case, but the crux of the matter was already revealed in a straightforward manner:

  She has a son, and she is full of expectations for living for his son.

   Sure enough, Shen Yang gradually let go of her guard during her gentle questioning, and said with a straightforward smile:

"Returning to my wife, the folk woman does have a son. His name is Shen Yunqing. He was adopted by the mistress Han Shi shortly after he was born. Sister Han treated our mother and child very well, and often allowed Yunqing to visit the folk woman in the courtyard. The folk woman Very grateful."

  Listening to the woman's eloquent and insignificant words, the master secretary looked at Chu Nanzhi and frowned, with a bitter face, he was at a loss as to what to do.

  Chu Nanzhi sensed the displeasure on the director's face, and smiled awkwardly at him: "You don't need to remember this part."

  (end of this chapter)

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