Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!

Chapter 78: Son-in-law's voice

  Chapter 78 The voice of the son-in-law

  Tong'an Village is a well-known village in the entire Luyan Port. Not only is the famous royal building Nanhua Temple located here, but even the craftsmen in the village are admired by Chu Nanzhi.

   Sure enough, it is a land of outstanding people.

She didn't have any blueprints this time, so she relied on her own explanations, and roughly explained the idea in her heart to Carpenter Wang. Just made the toilet she wanted.

  This time the toilet is very particular in terms of design and workmanship. It looks more refined, stronger and more aesthetically pleasing than the previous one.

   Really a powerful person, it seems that there is no shortage of skilled craftsmen in every era.

   Such a big talent can't be buried.

  Chu Nanzhi suddenly remembered that Liu Shuyang's family used to be a carpenter. If he wants to change this guy, he can't just let him idle around. It's better to let him study this craft with Old Wang Carpenter.

  As long as Carpenter Wang is willing to accept this little son-in-law, she can provide more and better ideas to the master and apprentice to make some more beautiful and exquisite practical household items, which will not only benefit the neighbors but also earn some money.

Thinking of this, she carried the newly made toilet very satisfied, and asked Carpenter Wang to ask for the same wooden stakes and spikes as last time for Chu Nanzhu to hold. The toilet was installed.

At this time, Liu Yun and Chu Wenbi came back from the field carrying freshly harvested vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplants, beans, etc., and broke some freshly ripe corn. , Chu Wenbi then looked over curiously.

Seeing Chu Wenbi's figure, Chu Nanzhi hurriedly pulled him over and explained how to use and clean the toilet. When Chu Wenbi saw this weird thing, he immediately became interested, and he felt refreshed when he sat on it. , which is much more comfortable than squatting in a latrine every time.

  He has suffered from severe constipation recently, and every time he squats by the latrine, his legs are numb.

   It was the first time he saw such a miraculous thing, and he immediately regarded it as a treasure.

  Looking around, he found that Liu Shuyang was not in sight. Full of vigilance, he hastily put down his crutches and moved around, but he didn't move at all. Suddenly, he pulled Chu Nanzhi anxiously and whispered:

   "Dazhi, this workmanship is so novel and unique, it should be worth some money, it can't be put outside, and you have to move it to my mother's and my house when it's used up, don't ask that prodigal son to steal it and sell it."

  Chu Nanzhu heard his father's words from the side. Although he was still angry with his cousin and husband-in-law, he was also very chilled, and pouted angrily:

   "Oh, father, don't always be so narrow-minded about the matter of tens of pennies. Shu Yang is not so greedy."

  "Yes, father, you don't have to worry, it's just a few pieces of wood, it's not worth much, it's just for convenience."

  Chu Nanzhi was afraid that the father and daughter would quarrel, so she casually tried to persuade her.

  Not to mention Chu Nanzhu, she was chilled hearing these words.

   But Liu Shuyang was mentioned, and he was not seen after returning to the hospital for a long time. Chu Wenbi had a bad premonition in his heart, looked around and asked anxiously: "Where is Shuyang?"

  Liu Yun heard the sound and ran out of the back room quickly, and replied to the father and daughter: "Ah Xiang said he didn't see him back, I heard he went out."


   Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and began to feel uneasy.

   "This prodigal son."

  Chu Wenbi was so anxious that he leaned on his cane and walked out of the pigsty, cursing and cursing: "If he goes to gamble again, I will definitely break his leg."

  Hearing this, the family became even more worried.

  Chu Nanzhu was so frightened that he would run to the casino every time he was angry, and cried out.

  Looking at the fearful look of the family, Chu Nanzhi couldn't believe that her vision was so bad.

  The reason why she chose to trust Liu Shuyang once was because the Chu family had no intention of kicking him out; and she also felt that there was an essential difference between this little son-in-law and Han Shaochuan.

  One is a delusional person who only seeks fame and has all kinds of fantasies in his heart; while the other is just a self-defeating person who simply wants to get ahead but has no way out.

  She wanted to choose to trust her son-in-law again.

  Chu Nanzhi looked at Liu Yun and his wife and Chu Nanzhu calmly, and calmly advised, "Let's go out and look for it first."

   Afterwards, Liu Yun and his wife were left to cook and take care of the children at home, and the three sisters went out to search around the courtyard separately.

  When passing by the pond on the west side of the village, Chu Nanzhi faintly heard a man crying.

  She searched for the sound, and found the little son-in-law behind a willow tree.

   Liu Shuyang heard footsteps, rubbed his red and swollen eyes and looked at her, then lowered his head and fell silent.

  Seeing his dejected look, Chu Nanzhi couldn't bear to scold him anymore.

  Thinking about it carefully, he is only an ignorant boy under the age of twenty, almost one year younger than the original owner.

  Joined into the Chu family at the age of sixteen, inferior to others in every way, how well can one recognize it.

   And he did help himself to do something today, but he owed a little.

   "I don't blame you for today's incident. In fact, I am very grateful to you. It's just that you shouldn't say that to Dabao. He is still a child, so I don't want to hear you say that about his father."

  Chu Nanzhi said pertinently.

  After that, she walked slowly to his side and sat down peacefully, turned her face to the side and looked at him with slightly bent eyes.

   Facing the sudden warm words, the little son-in-law suddenly felt aggrieved like a child, and burst into tears again.

   "It's not a sin for a man to cry, cry, cry, no matter how strong a man is, he has the right to get tired"

  Seeing the little son-in-law crying like pear blossoms raining down made people feel distressed, but it was so ridiculous that Chu Nanzhi almost hummed an unknown ditty.

  The little son-in-law cried for a while on his own, and stopped with the rhythm of her heart humming tacitly.

   Immediately, the two remained silent, quietly staring at the pond in a daze.

   After a while, the little son-in-law looked at a frog jumping up in the pond, and suddenly said:

"I know that your family doesn't look down on me, and no matter what I do, I will be criticized, but I also want to stand out, and I also want to do something for my cousin, wife and Ci'er, earn a lot of money for their mother and son, and let our old man be embarrassed. The family honors the ancestors."

  Chu Nanzhi was a little touched when he heard his eloquent words.

  But she didn't answer the little son-in-law's words immediately, and calmly watched the frogs in the water gradually sinking to the bottom.

  Liu Shuyang was a little anxious, looking forward to Chu Nanzhi continuing to talk to her in an almost earnest tone:

"Sister, I really didn't lie to you this time. I really want to get the approval of my father-in-law and your family. Although my cousin always likes to scold me and beat me, I know she has me in her heart, otherwise She will not tolerate me again and again, even if I lost so much money in the family, she never thought of really kicking me out of the house."

   "Shu Yang, just based on your words, my sister is willing to believe you."

  Chu Nanzhi suddenly raised her eyes to look at him, and smiled warmly.

  She could also see that that silly girl Chu Nanzhu really loved and protected this little son-in-law.

  Perhaps this is the emotional concept of ancient women, and most of them responded to the old saying "marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog".

She straightened her posture and continued to talk to her little son-in-law: "It's a good thing that you can think about Azhu and the child everywhere, but you don't have to go to a casino if you want to prove yourself. How can that kind of place be possible?" Let you display your ambitions."

Hearing this, Liu Shuyang became even more depressed, staring blankly at the pond, and sneered at himself like a self-deprecating son-in-law: "I'm just a son-in-law who is looked down upon wherever I go, didn't you tell me yesterday What else can I do besides try my luck."

  Brows lightly flickered and he came back to look at her, and the little son-in-law went on to say: "Besides, didn't the Qi family also make their fortune from the casino at the beginning, and only after that did they have countless fields and property."

   "That's two different things."

  The memory of the original owner also has the history of the Qi family getting rich, but that's just a despicable way to eat black people.

   I think this little son-in-law was brought into the trap by Qi Mochen like this.

  (end of this chapter)

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