Chapter 864 Grace

   "It turns out that the layout of the little princess is so small."

Thinking back on his speculation about her previous ambition, Chu Nanzhi couldn't help but sneer: "If you can be as ambitious as your mother, or as ambitious as Princess Yan Jing, maybe I can look up to you as a woman , but I never thought that you only wanted to get a man from the beginning to the end, so the thousands of lives in the whole family are not worth mentioning to you?"

   "If it weren't for you, how could the emperor's brother be so cruel and decisive to me?"

Ji Wanying also reprimanded without hesitation: "If it weren't for you, the person who is by his side now should be me. When he first entered Beijing, I decided that he was my good destiny in this life, but because of your appearance, he Not only is he indifferent to me, but now I just want to enter the palace and be a maid by his side has become an extravagant dream, if you treat me so unfairly, what if it makes the whole world fall?"

   At this point, she began to laugh unscrupulously: "It's only your uncle and brother's pedantry that made you so proud. Otherwise, when my Ji family army enters Jingling City, the emperor's brother will definitely change his mind."


  As soon as she finished speaking, a loud slap hit her face.

Chu Nanzhi was very angry at her words, she withdrew her palm and gritted her teeth and scolded: "You are so hateful, pitiful and ridiculous, your grandparents and Ji's elders value the reputation of the family more than their lives, but you If you make such a big mistake for your own selfish desires and still don't think about repenting, if you want to enter the palace to serve your brother emperor with your virtue, he is afraid that he will be blind and he won't even look at you."

  At this moment, Ji Muzhuo and Yu Wenshi, who rushed from Jingling City, heard the conversation in the prison, and walked in angrily.

Seeing such rebellious and immoral words from his beloved granddaughter, Ji Muzhuo asked sullenly, "Wanying, tell me, you really felt resentful because you failed to enter the palace, and you forced me If you kill your uncle, you still want to put Ji's family in dire straits?"

  Looking at the sudden arrival of her grandparents, Ji Wanying was stunned, completely dumbfounded, and couldn't recover for a long time.

  Although what she said just now was what she thought in her heart, most of it was just a moment of anger. As a descendant of the Ji family, she would really make her grandparents and imperial grandmother feel difficult.

  If he followed his own plan, once his uncle raised his troops and marched eastward, the Ji family could still rest easy when he took control of the palace and the power of the Ji family fell to the court.

   Seeing that she hadn't answered for a long time, Ji Muzhuo felt a chill in his heart.

  Although I have a bit of a stubborn temper, I can still be considered to be from the Qingliu family. I have been influenced by my ears and eyes since I was a child, and I value the reputation of the clan more than my life.

  Recalling the scene of Ji Huaizhang's tragic death, he stared angrily, pointed at Ji Wanying with trembling hands, and cursed: "You evil, evil."

  After that, a mouthful of hot blood spurted out, and he fell directly to the ground.



   "Ji Taigong."

  Chu Nanzhi and Yu Wenshi went up to meet him at the same time, and supported him.

   "The old man is ashamed of his ancestors and the queen"

  Ji Muzhuo felt extremely remorseful at this time, before he could finish his sentence, the blood in his heart kept surging, and he died immediately on the spot, and he couldn't close his eyes until he died.


  Yu Wenshi cried until his heart broke, and cursed at Ji Wanying: "You unworthy descendant, I really hurt you for nothing."

   "The granddaughter is ashamed of her grandparents. The matter has come to an end. The granddaughter only wants to die."

  Ji Wanying was even more disheartened at this time, her uncle would rather die than follow her wish, and her grandfather was mad at her again, so she broke the jar again.

  After hearing what she said, Yuwen became so anxious that he also fainted.

   "You are such a wicked person."

Chu Nanzhi has lived for so many years and has never encountered such a strange injustice. She has nothing to say to her, so she had to let Ji Muzhuo and Yu Wenshi be carried into the governor's mansion first, and personally serve the poor old couple. diagnosis and treatment.

  Ji Muzhuo had long been out of breath, and Yu Wenshi rested in the mansion for a while before regaining his senses. Looking at Chu Nanzhi who was quietly guarding by the couch, she felt guilty more than uncomfortable.

  Weakly sat up, and was about to bow down, Chu Nanzhi hurriedly stopped her and comforted her: "The old lady just wants to rest, there is no need to be polite."

   "It's all old people who were negligent and almost killed the queen."

  Yuwen cried out heartbroken: "If the old man could have noticed that evil mind earlier, he wouldn't let the queen let Huai Zhang suffer such an innocent disaster."

   "This is the end of the matter, the old lady doesn't have to worry about it anymore."

Chu Nanzhi didn't know how to comfort her anymore, so she could only turn around and say: "Ji Shishi died heroically, leaving behind his orphan and widow. Fortunately, Mrs. Yin's condition has stabilized. The old lady needs to cheer up sooner, but she can't." Any more mistakes."

   "Thank you, Queen, for caring."

Yuwen's heart is already riddled with holes, and he wanted to leave with Ji Muzhuo, but after hearing Chu Nanzhi's words, he thought of his daughter-in-law, Yin, who had been persecuted by Sun for so many years, and the group of grandsons who lost their father, Granddaughter, I can no longer be cruel.

   "I don't know how His Majesty plans to deal with Sun Xiaoniang?"

  Yuwen asked with gritted teeth.

   "I heard that he was sentenced to Ling Chi and will be executed in three days."

  Chu Nanzhi replied truthfully.

  Yu Wenshi finally closed her eyes in relief, but thinking of her granddaughter Ji Wanying who was determined to die, her whole heart was pulled together.

  Chu Nanzhi also saw what the old lady was thinking, and she probably couldn't bear to watch Ji Wanying be bestowed to death.

   After all, it is Ji Huaili's only blood left in this world. No matter what, he is also a treasure. He is the heart and soul of this old couple. Who is willing to endure such pain.

  In past and present lives, Chu Nanzhi has never felt such an urgency to torture people like she does now.

   Right now, everyone is wishing that Ji Wanying would be given death, but she wants this injustice to continue to live.

"The law of our dynasty stipulates that the princes and grandchildren commit the same crime as the common people. The small princess commits such a felony, and the responsibility for such a felony is inevitable. However, the law of Dahe also stipulates that if the prince and grandson commit a crime and submit a letter of apology to the world, they will be exempted from capital punishment. exile on the frontier."

  Chu Nanzhi got up slowly, and said with a light smile, "This palace can only give advice to the old lady."

   Then, he turned and left.

   "Old man, thank you for your grace."

  Seeing Chu Nanzhi walk out of the inner room, Yuwen felt mixed feelings.

  That evil obstacle forced her son to death, and angered her husband to death. She shouldn't have asked the new emperor for such kindness, but when she thought of her deceased eldest son, she felt compassion again.

Just at this time, the close old nanny hurried in, looking at the sickly old lady, she couldn't bear it at first, but the situation was urgent, so she could only report in a desperate manner: "Old lady, something is not right. Already, His Majesty has already given poisonous wine for Hai Changshi to send to prison in person to prepare to kill the princess immediately."

   "Help me to prison quickly."

  Yuwen got up in a hurry, and with the support of the old woman, she rushed to the state prison with a cough.

  (end of this chapter)

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