Our World, and the universe between us
Chapter 1:First Session
"Aaarrrggghhhh!!!" a female's painful scream echoed throughout the room. It tears the air apart in cold blood. It's a common occurrence in this godforsaken place.
Three people in white uniform come rushing in as they try their best to calm her down. One female and one male hold the pitiful woman in place while the other female prepares the injection.
The screaming lady looks lost and drowns in her own cries. It's so heart wrenching when the memory of her terrible past suddenly runs through every veins in her brain. That single memory left a big scar in her 25 years of life that keeps bleeding once a while. Her life turned into a nightmare in that single accident.
The nurse holding a syringe slyly injects the liquid into her blood flow and soon the scream isn't heard anymore. Before losing her consciousness, her eyes look far into the distance with tears keep rolling down her now skinny cheeks. She can't hear a thing from this present as she's slowly falling into her deep sleep.
Most of the people here know about her story. Whenever she wallows herself into her distressing state, she blames herself for the lost of her whole family. The fact is, it's just an unfortunate accident. But it also doesn't change the fact that she fell deep into depression since that horrible day.
Just these past few days, I've heard her cries like a hundred times already. Every night when I can or can't fall asleep, her sorrowful wail becomes my constant company. I don't hate her for that. I can't exactly do that. I know she's in pain and in a way, I'm also in pain.
I feel bad for her but I throw back my attention outside the window once she stopped crying. My favourite song's still playing in repeat and I focus my hearing back to the melody from the earphone in my ears.
There's really nothing I can do to help her. I wish there was but in this prison like facility, I'm just as helpless as her.
My situation is still a lot better than her but who am I kidding, we are all trapped here. Although some are here willingly, we are all trapped. I feel worse because I'm here against my will.
"Dear, it's time," Samantha, who asked me to call her Sam since the first day I came here, taps my shoulder and pulls me from my short me-time.
She's the closest ally I could find here. I accept her as a friend. No one could reject a woman with a big beautiful heart. Especially her. I don't know what she sees in me, it might be pity, but I know she cares for me sincerely. And for now, I can't really be choosey. There are not many people who sincerely cares about me and my sake.
Our appearances, personalities, and a lot of other things are completely opposite of each other. She's beautiful with her dark curly hair and milk chocolate skin while I'm completely pale and have straight blonde hair as my natural hair. I am what people call introvert while I'm sure she's a total extrovert. The gap between us is also 15 years. Yet for some reason, I feel like she is my true friend.
I pause my blue small iPod, take off the earphone, and put them in my pant's pocket. In this place, I don't really pay attention to my wardrobe. Sweatpants and plain t-shirts are officially my new daily outfit.
"Hey, Sam," I know what she's here for and I'm not feeling so great about it. Still, I smile so my worrywart friend won't start getting all worried about me.
"Are you ready? Come on, let's get going."
I stand up and look outside the window once again. Since being locked up, I already picked up a new habit. Sitting near the window and stare outside.
Even with my eyes close, I think I can picture the scenery outside the window perfectly. The green yard. The roadway that disappear into the woods. And of course the trees surrounding this place. Whenever I have free time, my gaze always go outside.
"Okay. Let's just get it done."
I follow Sam closely. I don't feel like talking and she understands so we just walk side by side in silence. I can't say I like silence, but the silence between us is always comfortable. I never feel like I'm being judged by her eyes nor attitude. Unlike everyone else around me.
She's the only person I can breathe freely with. No need to worry. No need to think of useless stuff. I'm really grateful to meet her in this miserable place. She's the only light in this suffocating darkness.
The common room, which I stayed earlier, and the place I'm going to right now are placed in the second floor so it doesn't take us too long to arrive. I stand in front of the black ebony door which I will be visiting everyday from this day.
Dr. Alan Miller.
It's the first time I read your name. I get nervous all of a sudden but it's do it now or never situation and I only have one option.
"It's gonna be alright," Sam puts her hand on my back.
Her warmth helps me calm down. She's a mom so I often feel like she treats me like her daughter. I'll be more than happy to have a mom like her.
"I'll be here when you finish. Good luck in there, Dear," she makes a fist to cheer me up.
I make up my mind. I take one deep breath and knock three times on your door.
"Come in," I heard your deep voice for the first time. It sends shivers down my spine.
The door is opened pretty smoothly, no sound whatsoever. And there you are. Sitting behind your table full of books and papers. The light from the computer monitor on your left bounces on your square glasses. If I might add, it accentuates the glasses that frames your dark brown eyes beautifully.
"Miss Adams, please sit. I've been waiting for you," you point me to the comfy black chaise lounge as you stand up from your work seat.
You bring a small black note and a black fountain pen with silver ornament. Then sit in front of me, on a black armchair. If I didn't know anything about interior design, I would've guessed your favourite colour is black. But seeing how your office is decorated with black and white, perhaps you just like to keep things simple. Though I still can't cross out black as your favourite.
"Good day. Please sit comfortably," you say as you notice I'm still sitting upright. "I believe this is our first time meeting. I am Dr. Alan Miller. You can call me Dr. Miller or Dr. Alan. Anything you prefer."
"Well, Dr. Miller, just call me Christina or Tina. I don't like people calling me Miss Adams especially these days."
You smile a little and open your little note. "So, Tina, how are you these days? You've been here for a few days, right?"
"Just trying to survive each day."
I stare at you. I'm observing you, to be exact. If we wanna play this game, I will show you that it's a two way street. You can observe me. Jolt down anything you find about me in your little notebook. Judge me anyway you want. But I'll do the same. I will observe you and decide wether you're trustworthy. Wether you can put me out of this misery.
Don't worry. Even though I'm locked up here, my mind is still crystal clear.
"The director said that you're his niece and ask me to take good care of you. I hope you can relax with me. I'm here to help you."
Yeah, right. Everyone that put me here also told me they wanted to help me. That I was here for my own good. And that uncle you called director, the one who always came and celebrated my birthday without missing a single year, the one who were chosen as my godfather, the one who always spoiled me? Well, he betrayed me alright.
"Whatever. I don't care if you want to help me or not. I know what I know."
"I really want to help you. I do. Your case, I will be lying if I said I'm not intrigued."
You keep smiling as friendly as possible, and this time, I will be lying if I said you're not charming. But I just can't have my hopes up. I wish I could just tell you everything, but even Sam who I consider my friend hasn't heard my full story about what I really feel right now. What's been on my mind these days. I just don't want to be judged and betrayed once again.
"Why don't you tell me what happened as a start?"
"What's the use of it? You probably heard about it from your director already," I keep observing your unchanging expression and it's really starting to annoy me. If it's your mask, how do you expect me to trust you?
"Well, your uncle, the director, he's not that happy with prescribing you some drugs. He wants my help and I'm ready to listen with an open mind. I will listen to everything you say and we'll find another solution together."
"Listen, Doctor! There's no another solution because there's nothing wrong with me. I'm 100, no, 1000% fine!"
Even after my high pitch angry voice, you still smile and look me straight in the eye. I don't know wether you are a good actor, a good poker face, or something else. Or is there still a possibility that you are just a good doctor?
"Tina, I'm really interested in hearing your story. Why don't you just humour me. We will spend time together everyday wether you like it or not," this time you sound gentler than your already gentle voice. I'm not sure how is that even possible.
"Fine! What do you wanna know?" I finally answer, feeling defeat. You should thank your handsome face that makes me want to trust you.
Your expression changes slightly after my answer. You smile bigger and the soft lines near your eyes look so cute. I don't wanna ask why do you look so happy. Could you, someone who doesn't have anything to do with me, practically a stranger compare to my uncle, truly care for me?
Scratch that thought. You probably just feel like winning already. "How did you two meet? When did it start?"
"To the point already, aren't we? Didn't you say we have a lot of time?" I try to tease you but no effect. Your face is back to your handsome poker face.
"Alright, alright. It's almost a year ago. It was spring. It's my favourite season to visit my secret basecamp. My secret place. And just like any other day, I went there. There's nothing different that day except he's there."
"Is there something funny?" you ask because you see that I can't help smiling.
I always smile whenever I remember him. And our first meeting? It's really unforgettable.
— — —
It was spring. Spring just like any other year. The changing of seasons didn't fascinate me anymore. It's becoming a boring repetition each year.
But this type of season was still my favourite. The temperature wasn't too cold or too hot. Just like my cup of tea. And another reason it became my favourite was because it's the perfect season to spend time in my basecamp. My private basecamp. My secret place.
I did have friends and few that I considered my best friend. But I wouldn't ever share my secret place to anyone. It reserved just for me. Besides, it's not really a secret place since everyone in town knew about that place though no one dared to go near.
That place was a big old house. A Victorian kind of style but I wasn't an expert. Anyway, that house was deserted as long as I could remember. No one lived there and nobody talked about the owner. It's known best as a haunted house and that's why no one bothered me there.
So, just like usual, after school I went there by myself after I made sure no one followed me. My group of friends, especially Sarah, nagged me a lot for not hanging out with them for days. They could blame me all they like. I just wouldn't miss a day during Spring to visit that house. That's just my preference and no one could stop me.
I would chose my friends and family during three other seasons so I really wanted them to leave me alone during Spring. It's not that hard. I didn't spend every second of my life for them and likewise, I didn't ask them to.
The road to my secret place was mostly hidden. Since no one lived there, there's no pavement road to the city either. I needed to go through the forest for about an hour before I could see the old passage to the house. A lot of work, I knew that. But I just loved it and there's just no reason in love. The scenery was also breathtaking.
It's really my sanctuary. A little taste of heaven on Earth for me personally.
Since I couldn't exactly run freely in the forest, I always ran fast through the passage. That day as well. I ran so fast I felt like flying with a lot of wind hitting my body. Then I went inside the almost wreckage house without door. I walked softly so I wouldn't ruin the worn out wooden floor.
I went directly to my best spot in that house, the balcony in second floor. I found an old swinging chair in the house years ago and put it on the balcony. The best spot to enjoy the scenery of the forest and the city.
The house was located on a higher ground so I could almost see the whole city from my best spot. I loved watching sunset and the foggy scenery in the morning there. It's just spectacular.
Once I arrived, I immediately took out my phone and captured a picture of the day. It's practically my routine there.
But that day, before I sat down on my comfy swinging chair, I heard a noise from inside the house. I was pretty sure it was a voice of a guy though I couldn't catch what he's saying.
My curiosity took over. I braced myself to face the source of the disturbing noise. I was 80% sure it's a human's voice. The 20%? It's either I misheard animal's or nature's sound, or ghost's. I just couldn't shake off the last possibility since I was walking around inside a haunted house.
I took a step forward and stopped. I focused all of senses on hearing. It's suddenly got quiet. I thought for a second that I probably misheard it all but I just wanted to check.
For a second there I thought Sarah might followed me. There's just no limit for that petite girl. She always did what she wanted to do. It's kind of a selfish act of her but she never meant harm.
Still no sound. I pushed myself to continue moving. I hated imagining the worst so it's better to make sure what it was.
I swore I could felt the chill ran down my veins. Yet my feet seemed like they had a life of their own. They kept moving one step at a time. I found myself walking in a pretty long corridor. There was four rooms in that corridor. It's indeed a really big house.
After I checked two rooms that used to be a bedroom and found nothing, I continued my journey. Still no sound but I just didn't want to stop in the middle. To erase my fear and that unnatural silence, I tried to shout.
"Is anyone there?! Sarah?!"
"Sarah?! Don't joke around!" I shouted louder. "It's you, isn't it?"
There's still no answer.
I continued my search. I gulped and looked around the third room but found nothing. Right then, when I planned to leave the room and turned around, a figure stood tall in front of me.
"Aaaaa…." I screamed my lungs out as I took a few steps backward in defense.
"Please stop screaming! If anyone should scream, it should be me."
That was the most sarcastic and coldest tone I'd ever heard so I instinctively closed my mouth and glared at the standing - corrected that - the most handsome guy I'd ever seen. He had his long bangs down and looked innocently beautiful effortlessly.
I didn't know the possibility of finding two superlative happening in a day, or better, less than a minute. But I just did.
I wasn't sure which one got my tongue but it's likely the latter happening. It's like his striking blue eyes could see right through me, straight through my core. His eyes were so clear, so moist, so… dreamy. I couldn't take my eyes away.
"What are you doing in my house? How did you get in?" I couldn't believe that sarcastic tone could turn into an angel's voice in my ear. It's not just because he looked so hot and handsome in his white getup. I wasn't blinded by appearance. But minus the sarcastic tone, I realised how sexy his voice sounded.
"I'm still waiting for explanation or should I just call the authority?" he said not changing his tone.
If only he had better personality, just a tiny bit friendliness, he probably would already swept me off my feet. But there he was, so annoying as hell. I just had enough with his superiority demeanour. I refused to be looked down, especially by a stranger in my heaven.
"The last time I checked, no one lives here. And with this house condition, it doesn't take a genius burglar to come in. Do you really need to ask?" I tried my most sarcastic tone but it's really not my forte. I failed miserably as I just sounded like a strangled pig with high pitch.
"What are you talking about? This has been my home for at least three years."
"Really now. Who are you trying to cheat? I've been playing here for at least five years and I never saw you before."
"You've trespassed before?!" he sounded angry for the first time. I knew anyone would be angry when some stranger trespassed repeatedly. But I didn't like being accused of something I didn't do.
"Yes! Every. Single. Day. So, unless you can prove this is your home, I won't stop coming."
"Proof?! This is literally my home! How dare you?!"
"Yeah. And I suppose I'm dumb enough to believe someone could really live here. In this ruins?" I rolled my eyes since I just had enough with the handsome psycho.
He could stay as long as he didn't bother me. I didn't care. I didn't want to waste my precious time arguing with a psycho.
I shoved him aside and walked passed him before he grabbed my wrist forcefully and pulled me back. I stumbled right into his embrace. I found my free hand laying on top of his broad chest and our bodies were against each other.
A sudden current raced through my whole body. Something I never felt before. He stood still like a dead statue. He's not breathing and I could feel his heart beat faster on my hand. He must felt the same current.
"Let me go, you psycho!" I pushed him away after I gathered my thought but he just stayed in place. It's me who fell backwards before he pulled me back so I didn't hit the floor.
Seriously. If this was in a different circumstances, I believed this was supposed to be the moment.
We continued to look into each other's eye then unconsciously closed the distance between our lips. But instead…
"What the hell are you?" he stared at me like an eagle watching its prey. He grabbed my arms tighter and it's starting to hurt. I should try to free myself, right? That's a normal clever girl would do. But those eyes once again successfully stole all of my attention. Even my consciousness away.
"What did you do?" this question pulled me back to reality.
I didn't understand what he's talking about. I couldn't understand his confused look too. There's no calmness anymore and honestly, I kinda missed it. I could see his pupils were getting bigger as he's getting scarier.
"What did I do? What did you do?" I asked back.
He pushed me back and I noticed just how strong he was despite his slim body that looked fragile. He's really a man. It might not be visible but he got a pretty good muscular body.
I couldn't free myself from his grip. I couldn't push him back. I could only walk backwards following his lead. I really couldn't understand him. He prevented me from leaving. But now he wanted out of the door.
It's just a few steps before he stopped. "How do you do this?" he's trying to get his point across but I really didn't understand what he's talking about.
"For God's sake. What do I do?!"
He hesitated before he said, "You just stuck into the wall."
Then I was the one who got the confused look. In fact, both of us did.
"What gibberish is that? There's no wall here," I looked around me to make sure.
He finally let me go and walked away. A little bit further from me. He covered half of his face with his hand and observed me carefully. Then he messed his light brown hair in frustration. He actually made that shaggy hair looked more perfect.
"What exactly do you see in this room?" he finally spoke. I surprised myself for not leaving and actually responding to this lunatic.
"Will you stop this nonsense already? It's getting boring, you know."
"Just answer!" he looked stern and it's kinda scary. We're alone out of nowhere and I didn't want him to hurt me because I knew I couldn't even scream for help if he did.
"Fine! I see you obviously. I see," I tried to look around but there's really nothing. It's just an empty room. "There's nothing else here. What do you expect me to say?"
"Can't you see the mirror? The book shelves? Anything?"
"What mirror?"
He looked troubled. He paced right and left around the room. He mumbled some bullshit I didn't hear clearly. After a while, he faced me once again.
"You're not Quartian, are you?"
"Q- Quartian?"
He clicked his tongue and spoke softly. "I knew it. I knew there's something wrong."
"Care to share?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"Well, you are not here. I mean, you are here, but you're not really here with me. This is not where you are. I am not at the place you are thinking."
"Stop! What are you spouting?" I got impatient with his gibberish.
"I am Quartian. I am from Planet Quart. I mean, I am in Planet Quart. But you're not, are you?"
I rolled my eyes. He's really a lunatic and I needed to leave soon. "Whatever. I'm leaving."
I walked as fast as I could. I didn't want to spend any more time with that lunatic. At first I thought he's playing me. But perhaps he's just a lunatic and that's a big sign for me to go.
He's not chasing me and I couldn't hear him either. I decided to go home because it's definitely not safe to be around him. I was just about to go downstair when he's there, standing in front of me. That startled me so much I lost all strengths in my knees.
"What the. What are you?!" I almost peed myself seeing him floating in the air.
"Just hear me out," he sighed deeply knowing it's going to be a long explanation. "As I said before. We may see each other like this, but my body is still in my planet while your body is still in your planet. Wherever it is. Get this?" he made sure I followed so I weakly nodded.
"How?" I mumbled to myself.
"You just don't listen, do you?"
"I'm talking to myself here!" I confronted him with my confusion turned anger.
He seemed surprised and shut his mouth immediately. He had it coming with all of his attitude from before so I didn't feel guilty.
"So… First of all. How should I call you? Your name?"
"Alright. You can call me Tina. And, Tatum, you're saying your planet is called Quart?"
"Yes," he said smiling. I was just glad I could see his smile that I forgave all of his bad attitude earlier. "And your planet?"
"It's Earth. In Milky Way Galaxy. Have you heard about it?"
"I never heard of it. But I should've noticed sooner with the way you dress up."
I looked at myself. I was wearing a black jeans and red checkered shirt. I looked great and that's me being humble. My body was considered fit and tall that I could almost nail everything I put on.
"What's wrong with my outfit!"
— — —
You fix your glasses though it seems perfectly fine to me. You must have heard it already so it shouldn't surprise you anymore. You haven't wrote a single damn thing in your note. I wonder what you thought about my story. About me.
"It's really an unforgettable first meeting, don't you think?" you speak calmly and I don't feel any prejudice from you. It's almost like you're trying to joke around with me. To make me relax. "His name is Tatum?"
"Yes. He's the most beautiful guy in the whole universe," I say while smiling ear to ear. It feels good to have someone to talk about him freely after all this time. And you seem like a good listener.
"I heard you're in love. So, is it love at first sight?"
I chuckle a bit hearing your question. It was a really great way to meet. And it would be a more amazing story to tell if it really was a love at first sight.
"Frankly, no, it's not. I did admire his looks. It's a fact that he's beautifully handsome. But that guy's just so irritating. Even if I did fall for his looks, I wasn't foolish enough to ignore his character. And for sure, I'm not letting ANYONE look down on me."
"Alright then. So, what happened next?" you ask after you wrote down something fast.
"Nothing really. I saw him floating and that's weird enough. I thought it perhaps some kind of prank but from the way he acted, I doubt that's the case. I thought it was just a weird dream so I pinched myself and I knew it's real. I tried to make sense of it but after a while, I decided to believe him."
"That's fast," you response to my story softly enough not to disturb me but it managed to catch my attention.
"Well, if you could see his outfit and his gadget, you would believe him that instance. For outfit, I could find some reasons. But his gadget was out of this world."
You nod your head listening to every words I said. "Like what?"
"First, his outfit. He's wearing all white. It's layer over layer and all of them were white. His outer wear was like a leather long robe. The material was shiny and smooth. He also wore a white trousers with the same material. And white boots too. I'm telling you, it's just like a uniform. And his gadget? That's really something. I first thought it was just a wristband. It's really thin around his wrist. It didn't look that special."
"And what's special about it?" you cut my story but I sense no malice intent so I continue.
"It's his communication device. It's every gadgets he'll ever need. It could be used for anything."
"Tina, don't take offence, but I heard you watch a lot of sci-fi movies. Perhaps it's effecting you?"
I lost my smile at once. "I know what I saw, okay. I know it's just like those in movies but it's not something I made up. You think I'm crazy, aren't you?"
"Sorry, my bad. I just think it's a possibility, don't you?"
"No. I never doubt him. I know I didn't believe him at first as well. But he's real. I'm not crazy."
"I see. I'm really sorry. Why don't you continue. What about his gadget?"
You know I'm still mad so you show me your guilty expression. That's a nice move. "I won't disturb your story again. Please don't be mad. You know it's normal to ask this kind of question. And it is my job. Please be understanding."
"Fine. It's not like I have another option," I know you're better than my uncle and that's why I give you a second chance. And I want to prove it to the world and you that I made a fit against my uncle for a reason. Not because I'm crazy like he thinks.
"I saw him using it with my own eyes. Not long after he helped me stand up, he got a call from his mom. I saw his mom's head popped up from the wristband. Not a real head of course. It's some kind of hologram," I answer triumphantly.
You open your mouth a little but only nod a few times. Then you write something again in your note. I really want to read your notebook and figure out your way of thinking. What you really think about my story. Because I'm scared that you're just like my uncle and everyone else.
Three people in white uniform come rushing in as they try their best to calm her down. One female and one male hold the pitiful woman in place while the other female prepares the injection.
The screaming lady looks lost and drowns in her own cries. It's so heart wrenching when the memory of her terrible past suddenly runs through every veins in her brain. That single memory left a big scar in her 25 years of life that keeps bleeding once a while. Her life turned into a nightmare in that single accident.
The nurse holding a syringe slyly injects the liquid into her blood flow and soon the scream isn't heard anymore. Before losing her consciousness, her eyes look far into the distance with tears keep rolling down her now skinny cheeks. She can't hear a thing from this present as she's slowly falling into her deep sleep.
Most of the people here know about her story. Whenever she wallows herself into her distressing state, she blames herself for the lost of her whole family. The fact is, it's just an unfortunate accident. But it also doesn't change the fact that she fell deep into depression since that horrible day.
Just these past few days, I've heard her cries like a hundred times already. Every night when I can or can't fall asleep, her sorrowful wail becomes my constant company. I don't hate her for that. I can't exactly do that. I know she's in pain and in a way, I'm also in pain.
I feel bad for her but I throw back my attention outside the window once she stopped crying. My favourite song's still playing in repeat and I focus my hearing back to the melody from the earphone in my ears.
There's really nothing I can do to help her. I wish there was but in this prison like facility, I'm just as helpless as her.
My situation is still a lot better than her but who am I kidding, we are all trapped here. Although some are here willingly, we are all trapped. I feel worse because I'm here against my will.
"Dear, it's time," Samantha, who asked me to call her Sam since the first day I came here, taps my shoulder and pulls me from my short me-time.
She's the closest ally I could find here. I accept her as a friend. No one could reject a woman with a big beautiful heart. Especially her. I don't know what she sees in me, it might be pity, but I know she cares for me sincerely. And for now, I can't really be choosey. There are not many people who sincerely cares about me and my sake.
Our appearances, personalities, and a lot of other things are completely opposite of each other. She's beautiful with her dark curly hair and milk chocolate skin while I'm completely pale and have straight blonde hair as my natural hair. I am what people call introvert while I'm sure she's a total extrovert. The gap between us is also 15 years. Yet for some reason, I feel like she is my true friend.
I pause my blue small iPod, take off the earphone, and put them in my pant's pocket. In this place, I don't really pay attention to my wardrobe. Sweatpants and plain t-shirts are officially my new daily outfit.
"Hey, Sam," I know what she's here for and I'm not feeling so great about it. Still, I smile so my worrywart friend won't start getting all worried about me.
"Are you ready? Come on, let's get going."
I stand up and look outside the window once again. Since being locked up, I already picked up a new habit. Sitting near the window and stare outside.
Even with my eyes close, I think I can picture the scenery outside the window perfectly. The green yard. The roadway that disappear into the woods. And of course the trees surrounding this place. Whenever I have free time, my gaze always go outside.
"Okay. Let's just get it done."
I follow Sam closely. I don't feel like talking and she understands so we just walk side by side in silence. I can't say I like silence, but the silence between us is always comfortable. I never feel like I'm being judged by her eyes nor attitude. Unlike everyone else around me.
She's the only person I can breathe freely with. No need to worry. No need to think of useless stuff. I'm really grateful to meet her in this miserable place. She's the only light in this suffocating darkness.
The common room, which I stayed earlier, and the place I'm going to right now are placed in the second floor so it doesn't take us too long to arrive. I stand in front of the black ebony door which I will be visiting everyday from this day.
Dr. Alan Miller.
It's the first time I read your name. I get nervous all of a sudden but it's do it now or never situation and I only have one option.
"It's gonna be alright," Sam puts her hand on my back.
Her warmth helps me calm down. She's a mom so I often feel like she treats me like her daughter. I'll be more than happy to have a mom like her.
"I'll be here when you finish. Good luck in there, Dear," she makes a fist to cheer me up.
I make up my mind. I take one deep breath and knock three times on your door.
"Come in," I heard your deep voice for the first time. It sends shivers down my spine.
The door is opened pretty smoothly, no sound whatsoever. And there you are. Sitting behind your table full of books and papers. The light from the computer monitor on your left bounces on your square glasses. If I might add, it accentuates the glasses that frames your dark brown eyes beautifully.
"Miss Adams, please sit. I've been waiting for you," you point me to the comfy black chaise lounge as you stand up from your work seat.
You bring a small black note and a black fountain pen with silver ornament. Then sit in front of me, on a black armchair. If I didn't know anything about interior design, I would've guessed your favourite colour is black. But seeing how your office is decorated with black and white, perhaps you just like to keep things simple. Though I still can't cross out black as your favourite.
"Good day. Please sit comfortably," you say as you notice I'm still sitting upright. "I believe this is our first time meeting. I am Dr. Alan Miller. You can call me Dr. Miller or Dr. Alan. Anything you prefer."
"Well, Dr. Miller, just call me Christina or Tina. I don't like people calling me Miss Adams especially these days."
You smile a little and open your little note. "So, Tina, how are you these days? You've been here for a few days, right?"
"Just trying to survive each day."
I stare at you. I'm observing you, to be exact. If we wanna play this game, I will show you that it's a two way street. You can observe me. Jolt down anything you find about me in your little notebook. Judge me anyway you want. But I'll do the same. I will observe you and decide wether you're trustworthy. Wether you can put me out of this misery.
Don't worry. Even though I'm locked up here, my mind is still crystal clear.
"The director said that you're his niece and ask me to take good care of you. I hope you can relax with me. I'm here to help you."
Yeah, right. Everyone that put me here also told me they wanted to help me. That I was here for my own good. And that uncle you called director, the one who always came and celebrated my birthday without missing a single year, the one who were chosen as my godfather, the one who always spoiled me? Well, he betrayed me alright.
"Whatever. I don't care if you want to help me or not. I know what I know."
"I really want to help you. I do. Your case, I will be lying if I said I'm not intrigued."
You keep smiling as friendly as possible, and this time, I will be lying if I said you're not charming. But I just can't have my hopes up. I wish I could just tell you everything, but even Sam who I consider my friend hasn't heard my full story about what I really feel right now. What's been on my mind these days. I just don't want to be judged and betrayed once again.
"Why don't you tell me what happened as a start?"
"What's the use of it? You probably heard about it from your director already," I keep observing your unchanging expression and it's really starting to annoy me. If it's your mask, how do you expect me to trust you?
"Well, your uncle, the director, he's not that happy with prescribing you some drugs. He wants my help and I'm ready to listen with an open mind. I will listen to everything you say and we'll find another solution together."
"Listen, Doctor! There's no another solution because there's nothing wrong with me. I'm 100, no, 1000% fine!"
Even after my high pitch angry voice, you still smile and look me straight in the eye. I don't know wether you are a good actor, a good poker face, or something else. Or is there still a possibility that you are just a good doctor?
"Tina, I'm really interested in hearing your story. Why don't you just humour me. We will spend time together everyday wether you like it or not," this time you sound gentler than your already gentle voice. I'm not sure how is that even possible.
"Fine! What do you wanna know?" I finally answer, feeling defeat. You should thank your handsome face that makes me want to trust you.
Your expression changes slightly after my answer. You smile bigger and the soft lines near your eyes look so cute. I don't wanna ask why do you look so happy. Could you, someone who doesn't have anything to do with me, practically a stranger compare to my uncle, truly care for me?
Scratch that thought. You probably just feel like winning already. "How did you two meet? When did it start?"
"To the point already, aren't we? Didn't you say we have a lot of time?" I try to tease you but no effect. Your face is back to your handsome poker face.
"Alright, alright. It's almost a year ago. It was spring. It's my favourite season to visit my secret basecamp. My secret place. And just like any other day, I went there. There's nothing different that day except he's there."
"Is there something funny?" you ask because you see that I can't help smiling.
I always smile whenever I remember him. And our first meeting? It's really unforgettable.
— — —
It was spring. Spring just like any other year. The changing of seasons didn't fascinate me anymore. It's becoming a boring repetition each year.
But this type of season was still my favourite. The temperature wasn't too cold or too hot. Just like my cup of tea. And another reason it became my favourite was because it's the perfect season to spend time in my basecamp. My private basecamp. My secret place.
I did have friends and few that I considered my best friend. But I wouldn't ever share my secret place to anyone. It reserved just for me. Besides, it's not really a secret place since everyone in town knew about that place though no one dared to go near.
That place was a big old house. A Victorian kind of style but I wasn't an expert. Anyway, that house was deserted as long as I could remember. No one lived there and nobody talked about the owner. It's known best as a haunted house and that's why no one bothered me there.
So, just like usual, after school I went there by myself after I made sure no one followed me. My group of friends, especially Sarah, nagged me a lot for not hanging out with them for days. They could blame me all they like. I just wouldn't miss a day during Spring to visit that house. That's just my preference and no one could stop me.
I would chose my friends and family during three other seasons so I really wanted them to leave me alone during Spring. It's not that hard. I didn't spend every second of my life for them and likewise, I didn't ask them to.
The road to my secret place was mostly hidden. Since no one lived there, there's no pavement road to the city either. I needed to go through the forest for about an hour before I could see the old passage to the house. A lot of work, I knew that. But I just loved it and there's just no reason in love. The scenery was also breathtaking.
It's really my sanctuary. A little taste of heaven on Earth for me personally.
Since I couldn't exactly run freely in the forest, I always ran fast through the passage. That day as well. I ran so fast I felt like flying with a lot of wind hitting my body. Then I went inside the almost wreckage house without door. I walked softly so I wouldn't ruin the worn out wooden floor.
I went directly to my best spot in that house, the balcony in second floor. I found an old swinging chair in the house years ago and put it on the balcony. The best spot to enjoy the scenery of the forest and the city.
The house was located on a higher ground so I could almost see the whole city from my best spot. I loved watching sunset and the foggy scenery in the morning there. It's just spectacular.
Once I arrived, I immediately took out my phone and captured a picture of the day. It's practically my routine there.
But that day, before I sat down on my comfy swinging chair, I heard a noise from inside the house. I was pretty sure it was a voice of a guy though I couldn't catch what he's saying.
My curiosity took over. I braced myself to face the source of the disturbing noise. I was 80% sure it's a human's voice. The 20%? It's either I misheard animal's or nature's sound, or ghost's. I just couldn't shake off the last possibility since I was walking around inside a haunted house.
I took a step forward and stopped. I focused all of senses on hearing. It's suddenly got quiet. I thought for a second that I probably misheard it all but I just wanted to check.
For a second there I thought Sarah might followed me. There's just no limit for that petite girl. She always did what she wanted to do. It's kind of a selfish act of her but she never meant harm.
Still no sound. I pushed myself to continue moving. I hated imagining the worst so it's better to make sure what it was.
I swore I could felt the chill ran down my veins. Yet my feet seemed like they had a life of their own. They kept moving one step at a time. I found myself walking in a pretty long corridor. There was four rooms in that corridor. It's indeed a really big house.
After I checked two rooms that used to be a bedroom and found nothing, I continued my journey. Still no sound but I just didn't want to stop in the middle. To erase my fear and that unnatural silence, I tried to shout.
"Is anyone there?! Sarah?!"
"Sarah?! Don't joke around!" I shouted louder. "It's you, isn't it?"
There's still no answer.
I continued my search. I gulped and looked around the third room but found nothing. Right then, when I planned to leave the room and turned around, a figure stood tall in front of me.
"Aaaaa…." I screamed my lungs out as I took a few steps backward in defense.
"Please stop screaming! If anyone should scream, it should be me."
That was the most sarcastic and coldest tone I'd ever heard so I instinctively closed my mouth and glared at the standing - corrected that - the most handsome guy I'd ever seen. He had his long bangs down and looked innocently beautiful effortlessly.
I didn't know the possibility of finding two superlative happening in a day, or better, less than a minute. But I just did.
I wasn't sure which one got my tongue but it's likely the latter happening. It's like his striking blue eyes could see right through me, straight through my core. His eyes were so clear, so moist, so… dreamy. I couldn't take my eyes away.
"What are you doing in my house? How did you get in?" I couldn't believe that sarcastic tone could turn into an angel's voice in my ear. It's not just because he looked so hot and handsome in his white getup. I wasn't blinded by appearance. But minus the sarcastic tone, I realised how sexy his voice sounded.
"I'm still waiting for explanation or should I just call the authority?" he said not changing his tone.
If only he had better personality, just a tiny bit friendliness, he probably would already swept me off my feet. But there he was, so annoying as hell. I just had enough with his superiority demeanour. I refused to be looked down, especially by a stranger in my heaven.
"The last time I checked, no one lives here. And with this house condition, it doesn't take a genius burglar to come in. Do you really need to ask?" I tried my most sarcastic tone but it's really not my forte. I failed miserably as I just sounded like a strangled pig with high pitch.
"What are you talking about? This has been my home for at least three years."
"Really now. Who are you trying to cheat? I've been playing here for at least five years and I never saw you before."
"You've trespassed before?!" he sounded angry for the first time. I knew anyone would be angry when some stranger trespassed repeatedly. But I didn't like being accused of something I didn't do.
"Yes! Every. Single. Day. So, unless you can prove this is your home, I won't stop coming."
"Proof?! This is literally my home! How dare you?!"
"Yeah. And I suppose I'm dumb enough to believe someone could really live here. In this ruins?" I rolled my eyes since I just had enough with the handsome psycho.
He could stay as long as he didn't bother me. I didn't care. I didn't want to waste my precious time arguing with a psycho.
I shoved him aside and walked passed him before he grabbed my wrist forcefully and pulled me back. I stumbled right into his embrace. I found my free hand laying on top of his broad chest and our bodies were against each other.
A sudden current raced through my whole body. Something I never felt before. He stood still like a dead statue. He's not breathing and I could feel his heart beat faster on my hand. He must felt the same current.
"Let me go, you psycho!" I pushed him away after I gathered my thought but he just stayed in place. It's me who fell backwards before he pulled me back so I didn't hit the floor.
Seriously. If this was in a different circumstances, I believed this was supposed to be the moment.
We continued to look into each other's eye then unconsciously closed the distance between our lips. But instead…
"What the hell are you?" he stared at me like an eagle watching its prey. He grabbed my arms tighter and it's starting to hurt. I should try to free myself, right? That's a normal clever girl would do. But those eyes once again successfully stole all of my attention. Even my consciousness away.
"What did you do?" this question pulled me back to reality.
I didn't understand what he's talking about. I couldn't understand his confused look too. There's no calmness anymore and honestly, I kinda missed it. I could see his pupils were getting bigger as he's getting scarier.
"What did I do? What did you do?" I asked back.
He pushed me back and I noticed just how strong he was despite his slim body that looked fragile. He's really a man. It might not be visible but he got a pretty good muscular body.
I couldn't free myself from his grip. I couldn't push him back. I could only walk backwards following his lead. I really couldn't understand him. He prevented me from leaving. But now he wanted out of the door.
It's just a few steps before he stopped. "How do you do this?" he's trying to get his point across but I really didn't understand what he's talking about.
"For God's sake. What do I do?!"
He hesitated before he said, "You just stuck into the wall."
Then I was the one who got the confused look. In fact, both of us did.
"What gibberish is that? There's no wall here," I looked around me to make sure.
He finally let me go and walked away. A little bit further from me. He covered half of his face with his hand and observed me carefully. Then he messed his light brown hair in frustration. He actually made that shaggy hair looked more perfect.
"What exactly do you see in this room?" he finally spoke. I surprised myself for not leaving and actually responding to this lunatic.
"Will you stop this nonsense already? It's getting boring, you know."
"Just answer!" he looked stern and it's kinda scary. We're alone out of nowhere and I didn't want him to hurt me because I knew I couldn't even scream for help if he did.
"Fine! I see you obviously. I see," I tried to look around but there's really nothing. It's just an empty room. "There's nothing else here. What do you expect me to say?"
"Can't you see the mirror? The book shelves? Anything?"
"What mirror?"
He looked troubled. He paced right and left around the room. He mumbled some bullshit I didn't hear clearly. After a while, he faced me once again.
"You're not Quartian, are you?"
"Q- Quartian?"
He clicked his tongue and spoke softly. "I knew it. I knew there's something wrong."
"Care to share?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"Well, you are not here. I mean, you are here, but you're not really here with me. This is not where you are. I am not at the place you are thinking."
"Stop! What are you spouting?" I got impatient with his gibberish.
"I am Quartian. I am from Planet Quart. I mean, I am in Planet Quart. But you're not, are you?"
I rolled my eyes. He's really a lunatic and I needed to leave soon. "Whatever. I'm leaving."
I walked as fast as I could. I didn't want to spend any more time with that lunatic. At first I thought he's playing me. But perhaps he's just a lunatic and that's a big sign for me to go.
He's not chasing me and I couldn't hear him either. I decided to go home because it's definitely not safe to be around him. I was just about to go downstair when he's there, standing in front of me. That startled me so much I lost all strengths in my knees.
"What the. What are you?!" I almost peed myself seeing him floating in the air.
"Just hear me out," he sighed deeply knowing it's going to be a long explanation. "As I said before. We may see each other like this, but my body is still in my planet while your body is still in your planet. Wherever it is. Get this?" he made sure I followed so I weakly nodded.
"How?" I mumbled to myself.
"You just don't listen, do you?"
"I'm talking to myself here!" I confronted him with my confusion turned anger.
He seemed surprised and shut his mouth immediately. He had it coming with all of his attitude from before so I didn't feel guilty.
"So… First of all. How should I call you? Your name?"
"Alright. You can call me Tina. And, Tatum, you're saying your planet is called Quart?"
"Yes," he said smiling. I was just glad I could see his smile that I forgave all of his bad attitude earlier. "And your planet?"
"It's Earth. In Milky Way Galaxy. Have you heard about it?"
"I never heard of it. But I should've noticed sooner with the way you dress up."
I looked at myself. I was wearing a black jeans and red checkered shirt. I looked great and that's me being humble. My body was considered fit and tall that I could almost nail everything I put on.
"What's wrong with my outfit!"
— — —
You fix your glasses though it seems perfectly fine to me. You must have heard it already so it shouldn't surprise you anymore. You haven't wrote a single damn thing in your note. I wonder what you thought about my story. About me.
"It's really an unforgettable first meeting, don't you think?" you speak calmly and I don't feel any prejudice from you. It's almost like you're trying to joke around with me. To make me relax. "His name is Tatum?"
"Yes. He's the most beautiful guy in the whole universe," I say while smiling ear to ear. It feels good to have someone to talk about him freely after all this time. And you seem like a good listener.
"I heard you're in love. So, is it love at first sight?"
I chuckle a bit hearing your question. It was a really great way to meet. And it would be a more amazing story to tell if it really was a love at first sight.
"Frankly, no, it's not. I did admire his looks. It's a fact that he's beautifully handsome. But that guy's just so irritating. Even if I did fall for his looks, I wasn't foolish enough to ignore his character. And for sure, I'm not letting ANYONE look down on me."
"Alright then. So, what happened next?" you ask after you wrote down something fast.
"Nothing really. I saw him floating and that's weird enough. I thought it perhaps some kind of prank but from the way he acted, I doubt that's the case. I thought it was just a weird dream so I pinched myself and I knew it's real. I tried to make sense of it but after a while, I decided to believe him."
"That's fast," you response to my story softly enough not to disturb me but it managed to catch my attention.
"Well, if you could see his outfit and his gadget, you would believe him that instance. For outfit, I could find some reasons. But his gadget was out of this world."
You nod your head listening to every words I said. "Like what?"
"First, his outfit. He's wearing all white. It's layer over layer and all of them were white. His outer wear was like a leather long robe. The material was shiny and smooth. He also wore a white trousers with the same material. And white boots too. I'm telling you, it's just like a uniform. And his gadget? That's really something. I first thought it was just a wristband. It's really thin around his wrist. It didn't look that special."
"And what's special about it?" you cut my story but I sense no malice intent so I continue.
"It's his communication device. It's every gadgets he'll ever need. It could be used for anything."
"Tina, don't take offence, but I heard you watch a lot of sci-fi movies. Perhaps it's effecting you?"
I lost my smile at once. "I know what I saw, okay. I know it's just like those in movies but it's not something I made up. You think I'm crazy, aren't you?"
"Sorry, my bad. I just think it's a possibility, don't you?"
"No. I never doubt him. I know I didn't believe him at first as well. But he's real. I'm not crazy."
"I see. I'm really sorry. Why don't you continue. What about his gadget?"
You know I'm still mad so you show me your guilty expression. That's a nice move. "I won't disturb your story again. Please don't be mad. You know it's normal to ask this kind of question. And it is my job. Please be understanding."
"Fine. It's not like I have another option," I know you're better than my uncle and that's why I give you a second chance. And I want to prove it to the world and you that I made a fit against my uncle for a reason. Not because I'm crazy like he thinks.
"I saw him using it with my own eyes. Not long after he helped me stand up, he got a call from his mom. I saw his mom's head popped up from the wristband. Not a real head of course. It's some kind of hologram," I answer triumphantly.
You open your mouth a little but only nod a few times. Then you write something again in your note. I really want to read your notebook and figure out your way of thinking. What you really think about my story. Because I'm scared that you're just like my uncle and everyone else.
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