Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

012 Picking Up the Fallots

Room dwelling is early in the morning.

At least that was the case with the four men in one Baron's house, Jean-Jacques Rubert.

In his house, where his sisters and sisters are openly married, and his second brothers, the common sons, are also joined to the last seat of the Knights, his eyes are tough to see a man without a job.

Visit and walk in the morning to see if you have a servant's mouth, have a cheap lunch that is no different from that of a civilian in the dining room if you don't guess, learn from the library in case you come one day, and when you get home buy your parents discouragement. That's every day.

Similar conditions in the same age and youth aristocracy are unexpected. Some of the people I know seem to be turning to the province, training to become knights, and becoming adventurers in search of the mouth of a clerk, wearing a cut off from the fruitless city life. But the most common are those who choose a life that is only spoiled by the life of a slayer and sloppy and erases the sun.

Such a man becomes annoyed with the people of the Dark City who seek connections with the nobility, and eventually commits crimes using privileges that are not available to the civilian population. Using the name of the house for extortion is a prelude, and there is also the business of tailoring a good looking woman and child to a servant when it comes to something terrible, making a claim and sinning and enslaving them.

Jean-Jacques Rubert has seen many of his colleagues who ran to such acts, applying mud to the house signs and disappearing to prison. I won't be, I don't want to be. At that heart, I walk around wondering if there is any home to hold myself to today.

Rubert thought the Wang Capital was still the best place to carry out such activities. Even if you visit and walk the nobility of the region, in the end the geographic fringes that have been cultivated from generation to generation become walls, leaving little room for newcomers to break into the ministerial corps. In that regard, there are few aristocrats in the Wang capital who seek pawns to distribute to the provinces as an extension of court politics. For example, when some lord's house is destroyed, the minister is punished in unison. It would be humane for a new nobleman to come to the land to address talent that has no scratches on his tibia and has not stained the colours of other houses. Such demand is expected.

So Rubel has no eyes for rumors. Wherever the lord there is doing the dark things behind it, but whoever such nobility is being hunted down by political enemies, guess the house that is going to crumble based on such information, and then also keep the nobility who is going to sit in the cauldron to refrain from his name. It's all about getting yourself a job.

In a sense, it is a sinful habit. Because every day he waits for some nobleman to wreck his house unhappily.

Such an aristocratic young man, Jean-Jacques Rubert, saw the high bill when he went out early in the morning, as usual, with his eyes like plates, looking for the servant's mouth.

"Notice of Urgent Recruitment and Convening of Ministerial Groups."

Marlan County, Voldan, which has become the territory of the newly aroused Viscount family.

We are looking for new people to join the administration in this area.

Are you interested in working in scenic, natural land?

Experienced preferences, inexperienced welcome.

It's a family workplace where it's easy to talk to your boss… '

A lot.

At the same time it was so poorly answered that I didn't think it was a call from a title-holder, what an impressive wording.

"Hey, four boys from the Rubel family. Were you watching too?"

It is the common son of Ruber, who dwells in the same room, who has so said and called out. Likewise, I am looking for a job in this King's Capital, and I have put together many boundaries for recruitment. Well, the result is that we're both in this position.

"Oh, because I look for the clerk's mouth every day. Even so, this high bid..."

"You're unusual. But the treatment is pretty good."

As the acquaintance put it, the salary that was written at the bottom of the high bill was on medium terms. Not surprisingly good, but a conscientious sum. I can afford to not just eat it, but just turn it to hobbies and savings. Depending on the ingenuity, some women will be able to surround themselves.

"But you don't hear the name Marlan. If you're in Voldan, you're mostly southeast of King's Capital, but where is it in Voldan?

"Even you don't come out like you read a book every day. You don't think I know, do you?

I'm convinced that's true, too.

Somehow it came from complaining, "scenic, natural land". Probably quite rural.

The acquaintance exhales heavily.

"If you take it, you live in the country..."

"Don't be luxurious. Even if you stay in this sloppy King's Capital, it will only get hard."

Rubel told me to tell myself.

My parents compare this face to the contents of my purse every day, and my sisters who marry me in other houses don't even try to take care of my job for all sorts of nasty habits. The brothers below, by the way, have also seen themselves lately with eyes that look at their competitors.

Should I try riding it out of my mind rather than staying here with no prospects open?

As I think about it, read more about the high bills.

"... because 'Turius Shrounan Ovenil, Lord and Viscount of the Kingdom of Marlan County'?

I haven't seen a bad name in a long time.

You must have had an extra stinky face, an acquaintance asked in surprise.

"You know what? No, you. Were you keen not only on studying, but also on rumors?"

"Well... I'm talking about a little lack of credibility"

Yes, I will preface it, scratch it and explain it.

Turius Shrounan Ovenil. Second son of the Count Ovenil family.

I'm not the one who hears very fragrant rumors. It was only as a child that he was known for his brilliance, but he was eventually a man who drowned in alchemy and became known for his eccentricity. He buys many slaves at once and kills them all by calling them experiments, but the beautiful maid he always keeps beside him is actually a resurrected dead man, a Phantom capable of making so many absurd rumors. The authenticity of that information is unknown, but it seems true that he bought slaves at an unusual pace and that suspicious light - even a flame that burns dead slaves - has been witnessed from the mansion yard again and again.

"At least, I'm sure you're a bigoted person. I hardly ever show my face in a social setting, and I don't even hear about getting engaged to a housemaid somewhere."

"It's the blood of the Count's family, though the second son. It's strange that you don't even take care of your daughter-in-law."

"That's the thing. I also hear that you, my contemporary lord, are struggling to find a daughter-in-law because of my brother's bad reviews, but I guess that's for the record."

In short, you're not a legitimate nobleman. and Rubel tie.

The acquaintance roared in arms.

"He's the Viscount. I live in my room."

"Please stop, saying things that make me sad..."

In short, it's a blood problem.

Like the second son of the Ovenil family in the matter, the child of Kwon Men is somewhat in character (?) Even if there is a problem, there is a way to go. Barons, associate barons, and knightly bastards have only a steep path, even if they are of a legitimate character. Still, compared to civilians who have difficulty getting an education, it's a lot better.

"So, Rubel's. What are you gonna do?

"What do you want me to do?

"Don't be silly. I don't know if we're gonna get on with this story."

I'm told, Rubel thinks.

Indeed, the second son of the new Viscount, Ovenil, is a notorious nobleman. If you ask him if he can swear allegiance, the only answer is no. But I find the work of cutting around the Viscount family attractive. Rubel thought that he was better suited to government officials than his fierce work of being a knight and an adventurer. And fewer opportunities for poor aristocratic bastards to get such jobs than they thought.

There was essentially only one answer.

"... I'll ride. I don't care about my husband's taste, but I can't afford to choose. Wherever it is in one country in the southeast, I'll go."

"I guess. I feel the same way."

I'll try my best this time, and a acquaintance slapping me on the shoulder.

It's another competition with him. No resentment whichever one is hired. The promises made since the first time we met face to face continue. Because they're both like this. I don't know what will happen this time.

The new Viscount of the matter, Turius Shrounan Ovenil, and he said that he could not leave the territory at present, and the interview for ministerial registration was to take place over there. The fat thing is, the road bank is over there. The acquaintance is happy that the payment is good, but as a rubber, I want to make you think differently.

"It's called the salary offered, it's called the burden of this journey, you sound like someone who's not fit to account for the money"

Rubel squeaks as she is rocked by the large carriage of the ride. What he's riding is one of the carriages from Wang Du to Marlan. The applicant will be divided into several large carriages, which will now take him to the site. This is not the case with nobles for interview candidates who have not yet decided to hire them. If this is the only number of applicants, let Road Bank hold it here and wait on the big upper level. If you live in a rich land and are economically privileged, you can tell, but the state of Vordan was not supposed to be that tasty a region. In other words, the reasoning that Viscount Ovenil is a dark person for accounting and HR.

The acquaintance sitting in the next seat ate it as soon as she heard it.

"But isn't that weird? I heard you made your own money selling potions, didn't you?

"Apart from accounting for personal commerce and the economy of the territory. The Viscount used all his slaves for a long time, didn't he? They don't need salaries, they don't need a lot of treatment. The position is different from ours, which belongs to the same aristocratic society, albeit below. That's why I don't know what to add or subtract. You may say that the world doesn't know."

Surely it is first and foremost slaves who are given to the Aristocratic Son in order to learn manipulation. But as much as you can learn from it, it's only a preliminary step, like a textbook for children. Normally, children of credible civilian ministers, junior aristocrats of the same age, and elderly auxiliaries can be taken aside as they grow older. It is the imperialism of the aristocracy that learns to behave in this way.

I haven't seen him yet, but it doesn't seem to me that Turius Ovenil from Rubel is completely out of those experiences.

and there,

"Well, you're telling an interesting story inside."

A young man of good stature broke in.

An acquaintance has a frigid face.

"... what about you?

"Excuse me. I'm..."

The young man is said to be a common son of a certain Count family, but also his youngest son. There was a lot of brothers and the housework didn't come around inside, and they cut the paralysis and responded to this recruitment.

"Was it the Baron Rubert family? Earlier, I listened to some awakening thoughts."

"No, just guessing..."

"There is no humility. It's a beautiful story. Just..."

Youth look around.

"All these people in this carriage are opponents fighting over their clerks. Too much chatter can be a source of admonition."

Rubert noticed a loss when he was told. We're going to beg that Thurius Shrounan Ovenil to hire us. So it was a detour that was rambling through the putrid speculation. In case you put it in the Viscount's ear, you'll definitely buy the upset. Even narrower gates are more narrow than your own.

Thank you for your advice.

"What do you care?"

The young man smiles. He has good blood muscles. First of all, the hope of this clerk will be fulfilled. In an aristocratic society that weighs on lineage, the fact that it draws the blood of the Count family, albeit the common son, is heavy. Would it also be a sign of room to advise competitors in a friendly manner?

"Now, if you'll excuse me, why don't we talk? I don't know much about my face here."

"I guess."

Much of what we have in this carriage is the younger noble offspring. With him from the Count family, there will be the majority of those who do not know each other.

There was no hesitation in Rubel's words, but the young man chuckles without the wind that offended him.

"I appreciate it. It's been a long road, but it doesn't seem boring with you guys."

"... that's all"

The acquaintance seemed a little grumpy. His home is a knight, hardly a nobleman. From such a point of view of him, I suppose the youths of the Count family, who are so princely to see, are a strong stimulus to the inferiority of the Cold Gate.

With the aristocratic youths on board, the carriage was slowly on the road to Marlan.

"I heard it was rural..."

"More than I expected. There's nothing there."

The acquaintance and the young man sighed at the view seen through the carriage window.

Is it the woods or the fields or the mountains or the fields outside? Its fields are also mostly all that produce staple foods such as wheat. I don't see how they make such specialities, such as vineyards used for the wine I see on the road. Some fields entertain the leftover's eyes with products and methods, even in the fields, but they can't even expect that from this countryside. Compared to before entering the land, I even wonder if it's really the same state, no, the same country.

"Is this the kind of land you leave to the Viscount?

"Hmm, it does seem more efficient to divide and govern with a few deputies. But..."

Hirohiruber sees a farmer waving a swing in a field outside the window. Working in the work with sweat on their foreheads, they still had a cheerful atmosphere as they sang songs and such.

"- The peasant's face is strangely alive. And it looks like water is crossing the farmland. Sounds like you're taking care of the people."

"Well, the boulder is Sir Rubert. Different eyes."

Sir, stop it.

Laughing and waving at the words of a tearing young man.

"Well, the countryside is the countryside, but I think there's a stretch. I guess if we were happy with some new industry, we'd be more prosperous."

"Hmm. Mines, for example?

I looked it up lightly before I left, and it seems that Marlan once flourished in Copper Mountain. Most mountains are now abandoned and people are lonely without stopping by.

"It's booze, booze! I'm a good brewer! For once, you're famous for your wine, aren't you, Voldan?

"No, that's not for us to decide... or maybe we can work here."

I laugh bitterly at my thriving companions. It is true that the province of Vordan is a wine region. but at the same time that other parts of the state already hold their share. There would be little room for the finest Marulan to break in to cultivate fields of staple foods such as wheat.

But, well, meditating on the fact that it was a country lacking in entertainment - and the notoriety left by the ruler in the king's capital - didn't seem like such a bad land.

"More than that, it's not fair for me to talk all the time. Have you two ever noticed anything?

"Hmm, when they say so..."

"Hmm, not that it bothers me a bit."

The young man said after wearing it a little.

"You didn't really see the fortific-like building on the way here. Even if there was, very little care was taken."

"Oh, speaking of which, sure"

The acquaintance is also annoying.

In order to keep security against the bandits, bandits and monsters, it will be necessary to establish fortifications that will garrison the Knights everywhere. Marlan County in particular has a larger land compared to population density. The Knights patrolling the realm, the stronghold to be its garrison, could have been more.

"I mean, I don't know if the Knights here are very big"

If the number of people is scarce, nature and the number of fortifications will also decrease. If there are not enough people to divide it into care and defense, the fort will be taken by neglected thieves and abused as its stronghold. To avoid that.

"That's good news. Me, I'm not as good at blood as you, I'm not as good at studying as Rubel. If the Knights are understaffed, there's room for me."

"Right. Well, it would be easier than the Knights of the King's Capital..."

"I think you're gonna be busy for that, huh?

"It's better if you don't have a job. It's a good opportunity to name a knight, even at the end of the line. I'll do it."

Within talking, for example, the carriage arrived in the town that is the heart of the county. It's a despicable town with a population of about three or four thousand. A landscape where small houses gathered together like flocks of sheep, centered on small hills amidst run-down walls. It is a very common small fortified city, trembling at the threat of monsters and thieves.

"Welcome to Marlan, gentlemen"

It was the little man with a voice who lacked any discouragement who welcomed the applicants down from the carriage. A small nobleman from the point of view of his personality. However, the expression without glory and the blue-white complexion have little presence. Even if you're wrong in town, you're likely to mistake me for a civilian, or...

"You look like a puppet. Creepy......"

An acquaintance spoke for the impression in a low voice. Yes, it's a doll. It lacks vitality so much that it doesn't seem like a living human being. Even slaves who have been tortured for years will not look so emotionally polished.

Did the noble children around you have similar thoughts, nothing favors the gaze poured on the man. But without adhering to it, the flat voice continues.

"Everyone will be tested again after spending the night in this town. Then we decide with the Lord whether or not to hire… this is the kind of step."

"May I ask you a question?

A young man raised his hand quickly.

…… ... Go ahead. "

"I'm sure you'll be guided later, but I'd like to hear in advance about where you're staying. With all due respect, this town is small, and there will be few facilities for large numbers like us to stay at once. So I'd like to know how your Lord treats us. How about that?

It was a bold question. In short, 'Does your Lord know how to treat nobles?' It's like hearing. Rubel doesn't know what he's trying to do, even if he doesn't like it. From the character of the young people I've dealt with on the road so far, I don't know why I would go into this attitude.

The confusion was approximated, the man replied.

"The Lord has asked us to treat each individual personality in advance."

"What about that heart?

"If you are a home above the Viscount, we have a place to stay that is a little far away but has been renovated for the deputy mansion. For those coming from the Baron's house, use this town's cage. For the Associate Baron and Knights, it is inconvenient to stay overnight at the aspiring house in town."

It was a strangely unchallenging reply, like reading out what was written on the paper.

The young man, he said,

"... excuse me. I may have offended you, but there are many people who ignore the sequence of traditional kingdom aristocrats yesterday. Well, I didn't believe the Viscount was like that."

That's how I tied it.

The guide man looks at the same with unreadable eyes of emotion,

"I will now show you…"

I worked on leading the applicant in gloomy conditions.

The young man flaunts his shoulders.

"Hmm. You don't have a clue."

"... don't let me chill. What are you going to do when you suddenly get into a fight?"

"It was a physical waist not like yours, but this is-"

To Jean and his acquaintance, the young man waves gently.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. I also wanted to dress up and explore a little bit."

The excuse that I was just being naive.

Rubert intuitively decided it was a lie,

"... well, you're the one who's got a lot of potential for hiring."

"Oh, come on, that's terrible."

I decided to flush it.

Even though we have become close, it is a stumbling block. I don't feel the situation behind it, but I don't want you to follow the snake to the back.

"But you've splendidly torn the three of us apart. I owe the townspeople a house."

"Originally, each has a different personality."

"Hehe. But you didn't feel such a difference from wonder. If I may, I'd like all three of them to be enrolled."

That's the young man in the Count family who ties it together.

I'm sure he has something to hide, but he's also a smart, fun person to talk to.

Really, I wish they'd hired everyone for nothing.

The next day.

Spending a nasty night in a brigade, Rubel was being tested with a body that left him a little tired from his journey. The contents of the exam are not that difficult. Little reading and writing calculations, some history, manners and other correctional issues, a little civil adjudication and common sense of criminal law. Finally, answer and tighten the question in the form of a discussion, and that's it.

For Jean, who has been studying in the library since day to day, there is no level of loss except for some carelessness. It would not have been as difficult for an applicant who likewise remained quite conscious. On the contrary, however, it seems to me that it was a bit of a tough issue for someone who had spent every day unnecessarily and had crossed the world solely in his capacity as a nobleman.

"... it's time. Exit Exam"

A maid-dressed female slave ruthlessly proclaimed the sound of a bell heard from afar as a signal. Some students who were still filling in blanks look desperate in the words.

"Ma, wait! We're still on our way!

"No, the exam is over"

"I'm telling you to wait, you slave! I'm noble, aren't I? I remember being ordered to be a coward like you."

One of the ugly recruiting students. But the slave maid doesn't go through with it as if it were intentional.

"Yes. I'm a slave. But you're not your husband."

You were right. Slaves are the property of their masters. And its master is Viscount Ovenil, who heads this Marlan County. More than this maid slave is moving at the will of the Lord, he will not be prevented from the task entrusted to him in the position of wishing the servant to his Viscount, even though he is a descendant of some nobility.

However, if we knew that, this student would not make a scene either.

"It's a business, it's a flair!

A dry sound echoed the test venue. An exaggerated student beat up a slave.

Awkward on boulders. Jean-Jacques Rubert accidentally covered his face. After refusing to submit the answer even after the exam, it is violent. From an attitude, my parents seemed to be a well-known nobleman, but there is no house to shelter such a bastard, who causes such a commotion in the mansions of other houses. I just expose myself to shame in other houses, wondering if I can be busy. At the end of the day, it will be a monastic send-off or an excuse to mix in the worst wines.

I didn't even realize that, and the student was pointing a proud grin at his mellow maid.

"Look, you... who do you think I am?

"Yes, I know. Exam number 014, first and last name -"

"I didn't hear that!

Another shot, a flat hand flew.

Jean can't handle this either.

"You, stop it!

"Yeah, let go! There's a wood-end flair in the Rubel family! What did I do?

It is also this mouthful to Reubert, who grabbed his hand. There was no way to save him.

But it's the boat we boarded. Anyway, I have to calm down. If you can get a spear around here and apologize, you shouldn't be so heavily shaken up. If I could, I'd be talking about.

"Listen to me, slaves belong to their owners. If you hurt it for no reason, it's the same thing with the mud on its Lord's face, isn't it?

"A wrong-working slave wouldn't mind being disrespectful!?

"No, wrongdoing..."

Isn't that one of yours?

And, before I beg your pardon, the student waves Rubel's arm off. He doesn't have the strength to contain it.


"Hey, what's the fuss? Oh, shit."

Enter the room where the long, swordsman-style man was conducting the exam.

The noisy student raised his voice in the open, as did the upset.

"Hey, what are you!?

"... our Viscount Minister, Douye Schwarzer. I was testing martial arts candidates in a different venue just now."

The man who named the Viscount minister said so in a legendary manner. Ritual outfits seem to be the martial arts officers of the Viscount family, but they are called words and deeds, physical appearances, facial expressions, and a crude atmosphere seeps through from time to time. Lower aristocracy, or civilian ascent? Jean guessed so.

I guess that's what the exams in question decided. Suddenly he starts putting the color of insult on his face.

"Well, that's just fine. I have been very disturbed by your slaves. You will punish me properly here."

"Am I?"

"That's a bad guess, you are. If it's not a wild way of putting it, don't you see? Then let's put it this way. Show me as much as a slave's ass wipe there."

He had the best face.

Dooey, the man you named turns back to the woman slave who snapped an ass cake on the floor.

"Uh, you--"

"It's Susannah, Master Douye."

"Yeah, well, that was the name.... What happened?

The female slave said in an emotionally invisible voice.

"I followed what your husband said and tried to retrieve the answer according to a fixed bell, and I was resisted by the customer with exam number 014 saying 'I haven't filled it in yet'"

"...... ha. Cheng Cheng Ye"

Dooey with a retrospective look looks at the Jeans and the other students.

"Are you sure about this guy? Students of neutrality, gentlemen."

"Oh, yes."

Rubert accidentally moaned. It was a quiet eye, but it had the inexcusable power of not allowing lies. Again, there is nothing good about falsehood. Other students mimicked and endorsed Jean.

"Okay, number 014. You are disqualified. I hope you will return to the King's Capital. Without the Road Bank, it can be convenient without interest."

"Hey! What do you mean, go home!? Besides, did you skip the convenience or something without interest?!? That's not to pay for the talk, but to lend it!?

"If you know what I mean, talk to you early. Just get out of here. Or..."

Giroli, and Doue's glance shoot the student.

"- If I don't give you a hand, can't you walk?

If you don't want to get slapped out, lose it on your own feet. That's what happened.

"Ku... Huh! This, this, this is the first time I've been insulted like this in my life! And excuse me!

Say, the problem actor exits.

Dooe exhaled deeply the sigh that seeped through the crease.

"'I've never been insulted like this before in my life,' right? You've lived a very happy life."

"... Students, I'm very disturbed. I will retrieve your answers."

"Well, I'll be free, too. Students, if you take it, we're going to have a long relationship, thank you."

Leaving the maid to collect the answer to the slave, Doue withdrew.

In no time, the collection is over. In doing so, some students looked like they were doing it.

(Oh, you were filling in the blanks confused by the noise...)

Or more blatant canning could have been done as well. Rubel sighed, as there was no loophole.

If you do poorly, this could be the guy who scratched the exam and colleagues. Will you be able to do well with those people? That makes me depressed when I think about it.

"Then, after grading, the successful candidate will be invited to come in for an interview with the Lord. We will take some time, so please relax while we have lunch in the dining room. That's it."

Say it and the maid exits too. It was a bare gesture as if I'd forgotten, such as the other student beating me up earlier.

"... you were a well-educated maid inside. Don't you think?

and I have spoken to Rubel, a young man I just met the other day.

"You. How'd it go, exam guy?

"Well, all the answers have been filled."

Then Rubert thinks there won't be a problem. If that's all we can do, it will be difficult enough to reach the pass zone. There seems to be some confusion outside the problem that I couldn't even do that.

"More than that, Jean-Jacques Rubert. What do you think of that maid?

"Hey, is that it as soon as the exam is over? Is that what you want?

Only a maid whose by-productive service is her job, and not a little beautiful for a slave. But the face is not so well chosen, and the third or so ratings in the same generation of small villages are the mountains. I can't even get that unscrupulous attitude. As a woman, I have no taste, and as a slave, I look a little bit nasty.

As a result, the youth seeped bitter laughter.

"That's not the point. Didn't you notice I was watching? That samurai costume, it was a little witchcraft costume, wasn't it?


Jean asked back unexpectedly.

Magic costume. It refers to a magical object made by the hand of a magician. It is basically quite expensive to impart magic in addition to the usual tailoring. It is not uncommon in aristocratic societies, but it is not such a story that slaves carry it around.

"I heard the Viscount here is inclined to alchemy..."

"Perhaps we are giving our men and slaves what we have produced from hand to hand. Even Kingsguards see the swordsman's equipment as unbearable."

"No, you wouldn't, would you? 'Cause when it comes to Kingsguard, he's the finest in the kingdom. A martial officer at the Viscount's house?

Impossible. After sourcing that stuff, I can afford to pay the generous salary that was on that high bill. How much wealth can do that?

"No, the property itself would not qualify as a Viscount either. Perhaps it is also made by the Viscount."

"Wait, I can't keep up with my understanding for a second. Handmade? The finest equipment in the kingdom, can you make something comparable to that? That doesn't explain how elaborate you are on alchemy, does it?

"... even for me, I'm having a little fun. I thought the rumor of the new Viscount of Ovenil was half the story until I came to the land. But I was convinced for the first time today. The man we're about to meet is an amazing alchemist. Perhaps even all over the continent."

"Even if they say so, I'm not sure..."

Say it. Jean shakes his head to the side. Originally, alchemy itself is a thin field for the aristocracy. The art of a con artist who tells the dream story of turning lead into gold, achieving immortality, etc., with a true face. Some people even hesitate to put it in the magic category. It is such a perception. I don't understand how much it is, whether on the continent or reputed to go into five fingers.

The spirit pills and costumes used by the royal nobility are sufficient if they are made by a wizard of some strength, and if you want more than that, it is the turn of the Dwarf blacksmith. to such an extent that it is even questioned whether it is truly worth learning, such as alchemy. I wondered what kind of drunkenness it was, such as putting it up in something like that...

"... the interview was after lunch. Shall we change the place a little? I want to talk to you alone."

Say, the young man takes Jean outside. Heading there is the back of an unpopular mansion.

"So, what the hell is this all about? This is the place to talk."

It makes my words hard. He was forced to come in and tell me a secret story. It is a troublesome seed, no matter what you think.

The youth, before that, spoke with a foreword.

"Jean-Jacques Rubert. Have you never wondered?

What are you talking about?

"That Turius Shrounan Ovenil is doing the Viscount in the first place."

It was a strange thing to do. While alert, Rubel urges ahead.

"You must have been collecting rumors of various noblemen in search of a servant registration mouth. There must have been stories of brotherhood in the Ovenil family."

"You sure do. Much ago, Ovenil's second son was also said to be a prodigy over his eldest son, and after his name fell to the ground, his brother's bad reviews pulled his brother's leg. That's what I hear."

There, the youth sighs.

"My brother, who is now in charge of such a brother, set the court up to exercise, and gave me the Viscount, and gave me this land. Why do you think that is?

"Hmm, if rumors of misconduct are correct... to strip from Wang Du?

"There's that too. No matter how many innocent slave killers you are, you are no match for the darkness of the experiment being continued in the king's capital. But there's another reason."

Reason. Jean thought when told. What made you mad about alchemy, killing slaves in a sour way, and giving status and power to your real brother, who you don't think is roughly a legitimate nobleman?

One, an unpleasant imagination passed the back of my brain.

"Wait, no way......!?

"No way."

The youth affirmed bitterly.

"To fail him as a lord, and to punish his true brother with his sins."


It's a really stupid story. Kill my brother? That's why you took Viscount status? Besides being overly clueless, success should inevitably lead to bad reviews. Before asking about it, the youth will add.

"Of course, it is inevitable folly to scratch the name of the Count Ovenil family. But if you don't, the current lord can't kill my brother. If he kills a family heir who is under his own asylum and can threaten his position, he will be slandered for killing his real brother for his protection. but why don't we just kill him for failing to run the territory? This is how the story rubs off."

With that said, he waves a major player and speaks out to the play tone.

"'Woohoo, the Count's lord divided the blood to correct the political path, and so did your brother! At the time of his appointment, he made a mistake with the desire of his brothers, but his uncle was condemned to shame and the art of snowing it!'... and. The result of my brother's murder is no different, but the damage to the house's reputation is minimal."

"To hit such a monkey play... territory...?

"Would it be a very thoughtful place to work? The ruling power entrusted to him by His Majesty the King was used by his brother-in-law, Dashi, to wrap him up to the court and give him the throne. It's a great Count. The Viscount, who follows suit and is interested in alchemy, is quite the same."

Young people don't hide their disdain like they throw up.

Rubel finally saw the story, too. Of course, he will also be carrying the story so that he can solve it there.

A disgusting mouthful of both the brothers of the ovenil, and loyalty to the royal family until the seemingly passionate. Taken together, the conclusive points are clear.

"I mean, you... you came here to rat out the Viscount's house. Not only that, but also to grab the tail of the Count who is ahead of the Viscount. And a true master is probably a centralist nobleman"

"You're still smart. The people who have made them wander before have no eyes to see."

"Thank you so much for bringing this up."

"I need you to help me with my mole. I'm not willing to take a bad step, but if you do a little research, you'll soon find out that I'm connected to a centralist. In that regard, you have a beautiful career."

It is unsolicited logic. In the end, it's like Baron Rubert's house and other political conflicts on clouds that can't even get caught up in.

But on the other hand, I've found out. There is no Marlan rule for the new Viscount of Ovenil. Even the central totalitarians, the natural enemies of the local lords, have laid their eyes where they have an enemy called their brother.

In the unlikely event that we break through the afternoon interview and join its subordinates, it means it's dark ahead.

"You bought me smart. So you know the answer, don't you?

"But I want to hear it from you."

"I mean, you want to take the word... oh, man"

I can't help it, I flatter my shoulders.

"I'll do it. If you think about winning, you have to do it. But I'm sorry that they crushed you and then you poisoned me."

"The neighborhood will depend on the first time you work. Not just you, but me."

And shake hands on the proof of the contract.

The young man's hands were cold. But it is only with cold hands that we will be able to govern. If the youth had access to information that would determine the life of the Viscount and his brother, the Count, there would be quite a few posts available even for the centralists. It may not be a bad idea to refer to him as the Lord who fits in there.

"By the way, what about your acquaintance? I think you should talk to him."

"Let's stop it. He's not of the nature to be able to vomit lies with a cheerful face. An inside detective is not good for the job. … but there are a lot of places, and if the strength of justice can be good for us, we can pick it up later."

And it's not just cold hands, it's an appeal. It's a clear hand, but I'll keep it on. It is also an aristocratic affair to set up these kinds of prefabrications. To that extent, Jean had gained the world too.

"Uhm. Well, in the afternoon interview, we shall be careful with each other. As I said earlier, the Viscount is an alchemist out of line. I don't know what kind of handouts they have."


I'm not familiar with the alchemist's handouts, but I guess I've never been cautious. As an aristocrat, the lack of common sense stands out, but I hear it's top notch on that side. Try not to get drawn to their mound.

Rubert remembered his liver.

... but that stuff was useless.

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