Started with the spring visit, Lord Marlan's new inn architecture proceeded at an astonishing rate and was completed.

Because the land is a periphery, it is not possible to elaborate on the decoration of the hall, but only the functional aspects have been prioritized and construction has proceeded.

In addition to mobilizing the inhabitants, they have also been able to complete the foundation work at considerable speed, for example by moving the golem owned by the Viscount of the Lords.

Built as an administrative hub for the Viscount, its hall sits outside the city, unlike the substitute mansion, which was the centre of the town. It was placed close to the intersection of the streets stretching into the region in order to administer the entire county as well as the town of Marlan, the capital of the county. Together, the former temporary residence of the Lords, the substitute mansion, is left as a stuffing ground for the ministers in charge of the town government.

The newly built mansion was a little more of a small castle than a hall.

Surrounded by deep walls, the main building houses a tower of sights. Beyond being cut off from the fortress protecting the town, these were natural preparations for thieves and monsters.

However, a solid and boneless stand-up, such as the one that drained the vanity and pursued profit only, throws an intimidating impression around in a different way than the mansion of deputies that flaunts the town.

If a traveler strayed in on a thunderstorm day found this inn in the lightning, it would have crushed his liver as if it were a demon castle inhabited by sooty demons.

"What a wonderful museum. He seems to be your brother."

A small, tall hill, away from a building that could neither be a museum nor a castle. A man standing there whines sarcastically.

Skin that has not been burned in the day in a clothing stretched with paste. Tidy beard. It is presumed, by virtue of his personality, perhaps aristocracy, but also of the quality of his clothing, that he would come out of a small body such that he would be subordinate to another house.

The man looks back with a seemingly dignified trick.

"How about you guys? I'm heading to the Viscount's quarters now, but, yeah, like, without being distracted?

What I was told was the four shadows I had kept away behind the man's back.

The outfit turned from an aristocratic man and was boneless somewhere. Though it is worn beautifully to ensure that it is not ugly to go to the Viscount's Hall, it is obviously armed that the objects that surround it are chainmails or breast plates. Though it was also the dirt that was paid off, it was clearly seen to have been used up in action, with fine scratches engraved there.

For an escort knight, there is no unity in the equipment, nor does it appear to have any connection with decorative objects.

A race that may be able to act together with nobility while equipping itself with such characteristics. There is only one such thing on the Ithusela continent.

I am an adventurer.

"Even if I know. He seems to be temporarily hired as an exquisite escort, and he's supposed to be well-behaved and fearful, right?

Said four leader-like light-dressed swordsmen. Though he wears chest armor and armor on his elbows, knees, and tibia, he is able to see ideas there that do not inhibit his appearance. It is an offensive avant-garde position and other equipment that strikes a blow with a sword while moving around gently.

"But you wouldn't mind as much as a treat spill, would you? I can't believe you're accompanying the nobleman's banquet. That's all I want."

"... whatever you want. But I don't want to talk about what you're offering."

Say, the aristocratic-style man snarls his nose.

"Somehow they are that infamous [slave killer]..."

Today, the inaugural feast was supposed to take place in this new residence of Marulan lord Turius Shrounan Ovenil, inviting officials of the people.

The main participants were the neighborhood lords, the earthlings in the county, the merchants with whom they were dating and going in and out - and the main homeowners who entrusted the land to him.

Most importantly, the Count of the Prince, the Viscount's brother, had reserved himself for sending his name as something he could not let go of in the King's capital. But it is an open secret that it is only a pretext, and that the true reason is brotherhood, but death.

The Green Regiment, an adventurer party operating in the Wang capital, Brosenne, came here in the name of escort of its Earl's name.

"But you're more of a killer landscape than I imagined, or a plain mansion"

Toad, the leader of The Green Regiment, said as he looked around the hall at the front door.

The floor was laid with a red carpet, only a new building and not a drop of dust. But the art and decorations that are common in the homes of the wealthy were scarce. The painting is about the extent to which the portrait of the first contemporaries of the Ovenil family - the simulation - is hung on the dance floor of the stairs leading to the second floor connected by a blowout. It could be said that the statues sitting in the center of the hall, the vases and pedestals placed at the penetration of the hallway, were extremely poorly coordinated like the noble mansion that Toad had in mind.

"How dare you live a life of caution?

Ask your client, a famous man, in a whisper.

I thought it would be ignored, but the man replied as he only looked back at his neck.

"Well, I guess I'll have to. This land, as we saw on the road, is rural..."

The voice clearly lurks with the colour of insult and contempt.

The profession of aristocracy is the kind of business that lives to sell good looks. Placing expensive artwork and furniture at home is a great opportunity to show it to visitors. So, what if there's not much extremely expensive stuff like this mansion? The answer is as you can see. Licked by other nobles. At the very least, they don't even think they can afford to decorate themselves.

Of course, if you continue to make expensive purchases that are not suitable for your age, you will be considered a waster, and if the alignment is not in a certain way, you will be taken lightly as being wild. Skillfully adding to and subtracting from the neighborhood is what makes you the most glamorous person in the social world. However, in the case of Turius Ovenil, the spoon itself is thrown out of the question.

The toad felt that it was difficult to detect the situation in the area with his skin and to call it nobility.

"Too bad... I thought I could worship a treasure unique to the noble mansion"

The youngest wildfire in the party is blurry with his hands twitched.

A fellow magician gently pokes "here" and his head with a cane.


"Stop it, it can't be. That's what I'm talking about, so I can't believe it's a sheaf."

Functions responsible for unlocking locks, disarming traps, and scouting are referred to as rangers or wildfires in the Alliance. But in fact, there was also the practice of the old days of calling it sheaf. Sheaf means bandit. In order not to confuse it with what is sometimes also the subject of crusade quests, it has been changed to the current way of calling it, but once rooted customs do not disappear easily. In fact, many former bandits have washed their feet in the Rangers.

"Stop being a comic genius. We are now the escorts of this noble husband."

"Mm-hmm. We should make sure there's nothing ugly going on, and we shouldn't hurt our client's life, not just his honor."

When the toad pinched his mouth, the same avant-garde position, Heavy Warrior, also agreed.

Seeing that, my client's nobility shifts his gaze from this one with a sigh of sigh. If the toads hadn't skipped their attention, they would have eaten a novel from him.

It is then.

"Oh, this is..."

A young nobleman descends the stairs of the hall. He was accompanied by a ministerial-like blonde man beside him.

His face is young. I don't know if it will be twenty yet.

The outfit was exciting. This black vest stands out for its silver embroidery on a deep red justcole with a hint of gold thread embroidery. Decorating the neck is a shiny white clavat. It is the first Dada man to come out of a night club in Wangdu, but it will be the plain of the face that dresses it at all costs. It's never ugly, rather a neat category, but it looks like it lacks luxury. The gentle smiling expression also gives the impression that he is somewhat troubled by being followed through with a costume of attire. The accompanying minister's youth would look better dressed like this later on.

"- Hi, you're my older brother, aren't you? Welcome to Marlan. I'm Turius."

The appearance of such a conversation was, above all, the impression that people were unfamiliar with the noble Sousuke. So much so that the toad is about to forget all the bad reviews that have been asked about him.

Don't forget. This young nobleman is the culprit who lost the name of the Ovenil family in Brosenne's social circle. He is a man abhorred to the point of [Slave Killer], [Cannibal Snake].

The famous man smiled.

"No, My Lord Viscount, your own welcome is all about fear. Anyway, today, I've come a long way in my brother's name."

And it is a greeting with a floating following of teeth. I don't think he was cursing this young man extremely much until earlier. It seemed like a change.

Though open to the pre-construction of the aristocratic society, the members of the Toad Hereafter "The Green Regiment" poke one knee as a tribute to you.

Viscount Ovenil noticed this one and tilted his little neck.

"Oh, what about you guys?

"I hired you as an escort on the road, for the adventurer."

"The journey. The streets are noisy these days. … please, give me your name"

Sometimes forgiveness came out, and the toad looked up.

"I'm leading the party 'The Green Regiment', my name is Toad"

"I ask you once, what's your rank?

"Ha. We have received a rating from the Alliance with Class C"

"Class C... I guess you mean top of the middle class. As an escort on the road, even this number is reasonable."

Ovenil that unexpectedly shows familiarity with the circumstances of the adventurer. No, if you think he is the owner of the adventurer [Silver Wolf] who reigned in the king's capital until a few years ago, you know and deserve to know about the area.

[Uni the Silver Wolf]. Toad has also rubbed off several times. I don't know what you're thinking, she was a faceless, creepy daughter. The arm is definite and hardly damages the quest, a monster who, despite being solo, had done an unusual amount of requests in a short period of time. I have to be anxious to get ahead of this job, thinking of her presence, which would probably be somewhere in the hall.

"These are painful men, but I would also like to offer them His Excellency's mercy."

"... Viktor"

"Ha. We'll do people and show them to the barracks immediately"

The blonde young man, known as Viktor, went to call people when he turned back on his heels for his graceful work.

(First Gate Break, or)

Toad learns relief inside. Hate for this Viscount to let other adventurers in, I told him to use it even in the town inn, and it was almost a hassle.

Viscount Ovenil smiles softly.

"Until the time of the feast, please take your time. It's a new mansion with no sights."

The toads were guided by barracks built on the property. I guess I'll let the soldiers I gather sleep here when things go wrong. It is a murderous room with only two bunk beds and a table.

"We'll bring you drinks and more later. Bye."

A guide maid withdrew in a courtesy. On its neck was a silver glowing collar. Maid clothes and a slave collar. The combination reminds me as much as possible of faces I don't want to worship.

As if to shake it off, Toad called out to his people.

"Hey, what do you say?

"... there are no signs around. You don't feel particularly monitored."

Says as the man in the wild lowered his hand that was on his ear.

Other faces opened their mouths, as they cut it off.

"And you're really just a slave, this mansion...... or the castle? Ha."

"Absolutely. Normally, a maid should be the daughter of an apprentice."

"How can you be so hopeless? The nobles here."

"Rather, you're surprised that there's finally a living slave. Speaking of Ovenil's second son, he's a bad hobbyist who buys slaves and kills them."

"Is this an example rumor that you're using as an alchemy experiment bench?"

And, magician.

"What a frown spit, that story."

"Really? I've heard that alchemists do a lot of research to become immortal."

"It's an absurd subject, it is. Alchemy is the magic involved in the permanent change of matter in the first place. Turn a herbal blend into a potion, or let weapons and protective equipment carry magic to make it a courtesy. It's what makes it your job to give those objects strange properties, so they must look frigid."

The magician's words were spicy. You hate being superstitious in one of those areas because you have earnestly learned magic and have survived it.

Amusing the reaction, young wildfires tease

"So, what? Is that Viscount actually a good man or something?

"I can't say enough short circuits. Alchemy is a historical discipline, but not all the people who are learning it are good people. Perhaps there is no such thing as a very evil man who wields slavery."

"Not that all alchemists are perverts, but that Viscount is a special pervert."

"Well, that's the thing. In fact, during the Wang du period, he bought so many slaves that he couldn't get into that main mansion, even if he just looked it up lightly, many of them interrupting his footsteps there. Some of them were brought here when they moved here."

"And he said there's also that [silver wolf] mixed in there"

"Stop it, don't remind me of anything unpleasant"

Toad accidentally hands on temples.

[Silver Wolf] 's final rank is C as well as ours. It is also said, however, that it actually has the same strength as the A-rank. When I rubbed it with a party made up of B-ranks to prove the rumor, I was single and destroyed this.

"Besides, there's talk of having another adventurer"

"A Rank B swordsman like [two-handed sword]? He's from Zanktogaren."

"Oh, boy. If so, that's a problem."

"Oh, I can't believe we're scratching two adventurers better than ourselves and investigating, huh?


That is the purpose of the 'Green Regiment', which dived into this hall in the name of the escort.

The main source of the request is the Count, Linus Strain Ovenil, who is the head of the Ovenil main house.

- Don't let your brother aggravate the vice of the example, investigate your predisposition. After going to the territory, it is suspicious, on the contrary, that there is no particular tone out. Officials who have been recruited by Wang Du are also likely to be embraced and, if so, may be committing evil acts that go beyond the usual slaughter of slaves. If you have the evidence, deliver it to yourself in secret. A lot.

The point is, it's a handkerchief in a brother-to-brother fight.

"- But I shouldn't do it."

I am not pessimistic about having to spoil my aristocratic running dog. But over the past few years, we have been in a mood for a leap forward as adventurers of the Green Regiment. I can tell you I saw a limit. I went up to the C-rank, which was a distraction to one end of the middle class, but that's where the growth hit the head. The toads didn't have enough of what it took to get to the next stage as adventurers. That could be talent about combat and exploration, or adventurousness challenging difficulties. It's something I don't know exactly. But for that reason, I've been stepping in front of a class B wall for years.

When they became aware of that, they realized how long they were only beginning to seek stability. Every day rubbing down lives, the taking of pies with synchronization and predecessors, the rise of the young, the decay that will eventually surely come. If you're aware, you've got toads, you've got thirties, and your partner's heavy warrior. Even though they were annoyed or frightened by them, they were disgusted. The Wizard and Novo are only in their twenties, but they have been in this industry for ten years. They were also aware of themselves as growth was slowing down. Even if it goes on for a long time, it won't go that high.

So what do we do?... I just have to quit being an adventurer. But just dropping out, the only way we can fight is to get lost in the streets without even being able to live more often now, or to fall for criminals who make violence their livelihood.

That's where we're going. Spoil an aristocratic dog and engage in intelligence for political purposes. That's a hard way to go, but at least the other person is a regular person. You don't have to literally stand up to an outside monster alone, run around secluded secrets, or shred your sneeze with people who do that to cross your nose. It was an attractive choice for the toads.

Luckily for you, young Linus still doesn't have an adventurer to keep her own. If we accounted for it, we wouldn't be eating up at the moment. It takes courage to leave these dirty actors to a new face with no trust. Now if we take the Count's hand, we're our best old stock. If you do, you can use it for a long time and it will be kept warm to avoid losing it easily. That's the calculation.

"It's a tight job, but this is the last one. If we survive here, it's sunny and the Count keeper."

"Farewell to monster opponents every day."

"If you incorporate it successfully, you might even be a minister!

"And for that, you won't be able to do it all this time."


Say, Toad slaps his fist in the palm of his hand. There was a dry sound in the barracks room.

"Our future hangs. Neither [Silver Wolf] nor anyone else like [Two-Handed Sword] will let you get in the way...!

And that night.

There are several roundtables arranged in the hall of the mansion, on which there are small plates serving dishes. Was it offered by the inhabitants, the flesh was enriched with cattle, sheep, pigs, birds and all kinds, each with a fragrant hot air. Although it is a mountainous country, I think it was even deliberately picked up from the commercial capital of Canales across the border, and it is also served with seafood. Among them, the steamed shrimp, which was held in the arms of an adult, was a roll.

It is a night feast to celebrate the inauguration of the new residence of Marulan lord Turius Shrounan Ovenil. The toads were also gently familiar in their seats where they were told that they had made the most of their luxury for the day. Though it is originally a place where civilians and others may be picked out, this feast also invites the rich farmers in the territory. In its argument, the "Green Regiment", a seconded nominal escort, cannot be said to be a fine guest either.

A place where nobles, merchants, expose themselves to what they have dressed up in is terribly uncomfortable for boneless dressed adventurers. Tullius Ovenil finally stood on the stage at the tip of a hurried toad's gaze as to what might not start early.

"Thank you all very much for coming together today to celebrate the completion of this mansion."

The Lord of the newly erected Viscount cut off the greeting with such words,

"- Well, what do you call a long story when you're as young as you are? Enjoy yourselves, everyone. That's it."

... and promptly drew the curtain.

Even from the eyes of a toad, it is a behavior that can only be considered a joke of some kind. Isn't it usually a greeting on such occasions that takes place after expressing gratitude or something to the King or to the Church, or after something like that has been exchanged? If you look at it, the guests around you are also opening their mouths with pokans and leaking laughter. He looked up to heaven to cover his eyes for shame, such as a minister youth named Viktor.

"... this is an unexpected behavior on the part of the Count's genealogy"

"Wow, aren't you worried about keeping us waiting?

"Stupid. You have to do your best to show your gratitude."

"Although I gave you the Viscount, I heard the reality was exile from the capital, but you get it..."

The aristocrats, the elderly, etc. were even seeping through this blatant discomfort. They say words of disdain and dismay in their mouths as they lick the wine served.

Regardless, I will not do anything to raise my voice to the audience. As a result, Turius stepped off the stage and waited for the guests to greet him.

"Leader. That boy, even if we don't look into it, won't he be improperly converted?


Whilst scolding the wild mood that slips my mouth through the breadth, I think it might be so on the inside.

Even from a toad who doesn't even know how to behave in a awed setting, Turius Ovenil's behavior was out of the question. Honestly, I don't think that naive young man can do it without difficulty in the aristocratic society. Somehow I let all the relevant nobles gathered here get the impression that it was bad and dark, even if it was good. And that information will get on a social information network and spread instantly. That much is only an adventurer. I can tell. It is the same in all worlds that you blindfold and deafen about the information of your peers.

In the meantime, there is a group headed to greet the Viscount later on with the nobles on their two feet. Merchants.

"Hey, the Viscount is a big layer unique!

"But sometimes it's money, even in our industry."

"Hi, it's something I have a deal with regarding the distribution of potions. Stay with me for the rest of my life."

"Anything, you think you're going to get your hands on the mine soon? At that time, there was one for us and one for us."

and others and was a storm of abandonment.

The man in the name of the main house snarls his nose.

"Hmm... how dare you do it to the person you see ahead"

"Probably a stomach for eating into rights while the easily awarded opponent is ruling"

Toad guesses so. There is no respect in the eyes of the merchants, even though they use their food. Instead, it was as tough as it was when I offered to rent to a house that provided for my upper-ball daughter. Words ingeniously take in, rooting in the economy of the territory, gripping the flow of gold. Whether the land will be served to the country in the future with a change of lord or not, the dimensions are that if there is a business going around with the merchants' investments, they will be able to grab the gold for a long time without being eliminated sooner.

against such a prospect. Viscount Ovenil,

"Hey, now it's a celebratory seat -"

I avoided saying so clearly.

"-Sa, please enjoy the dish before it gets cooler than that. Many things were taken from Canales, and those who came from his land may be tired of the ingredients, but go ahead and enjoy our flavors."

"Ugh, um"

"Your Excellency, if it is an immediate recommendation..."

It is not a way of distracting the inside. but why couldn't I say hello to it? Even from toads, they suffer from understanding.

"More than that, sir. Is it a good job to be famous?

"I know... I'm coming now"

Urging, the man of fame pulled the tannic side into the neglect and headed to greet him.

Looking at it, the toad thought again that nobility was a big deal. Unlike adventurers whose strength simply speaks of things, there are so many extra glitches. But it is also certain that there is some kind of stability, which is not found in the rough society of meritocracy.

And I was just thinking,


There were those who spoke to the toads.

Turn around, unwittingly. A maid with a clear expression that glimpses emotions into a figure that beautifully conceived the solidity of something. And on its neck shines the silver collar from which the alias originated.

(Gi, [Silver Wolf]......!?

In this Marlan, there was the person you least wanted to meet.

Definitely, it was [Uni the Silver Wolf]. Sure, he was still a teenager, and the first look he had seen in years was somewhat taller and more feminine in shape, but there was no mistake.

"Hey, what can I do for you?

Always calm down and sanitize the companions who are hardened by surprises with their elbows.

Why did you speak to yourself? Have you been distracted by the purpose of the investigation?

Toad driven in agony under his face disguised as plain. toward him. Uni,

"... how about a drink?

Offer a basin with a bottle of liquor and a glass for the number of people.

Unexpectedly, his shoulders were about to fall down.

"Oh, no... fine. We were escorted. I don't think there's anything going on in the Viscount's hall anymore, but just in case, please don't drink anything."

"Do you have it on your left? Now if you'll excuse me."

Say thank you, and Uni walks away.

Dropping off its back, Toad and the rest of "The Green Regiment" exuberantly breathe relief.

"You surprise me. It's just a gift..."

"Even so... you were really a maid of honor, he"

"I've always wondered what the hell kind of drunkenness an apron dress adventurer is..."

"You don't really think you're even doing maids in combination, do you, normal"

Not at all. And the fact that such a concurrent business adventurer stands side by side with us above rank and pushes us alongside in strength. When I think about it, I skip myself and become vain.


and the party magician opens his mouth.

"It's been almost three years since she stopped taking quests. In the meantime, it would be helpful for us to focus on the maid."

"There's a blank," he said?

Sure it is. Adventurers are also human beings. No matter how much you increase your strength, if you don't get a chance to wield it, you drop your arms rapidly. Unadventurous adventurers also fade so that the horse trapped in the stable can't run faster.

If that were the case, the gap would be bigger than I thought.

Here, and look towards Uni. She was responding to one of the guests' nobles.

"Hey, you. It's been a long time since I've dried the glass, isn't it?

"Yes, I'm sorry"

"Pour it in quickly. … at all, it would be the muscle that cares about noble trends before civilians etc."

"I'm right. I know all about my immorality."

The toads round their eyes.

I didn't know [Silver Wolf], who made that king's capital so prestigious, was bowing his head to the claim of a wild middle-aged nobleman to see. Once the ascending adventurer had done the same thing to her, she had been neglected. But what is this? Isn't it just the maid herself who's really there?

The consternation went on even further.

"Hmm? Are you sure you want to apologize... Huh?


It was so outrageous that the toad I was watching didn't think I would raise my voice to be stupid.

The man of aristocracy, who was on the claim, let Yuni eat a thick five-finger with a potato worm in his ass, which he could see was also in shape from above that skirt, for good reason that he did not show willingness to resist.

It was a good way to grasp it when I heard it all the time. I just think he has an overwhelming hobby for abuse. So I could say that her brains are bouldering, not even as responsive as her hair muscles, but in this case, I'd say it's a bad hand not to even return rejection. The middle-aged aristocrat puts his mouth in her ear with a lowly grin.

"If it's a word of apology, why don't we hear it slowly later? Huh? Your lord prepared it for me, in my room... huh? Huh?"

I didn't hear you, but I guess that's what you said. I can tell by the movement of my lips. And his hand, which was gripping the flesh so tightly as to lift it up, turned and moved slightly like a slug.


Uni doesn't answer. I wouldn't like it. But it was in her capacity that I could honestly not return it to the aristocracy. This is how silver collars are supposed to fit. Instead, it was the behavior of the adventurer that was abnormal as a slave. Even now, the toad realized it.

I thought for a moment, let's go in and stop it.

The guests around you, while aware, don't try to stop them. Are you afraid of tiredness, or are you assumed to have touched so much that a good looking maid is picked by the customer? Either way, there is no motive to go into a halt to those who hold a contempt for Viscount Ovenil. If it were to move, there were only toads.

Though the biggest obstacle and thought existed to this request, I didn't want to see [Silver Wolf] fall any further. Assuming, we are an amazing former colleague, made to admit that we are not very hostile ourselves. I don't even know what she's accomplished, and I can't see her as an adventurer. The last remaining will of the rotor, who felt faded and limited and was looking for peace without adventure, hurts. My partner Heavy Warrior, who stands next to me, is also causing his eyebrows to jump up like freaks and cramps.

But just before that indulgent bag ran out,

"What are you doing here?

Her lord, Turius Shrounan Ovenil, broke into the field.

The aristocratic man can pull in like he was being played a hand he was doing on a woman's ass.

"Oh, oh, no... thanks, this girl's got a little crude phase"

It was a loving laugh like the one that pushed the tongue to death.

Toads can't help but leak their little tongues. Isn't that just an argument out of parade?

"Oh, really? Sorry about that."

When he heard the answer, Ovenil immediately bowed his head. The surrounding guest creates a twitch.

"Ko, this is Lord Ovenil! Something different..."

"No, the education of domestic servants is the Lord's duty. If there was a crude relationship with the customer, this is what I apologize for. Please, will you spare her this face?

"Ugh, no...!

To Viscount Ovenil's metaphor, the face of the noble man was greatly distorted. The host of the banquet immediately apologized. If we pursue it on top of each other, it's like hustling around for lack of yarn.

There, as if it were a chase, Uni also kneels and prostrates. It was the biggest apology, like rubbing your head against the floor. Beyond the Lord standing and bowing his head, slaves must be made to look worse than that.

"From me, too, I apologize for being overlapping and disrespectful. Please listen to the Lord."

"Well, that's not what they say..."

The nobility turns to Viscount Ovenil, ignoring Uni.

"Oh, put your face down, Viscount. I accept the apology. This is the one who seems to have disturbed himself with a disturbance that does not require a gaze meter, and I'm sorry I did it..."

"Did you understand! Hey, thanks!

Viscount Ovenil gave a full grin as he raised his face.

So the scene subsided. The nobleman leaves to another seat, dissatisfied, and the surrounding guests turn that way and get into irrelevant chatter. Later, the Viscount and the uni continued to prostrate themselves.

"You can stand now, uni"

"No, this time I hurt your husband's face in the eye-catching seat -"

"Including that, I said that's enough. I'm not mad."

"... Yes. I have great mercy on you."

"More than that, stay put for a bit. Like?"

When he got Uni up, Ovenil paid for the dirt on his skirt from his hand.

Even if it doesn't, it's well cleaned on top of the new building. Toad thinks it won't come with dust or anything. But the last thing I did, I finally got my intentions.

"Yes, this is the finish. Turn around."

"Behind you, sir?

That's how he gently tucked away to cleanse the area touched by her - that despicable man. That seemed like a terribly gentle gesture.


"Did the dirt come off, Uni?

In the words, the uni, with the colour of understanding on his face, confronts the Lord with the most salutation.

"... Yes. Thank you, sir."

The words of gratitude contained unspeakable sentiments of universality.





The toads were stunned by the sight.

What's your voice now?

Any slightly trembling voices like you pushed so hard to hide your chest moments?

Is that really [Silver Wolf] 's raised voice?

"Hey, leader."


"Different people, aren't they?

"I hope so..."

"But you can't go wrong with that face..."

"It looks like the same name..."

It was more of a shock than it was when she endured silently while being obsessed with nobility.

If so, I can still interpret it as squeezing patience for duty.

But I can't do that right now.

Whatever you think, I just think I'm glad the Lord cares about me. That's enthusiastic, too.

"Somehow, it was like a real normal maid of honor..."

"Rather than, I am not on my way with the Lord -"

"Wait, please! If you say that, you really have that [silver wolf] image!

"I mean, it's still easier to be convinced when you say someone else with the same name."

Not at all, Toad said.

From what I can see, the Uni of the day is back to work without noticing this observation. The expression is clear, but the footprint is somewhat light. Amateurs won't know, but from those who knew her once, albeit to a few different degrees, it's obviously a gaping walk. I always had a nervousness that reminded me just before that beast flew away, compared to my previous girlfriend, it is the difference between cloud mud. I'm really no different than just a maid of honor with that.

"Is it good to see that [Silver Wolf] has faded...? This."

No material was immediately found to deny the words of the magician.

And it was the same with a little thought.

Toad opens his mouth, feeling complicated thoughts.

"Even so, It can also be thought of as getting the old arr back with some kind of cut. Most importantly, there's no point in loosening it even further than the one we've lost."

"Right. Besides, you heard that maybe you brought in another adventurer, right?

"Are you the Zanktogaren swordsman like [two-handed sword]?"

"Maybe [Silver Wolf] hired you as a tecochon because you look like that?

"... maybe"

When I realized it, I stayed up late. The feast is almost over, and the toads' work is about to begin.

"In any case, it is forbidden to be alarmed. Until we do our job."

That's what I said, both of us tightened our minds.

Forecast where the family has fallen asleep, and multiply by the shade of night to survey this hall every corner. Since we can accommodate guests who have been invited to the feast, security will be tight in case nothing happens. Even if [Silver Wolf], which was the biggest concern, had weakened its threat, it should not have been an easy job.

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