"I don't have a very good sense of naming."

The boy laughed like he was in trouble for saying so.

Only fine lights can be relied upon in a dark basement.

"So, well, what. Don't expect me to have a very good name, okay?

That's okay, she thinks.

I don't have any memories of the previous name.

There may have been, but it's gone.

So when I thanked him, I first wished him a new name.

The past and present are disconnected and I don't think of myself as myself.

Dust mustard that has been molested, maimed, broken, disparaged, and corrupted by remains that were once human beings.

She was the doll made of such objects.

It doesn't stick to her now. It doesn't stick to her.

So any name is good.

She needed a new name to live with this body and this heart.

He thinks briefly before saying.

"So what about this?

Because you're my number one, I think it's a good name to attribute to...

The name suggested with such a pillow fitted perfectly into the heart full of holes.

That's an old word, 'unity' or 'single'... with that meaning.


Simply, in one.

The name that puts a simple meaning into the short and soft sound is the name that goes along with this body.

I resurrected the crushed fragments back into one, she deserves it now.

―― ―― ――……

I shrugged over and over about the name I was given.

To make them remember in their tongues and ears. Never forget no matter what.

An awkward pronunciation echoes the cold wall.

"What do you think? If you don't want to, you can think of something else."

To him who says so, shake his head to the side to deny it.

I shook my lips, and I think it's a good name, and I said yes.

I mean it, but would it have been pronounced right?

"Really? You seem to like it, I'm glad."

Fulfilling, he smiled at Nicole.

A gentle smile, but the colour of the eyes is hot and crisp and cold.

An eye with a broken contradiction as a person. As crazy as she is broken.

The remnants of a human being who was once her feared it, and the doll who is now her was attracted there.

"Well, shall we go? I have to introduce you to everyone in the mansion."

Say it. He reaches out to her.

The broken and resurrected girl picks the sleeves of the resurrected and crazy boy's clothes in horror.

Following his footsteps in an unconstrained stride, she ascends the stairs to the ground.

"... eh"

Out of the basement, dazzling sunlight burned the retina.

It's the light of life.

An empty mind with zero contents plays a raw sense of reality.

"Oh, and it's wonderful to be alive. Don't you think so?

Looking back, to the boy who melted his smile in the backlight, the girl hid the little highs and squealed.

Or maybe that was the beginning of it all.

The real end is that she was born, not that he was reborn.

It was just a crazy man-eater, but the day I got the broken wings on its back...

And the day the broken, crazy doll fell in love with her forever...

"Nevertheless, this reminds me of the old days."

I tried so hard to swallow myself into the rhythm of horseshoes and wheels.

To the words, one of the passengers returns them as if they were frightened.

"A long time ago, huh? It was just a year ago. I miss you so much."

Dooe. He seems somewhere unpleasant. Ha? Would you have remembered something disgusting about your carriage journey?

Now we're on the opposite side of the road we once came a year ago in the carriage.

The beginning is a piece of paper that fits in my clothes chest pocket.

A wedding invitation from my older brother, is. No, no, I didn't know you had a fiancée on that brother, oligarchy. I do hear that the first Fiancé fled his brother out of fear of my rumors, but when did he see a new opponent?

With that in mind, I open my mouth again.

"Situations are similar. Even if it reminds me of the same thing, there's something emotional about it."

Whatever you do, you will be summoned to the path that your brother drove you out last year. In addition, the same is true of those who are oddly on board.

Besides me, he was a guard, Doue, and a uni who always served beside me.

"Sure, it's a strange combination. Hey, your husband. You didn't try to make this combination, did you?

"No need for reckoning"

And, uni.

"It's simply a story about me and you being the right people in the Opus series."

That's the thing.

Dry is a dark elf with demon eyes. Standing out from existence, when my abilities break, I even expose myself to the seeds of my factional work. Sharr is out of the question. Bringing Vampire Road into the King's Capital is like selling a fight against the world instead of the country. Neither is Femme, not as dangerous as Schaal. Such a high-performance golem is like a black ship at the end of the day, a modern nuclear weapon, in this world. It overstimulates the other side, and most importantly, it is an auto part that is made of a phantom metal orihal cone. I still shouldn't take you.

Then, among the "works", I can only travel to the Wang capital about Douhe, who has long been my sidekick, Uni, and a former adventurer and now a Martial Officer of the Council of Ministers. Well, if I did, I'd be overpowered to defend myself.

"Besides, you've been stressful lately. Leaving the corner country, it's not a bad idea to stretch your wings slowly in the King of Flowers capital, is it?

Joking and saying so, Dooe still snorted in a grumpy manner.

"Say stupid. Even if you go to the colorful streets, Arquel's … Especially the Brossenne woman, the perfume is too tight. There's no such thing as a teething iron fire in Kingsguard's knee capital."

Well, it makes sense. The kingdom of Arquelle is also the cutting edge of fashion, as it calls it, for example, 'the land and the land of art' … Apparently. I don't know much about it. [M] Therefore, the mode of perfume also begins with its capital, the King's capital, Brosenne. A perfume that I'm unfamiliar with sniffing, there's something a little spicy about a man. Without it, the habit of bathing is not so popular, so I look at it terribly.

And even if there is a strong man that Dooe will be content with, he will not come across so in a place where he can be fully present. He's right, it's a city protected by the kingdom's finest Kingsguard Knights. Security is good, and the dangers of the dungeons in the vicinity are not high. That was partly due to the continued C-rating of the Uni who ran around doing all those massive quests.

Preferring a woman with a refreshing temper, it would be a boring place to stay next to that omnia for Dooe, who is also born in Zanktogaren, the land of Shura.

Hmm? How do you know what Dooey likes? Neither did I come from the crotch of a tree, nor did I come from a wood stone. That much is understandable if you watch him behave.

"Oops, bad. No, you were a Brosenne girl, too."

And so on, and as I recall, Dooe apologizes to Uni.

but she said,

"? I'm your husband's slave, though?

And, I lean my little neck strangely to show it.

"Oh yeah... right..."

The boulder Dooe was also finally able to return a strong bitter laugh.

Before being a woman, a slave and a tool. If we had acted together for a year, I think it would be good to know as much as she thinks.

Well, Uni also has enough sensibility to be angry about someone's sexual harassment, so is there any reason for misunderstandings?

He tries to change the subject at first sight.

"But. I wonder what kind of blow your brother will have."

"Are you inviting me to the wedding? Viktor and the others said it was a conspiracy."

When the letter arrives, we consult closely about the area. I can only assume that my brother's call to me at this time is intended to interfere with the faction-building of examples or some kind of plot in parallel. I don't need to be told that much.

I know... Marriage cannot be done by itself unless it is also a Pugmalion. So how did you find that person? I never knew this neighborhood. Probably a political marriage guided by around the Marquis of Lavalle. but the faction over there is also a gathering of human beings, and there are quite a few thoughts for each and every one of them. How many houses in it would benefit to be married to the Ovenil family, fulfilled?

"No, that's not what I meant. Marriage is the most important thing in my life, and the thought of draining your husband is hooked... and that's a little bit more efficient than you, so it's easy to understand."

"Don't be rude. I'm sure you don't like waste, but even I have the heart to break romance."

I argue so. [M]

Femme is like a chunk of my hobby, and the maid clothes worn by Uni and M-Series are designed by hand because the general design is too wild. It's a B-series butler's outfit. I'm proud to say I'm a man who can't get out of shape as well as function. Efficiency strain refers to someone like that Professor Grauman, who breaks even his daily diet with mere nourishment. I know I'm not a vain hater of the kingdom of Arquel, but I'm not enough to name Ithusela the continent one on a boulder.

"Well, your husband. What do you want from a married man?

"Huh? Right...... the meal, is made by the maid, and you don't need the fortune so far. Force? No, no, that's what you're gonna do by asking your daughter-in-law. Um, I wonder if you share my feelings about immortality, and if so, the kind that will make it happen. It's fine if I don't even get in the way. If you're a good match for your current status, it's a good place."

"In the end, isn't it efficiency?"

and an ever-shuddering doue.

"That's what I say, Dooey. Marriage of nobles is efficient in the end. Is the family compatible, has a aristocratic education as a kitten, can the child have proper... love but love, there are various conditions before such things. Love is a concubine after fulfilling your duty to survive your home. Even my brother says so around here. It's a business-like, very dry job. Well, that's why when you're young enough not to swallow it, you run into fantasy about romance."

This is not my own philosophy. [M] It is one of the methods shared by the entire nobility of this world. The idea of a full Matismo, with very little choice for women, but there is no choice because society itself is a feudal system that matters to your house. Enlightenment of the idea of democratisation and human rights is imperative if we are to overturn this. but it's something I'm not interested in, and I can't agree with you as someone who's taking advantage of the privileges of nobility quite a bit. If I had been born into a woman or a civilian, I might have made a leap to do something about it.

"And civilians are similar, aren't they?

"Well, yeah. You're noble daughter-in-law, you're past the depressed ones, and the peasants don't decide who they're dealing with based on how many children they're going to have. You don't want to marry a poor man, you don't want to have a daughter."

In the end, every identity is this. What matters is pre-construction and profitability, and emotions are second and third.

Freedom of marriage in this world, what a title is, is only limited freedom, choosing from among those narrowed down from the beginning. I don't even have that freedom in some cases. A good, broken heart, bad, sad heart would be ahead of you trying to force you to accompany your opponent out of the filters. I'm not waiting for a busy outcome. So most noblemen make mistresses and run to romance that's not the way they look down on marriage. That is the source of tragedies, large and small.

Thinking about it, are you still an adventurer who is the most free to choose who you're dealing with? They are an operation of a single arm that does not have to be bound by the identity of the opponent, and some awesome arms can sometimes be held by nobles like this doue. You won't go as far as marrying a royal princess to a boulder, but still the breadth of the lowest line and highest reach is overwhelming compared to others.

"Whoa, you're out of line. Shall we get back to the subject? By the way, what does Uni think?

"... Ah, yes. What is it?

"About my brother's marriage. As I told you, I don't think I'd have any hesitation about even including marriage as part of the plot."

Uni's reaction to being told the story is very unexpected. It usually returns the answers that it sounds like.

"Right. I think your husband is right."

"I don't know... that pride-looking Count Hall? I don't think I like the idea of plotting to discredit an important milestone in my life, which is a wedding."

"I don't like to take it, which means if I give it back, I'll take it if it's stuck in my feathers. Anyway, I'm showing signs of a shift from defense to offense. [M] My brother, who hates me, felt he could reach out from here on the other hand, didn't he? Whatever means you choose, I'm not surprised."

"I don't care if you ask me."

"And even if my brother didn't like it, he might have burned it from the Marquis of Lavalle. He would also want to marry his brother to take him completely into his faction. It shouldn't be that hard to get a young man who can't even reach the thirtieth, to get him to agree to a wedding in his mouth."

Even if I just heard from Viktor et al., he is a grandfather who seems to do the plot to that extent.

The victor, by the way, has been kept away in Marlan this time. He is too close to the Marquis. He won't have to worry about treason because he's been molested with brain miso, but he also feared being distracted from his terminal attitude. So I left him this time. Accompanied by another carriage are a few of the chiefs, mainly Rubert. All sorted from those with weak connections to the Marquis. On the contrary, they may suspect the act from there, but they wouldn't expect me to be involved with the former Marquis faction.


Nevertheless, what would have happened when I was a uni? I'm kind of suddenly low on mouth count. Sure, he's a silent kid, but he shouldn't hesitate to tell me what I need or wonder.

Was there anything wrong with you?

I remember a year ago. One of the maids also freaked out that day when I drove down this road in a carriage. Although that wasn't a big problem because it was mass-produced, this time it's uni. It is irreplaceable and, above all, lacks the equipment to maintain it. It is also an arrowhead to the king's capital, which is the home of the enemy. Her malaise can cause trouble.


(Ma, you'll be fine)

I was so optimistic. [M]

Oh, my God, she's my greatest masterpiece. The occurrence of fine errors is inevitable, but it does not cause problems that drive the approximation crazy. If I wake up, I'll do something for myself, or if I'm out of my hands, I'll be honest with you.

That's what Uni is all about.

"... why don't you do it with a little more care?

That's how Dooey squeaks as he scratches his head.

I guess he notices how Uni is doing too. You look like a man with a flesh bullet, but that's his physical side, and there's some extra detail on the inside. I know that too.

But only this time, I don't need to worry about it.

"Well, what are you talking about?

I glance out the window. [M]

It's a long way from a year ago, but unlike before this time, I never ran into a bandit.

Even today, the Ovenil mansion in the King's capital was a place of conspiracy, even though he said he was refraining from a remarkable wedding.

Marquis Lavalle, the tenant who set this up, is still on the terrace, even though he said it was as if this house were to serve him tea.

"Are you really close to the Marquis?

Linus glanced at the lady who said so in a sigh. Because the intention of sarcasm was obvious.

"Don't be told that, Miss Simone. Our wedding has been marked by extraordinary dedication."

"Then why don't you say it more happily? And the way you talk to the person you're going to be your wife, isn't that too much other manners?

A warrant to slash and throw away Linus's rebuttal. She was, as the saying goes, the woman who will be his wife tomorrow.

The person I met face-to-face just a month ago. On the eve of my marriage, I still didn't grow that kind of emotion. The dissatisfaction with it had manifested itself at the end of the attitude, but there was a yawning to such an extent that it could not be shown in public. Linus preferred to be a little gentler if you speak of greed, but his face was also in the higher category. I'm not concerned about the family, but as someone in a political marriage, it's a good property.

She...... Simone's home was a cold gate to such an extent that her daughter could hardly be recognized for dowry to the Count. I guess it's on me again that I was promoted to this sudden wedding as a bridesmaid. Still, she is also a highly educated daughter to the point where her background allows too much. Her parents' smile was drawn to her when she came to greet her when she had decided to talk. I saw that I didn't want the balls in my hand to be daughter-in-law in such a notorious house. You must have wanted me to go to a proper house, even if the title was lower.

That also makes Linus feel drawn again. Her parents were truly a fine nobleman compared to that abominable fool brother. This one has the burden of pulling their pretty daughter like a cat child for a plotting marriage. When I think about it, my mouth that leaks objections is also heavier.

"... I came all the way here the day before the wedding. I don't want you to entertain me."

"So why don't they go early? If I'm too heavy for you, I'm going to get upset."

He's discouraging the faction's leaders and telling them to go home.

It's not that I have no choice. This marriage was first formed by the Marquis' compulsion. Until the Marquis raised her to the stage as a handkerchief - no, as a stage device, this daughter should have had her own life as well. That's what this is all about to get ahead with the ruse. Not only Linus, but also the setup behind it, will have enough thoughts.

In terms of hating that monster grandfather, this man and woman were also comrades. The only thing that makes sense is that.

"Even if I know. I'm not staying long with that one."

Linus headed to the terrace, returning an answer containing half his desire.

The Marquis is still enjoying his tea today while using the mansion's services like his own minister. It was the same little hatred as usual. When I get rid of Turius, I just want you to screw him, but I don't even know how much more I'm going to live with this. If I did poorly, I might have lived to ninety or a hundred.

Anyway, in the downward care narrative, I also hear that you are old and flourishing.

- You just have to let the desecration sneak in and fade away.

Linus bowed his head as he swallowed such a scolding.

"I'm sorry. Looks like you've been waiting a long time."

"Miss Simone let me go inside. What is it? Jealous. Ho."

My eyes are cold as I leak a mild laugh along with the jokes. As much as the two couples who will be husband and wife starting tomorrow are all out of dislike for themselves, this old man will be a prospect. Because of this behavior, it was the thickness of the skin on the surface at all.

"I'm afraid you didn't have enough to carry? How many minutes have we been standing up?"

You will be the one who set this wedding up. Unless you're busy, you should be knocking sunshine into your head, too. Why did you come here the day before that?

Turning to the words with such intent, the old Marquis narrowed his eyes with pleasure.

"Don't hurry. Don't hurry. Enough with that."

Say, Lavalle sips another sip of tea.

And then I glanced at the street under my eyes... rarely glanced at him.

"- The nobles! We remember our anger!

A despicable anger clings to the streets where noble premises are lined up and supposed to be quiet.

Seeing, a man of ingenuity wrapped in a white cloth around his head raised his voice and walked down the street with a huge gesture. Behind it, a dozen tired men and women follow. Some of them had raised crude flags, which read, "Bread and mercy to the people", "The wine glasses of the nobles are poured with blood squeezed from us", etc.

"We liberate from the oppressors -!"

"Oh, the activists, the civilians you call"

Linus snorted in disdain as well as dew.

Brosenne has more of those kinds of deals these days. A frivolous collection of needy urban workers and fleeing peasants flowing from the provinces. It's a fine title to improve the status of the civilian population by reducing taxes, but the intrusion is that the predators are just squeezing out the air stuck in their empty bellies in a nasty way. In short, it is a bulk that has changed place and makeup. That was Linus's... No, the view of the nobles moving this country.

"What are the policemen doing, too? Such as walking in the face of the noble city... the world is over."

Or more than an old man right beside him, the groom leaks an uncomfortable exhale to the people who damage the atmosphere on the eve of the wedding.

Fools who stick their mouths in the political path beneath the heavens without knowing to take it to your breed, without paying taxes satisfactorily, and without saving themselves an untrained self. Linus moaned that slaves were still better off for enough of this with collar ties.

"Nanriri. This is the end of a messy rule, too. Therefore, this country must be brought to justice as soon as possible."

The Marquis of Lavalle said so in his outpouring.

"To my mind, the masses are clay craftsmen. In an attempt to shape only, if there is no strong bone in it, it collapses easily and ugly. They need a solid pillar to support the giant that came together."

In short, I would say that is the royal authority. Linus realized his face was getting sinister.

"... I know your high theory hurts my ears, but I am also holding back from eye-catching days. Please don't."

I am your son-in-law who refrains from the wedding, and you are its mediator. I didn't come here to have a dirty political conversation. When I glanced at him as he seeped through those thoughts, the Marquis of Lavalle snorted as if it didn't seem interesting.

"So don't rush... I came here today, see, there's something called a drawer at the wedding? I was wondering if your brother would be glad to finally get what he had been searching for more than before. Would you give it to me from the hand of my husband, the Earl, if I may?

"Drawers, is it? That's..."

To Lavalle's words, Linus swallows a hard spit.

[Drawers] - It was an ultimatum referring to a trick at the wedding seat.

Has it also prepared any measure to control the death of Turius?

To Linus, whose eyes sparkle with anticipation I did not know, the Marquis offered a box wrapped in wrapping paper.

From the response, the contents are as light as if they were empty, and the wrap is thick on the crack. Perhaps even behind the packaging there are details of the plan and so on. Linus perceives it and solves it carefully so as not to break the wrap.

Consequently, the packaging, which had been sprinkled multiple times, still had a tight text written on the back.

"Ko, is this......!?

He rounded his eyes to what was written.

(Is it possible? This is what......!?

It was a scandal involving a certain nobleman. It's an old story, not very much but I don't think it has anything to do with that brother, but... a single line was connecting Turius to that case. What odd edge. And based on that scandal, it sharpens the opponent's battle power and also blunts his later actions. Detailed plans for such measures were described.

"Are you surprised? I don't think I can find anything like this anymore. I checked the origin just in case, so I delayed giving it to you. Forgive me."

That's what the Marquis explains to Linus.

That means we've already taken the backing. This is the big trick. There is no way a schemer with as much experience as the Marquis can put information on the root of a possible false newspaper.

"Meh, no extermination..."

The linus thing accidentally cages my mouth. I had to return that reaction.

If we implement this measure, if we are bad, we may develop into a disturbance in the house of a certain noble nobleman. It could also affect the political situation of Wang Du.

But Linus didn't have any itching when it got out of hand. This living, filthy old schemer, Marquis Lavalle, sets it up, because he is treading that the loss is greater in return by multiplying the scale. I guess he's playing the Abacus when it's eventually positive, even if there's some wave turmoil. It's not much to do with Linus himself either. On the contrary, it should be a definite psychological and political blow to that stupid brother. This is such a thing.

It was just a question of how far the target knew the seeds of this great trick.

"Do you know about this... fool?

"Well. But if I knew, I would have prescribed it the right way."

Think a little when you're told. To the best of my knowledge, there is no sign of it. I mean, Turius is defenseless against this trick.

- Decide.

This measure will always be decided. Linus was strongly convinced.

The Marquis tells him to embarrass him for deviating.

"It's just that this grandfather doesn't know what a young man's taste is. Whether your brother, this gift alone will please you enough to wash your chest..."

Due to the nature of the measures, it is not immediately possible to push Turius.

But enough. If this measure is decided, Turius will greatly reduce his fighting power. At least I can expect a big upset. If you hang two arrows there, three arrows and a chase, you can always discuss it.

Nevertheless, this monster is still not the only one who realizes such a fact and prepares for this kind of trick. He is the next person to hate that demon, but all this time he thought it was good to put together.

Linus bowed his head from his red heart for the first time against the Marquis of Lavalle.

"Deeper consideration, it feels innumerable. I'm sure you'll care about your brother."

If you can, you can also be called to heaven as is.

I don't want you to go to hell.

As soon as that bastard died, it didn't matter.

(Come quickly, Turius...)

The wedding is tomorrow. The hateful brother was supposed to arrive in King's Capital by the end of the day at the latest. The deadline is only and it is an action that does not seem like a nobleman who should be able to afford it. But fortunately, Turius is not afraid of this trick.

(All this time, let's welcome you to the first cup of eyes......!

Thinking, looking down the street outside the terrace.

Until earlier, the crowd was chased by the rushing police officers, who were confused to scatter the spider child.

Flirted by power and authority, without the art of exchange.

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