Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

029 Ghost of the Eleventh Year

The place was moved to the reception room at the Ovenil mansion, where the meeting between Turius and Uncle Caltan began. The witness is Marquis Lavalle. Even if my buddy will be there until he throws out the bride and groom, it means he's going to cry too hard.

Count Pierre Caltan, who somehow lowered his back on the couch, raised his voice towards Uni, who tried to stand behind the opposite Turius.

"What are you doing, Henrietta? Sit next to me."

"Count. I repeat, I..."

Turius blocked his hand from stopping Uni, who tried to put in a no.

"I am the Viscount. He's the Count."

In other words, Turius is inferior to the title at hand. I don't know if she really is what Uncle Kartan calls a parting daughter, but he is superior in his identity.

That he commanded the slaves of Turius is an order to Turius as it were.

"... was shallow, my lord"

Head down to Turius, Uni showing that he is only his slave.

Kartan peels his eyes at the appearance, then glances at Turius to see his parents' revenge.

No, the child's vengeance, Dooe rethought.

If his words were correct, Turius would have kept the Count's daughter as a slave.

Besides, it is unclear whether the Count knew, but as an adventurer he was sending him to danger and even putting his life at risk.

If you can do it, you'll want to tear it apart with your own hands. If that happens, Uni will stand up for himself, but he will stop, and Dooe will have to take refuge according to orders planted in his head.

When Uni was present with the Count in his adult presence, his swordswallowing gaze finally subsided. Floating instead are the eyes of a father who sees his daughter, with mercy and mercy.

"Uncle Kartan."

An euthanasia chair placed between the two sofas' peeps. Marquis Lavalle cut the fire as he settled his hips there.

"Lord Turius is also bewildered by the way things are done. Can you tell me the truth from your lord's mouth?

When I heard it from Teng himself, who set it all up, what a glamorous word. If you know everything anyway, you just have to explain it to yourself, and I think so.

"Excuse me. I understand..."

Kartan smiled with a sinister look.

And talk to the potatoes.

"It started eleven years ago."

It was a long story that seemed aristocratic and old again.

Scratch and say, this is the story.

Uncle Kartan was the bastard of the Baron family, if you will. This is why it comes from something similar to Rubel. But Pierre Simon Caltan had a talent not found in Rubert. He had a gift for magic.

After becoming a court magician, waving his spicy arms and steadily gaining merit from the royal palace for consultation, he will eventually be granted the position of Count.

It is a great birth. Even if the approximate aristocracy is born with a magical gift, it will be frustrated and shedding by the time it reaches there. The power struggle in the palace is fierce. It is an overly harsh environment for the growth of the small body to survive. Think of it. It's good to say that Kartan is a miraculous success.

status and power that greatly surpasses even the house that gave birth to itself. Even my elder brother, who was scattered and prestigious to himself, could be used with his jaw on the contrary. It is indeed the spring of our world. But there was one thing so annoying about him.

It is a child.

I struggled hard and finally grabbed the status of Count. If it can be done, it is human beings who want their children to inherit them and connect them to the next generation without ending them in their own generation.

But the wives of the worst brans that I accompanied more than I did when I was in low places just grow old with each other without being able to have children for a long time. It was only a matter of time before the Count Caltan family crumbled in just one generation as it was. It is a house built in the corner of one's own hand, although in some cases it is adopted by relatives. I didn't like it if I wasn't my own child if I wanted him to inherit.

If the skin doesn't fit - the cartan who thought so secretly surrounded another woman. A low-status civilian woman.

Annamarie, the woman, seems to have been the owner of a great deal of beauty. An elegant face that does not seem to come from a civilian, a merciful and serene temperament that resembles but does not resemble the nobles who tired the nerves of their uncle. To her, who was supposed to be a tool to exchange children, Kartan said she was obsessed in neglect.

I went to the other house I gave her and spent my honeymoon... eventually Annamarie gave birth to one girl.

That's Henrietta Paula Caltan. He's my uncle's first child, and he says Uni's real name - apparently.

Uncle Kartan was ecstatic. A child finally made it into the year when the gray hair began to stand out. It is also a very adorable daughter, similar to my mother. Naturally, I drowned. It was so cute that it didn't hurt to put it in my eyes.

He wanted to welcome him into the main house if he could and raise him on hand. But something bad didn't happen.

By the time she was born, what a real wife, Mrs. Josephine, had also discovered her pregnancy. I was already in my mid-forties. The influence of the Count's rejuvenation in his encounter with Annamarie, or did the Lady's obsession finally materialize? In any case, it is a strange thing.

The uncle left his sobbing concubine and daughter in a separate house. To avoid irritating his wife, who refused to give birth at an old age. What happens if another young and beautiful woman shows up with an adorable baby where she is finally pregnant after her distress. There is a high probability that blood will go up and there will even be fears of premature or stillbirth. Both mother and child will be in danger of their lives.

Besides, Josephine says she's a woman with emotional fright. Even if the production was successful, there was no way to bring Annamarie and Henrietta closer together in a detour.

Eventually Josephine also gave birth to a child. Now it's a boy. Uncle Kartan appeased. If his real wife bore a boy, this is a man. My mother, Josephine, also has a cheap position. In that case, the concubine and her daughter will not move to the extent that they appear. As long as this child grows up safe, he will soon be able to see the fold and gently pull it off with Annamarie and the others.

but it didn't. Indeed, the son grew up healthy with both his concubine sister and his righteous brother. But Josephine's sexuality transformed into something tougher, rather than calmer after giving birth. Cuteness to the old child. After all, she became an overprotective and neurotic mother. As long as he was a wife, he was a jealous and suspicious hunk.

The Count climbs up to the bright red just to hold his mouth with the maid and suspects injustice, and, in terrible cases, also turns his cynicism towards the Lady of the other house. I was never once or twice given free time by a maid without permission, and sometimes I beat her out with enough wounds to stay for the rest of her life when it was horrible. This is not very much, but it is not something I was able to bring up about my concubine and daughter.

When I sloppy without being able to say anything, it consumes time and when Henrietta turned six... the incident happened.

"My wife noticed I was going to another house."

In a bitter voice, the Count said.

Six years is more than that, considering the time to get pregnant. I was able to deceive my wife. As a doue, I even have a strange emotion.

"My wife stuffed me. Blaming unfaithfulness is a prelude. I've been transferred a bad habit from an aristocrat I'm dating, but I can't help but bring up anecdotes from my junior years."

At times like this, a man can't beat a woman with his mouth. Especially if you have a scratch on your tibia.

"It's still something I have an affair with. My wife said she was able to exchange her children, but she couldn't believe it, so she started with another woman. So I heard him complain in silence and endured until it was over. Instead of going on all night, I never thought it would take till noon the next day."

Maybe it was meant to be a joke, but no one laughed. The indoor air didn't allow it.

... Still, the scene closed for a moment.

The uncle is an aristocrat, and Mrs Josephine is of the same origin, albeit inferior.

I thought you knew that because you felt rotten about leaving blood and keeping your house.

But it didn't.

"It was when most of them were cold and distressed and ready to draw with Annamarie and the others"

So the Earl whispered a little.

Turn your gaze toward Uni.

She sat respectfully at a distance that opened one body portion from her uncle.

"No problem, go ahead"

And encourage others to behave first.

The uncle's monologue resumed as he sighed at the words.

I guess that's something I don't want her to hear. The expression becomes even more painful.

"... one day Josephine said to me in momentum. Annamarie is suspected of being unfaithful."

The Count's mouthfeel was outrageous.

Perhaps you don't consider that a fact.

It is a face that I still believe to be a fabrication of a jealous wife.

"I'm already holding on to the man, too. I was delighted that if I pulled it off with her, the facts would come to light. Don't worry about me fading in amazement."

Dooey was stunned when he said something good about bugs. Can't you be too considerate of yourself while keeping your hands on other women first? I can't agree with what my uncle said, although I don't know how to behave.

"So what did you do?

Turius flies the reminder. It's about this guy, he probably didn't like the way the story went sideways because of his stupidity about his big wife, etc. It is still a long enough story. As for myself listening as well, I don't want to get it over with, but what did the storyteller think?

Kartan skipped his frustrated and dewy gaze before continuing.

"I tried to get him to meet me. I didn't feel comfortable. Annamarie called to the main house...... oh, poor thing! It was also obvious to the eyes that he was crushed. That is not the face of a woman who was definitely encouraging infidelity and such. I'm pretty sure what was happening to her was something more... oh, something I could say."

Earl covering his face as he says.

I felt my face become naturally sinister in anticipation of the flow that was going to be an unpleasant story.

A man's body while conveniently held by his real wife.

A concubine who was also summoned in a dewy appearance.

If I connected it and thought about it, all I could think of was a structure that would make me throw up backwards.

Even so,

"You can say what you want to say."

This man, Turius, had no discretion whatsoever.

"What can I say if I can't ask you about specifics?

"- Watch your mouth, kid!

The Earl rises furiously.

He jumped to the other side of the table with his neck closed.

It was controlled by the


It was a uni like no other.

"Please calm down."

Even though she is embarrassed by her flat voice, Kartan looks terribly out-of-heart.

That would be the case, too. He hesitated to talk because, above all, he took care of his daughter - the woman he believes to be.

"But, Henrietta..."

"Isn't it good, Uncle Kartan"

Marquis Lavalle pinched his mouth, which until now had shown the structure of the static observation.

"If you look at it, the girl whose lord is your son is still not very good at it. I think it's better to be honest here and say no."

"Until the Marquis, what will they say!?


There was a quiet, and awesome voice.

"Go ahead. You don't know what's going on?

"... excuse me"

A reluctantly curtsy cartan with a tongue-in-cheek expression that said it would not curb outrage.

He went on to be harsh.

"... Annamarie, who had been dating a man for a long time, was left in heaven. So much so that every chair you sit on falls to the floor. When I saw it, Josephine... the civilian woman was still rude, and so on! It was the obvious upset in the quote that determined the evidence of infidelity and unilaterally. Annamarie smelled like she didn't have a mouthful. The way I see it, her frightening appeared to be more shook by a direct threat than by her fear of being tried for adultery. What... your danger, I should say..."

"Oh, Cheng Cheng"

So Turius seemed to agree.

Personal hazard. In other words, physical harm. And unrighteous smuggling wet clothes.

With all this material, the general imagination will come with everyone.

In short, yes. If you don't have a man with whom you want to rebuke infidelity, you're forced to make that fact, too. The Count seemed to claim that Lady Josephine thought so and carried it out.

I don't know if that's true. Either way, eleven years ago, I was talking about a family I didn't know about. But I'm pretty sure Count Caltan's conjugal relationship was enough to convince my uncle that.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help asking you about the mouth width gauge. So what happened on the spot?

"Oh... Josephine's guy, hold on to some kind of handler or court official. I showed him the end of it and made him say it was in Annamarie."

"... the court? When it comes to courts, is that the High Court?

Turius raised his bare voice.

You must have been surprised to find that a very respected organization came out to talk about it. Dooe thought so.

The High Court is the name of the body that binds the judges of the Kingdom of Arquel. He is primarily responsible for the administration of justice and also has the right to perform the White Paper on legislation, etc.

Honestly, it's a gathering of nobles and civilians, far from the Dooe who came alive with a single sword. Just remembering the outline someone asked me before makes me feel itchy around the tweezers on my head.

Whatever it is, I don't know how many ranks of officials you have, but it's not normal for a lady to shape to pull even a human being like that.

The Earl glanced at Giroli and Turius.

"... I'd like you not to break my hip."

"This is rude"

Turius honestly apologized. Encouraging you to stay ahead of the conversation and derailing would certainly be a way out of gratitude. Make sure Uncle Kartan gets back on his mind and keeps talking.

"No matter how much I complained of her innocence, she was supposedly forced to shelter from her mistress cuteness, and she never got approached properly. The surrounding area is also a good opportunity to ascertain the authenticity of your home… As a result, Annamarie was chased after her status. And Henrietta."

It is a tragic story. Perhaps the lady let the official grab the money so that a heavier punishment could be imposed. Or did you say that you were an unjust child until you were six years old? Either way, it was an imagination that made my chest worse.

"It was difficult to clear up Annamarie's sins. But even my daughter is to blame. No matter what, at least Henrietta was the only one who tried to save her. But then a while later, when I finally set my sights on the matter, I heard. … Annamarie is chased to insecure slums -"

The uncle holds his head there. Many times wet handkerchiefs gave rise to new stains.

"So both my daughters hung in the hands of thugs..."

If Annamarie's daughter Henrietta's accomplishment was Truth Uni, then she would have been sold to the slave market.

And I was bought by Turius Ovenil.

The story goes through.

"I thought I was both a mother and a child. I thought I'd never see you again... I didn't know that was how you lived and that today, oddly enough, we're going to be reunited..."

The Earl turned his eyes to Uni in disgrace.

What are you looking at through her face? A sweet memory with a lover who left a shadow on her child, or a warm memory with her daughter who could only have had a few moments. Or are you giving me thoughts from now on?

Either way, the long story is finally over.

said Turius.

"So, what does Lord Kartan want her to do?

"Whatever, take it. I'll officially give you my daughter's rightful identity."

The Count replied, giving a firm peek at his will.

From the retrospective so far and the sentiment shown to Uni, it is the natural answer.

"That's again... your wife is going to make a scene"

"I won't let you say anything. If you have to, you have to make one of those tough decisions."

What was deceived by that word was the will to secede. Even though it was a concubine's belly, it was such a thing that her daughter was cast into slavery. With that in mind, I would have to take resolute action, as much as my bad bran wife speaks of her opponent.

"For once, Miss Henrietta, according to my uncle, the deportation has gone down from the High Court."

"Do you want me to show you something there?

It was the Marquis de la Valle who told me.

"My uncle and I don't know each other better. That's how happy I am to be reunited with my daughter. Sometimes I've been present without thinking about it. Even as an old bone like Nong, I feel like I could use a little help with this celebration... you know?

It was Dooey's false feelings about what he was going to say.

It would have been this Marquis Lavalle who set it all up.

I finally understand. This plot is to take the hand pawn from Turius - it is also to make it the greatest force of war and take away the most ancient side of the ginseng.

The true strength of Uni is to be laid low by the outsiders, Lavalle and others, but one can tell by looking into being at least two adventurers. As a handkerchief for Turius, you'd think that would be too dangerous.

I used to work under Turius for years. I would have more information about him than anyone. No way can you let Uni crack his mouth or anything, but the Marquis will decide whether it's okay to keep it in his hands or not. He who gains the stones of the plot is the first subject who wants to hold his hand.

The worst part... is that at the time we were put in this situation, there was no longer any way for Turius to inhibit this. The number of witnesses, even if attempted to open with force or brainwashing, is the number. There were not few unnatural traces left, and it was visible that they would be pursued from there.

"Oh, I forgot the key thing... do you have any proof that she is the truth, Miss Henrietta Paula Caltan?

Turius eats down, but it won't be worth it.

"Sir Turius... do you think that I, the father, would lose sight of my real daughter?

The Count argued arrogantly.

"This dark hair, the jewel-like eyes of jade or green balls… is a living copy of Annamarie and the object that Henrietta had on the day after"

"Dark-haired, green-eyed women won't be the only mothers and daughters you've ever loved."

"You still say that!? Not only me, but that Josephine looked at me and wondered if it was Annamarie's ghost! This is the proof that this girl is her child and my daughter!

"No, you have concrete proof... like having the same form of mole on your back"

To what Turius says, the Marquis of Lavalle gives a glimpse. I've heard it from Viktor for the most part, Father and Son have something in common. But it didn't do more than throw away a dialogue against an old conspirator.

Uncle Culthan looks at Turius.

"Sir... I'm going to ask you this too. When did you have this girl in your hand?

"… eleven years ago, Count Caltan"

It was an honest answer that was issued with hesitation.

It's not that I have no choice. If you look it up, you'll discover it soon, and Lavalle will be putting it on as much as a bottom line on this matter. To be false, it should have made Turius' nonsense and become a source of further conspiracy.

When he hears the answer, Kartan snarls his nose.

"It's just like the year I left my daughter alive."

"This is all the conformance. This young lady seems to be Miss Henrietta."

I had already recovered from the upset, or Lavalle tells me to block the escape route.

"Besides, this noise is also seen by a large number of guests. Some of them... do you know the face of your mother hall, Lord Annamarie? I wonder how many people compare to mothers and children."

There are as many witnesses as there are. Especially those in favor of the Marquis.

I guess that's why things happened in unforgettable circumstances, such as in the middle of a reception. It's a reunion of a living father and daughter in front of a full guest. The talk-hungry metropolitan sparrow spreads this fact all over the king's capital even if he is not asked to... spread it all over the country if he is bad.

When it comes to putting up witnesses and fighting, there is no way to beat Turius. Anyway, because no other nobleman hates me more than he does. No one will gladly testify against him, but vice versa. How the Marquis Lavalle is notorious as a shady conspirator, but not so much as an ovenil [slave slayer].

Totally, stuffed.

"Huh... Huh"

Turius exhales long.

It was a heavy, heavy sigh.

"... Your Eminence the Marquis' wise eye, I sincerely felt it. As a young man, it's a shameful cliché."

So I bow my head to Lavalle.

It was a declaration of defeat.

There is no hand in repeating this situation, at least on this occasion.

The Marquis' eyes narrow. He seemed to be intoxicated by the tenderness that had bestowed upon him his prey, but he recognized the cleanliness of Turius and called him good. Either way, it would be a face only allowed to the winner.

- Please wait.

Uni raised his voice and stood up.

The expression was the same as usual, but the voice is clearly trembling.

Dooe just happened to taste the chills. Signs emanating from Uni are increasing to such an extent that it is likely to explode now. Beneath the iron skin, the twists of waves of twitching emotions were swirling. If you do this badly, can't you even hold back on Turius' orders? It even seems that way.

"What's wrong, Henrietta?

Even so, the Earl of Cultan had asked back swallowing.

You really are a former court magician, and you poison me in the heart.

No matter how cleverly covered up you are, you're going to be so angry and murderous. If you say you remember your arm, you should notice it first.

"I have said this many times from earlier. … I am Uni"

Uni repeats such claims. I am not Henrietta Paula Caltan, I am just a uni, he said.

Then you can't, Doue thought.

I have already said that I am not the same person, so I am at an unfortunate stage.

It is Othi who wonders if his daughter, who has been used as a slave for many years, has had an extra malicious brainwashing education, even if she slams her throat and screams that she wants to be under the Lord. No, as a matter of fact, that's exactly what Turius applied to Uni, and even more so, to the brain miso.

There is also the question of the credibility of the testimony. A proven cartan who has contributed to the kingdom as a court demon mentor and a faction leader, Lavalle, whose loyalty to the royal family comes first. These two have put together even more circumstantial evidence. Even so, this is Tullius Ovenil, a madman who puts him up in alchemy with a slave kill, and a slave who should also be called his accomplice. If it is also aristocratic to hold trials, it will be self-evident which is more supportive.

Whatever this chief obedient says, go ahead and let Kartan win.

Even if Uncle Kartan's claim that Uni is his own daughter Henrietta was a lie 800 cod.

"I work hard. Will you still say that, Miss Henrietta..."

"... Turius Ovenil. Sounds like you've been very polite with your pretty little girl, huh?

Two aristocrats flatter Turius, as if she were being forced to say so. The great nobles will take the same attitude as they do. The more Uni defends Turius, the more the situation is structured to dismiss and undermine his position. With this ruse and power... Turius lost.

Nevertheless, it is the temper of this cartan. I'm a former court demon mentor on a boulder, and if I'm right, I'll just name Uni's father. In response to anger, the swirling of magic seemed visible.

... If you can, Dooey thought you'd show your talent in detecting the signs.

Uni's limit, it's almost there. What would happen if, on this, they were directed primarily at killing-mix magic and so on? It would kill these two old aristocrats without sight, unless Turius immediately ordered them to stop with the effect of the brainwashing they planted in their brains. It is a handful of suicides.

Regardless, Turius did not tolerate blade wound sharpening here.

"- [Release]"

Pakins, and dry crushing noises.

The sound came from Uni's neck.

".............................. Huh?

It was a terrible loose voice. You can say it was the voice of the year.

To no avail, that uni was stunned. Now is exactly when I could kill the Marquis and the Earl who might be my father. Still, the girl, who had hidden everything in her faceless expression, was taken aback.

Corny and hard objects roll down the floor, hitting the wall and stopping.

The collar. Her two names, the silver collar, fell out of place.

"Sir Turius, what have you done...?

"Oh, My Lord Count Caltan. If you are a former court magician, don't you know this degree of magic?

Turius says to Caltan, blinking at the way things are done.

He's a really swallowing man. If Turius hadn't moved, by now, he would have just been killed by someone who insisted he was his real daughter.

Even as a douhe, I didn't expect him to take such steps.

"It's the magic of the cancellation of the slave contract. No, I've never actually used it before."

"Release". The effect is only one.

Destroy the collar that binds the slave under his master at his own will. It's really just that stuff.

Whether the effect is a limited recoil or the collar destruction is even thorough. The collar falling off the neck of the uni and onto the floor turns into a rustling silver grain of sand. Then I'll never go back to my original form again.

This was the first time I saw the scene I used. The very fact that the Lord opens up slaves in itself is very rare in this world.

"I thought it would be easier if I took it off my hands."

"Your lord, your people...?

Uni turns toward Turius because of the seemingly humming noise.

What a face, Dooey thought. Rubel was also eyeing.

Uni's expression was a weeping laugh.

Please tell me it's some kind of joke, that's the face. That way, you will laugh as much as you wish, so it is a face in the form of a humble plea.

[Silver Wolf] was too weak a look for a woman called and feared to float.

"That's an extraordinary victory, sir."

"No. If you are a man of His Eminence's glory, you are naturally concerned."

That said, he bowed his head deeply.

Floating, pale, Turius moves on.

In the direction of handing over Uni to the Count, yes.

"Why is that? Lord -"

"Oh, please don't say that"

Cruelly cut off words that are harsh, and say only words gently.

The tone was foolishly polite. Treat your opponent as a lady, while never treating him as comfortable as before. It was a way of talking that made me feel like that.

"It's not nice to talk like that, is it, my lady? Then His Excellency the Count will be saddened. Please use more comfortable language when I'm here."

"Oh, my... Your husband is the one who said that..."

Potatoes and stains appeared on the carpet on the floor.

I'm crying. That uni is disturbed and crying.

That would also make you cry. Because he is pulled away from his master, who gave it all, and not only because he does not try to stop it.

It is a uni that so wholeheartedly served Turius. It would be like even God would be feeling abandoned.

But there was nothing else I could do.

There is no other way to survive but to let go of Uni here than by failing to prevent the conspiracy set up by Lavalle and Linus. Otherwise I would give my lord Linus a great name to punish my brother for rubbing with the Count family of the same size as the main house after making noise about the sunny reception. Then we should give her up and get Uncle Kartan's forgiveness and keep the wounds to a minimum. In terms of efficiency, that was the best solution

Marquis Lavalle laughs happily.

"Mm-hmm. Lord Turius is the second son of the Count after all the Viscount, and Miss Henrietta is also the daughter of the Count. They deserve to meet each other as nobles. My brother tells me a lot about you, but you're not the young man who made sense inside!

"No.... that's not true"

Turius laughed to tease too.

If you're laughing, Dooey is irritating.

Unlike Dooey and Dry, who are pickups, the uni that accompanied them since childhood is about to be taken away. I can't let it go, but can't I have a slightly more special face?

"You don't mind taking Henrietta home, do you?

Count Caltan says horizontally. Turius is notoriously a [slave killer], [man-eater snake]. I guess getting my daughter back from such an opponent is only an exercise of his legitimate rights. You don't have to be polite to be seen as someone who doesn't break your heart.

"Oh. Can you come home without going back to the feast?

"... now you want me to go and congratulate you?

"So is that. I'll explain the situation to my brother."

That's how Turius stood off the couch and opened the door from his hand.

It seemed like humility to the point of being stupid polite. If I could always do this, Rubel and Viktor wouldn't have a hard time either, how could I just wave like that at a time like this?

"So, Marquis. I beg your pardon."

"Uhm. Be careful on the road, Count."

It was an interaction as if Lavalle were the Lord of this occasion.

He said he had a brother in this hall.

No one objects to that. The woman who would be most dissatisfied was not quite there with a completely relieved body.

Uni looks as if the end of the world has come, and is taken by the Earl of Caltan with his hands drawn.

Dear Rubbing Different,

"If you stay that way forever, you'll be in trouble. Please, stand back for yourself."

"... yeah"

"When your heart is calmed, think slowly for once. Life is a long time."

Turius' dialogue was a model of bad consolation, as if it were coming.

I don't even know if my heart is caged or not.

Still, Uni looks back at it as if it were a scratch.

Turius doesn't look back to throw it away.

The distance between the two, keeps them away from each other while they see.

"By the way, Your Excellency the Marquis is not coming back? Though I foolishly believe that the bride and groom are also anxious if their companions are removed from their seats for so long."

Talk to the indoor Lavalle as you open the door.

It was as if I had already forgotten about Uni or something like that.

"Hmmm... is that so too"

Even as I marvel at Turius, who does not show one untrained to his departing squire, the Marquis Lavalle also stands out of his chair.

"Besides, Lord Turius did the same thing. Are you the groom's brother?

"Yeah, yeah! That's right! If you're going back, you'd better hurry!

It is this tremendous way of rubbing against the phrase.

If you raise your voice so loud, rejection is likely to make them uncomfortable.

I do know that as a person who gave in to Lavalle's measures on this occasion, I will also try to improve their impression in order to avoid future obstacles. But isn't this too blatant?

As Dooe sees it, Lavalle is in a good mood, but the sight is still harsh and cold.

I'm suspicious of Turius, who doesn't even show up in the pain he's been given.

"It would be nice to consider the elderly. Sir also stands upon man as a Viscount who keeps more earthen than the kingdom. I'm not impressed with you showing your low back to be paranoid, am I?

The Marquis said sharply.

- I just lowered my head and showed it, no palms added.

- I don't even feel that reason again.

- And you are the enemy of my party. He is a local nobleman assigned to the border.

Turius takes the gaze of an old nobleman with such intent, with his eyes narrowed.

"Your advice, it hurts -"

I felt something gross in the words and expressions.

The light that dwells in the eyes of Turius, who smiles.

It is not intended for experimental subjects. It wasn't that pleasant.

Nor is it geared towards disability. It wasn't even that indifferent.

A light of contradiction, mixed with the heat of hate and the cold of rejection.

Turius Shrounan Ovenil shows it for the first time - an eye for the enemy.

"- I would like to thank you once again for your generosity on the next occasion. My Lord Marquis."

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