"I'm sorry, sir, and I apologize, Mass. The Gatling Cannon in the corner, it's destroyed, Sita."

Femme, who finished accommodating the new prisoner, the cleric of "The Great Scarlet Shield," begins debriefing. No, that's what I've said and bowed my head. She seems sincerely sorry, but to tell you the truth, I don't really care about her.

"Well, you don't have to be afraid of that. Even if it's A-rank, it's this way that I asked for an operational exam."


"First of all, the lighting facility defense and intruder capture mission I entrusted to you went well. I'm satisfied with that. Are you unhappy with that?

"The way you say it is sloppy, thoughts mass..."

And, femme, who doesn't seem convinced. Um, I really don't need to get sick.

"And. Nothing. What do you want me to do? One or two of those toys. It's more like a prototype, made to breathe the research."

"You've had a lot of noisy toys, Oi."

It's Dooey coming in with his mouth cramped open. Everyone else in the Opus series is gathered here in my personal atelier. After doing something big, it was implicitly understood that the reflection group was largely here.

He continues his words as he praises his shoulders.

"If such a weapon comes out, one or two of the four powers will be lightly wiped out? Catch it. Toys are..."

"That being said, firearms armaments, starting with Gatling Cannon, can only be operated as dedicated equipment for the current fem. And even though it can only be handled by her, the data in action does not show an aromatic number... I was wondering if this is a reasonable decision for your husband"

It is, of course, uni who politely explains. She's right, firearms with a complex mechanism just for arrays are in the hands of the mass-produced slave weapons development department, which is drawing on in research into small-gun equipment. You wouldn't be able to make it without me or Uni, or Seyce, who's good at alchemy. I intend to simplify the process so that it can be made by mass-produced people, but that is not a top priority. Anyway, my true self is the realization of immortality, and the study of powerful weapons is to protect myself until it does. Or it's just a breath.

"I mean, it's stronger to punch in the mundane. The strength is also significantly inferior to the fem body. I don't think a Mithril would be enough to have it as a full-fledged main uniform."

"Ha ha... the magic alloy misrill of illusion is intangible when it hangs on the oven nil kun ya all"

Sharr makes a dry laugh at Seyce's analysis. It is called Doue, and it has been overestimated by the Zanktogarens for a long time.

"I didn't say that...... in fact, in a situation where you can use a lot of Orihalcon if you can't do it a little bit, now it's called Mithril"

"Ore, the raw material, has been excavated, and the material of Arcaesto, which was a challenge, can now be stably removed from the demons that are breeding in the tree sea. Well, as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't change what's surprising."

"Dry's a tough guide, too. Common sense is something that gets repainted every day."

"In this case, I think Ovenil is too insane."

A vampire with the most insane sexuality says something, but ignores it.

"Well, aren't you the one who did well in the testing phase? The data gave me a look, but there was just enough control fire to nail down that heavy warrior. With material changes and design brush-ups on top of each other, the day will also come when it will be a more comforting weapon than a fight. Until then, like I said, I don't mind if you think it's a toy."

Again, Fem finally looked up to me, too.

"Yes, and a response mass. Your husband's thoughts are the eagle's will death."

Yeah, yeah, honest and good.

What is called research is a repetition of tries & errors. Don't let that discourage you because you have temporarily unsatisfactory results. We should find a solid reflection and, based on that, prepare for the next.... In that sense, should I be the one doing the test in production as well as last time?

"Even so, it was a surprise. I can't believe Femme had that hot spot. You know, I thought fighting and all that kind of thing was the kind of thing that breaks the job."

What Charles is saying is in the fight against that party. I watched the game in real time using surveillance magic costumes, but even I was surprised that she showed so much emotion for the battle.

Whatever, Fem is a golem. If it was meant to be, I wasn't prepared for that kind of emotion, like happy or angry.

but what she has on board is Oleicalcos Blaine, built to mimic the human brain. If we can reproduce people's thoughts, there is no wonder that emotions mimic them. Though, I didn't know it was that much of a struggling personality.

Femme leans down small and says.

"The eagle was built to fight, and the proud mass. If so, it is natural to be sincere about the struggle. Nothing strange, Shaw."

"Hmm? Is that what it is?

"Besides... I didn't get a chance to make amends for my last lapse, Kara"

What she would say is that when she raided inside the elf last year, she would have been driven to half-destroy with the highest spell the target used. I came to you, too. I had no idea there was a user in an unknown hiding place that would punch through the magical resistance of Orihalcon.

I just sent him out to swallow. [M] As a femme of the day, it would have been a serious trauma. Back then, it was just starting to run and there were few emotional expressions, so the people around me, including myself, didn't even notice it. He has since been a liaison officer in Wangdu and a security guard at a lighting facility where no one usually comes. It's no wonder I feed my fighting instincts like Battle Junkie, thinking that the next battle is the one.

"... your husband. Again, I was wondering if there were any deficiencies in her form of work as it stands."

"Does Uni feel the same way?

It is now Femme's task to spare the emotions provided and to be placed in the midst of a long period of inaction. Although it sounds good this time because it was transferred to a struggling mind, in case something goes wrong with stress, I'll be in trouble. It will need to be improved quickly.

"You don't have to use individuals with emotions for the deepest security. Ordinarily, we should place a normal golem dedicated to defensive combat and use the Opus series only when an unannounced intruder appears."

Sounds like a uni, a really sensible opinion. It would also be ridiculous to think that they would detain Fem, the high-end Orihalcon golem, for the security of places rarely where people would come. If you're just going to repel the intruder, you should use something designed for that purpose only.

Or that the power is more than a siege weapon to indiscriminately fire a heavy weapon, which she overspelled for a security mission. Notice, me.

"... Wouldn't the eagle help, and ask the question Mass"

Femme speaks softly to the flow of forgiveness.

She really specializes in combat. It's not that I can help with research like Uni, Schaal, or Seyce, or that I'm suitable for working activities like dry. I'm not even human, so I'm not even entrusted with the task of the table, like Dooe. If this were to take me off guard, I'd be really useless.

or so, when there are fewer opportunities for combat than this, that shakes identity in this way. Trouble. This is also like a reversal of an input loyalty, so it can't be through stability like someone's bad habit.

And yes. I just came up with something.

"Don't let that get you down. It's also a problem that we haven't been able to turn around the right job for you.... so I'm going to entrust you with a new assignment that fits Femme."

"! Really Desca!?

"Even if it's true. Well, the details have to be discussed and packed, so not right now."

"... again, I don't think it's a very busy mission."

Dooey to add tea with, etc.

Say rude things. Even so, I thought about the use of Fem's abilities for the good of the world.

Well, you can explain the area in order.

"This time, the Great Scarlet Shield, a party that was also cut off on the western side, was destroyed. Then, if a demonic offensive starts in the west, it's important, isn't it?

"What can we say when we destroy them?"

"Doue, listen to me properly. Your husband is showing off his thoughts, isn't he?

Nice follow, dry. But there's also something a little odorous about being called a profound idea of the prototype that I just came up with.

Well, leave that alone.

"So we have to make some sort of allowance even over here. The Dordolan border uncle who rules there is also my faction. It's not good to get rough over there. Although the measures to do so had been discussed in advance"

"Did you plan to experiment with the new 'product'"

"Phew, Phew, Phew. ♪ That's the confidence my fathers and I hung on our hand salt. Hey!

Seyce pokes her chest out and says proudly. Yes, the "products", which are mass-produced, unlike the Opus series, which is the "work". Slaves who have been massively remodeled in a long time, combined with having Seyce gain experience in surgery. Turn that latest model to the West instead of the devastated Adventurer. That was the original plan.

"I'm going to leave it to Fem to oversee those 'products'"

"It's...! Mi, it's an extra honor for me, and I'm scared, Mass."

Momentum likely to hear the sound of Gabba, Femme kneels. Yeah, yeah, more than happy for me.

"Isn't he a substantial military warden? Are you sure Golem can handle this?

"There's no reason to compromise with the army of the Borderline House. Simply provide assistance if necessary while picking up actual data. Whatever the case, the West is demonic. I don't know what's coming out of it, and I'm going to need the fighting power for when I need to be a part of the 'products'. I'm going to look forward to seeing Lord Borderline adjust his appearance. From the beginning."

In short, her role is to ravage as much as she likes while collecting data without getting in the way of it. I hope you will do your best to help me while satisfying my great struggle. [M] On top of both Fem and I being happy, Lord Dordran gets a replacement for the lost adventurer. We're all happy. That would be a great idea.

"Is it your handkerchief who will come instead, without an armed adventurer? Poor Uncle Neighborhood."

"What are you talking about, Dooey? In addition to the new model, turn up a stronger fem than that adventurer. The power against demons improves. Besides, unlike this child and high-ranking adventurers, the" product "can be replaced in any number of ways. I'm sure you'll be convinced that Dordolan Borderline was a good deal, too?

"Right. I was wondering if a 'product' that can be made if necessary is more valuable as a defensive force than a substitute for an unstable supply of adventurers, etc. How many minutes are you relentless because you're not passionate about developing talent because of your guild?"

and a uni that hails as pale. She must have been a two-named adventurer too, but what a harsh assessment. Well, in Uni's case, I've killed adventurers more often than I've worked with adventurers. I guess it's more of a hassle than attachment or pride.

"Depending on the results of the operational tests in the West, there may also come a day when the mass-produced slaves will replace the adventurers. Because it can be supplied stably, obey orders honestly, and keep operating costs down."

"Of course, only within the boundaries of the nobility that belongs to my faction."

Anyway, they are important pawns in my politics. [M] It is not stingy to lighten the security burden so that it can move in full. They don't fool around with the antidemonic armaments, the cost of hiring adventurers, and the expense of doing so. Because there's no such thing as an adventurer who works unpaid like a uni. I'm sure it'll be easier financially.

But other than that, noble territories and other countries are out of jurisdiction. Reaching outside your sphere of influence increases the risk of information leakage, and the kind of lord who accepts my 'product' is about a brainwashed self-faction member. As I said before, there is no aristocrat who can welcome a man with a strong fighting power to roam the territory.

"Is there even a replacement for a dragon killer hero? What is an adventurer..."

Dooey groaned with a potpout, loneliness. He was also a former adventurer who rose to B-rank again. At the end of those who were higher than themselves before they were remodeled, you will sometimes wonder.

"Dragon, even so, it's pinkie. I've been analyzing the remnants of the weaponry that Fem recovered, the material of the array. Oh, it looks like he was a pretty young individual, doesn't it? Young dragons, whether they're still 100 years old or not."

"Well, it's the dragon species that killed them, but it's the Lesser Dragon. Still, one or two of the local cities are just as threatening as they can be devastated, but that's about it, you guys are not the enemies of the Opus series. Why don't we go hunting dragons in the West or Zanktogaren next time? I'm sure you'll get some good material."

The dragon lord, mythologically told by boulders to be God, would be tight, but if it were a centuries-old intermediate, it wouldn't be that hard. Because the dragon species have few samples, even I am a subject of considerable appetite for ownership.

"Hopefully, that's good. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to try to catch him alive. They just knocked Cyclops out, too, and they just needed a big replenishment. I don't think it's a bad taste in dragons for tree bosses."

"Yes, yes! I think the material of the chimera is good! Don't you think it's funny to hang firedragons, ice dragons, thunderdragons, and make superdragons that throw up seven-color braces?

"... a high-ranking dragon can use the technique of humanization, right? Then take the virgin female dragon."

"Objection to Opus 04's proposal, Mass. It's hard to catch a high-ranking dragon alive, Death. In addition, the significance of sorting female individuals fulfilling 04 aesthetics is also dim"

"I mean, what are you going to do with the dragon, Temehe? No, don't say it. Imagine that."

"So what would Senior Douye want to do if he hunted a dragon? I thought you were an adventurer. You're gonna make it into a sword or something?

Everyone, there seems to be a lot of opinions on how to use the dragon. Although there is one person out of the question, it is a normal operation.

"No, to be honest, I wouldn't recommend a weapon made of dragon material. Aren't you going to boost performance in exchange for life force? If that's the case, you should use Orihalcon or whatever from the start to equip yourself with high-performance gear."

"... is that it?

"I suppose so. First, as much as the ability to consume resources and improve temporary performance, it can be followed.... Femme is a good example."

While I say so, I turn my gaze to Fem. The dragon killer waved, bouncing back without even bitterness the arming of the dragon's flesh itself, into a masterpiece of pride.

She snorted, too.

"Yes, and affirmative mass. By circulating magic power into the magic metal, it changes the strength and other properties of the cell. The eagle has its function by default, Node."

A golem, femme, made up of a whole body made up of a super first-class material, the orihalcon. The only high-end part she has built in is Oleicalcos Blaine.

semi-permanent magic generator, Vrill Generator. For convenience, this consumes a material called fuel, but the one attached to the fem is usually different from the specification. Magic fuel, called Vrill, is a substitute that by its nature becomes cloudy whenever it evokes magic, but it can be reused many times by combining purifying devices. It's a permanent institution of dreams. Most importantly, if the fem was damaged and leaked to the outside like last year, it would need to be replenished each time, but that would not happen. I mean, there are so many perverted demon mentors who let go of their top lightning strike magic in the middle of a fight.

"Now, their attacks would have made very little sense, wouldn't they? With the boulders driving their armaments, the weakness is that they eat their magic and their defenses go down."

This is also a factor that prevents mass production of heavy firearms around here. Because it magically substitutes immature science and technology, only those who are rich in magic can operate it. They can fight enough with magic and swords to make Uni or Dry hold it.

"This point needs to be improved...... oh yeah! Let's arm ourselves with a generator! That way, the supply magic will go up, and the fire power will go up!

"No, Seyce. Because that would make the size too big.... Aren't capacitors better than generators? It'll be a little more compact that way."

"Wow, boulder father! Just... Aye, no. ♪ Well, that's the way the next upgrade's gonna go!

"You get a more powerful weapon," he said, expecting mass. Really excited, Death. "

Seyce, who was given a toy dressed as the next invention, would be tempted by the achievement, Fem. They look like they're having fun too, above all.

"Well, I guess I'll get into my own research, too. Femme just caught some research material on her outfit."

"Oh, is that the sister of that good priest? It's good, isn't it, Alle? The combination of devout spirit and disloyal flesh is really like this -"

"I won't turn it to you, 04. There are really limited opportunities to procure clerics as experimental objects."

Uni's right, you can't just give me a valuable experimental body to shawl. Mostly, he's spinning some expensive toys, so don't be too greedy.

And that's where Dry pinches his mouth.

"Your husband, by the way. How are you going to collect the priests? To be honest, they're not likely to contribute to the study of alchemy or immortality."

That would be the most questionable question. Anyway, they're religious. Instead of aspiring to eternal life, post-mortem tranquillity is the people who preach. At first glance, it may seem quite irrelevant to my purpose.

But that's called early counting.

"Well, as things stand, we're investigating the principles of divine magic and doing things. There were many untouched parts of this field in the Magic Instruction Academy. There was a cross spear in the church, too. So I'd like to take this opportunity to do a thorough research."

"What do you mean?

"The difference between magic and power, the specific working principle of a miracle that occurs with prayer as a trigger… and what is the God who glorifies it"

God. Yes, God. An existence that is supposedly immortal, immortal, and eternal. A great precedent that already stands on my ideal frontier. I want to know about that.

"What is God?"

Dry swallows solids and repeats.

If God is universal, how are we establishing it? Why do they give miracles to believers in this world and make them worship themselves? They make heaven and hell...... how do they run the post-mortem world? Or is the post-mortem world nothingness and the existence of God a lie, as I felt at the end of my previous life, at the beginning of this life?

The more I think about it, the more things come to mind that I want to know. As someone like me who aspires to immortality, there will be no research subject that attracts as much interest as God.

"And the mechanism of divine magic, you know, won't hurt. Marquis Lavalle, our immediate enemy. He was promoting friendship with the Omnian Empire. With that religious state. Depending on the matter, we could also bump into his country. We need to improve our measures in case of that."

"If you know yourself, if you know your enemies, you're not in danger of a hundred battles, are you? It's one of your husband's teachings."

It's uni to say that. It is the knowledge of previous life that I taught her. Well, there would be about a similar word in this world. It's a world where we fight not only the same people, but also demons and subraces that are heterogeneous. The motto about the battle was not surprising, no matter how much was left.

"In that sense, no one else is as troublesome as Omnia. Secrecy using doctrine as a shield. On the other hand, many of the holy relics and mysteries stored… honestly, if you can, you're the one who doesn't want to turn them around. That's why they use the Adventurer's Cleric, which is seen down there in the other church."

"At least once you're on the table, even if it's a shard, I'm sure you'll turn to the enemy."

"Because you're artificially farming demons. Damn, that's about as much as I can overshadow. Even we humans live with materials that we can take from demons. Raise them like sheep. What shouldn't they be?"

It's really unreasonable. When you solidify into stereotypes like religion, you shouldn't because this is it.

"Shall we get back to it? That's why I've been experimenting lately, using priests of adventurers who can be captured in dungeons. If I twist my brain and twist my faith heart, can I use sacred magic? What happens if thoughts only manipulate the body without messing with it and let it break the commandments... Well, it's a source of concern that you can't experiment with making very big changes at once because you can't remember the supply of samples."

"It's an interesting experiment, hey. Before this, I switched to a fictional god who said he was the object of faith, and let him cast his sacred magic. Then the clergyman... buffoo! The devil is heretical, and my God is judged by God! 'Tell me what! Hahaha, no! I just remembered. Ugh!

Seyce laughs with her tummy in her arms. Of course, there was no sacred magic activated for doing that. I would be in trouble if I were. Mainly where I don't know how to react.

"Uh, yeah. In other words, the masters drive normally..."

"Come on, or you're gonna get really punished one day?

"Hmm, don't bother with that -"

I flashed my shoulders at the unscented reaction of the men. I thought the common sense Dooey would enjoy this kind of hobby around the corner and Shirl. Well, I'm not doing it for fun either. To investigate unknown threats in this world, to investigate God, and if God exists, to uncover the secret of his immortality and make it his own.


"- Before that happens, I'll try my best to find a way to do something about God."

I put that aside and followed the atelier with my assistants.

To advance important research as soon as possible.

He was really lucky.

Successful escape from the Temple of the Sun, which can be described as a place of death, is thus able to descend the mountain with a mass of misrils in his arms, which can be described as a mountain of treasure. The "Great Tree Sea of Darkness", which spreads at the foot, also managed to reach the campsite without encountering demons safely by wiping out magical smells on the body and killing the atmosphere.

A little later, a little later, you'll reach the camp maintained by the other adventurers. With such hope, the two remnants of "Four-Headed Dragon" run through the forest at night.

"Shut up, put him down?

A leader's man slows down to match his surviving subordination while spitting poison. That's not to say I took care of my people. Simply because he had his men hold half of the wreckage of Mithril Golem, a treasure to be exchanged for large sums of money. Of course, life is the most important thing, but I want to pick up the money I can pick up for that. Especially if that's the kind of money that pops out of your eyes.

"Shh, excuse me..."

The said subordination lowers its head reflexively small.

I wonder if that shouldn't have happened. in an unstable position while holding luggage. A slight inclination broke the balance at the source, and the man in charge fell unnecessarily.


"Shit... what are you gonna do, stupid?"

Sometimes it's right in the middle of a demonic roaming area, and the curse becomes something that naturally lurks. The leader of "Four-headed Dragon" reaches out to let him stand and hold it back as he quickly picks up the handout from the bush.

"Ooh, get up quick. You can't even help me with the luggage, there's shit..."

"Shh, excuse me, leader... -"

When he held that hand firmly with his left hand,

"- I'm so sorry."

He was poking the leader's chest with a sword that he quickly pulled out with his right hand.

"…………………………… Ah?

The unintentionally struck leader stares at the sword standing on his chest with his mouth open with a pocan. Is there not a perception of too sudden a crime? Even though the blade was thrust through his back, he was dominated by a stronger confusion than pain.

"Hehe... I did it. So, who's the shit, huh? This shitty leader, huh?

He makes a distorted mockery at the leader exposing the dumb. Mixed with disdain and joy, the laughter of a successful man at the bottom looks down on what he once thought to be his superior.

The leader to whom it was directed flaunts his bloody blue-faced face with anger and anguish.

"So, hey... back, cut... fuck you...!?

"Betrayal I? I say it to someone who doesn't even believe in shards. If you want to survive and gain, throwing away party members is the way to do it. I followed it faithfully."

In fact, he had seen several times the sight of members being abandoned by ruthless leaders. A forsaken pawn, or meat shield, against a powerful demon. Sometimes he even slashed off one arm of the dissident.

There is no reason to follow such a man faithfully. If there is, it is because of the fear that if you turn against it, you will be killed.

But the power to suppress that outrage, the sword at its source, is not in the hips of the leader. The battle at the ruins broke by the Golem, and it stays that way.

He was really lucky.

The others were wiped out, alone with the target, and the opponent had a great opportunity to expose the round-hand defenseless. On top of that, Mithril, a treasure, came alone. No man would be so blessed with such luck.

"This, do... just sooo..."

"It's settled, isn't it? Killing adventurers is a loss of life.... Well, you may not be overwhelmed by the Alliance's immediate requests, but fortunately, this place is in the Tree Sea. Nobody's watching. After that, if you can feed the demons, you won't even have proof. Damn, I'm really lucky to be here."

"Damn, but..."

The leader of the B-rank Adventurer party Four-Headed Dragon closed the curtain on that life, looking down on a heart-beating grin. And this was the moment when the Alliance of Tree Sea Attacks was destroyed.

"Bye, Leader. Stay where you are, and it'll be demonic shit."

Abandoned, the last one to survive, he walks in the woods with exasperation.

We also need manpower to carry Mithril. You can bring in the guys who are protecting the camp, but almost certainly the share will be demanded. I wonder what you did with it...

Think about that.

"- This will be today's assessment"

"Oops.... chip, damp or cancer"

Looking at the amount offered by the guild's officials, Raymond struck his tongue blatantly. The payment is obviously more sinister than the last time compared to the crusade proof site brought in. I don't want to complain about that. but it wasn't the previous' post office chief 'who played the Abacus and showed the amount of compensation, but a clean receptionist female employee. I mean, he's a strong opponent of canales planting. If you poke it poorly, it might even be the feather that will be discussed for the poor bare line as a crossing.

Raymond slips through poor minutes of negotiations and compromises at that price.

"Don't worry about it."

"Yes, thank you. By the way, Mr. Raymond?

"What is it?

"There's been a rumor lately that's not good, right? Anything in the sea of trees, people appeared to interrupt the demonic crusades of the young people."

"... heh"

Nature and low voice.

Half the time was what I expected. Even though the Adventurer Guild is only a relinquishment as an administrator, there is no way that the monopoly of the hunting ground, which can pick extremely backward buds, will continue to flourish forever. I thought one day a warning would fly.

"That's a pain in the ass."

"Yeah, it's a real pain in the ass"

When Raymond returns it like any other HR, the female employee sighs in white as well.

The territorialization of the hunting ground in which he takes the pronunciation would certainly be an overwhelming act. Nevertheless, it is not enough to be immediately erased for that reason.

Anyway, an experienced C-rank adventurer is valuable. If not a demon cave like the West or Zanktogaren, it is the expected ranking as the main force in an approximate town. It's not an easy person to cut.

Of course, if we ignore the alarm from the guild over and over again, that won't be the case.

"Hey, scary scary scary. I don't know when I'm gonna get in the way of my adventure. Hey? I'm not old enough to be young, but I still have to watch out for things other than demons."

"Right. You have to watch your back as well as your front."

"Ha ha. Totally."


Shards of each other also share a heartless grin.

Unexpectedly, Raymond showed a bare gesture of turning his back.

"Then maybe it's time for the tide. I haven't been feeling well lately either."

"Oh. Isn't that because you can dive into a difficult dungeon? Mr. Raymond also has a C-rank. If you don't stick to" The Great Tree Sea of Darkness, "I think you can still do it."

I'm a female employee who says thank you kindly, but the truth is different. Here's what I'd say without covering it up.

- When it comes to pulling hands from the tree sea and moving to a low priority area, there is no need to overshadow it.

"... kah, your words stain. Well, thank you. I'll be honest with you."

There is no reason to defy it. Raymond-led knockouts are U.N. folks who are connected by a temporary gain. If you know you've been warned even to the point of being flabbergasted by your guild, you're bound to run upset. Sometimes a young man who had been strangled by them would hang on to a song with it. If you think about it, you'll have to make concessions to change the banks of the river.

Alliance officials smile nicely.

"Yeah, make sure you do. I want the adventurer of training to be active for a long time."

"Thank you."

Put it down and go out through the wooden doors. At the same time, he glanced unexpectedly at the sun that had come in the light of his face.

It is time for the season to plug into summer. The stores, which were about to be built in the spring, had now begun to operate nicely. On the contrary, further architecture and additions continue, including new stores and the houses of the people working there.

Marlan was still trying to flourish.

"Brother, brother! Don't you need a new weapon? Even if it's not for hire, I'll take care of it!

"A secret potion that works for anything, on the body, cuts and fractures. How about one -!

"Marlan minced confectionery, with doughnuts - su! Sweet and delicious doughnuts! For the price -"

"Brother there, why don't you stop by? Half the price during the day? Of course, the service won't get out of hand."

"So this street is already the limit. I can't open the store. You've explained it many times, haven't you?

"I say so, Mr. Rubert. We were in business too."

"Dad, I want doughnuts too -!

"Be patient. Then I'm selling it to people from elsewhere. Very much in our mouths."

Boiling towns, crossing by one.

To be honest, I wanted to stick around here a little bit more. It was right around the time when we finally had a big liquor store, a little whorehouse, and a weapons store selling quality equipment. It has become easier to spend time as a base of adventure. It's too late to leave town to change the banks of the river at such a time. What a bad thing it was between us.

(Ma'am, I don't know what to do...)

Raymond smokes as a crossing because he is so unlucky. If you don't get out of the party when you're young, if you don't make an impossible stretch in your solo days, if you're in a new party...... the seeds of regret are endless. With a little more luck at that time, there were several occasions. This time it will be an example of this.

Walking with that in mind, I was mistaken for a young adventurer.

"Egg, crossing raven..."

Raymond walks away early, thinking it's the kind of scene he sees somewhere, etc. I didn't mean to, but I decided to leave town. If that happens, I can't stop and wait. If you are distracted by the signs, you can also think of someone buying grudges to kill you. Without doing anything extra, we also have to abandon the people forming the detachment party and get out of town early.

"Hey, what's going on?

"Nothing. I thought you were a bad bastard."

"Oh, a crossing raven. Yeah, yeah, you know what? Speaking of nasty guys, the survival of the Four-Headed Dragon has recently..."

Ignore what you hear behind your back and hurry your way to the inn. And I laughed darkly as I moved my legs.

(Ke, I always said this guy was clear. You can't be a real hero anyway.

What I recall is Joel scattered across the party with every ideal of beauty. Neither did the genius swordsman and the boy held back from the tree sea in the end. The adventurer's guild seems to have made some noise at the fall of expectations, but now there is no shadow of disturbance. Even if the hairline had changed slightly, it meant that it was just one of the commonplace mid-level adventurers in the end.

And an alliance centered around The Great Scarlet Shield, which was played out under its influence. They also inadvertently stepped into the ruins they discovered behind the tree sea, leaving one behind to destroy it, he said. Four A-rank adventurers were at the core, and three B-rank parties were heard to be perfect formations with their sides solidified, but if you finish it, you can see it.

Still, the world is turning. An elite of adventurers, a handful of chosen geniuses, that's all if you die, no matter what they call you. The people left behind didn't mourn the loss of them, they lived the routine as usual.

(Interpretation, adventurers are such things. It's a trench strip named exorcism. A hero is not a noble thing)

Clean up the hassle-free trash that others need to clean up in exchange for some money. Just that's all there is. It doesn't move society, it doesn't make a name for itself. Originally, it's the work of people who can't eat even if they work properly. I lift it up because I'm stronger than people and I'm a hero. What a funny story.

He had judged that from his experience up to this year. Not when I was younger. When I raised my name with this sword, I was breathing that I would be known under the heavens as a hero. That was the first glimpse. From there I continued to roll down and arrive at the frontier of crossing ravens and scorn.

I should have crossed the world in real life without having had a big dream from the beginning. You don't have to live fat and short. Whether it's dirty or cunning, it's smarter to live thin and long. That was Raymond's conclusion.

(Shit, you're dreaming, you're young. Like that kid, until I screw him miserably...)

The crossing raven walks, mocking the young people who would still not know the taste of frustration.

Next, head to the fishing grounds.

Behind him, the town of Marlan continued to grow as it swallowed many adventurers.

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