The small village had been wrapped up in haste since morning.

People pack their spare baggage into their cars, or bear their backs, and try to escape from the village as soon as possible. To avoid the scourge of war.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!

"Hurry up, or they'll come!

"Son of a bitch Zanktogaren......!

The faces of the villagers gathered in the village square with their luggage were uniformly coloured with fear and impatience.

Neighbouring country, the United Kingdom of Zanktogaren, has invaded the land over the mountains and into the province of Vordan. The barbarism that the army of his country has exchanged in the surrounding area is also heard telling this mountainous countryside.

Says, kill the villagers and take away the fruits of the fields.

Says, lay the village daughter together and do the abuse.

Says he doesn't mind if the subject is a boy as long as it looks good.

Say, say it again, say it again...

The stories they heard were mixed with facts and exaggeration, but only one thing is certain. It means that once captured by the Zanktogaren army, it will lead to a backdrop that can never be called happiness.

So they flee without even shaking their sides. Throw out even the pre-harvest fields, the peasants' lifeline.

"I don't know if you're okay... I can't believe you left the field alone and ran away"

"What if I'm telling you!? It's a species of life!

"Then, for running away, even if the fields are eye-catching when you return after the war -"

"Yes, don't say anything unpleasant, Grandpa..."

But again, the harvest and the untrained to the fields that were brought to fruition by hand remain. Anyway, it's the foundation of their lives. I will pay the crop as a tax, and if I sell the rest back, I will use it as food for myself, and I will connect with it. That's what peasants live for. It doesn't make sense to starve to death the day after tomorrow that you ran away to connect your life today.

Try to shake off that fear of pulling their hair back, and they will continue to prepare for evacuation.

"Lord, you know you can't help it in battle. There may be some tax overhangs or allowances."

"Oh, yeah? But can you expect such a measure from a nobleman?

"So you're gonna stay here and grab a candlestick and intercept Zanktogaren? That's not what you'd expect."

"Well, I get it..."

Yes, I tell ourselves, hurrying our escape to the rear city.

It is a time of distress. In this case, we can only pray for the mercy of the lord and beg for allowances such as tax exemptions and cookouts. It was the only way to survive, more than to abandon the fields and run away.

What if that's unacceptable?... In the first place, we had to escape because the lord didn't protect us. Besides, if you want to squeeze yourself further into cold poverty, you won't quit making preparations.

It is a luxury.

Now, during the war, you want to keep the people of the realm at your side. At least you won't want to turn it around on the enemy. If you flinch there, you'll pass some impossibility. What, we just need to get a little refund for the taxes we've been dedicating from day to day. Besides, isn't it at least easier for the Lords to put together a series of defeats against them than the Xanktogaren army, which is strong as a ghost...

That was the reckoning of the people.

"Mother, mi, water..."

"Patience! If we don't get out soon, we're gonna get caught up by some nasty soldiers!?

"So, but my throat..."

Two, one of the village's youths stopped to listen to his mother and son arguing. Apparently the mother is in a hurry for a child who wants water when she's thirsty.

"Auntie, drink to it. We'll be walking through from here to the nearest city. It's better to keep the water inside now."

When he says so with kindness, his mother turns to him badly.

"Beh, it's not like I was being mean to this girl."

"Well, then I'll help you draw it from the well."

"Thank you, uncle!

"... boy, I'm not old enough for an uncle."

After an innocently delightful child, the man headed to a common well in the village and quickly drew water to do it. Then, the patterned water is served to its mouth.

"Look, have a drink. Just a little, huh? If you drink too much, your stomach gets heavy while you're walking."


"I'm sorry, let me go out with the children..."

"No, I mean good, this much -"

Helping each other in crisis. To the profound affection between the neighbours, the villagers felt that excessive tension could be relieved.

We do it well. They don't get attacked like the rest of the villages, they run away and show them off. If we go along with helping and encouraging each other this way, I'm sure.

Even such optimistic hope came to mind.

However, the anomaly occurred shortly thereafter.

"Very, thank you...... Grr!?... ohhhhhhh!?

A child who was obsessed and drinking water. That abruptly afflicts me and sprinkles the contents of my stomach. A diarrhea stained with an unusual color emitted a sour odor by touching the atmosphere.

"- Huh?"

"Me, boy!?

Leaving room for the young man and mother of the shrimp, the child circles herself and freaks out and cramps like a shrimp. Vomiting did not stop, intermittently overflowing with sour liquid from his mouth.

"Oops, agu, hey eh...!

"Hey, what!? What's the matter with you!

"Hey, the starving ghost is down!

"Hey, why...? Oh, I just drew water..."

"Fang Yao! Hang on! Boy!?

Villagers crowded at the well end listening to the noise. A young man who stands on his feet. A mother who speaks to my child in a semi-frequent manner. In front of them, the cramps in the fallen child gradually increased in intensity...... eventually stopped.

He's dead.

"Oh...! How... how could my child be like this!?

"Chi, no... not me. No! What the hell am I!

"Oh, calm down. I can't believe you did anything."

"Then who the hell did it!? What happened WOW!?

"... the Zanktogaren army"

Someone groans so much in the village that it nearly caused panic.

As the elaborate gaze concentrated, the villager continued his words with trembling.

"It's Zanktogaren. They poisoned the well before we even noticed..."

Federal Royal Army of Zanktogaren. Livestock animals who appear from across the mountains and attack the land, work looting in other villages, kill people, and degrade women and children. The name permeates the villagers so that creepy ripples can spread.

"Za, zanktogalen......?

"Wait a minute. Even if they poison the village well..."

"Well, who else is there to gain from it?

"I can't do it... I can't do it with those guys. Eh!

"They're gonna kill us all!!

The frenzy, which should have been quiet once, rocked the people with increased seismic intensity, as it did in the main earthquake after the earthquake.

"To, run......! Get out of here!

"They're already close!?

"Mm, I snuck into the village and poisoned the well! I'm definitely close. Ugh!

"No...... no!?

"Get out of the way! Oh, I don't like it! I can't believe he killed me!

"No, don't! Don't push! My luggage..."

"You're not standing there, Noroma!

"Ha, we have to get away quickly......!

"Guh!? No, don't! Oh, don't step on me - yah!?

The panicked villagers rush to the exit of the village with us. There are no shards there, either, such as the labor to neighbors and the itchy co-ordination.

Some were even throwing away their luggage and pushing others away, just trying to help themselves. Others were pushed down to the right and left with their luggage, and trampled by the subsequent villagers. And some could not move from the side of the well, bewildered.

"Boy... my boy..."

A mother who rocks the remains of her outdated son so that she can't swallow things. No one cares about her at the earliest. Even the earlier youth have left the scene at first sight following the other villagers.

The horror of the war that was plaguing the villagers and looming even behind them. It was raising the water level to near the limit, and that was the moment when it was embodied in the form of the sudden death of a desirable toddler. The waves flutter away from the mountain tsunami. Then leave those who are no longer able to move.

"Hey, it hurts... why don't you put me down... in the same village, buddy -"

"Boy, why don't you wake up soon? Otherwise, the scary ones..."

Thus one village turned into an abandoned village.

And soon, it will be abandoned.

The tallest building in the village, the church.

There were two shadows that looked down upon the high ground, as the poor people fled and ran wild from the roof. Wear all the hooded black robes neatly and don't know what they look like. But from the irregularities that exist in that silhouette, we will probably be discerned as women together.

There is no one to blame for that appearance. The villagers fled or were unconscious, but more than that, the robes they wore were crooked.

Hidden courtesy. If you are not a master of the enemy, you will not be able to break into existence unless you appear even in front of you, a device with the magic of cover-up. There's no way you can find a peasant on the edge, such as finding someone wearing this on the roof. No, it used to allow even the elves to break into their hiding place, which should be innate listening ears and other good detections, without being noticed at all. Given its track record, it could also be that even if the army of Zanktogaren were to step into this village right now, they would not be able to discover the two men present above the church as one.

I opened my mouth to say that one of the two lurking by such an advanced hiding body couldn't stand it.

"KHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ♪ Look, look, dry! The humans are running away like ants. Okay? I knew all the creatures that got stuck in the nest would react alike, right?

The voice of a woman who joys innocently and mocks mercilessly. The words are dazzling and disproportionate young compared to their slender stretches and the fruits that push the loose robe up from within.

But it doesn't look like he cared about it on one side. I'm already used to it, just saying.

"Hum. It is a bunch of inferior hairless monkeys, among them the first lower crumbs. You don't deserve to be surprised if your intelligence doesn't change with bugs."

It was words emanating from the back of the hood that allowed the fleeing villagers to be exposed to relentless disdain. conviction of one's own superiority and hatred of a species called man. The gaze of contempt, mixed with those two, is hot as skin tingles, and at the same time cold as blood freezes.

The two confirmed that the villagers were far enough away from the village to get rid of the hood, as shown together.

What emerged was the beauty of the outside world, which together suspended the imagination of the other.

Brown skin on silver hair. Amber right eye and left eye covered by eye bands. A dark elf woman, mixed with fierce wild beauty and seductive female beauty.

White on blonde hair. Empty eyes shine with curiosity and abuse over the lens of the glasses. The daughter of an elf, combining graceful and relentless physical beauty with innocent and cruel spirituality.

Opus 03 dry. And Opus 06 Seis. Demons who reign in the land as new rulers, the 'works' he boasts.

"Well, your husband's orders are correct. I planted fear of the mountain monkeys on the monkeys and let them escape. After that... you know what I mean?

That's what I said. Dry looking toward Seyce. For this newborn colleague, there was still a place where she could not measure its true value. I do feel more than myself if I'm limited to magic. But when I normally acted, I was like a child, and there was even less to fall and cry where there was nothing.

"This assignment is combined with your performance test. It's not a good idea to just help your husband in the lab forever. You understand that much, don't you?

Therefore, he bought the director of the test to Seyce in conjunction with his work in this village. How much is Seyce worth after all? Simply to see if you can stay in one of the Lord's assistants, or if you can rate it above your level as a force of war.

to the confirmation, which included such an intention, Seyce,

"Yes, yes! So, you're going to experiment with my powers, right? Wow, have fun!

He shouted pleasantly innocently as he spread his arms toward the sky and protruded his abundant breasts.

I blink my eyes like Dry was drained of poison in that tense attitude. Then, he lowered his voice to add a drink.

"... you. Aren't we going to be a little bit weird or, conversely, angry? They're questioning your skill, aren't they?

"Huh? But it's an experiment, an experiment! Use magic you've never used before - make sure of my specs! I don't think it's funny. I don't know if it's frightening or annoying."

He said that with his finger on his head, he had no intention of doing so.

Oh, this is what he was, Dry recalled. An elf cultured at the hands of a person that is pre-rubbed to strongly hold curiosity, etc. when adjusting when manufacturing. Experiments for her like that are above all entertainment. If that is the opportunity to demonstrate the ability that has been held to rot, then joy would also be one thing.

"Hum... well, good. I don't care if you're willing. Okay, here we go."

"Yes, yes! Well, Opus 06 Seyce's, hey, I mean it! Watching."

Seyce takes a step with the energetic weather buzz and takes a look at the sight under her eyes.

Popular villages. An almost untouched wheat field hobo that spreads outside it. Look at them - put them in the subject and exercise witchcraft.

"… [Heavenly Fire Fairy, Earth's Flaming Spirit. Tie it right here now, and let Purgatory show up.: -"

A spell spinning from well-shaped lips into even thin, narrowed eyes. The enormous amount of magic that sprays up from your feet creates a twisting wind, causing your clothes to hang. The figure drew a line from the usual childish behavior and exuded the witchy solemnity of an elf offering prayers to the Spirit.

Dry is secretly impressive.

(Wouldn't you be able to do it?)

I thought you were just a hungry ghost with enormous magic, but the speed of chanting spells, the precision of magic control, and the magic level you're trying to activate, it's all super first class. Whether you want to do it dry or not, you can do it, but it's worth watching that you can get here without being built for less than a year.

But the next moment,

"- [... Yeah, what is it?]... Mendoku! Chant omitted."

"Bullshit, you idiot!? Are you trying to outburst me?

Seyce went into the outrage of greatly omitting the great magic chant.

A magic guide requires sophisticated control upon its activation. It is also a testament to a skilled magician to shorten the chant, or omit it completely without chanting, but it is only if you plan to omit the process from the beginning. If I discarded the rest as I came up with in the middle of the chant, the outburst could have burned me.


"Now, activate!" Inferno Storm: Ugh!

Complete an incomplete procedure that can cause dysfunction by instilling immense magic into it. The demon's outrage comes to fruition under his eyes.

- Fire.

Buildings, fields, forests, fields, everything winds up in flames.

He was crushed to the burning tongue, carburized, ashed and disappeared. That is precisely purgatory which appeared on earth. If there is a difference, only that it is not the purifying fire or the like that purifies sin that burns, but simply the flame of the devil that does not allow every life to exist.

Teng himself, who created that scorching hell, had a high laugh with a happy expression in front of the sight created by his own hands.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Awesome! Awesome! My magic is so amazing! From what I can see, it's all on fire! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

A blazing carpet, laid licking up under your eyes and repainting the view of the village with a red monochrome. If someone else sees it, such as a woman who laughs while watching it, they can't believe it's a nature guardian elf. the hand of the devil, or the devil himself.

A tiny village created over the years by powerless and teasing humans who cut and pioneered the field, built houses, and plowed fields. A nest of experimental animals, turned into a pathetic inferior creature, returns to ashes with one of their magic. She had so much fun. The kind of disloyal refreshment that strange children did to kick and ruin the sand castle they worked so hard on in the sand from the side. Happiness, which greatly fills the abomination, was burning the young brains. Trance enough to cause even tremor may have been the first sensation she had ever tasted, not long after birth.

but to such a brilliant seis,

"Are you stupid or what?!?


Dry's thoughtfully unloaded fist bone was slapped to the head.

Out of the extremes of pleasure, anger also leaps into the faces of exposed predecessors in the eyes of Seyce, drawn back to reality by shock and pain.

"Difficult high spell to handle, don't come up with it and omit it or anything! What are you thinking? You want to die? You wanted to involve me in the sidelines and blow yourself up with that stupid magic? Or are you simply an idiot!?

"Oh, I'm sorry. No! I forgot the spell!

Seyce turns around, trimmers and shrinks, and makes a flat apology. But Dry's anger doesn't subside, and he pinches and compresses Seyce's temples with both fists as he does.

"Forgot, huh?... I forgot! Break the chant once! You can reconstruct the procedure from the beginning. Ah!

Though it is a witchcraft-like skinny, it is the arm strength of a bio-modified dry. There is no such thing as crushing a human's head like a watermelon crack if you don't do the trick. Being compressed in the head with such force, Seyce cried out in pain filled with a full head in neglect.

"Pippy!? It's cracking! It's cracking! My nappies are cracked!? The brain miso is in the right and left brains! Oh, that's from the beginning!?... Oh, man, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!?

"There's no sign of reflection, huh!?

"No need for Oben ~!

It took about four or five minutes to pass. The roof of the church that was scaffolding began to collapse in the fire, so the place can be moved into the air and the cage can continue to fold.

"- I don't know if he can or can't use a guy named you. 04 or you."

Dry to let Seyce go like I finally feel like it. Meanwhile, the artificial elf girl, able to escape sanctions, opens her mouth with tears as she rubs her aching head.

"Uh-huh... As far as I'm concerned, I think Mr. Shahr can use it."

"Horns on the rabbit, from now on, beware of magic. I don't know how powerful it is, when it will erupt. It's not a terrible and usable thing, such as a magic instructor."

"Huh... so, but you acknowledge the power, right? Hey?"

"Hum. Only there. But if you can't seem to see too much improvement in control, let your husband give you his opinion to attack the enemy as a magic bomb."

"Pfft!? but good luck! I'll do everything I can to make sure your father doesn't abandon you.

"Do that from the start, you play"

In doing so, the fire on the ground was headed for a fire suppression. Because the flammable material on the surface burned out quickly at super high temperatures of too powerful flame magic. Where there was a throaty country village that had spread until earlier, only the blackened scorched earth stretched out.

Seyce shrugged as she watched the tragedy unmoved.

"... Nevertheless, it's strange what your father says. How can you let the villagers escape and then set fire to it?

It's decided, to use those hairless monkeys.

"? Use? Oh, maybe we could catch him alive and experiment with something."

"Then you wouldn't have to do something like this. Why don't you use your head a little more, you stupid little girl?"

In fact, the work done by Dry in this village was a little handy.

Let the right villagers drink after purposefully throwing poison into the well, and again let the right brainwashed villagers say that this is Zanktogaren's work. How far-fetched, far from my preference for drying. If she thinks of a way to do it herself, she either brainwashes the Zanktogaren army directly and makes them argue with each other, or she magically destroys them more directly.

Nevertheless, in the Lord's position, they cannot use such measures this time. The suspicion is that it hides the existence of a powerful magician or has the means of brainwashing. If the hairless boss monkeys distract you from the possibility, you think it's going to be a little rough?

The great Lord he serves is annoyed by the fabled, undulating rules of men like vulgar monkeys. Dry doesn't remember being slightly irritated about it. But she is a tool and a 'work' loyal to her husband. Mainly if there is some sort of calculation and the drawings are pulled, it is until we do everything in our power to complete them.

"Well, why not eat time here forever? We're on our way to the next position. Don't be foolish, act fast."

"Yes, no! Now don't fail, do it right. Well!

Dark elves that flew earlier and elves that follow them late. The two long-lived species walk through the sky with magical powers, after the burning marks of the coal smoke rising. They were not even recognized, such as the presence of a pathetic villager who remained late on the run at the well end and fell into flames and lost his life. No, I wouldn't have thought of anything where I recognized it. Because the goal of 'letting a certain number of villagers escape after blowing in the atrocities of the Zanktogaren army', commanded by the Lord, had already been achieved. I had no intention of dividing my consciousness of anything that was unrelated to it.

Dark smoke stands on one side, and the sky, which is supposed to be sunny, is gray and sumptuous. Still the anti-burn that left the burial fire was making a puckering noise and exploding there. There is nothing fruitful on the scorched ground, only the lonely devastation is spreading.

A handful of horseback riders roamed the burning fields like they were all dying, vain and hoarse. There are soldiers standing around on foot who seem to be serving. While they kept a certain distance from the cavalry, they were still detecting the traces of wheat fields that had turned into burnt fields.

"This is the sixth case, huh?"

The man on the horse, General Jürgen Bauer, commander of the invading Voldan army of the Federal Kingdom of Zanktogaren, whines with a stern face. This is the sixth time his army has come across the site of a burned field in this way. The food lost as a result of the recent burning of the supply stack, the countryside, which was at the mercy of its replenishment, has been crushed as everything preceded. It was in the form of a stunning poke at the food scarcity, which is the crier of the Zanktogaren army.

One of the cavalry making the offering asks questions as he lines up his horse's head.

"Does the General think this is an act of manipulation on the part of Arquel?

"I guess."

Bauer to answer instantly.

"It's called Operation Scorched Earth. It is a hand used to suppress unusual demons in rural areas of the border. I didn't know it would be used in wars between mankind."

An omnivorous, highly reproductive demon who eats the same food as humans like goblins, for example. This occurs in hundreds of thousands of units and strikes rural areas. And then what happens? Normally even demonic children who are interrupted without sufficient food support are deprived of large quantities of food enough to supply them in a stable manner. This frees the demons from hunger, the natural elimination does not work properly and even the abnormal number will increase even further. In order to prevent it, we must burn down the fields and the food bins at the hands of mankind itself if we are to be robbed by demons. That way they will no longer fill the bellies of their enemies, and the unusually proliferating demons will disappear to the end of their common eating.

Of course, this is a surplus of hands. It is a sword of all blades and a measure of bitter flesh. If they crush the fields, which are sources of income, the countryside dies. Naturally because they wipe out the base of aristocratic tax revenues, the food support of the people, together. Even if I wanted to play it, I would need 10 years and 20 years of time, no matter how little I estimate.

"Aren't they used in wars between mankind?

"It would be obvious. A nobleman eating on the rise of the land burns it just to win? Do you think the peasants who live on the land will take care of that?

"Ha. It was a stupid question"

My men pull back convincingly to Bauer's answer.

Yes, it can never be used in ordinary wars such as Operation Scorched Earth. In the countries of the Itusella continent, where feudal nobility holds power, absolutely. It is foolish for the aristocracy to dig down its own ground, and even for a king standing on it, once ordered to do so, it loses support from all the local aristocracies. Moreover, if the people beneath them were to burn their fields for war, they would dare to fly their flags and strike out at once. Even if we can win the war, we will revolt and destroy ourselves on our own with root rot.

Demonic opponents say that because that is the competition for survival among mutually incomprehensible races. At Setouchi, whether or not we will be destroyed, we cannot choose the means. If you can burn the border villages and stop the monsters, you will burn as many as you want.

On the contrary, that is not the case when humans become one another. If you are of the same race, war is a means of diplomacy. The aim is to make demands tolerated by violence, and destruction and killing are only one process. War and other nonsense enough for the country to perish. The power of mankind as a whole is diminished and only demons will rejoice as a result.

From that point of view, this invasion of the Zanktogaren army may be only slightly radical. But even though it's looting, taking it is a year's worth of storage. Compared to Operation Scorched Earth, which will hit the harvest in the coming years, a decade or so, it is much more moderate. Without fear of discourse, it is the difference between disobedience or disobedience itself. I don't know how to say fifty paces. At the mound of political plays such as reconciliation meetings and post-war diplomacy, it is a big difference whether we can stop before we step off our feet or not.

Assuming there are countries where such measures can be taken, countries with large national territory beyond common sense that are local enough to survive burning down and detaching invaded areas. In addition, it will require powerful dominance enough to allow the central powers to swallow impossible orders to the provinces. There is no such country on the Ithusela continent. Omnias who reign with strong royal power marlbearers and religious courtship, not even in these countries. One or island country, one or peninsula country. Both sides, you won't want the strength you can carry if you burn a region.

So, if you're a small country that raises the whole territory to fight?... I can understand that you want to spare doom until you burn your country, but I also think that's enough. In a word of exile, it is customary for the royal nobility of a destroyed country to be incorporated, for the most part, into the system of the conqueror's side and turned into the new nobility of that country. Drop yourself on civilians and pick up your life, in some cases. Harsh manipulations, such as those leading up to the Trinity Brotherhood Party, are not imposed unless there is much left to do so. It would be a bad idea to leave a lump of deep resentment in the rule of the new territories. If that's clear, I won't resist until I burn down the national soil. And the people won't follow the leaders who try to imitate them very much either.

... Bauer does not know the humans of the Ithuselah continent, where no Holy Kingship is much believed. That if countries that serve different religions and nations of different peoples fight each other, even if our differences in national power are enormous, we may try to unite to resist death until we deploy a harsh scorched-earth operation. But this is an example of a different world. It's just for the record.

Or an operation by Bauer to intercept the main unit of the Royal Army of Arquel, which is being formulated. If the Expeditionary Force were to do so in lands occupied from enemy countries, as in the proposed retreat tactics in that option, there would be similar cases. Either way, it's insane to burn down your own land within your own country.

"But... what kind of man, the lord who directed this operation?

Thinking about it at times, reinforcements from the Wang capital have not yet arrived. It's suspicious if you've even received a warrant. In other words, this scorched-earth operation must be led by the Lord of Voldan. A lord who burns down his territory without hesitation, albeit in an emergency called war. What exactly is the root of that heart?

The enemy burned enough food to cover 40,000 Zanktogaren troops. In other words, it would have abandoned 40,000 people's food support on its own. Even if we win this war, isn't it the mountain of Sekiyama, with its devastated territory and its starving inhabitants, that sets us on our way? It is a foolishness that a lord should never take.

But the stupidity was surely hunting down Bauer and the rest of the United Kingdom Army of Zanktogaren. Untouched rural areas have also been burned, losing the food gathered in the corners and hitting the fill. Instead of surviving the winter as it is, it will be the feather of starving to death with pillows lined up this fall. There is virtually no way to open up against the hand of abandonment that has cost us so much. Will the enemy lords be prepared to stab themselves in the same way as this army?

Whether the chills that ran on my spine when I thought about it were the result of the autumn breeze blowing with nothing to stop me from doing so.

"... I just think it's crazy"

If we're going to carry out a maneuver of madness, I guess the motive is still madness, too. Let's set fire to our own territory and drive the Zanktogaren army to disintegration. Do you have so much hatred for Zanktogaren that you will not sink into hell with all of us? Or do you pledge your allegiance to your country enough to throw aside your own territory or your own position?

Or is it an action from the idea that rather than losing the battle and dying? No, Bauer heartily denies that it won't either. Even if victory and defeat can often be painted on a defeated spot in a soldier's home, the possibility of a relapse remains as long as life is connected. Being martial arts awkward and defeated without being outnumbered, it is appreciated more than leaving a thousand stigmas at such a handful. Besides, if I had torn down the house every time I lost, nobles and the like would be gone in no time. If you sneak down on temporary shame and rely on the muscles you need to rely on, the house will likely stay and survive itself, even if you try to discredit it. Tomorrow with the nobility of the other house, we will not imitate, if you think of it, like beating a drowned dog with a stick, normally. Running into outrage frightened by such possibilities meant that Bauer could not have predicted by this time whether he was so politically isolated or so suspicious that he could not expect any mercy from the upper echelons of the kingdom - or both.

Maybe there's simply no such thing as distinction. Either way, it's insane to do this far - it's also the right thing to do without trying.

"General, I was wondering if you would go out with that crazy enemy and honestly wage war."

One of his subordinates advises Bauer to do so even if his expression remains unchanged.

In short, I'm saying why don't we retreat?

"... don't say it. A soldier runs upset."

The terminal reply strongly contained a willingness to reject.

What happens when you retreat here? Arquelle hustles that he drove Zanktogaren to the withdrawal, and I don't know what conditions he's going to poke at the table at the pageant. In addition, the purpose of this war is to remedy the inhumane behaviour of Arquel in its trade. Where a state has been scorched, its purpose cannot be fulfilled. On the contrary, it would use the export of food as a pretext for a reluctant outfit, combined with the case of the Wang Du Great Fire, for example. It was also clear that he would thoroughly condemn the Zanktogaren who created the cause. This makes no sense to have fought, but the situation is worse than before.

And there are circumstances on the Zanktogaren side that cannot be allowed to retreat either. It was visible that if soldiers were to be gathered and deployed from countries in distress and withdrawn without any busy results, dissatisfaction would be raised from all over the Federation. For what did you give supplies, including troops and military funds, and food without them? If you can blame me for that, there's no word to give it back. Something visible needed to be achieved. It's not enough to have kicked through such a country defense team. For example, the destruction of the main forces of the Royal Army of Arquel and the desirability of harmony under favourable conditions, or the capture of a large number of nobles and royalties who could be held to ransom.

There will also be an opinion that more should have been made use of this ambush operation. Declaring war by crossing a mountain Simultaneous attacks are a one-time measure. If it were to be an early retreat while the enemy had room for disobedience, the future defense of Voldan would be consolidated beyond comparison with the present. Unless it's too much abalone. Bearing in mind the route using the example, a new defense plan is devised. In that case, a second surprise attack cannot succeed. And the harsh forcible forces of mountain crossing and so on don't even need to be picked without the benefit of an ambush. Therefore, in this battle, only one trump card is required to be worthy of cutting.

Most importantly, there's a problem with the retreat route. Beyond the fact that there is only a mountain road leading from Elps-Rottlergen to Voldan, we will also pass through this when we return. They march along the hilly, cold mountain roads without food or spirits to warm their bodies. Nothing but suicide. Hunger and cold will cause more damage than conducting a raw half battle. Except for the story if you have at least the supplies accumulated in previous looting, but that's also after being burned down at the hands of someone - possibly an agent on the Arquel side. And if the supplies are burned down, there is no need to put the withdrawal proposal on top in the first place.

For the above reasons, there can be no withdrawal as it stands. At least I couldn't think about it for Jürgen Bauer.

"At least we need to drop the state capital"

Voldan, the state capital. The heart of the state, which bears the same name as the region. Where grains paid as taxes and goods transported on trade routes must be collected. The supplies that would exist there were increasing the need for the Zanktogaren army.

Whether you're going back down the mountain path with supplies or eating up supplies to last on this land, the state capital is inevitable in any case.

"Him, a fatigued, lightly dressed soldier, attacking a castle..."

That's what my men say now, frightened. Indeed, it is now. Bauer and others assumed and tried to deny the possibility from the time the report came in that they had been burned the assembly area, even though they said they could not reject it.

"Voldan State soldiers are small and fragile. Even if you're caged in a city, if you push this one, or..."

As I said, it was the thought of my mouth rotting. It is not the kind of measure that a legitimate general would think. A ruinous operation in which those who consider a mere number of troops arrive at the end, not even considering the state of the soldiers' wear and tear. It is a muddy war of depletion.

But an improbable failure to burn the food stored in the back stronghold. At the time of committing it, there was no other way to take it than this outrage. We will not be able to resist the incoming Arquelle army headquarters until we have a base capable of cantoning 40,000 soldiers. It's not even possible to go home to Zanktogaren without getting supplies. Then we have to fight and win. No matter how miserable that is, it's a hell of a fight.


Fu, smoking horizons on ash and dust. From beyond comes the cavalry of the decree.

Bauer glanced at the expression of the decree.

... is a laugh.

"A decree! General Bauer, good news! There was a wheat field that hadn't been burned yet!


The servant Bauer also doubted his ears for the report, then blinked and finally broke his mouth. There's food. An untouched field has found a new source of supply. It is this newspaper when it is crushed on the assumption of losing stockpiles and making up for them, and at last it is even ready for a tragic war of depletion. Verily it was a merciful rain of arid heaven.

"Is that report certain?

Encourage ahead while discouraging feelings of deviation. The decree continued with such momentum that it seemed to run out of thousands.

"Ha! The villages present on the eastern and western borders are still untouched! On the contrary, according to those who conducted the forced reconnaissance, the western part of the state is mowing wheat!

"West, huh?"

Come to think of it, all the land sacrificed and offered by Operation Scorched Earth is an eastern neighborhood of the state. Close to the Zanktogaren army's area of influence, plus the lack of fortifications and other difficult to protect due to the rugged terrain. Skip it. The West is a region with a concentrated population of Voldan province. Lack of food threatens to lead to frequent neglect riots. In the Voldan State Soldier, which is also hit down on a small number, this can't be contained.

Couldn't a scorched-earth operation be conducted in the western part of the state due to political circumstances? Or is it a strategy for the Arquelle side to become self-sufficient in the western wheat while the Zanktogaren army, which dominated the east, starves?

In any case, wheat remains to the west and there are bases that can be replenished within reach. That was certain.

Bauer skips a new instruction to his sidekick.

"Hurry up and regroup the requisition unit and get food from the village where it was reported. Then we go back to our original strategy."

"Ha! Immediately!

This somehow gave me the goal of reverting to the original policy. He replenishes the food, rests the soldiers, and hangs himself to cut the western side of Vordan with an army of sufficient energy. That way, we can make room for the enemy team that will be here to intercept.

"Phew... Operation Scorched Earth to burn supplies. When they adopted such a measure, they cooled the liver down, but it was the revenge for not being able to get through it."

If we were to do it, we should have burned the whole West. That way Zanktogaren had been completely refused supplies and was the feather of wild drowning in the middle of a journey. If you burned your own territory, the aftermath of the war is a must. Then on the contrary, you should thoroughly burn everything, scratch the leftover food on hand, and suppress the hungry people as a show. Ten and eighty-nine will follow the path to disintegration, but if we return the back, we can create a situation more favourable to Nine Deaths in a lifetime. Yet it leaves the desire to leave the west halfway, so it leaves room for this rebellion.

I can win. And Bauer thought. Due to the madness in the schedule and the short time available to apply to the rest of the soldiers, the battle against the incoming enemy troops will be tough next month. However, when they survived this predicament, the soldiers increased their hostility to the kingdom of Arquelle by adopting measures such as starvation and killing. Something tends to loosen up the bond with hatred. If it's a deduction, you can consider it a plus. We have a winner.

At least those who worked out a ridiculous imitation of Operation Scorched Earth, etc. will never let it live and return it.

He hated the kingdom of Arquel. Bullshit trade, bullshit diplomacy, and this bullshit way of warfare. I also have enough to lick Zanktogaren. I don't care about the Heidelrecht Great House in Grandonburg or anything else, but its umbrella, the motherland Baharia, has been struggling with the butt wipe of this problem.

I'll pay you back the debt. General Jürgen Bauer boiled his hot wars under a hard expression.

"I will report you, my lord. Customers are expected to arrive on schedule."

"Huh? Well, we have to stick around and get ready for a welcome."

"Also, how well you found the surprise giveaway"

"Phew, yeah. I'm sure they'll be surprised, too, huh? We've worked it out for you, too."

"The problem is, if you return satisfied with a gift only -"

"That's not true, Dordolan Borderline said. Guests will want to bring home a lot of souvenirs if they can, so they'll be here."

"- Would you like to sit on your left? It's a good thing I'm not wasting my prep."

"Yeah. Honestly, you stink of trouble. Oh, I was wondering if you could just go home... those people. Or just disappear."

"With all due respect, this is where we find ourselves. I thought this would be a good opportunity to cut off your husband's worries in one place."

"Well. I know that, but whether you're motivated or not is a different question."

"Then I'd like to treat you to tea of the day to at least nourish your English"

"... more sugar and milk today, please"

"I'm afraid, my lord"

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