Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~
068 Repeated Fears
The sun sets to the west, throwing ominous remnants into the clouds into the sky from beyond the horizon.
The season is autumn and the place is the province of Vordan, occupied by mountainous plateaux. The evening visit was quicker than I thought.
The Zanktogaren soldiers, who buried a large group of Lebnants per abandoned village by hanging fire, are entering the wilderness of Vordan to prepare the camp. The difficulty of the army marching at night is finally known, but it is even more difficult in the continent of Ithusela, where monsters who exchange revenge on humans travel. Haunted by fatigue and deprived of vision in the dark, if attacked by the inhabitants of darkness, the magnitude of the damage is not a ratio of the battle with the enemy forces. It is normal for nocturnal monsters to have a high hearing that is bat-shifted or capable of dark vision. In addition, physical abilities are far beyond human. Suicidal behavior is the same for a regular person, such as a night battle against such a monster.
So they kill their minds and take camp in the wilderness where the autumn breezes blow. Burn the fire brilliantly and keep demons and wildlife away with signs of fire. Seize the order of bedtime and night police, then cook dinner from among the scarce food. We have to get these done before the night runs out.
"Nevertheless, you've got a problem"
"Oh. The food in the corner was actually poisonous and at the end of the sentence it became fuel to cremate the corpses. They'll be depressed."
That said, the captain spit purple smoke out of his mouth. What he is enjoying is a preference called tobacco, where he tastes light intoxication by smoking smoke burned with special leaves. Fae races like Dwarves and Dark Elves say they have a habit of sucking and liking this. It also seems to be a life-cutting poison for short-lived humanity, but the captain thinks it's the same thing that made it alcoholic.
What he's wearing is a cigarette roll. Easily smoke by simply lighting a fire, even without the use of a dedicated pipe. They say anything was developed by the Academy of Magic Instructors as a preference for Magic Instructors. I think the chanting of spells can interfere with this kind of thing, but I hear it is well received by them who are prone to exhaustion of spirit due to the drain of magic. It is the valve of the Wizard, the opponent who divided the cigarettes. The captain also admitted that it would help calm the mood a little.
"The most discouraging thing would still be General Bauer. I even came here to rethink my strategy."
"In the end, you will attack with a depleted soldier. The main unit's heading this way to match our charges, so we'll meet tomorrow? If we run out of food with this, it would be a rebellion if we did poorly. Well, it's boring."
"You won't be bored. I don't like it. I can't believe you drowned in the back of the mountain in Arquelle."
A hundred captains under his command say it's smudging. I do not agree with you, even if you are the captain who keeps a thousand of this convicted squad. Forgiveness was due to the collapse of the allies and the waste of their lives.
but I said this when I put it in my mouth.
"What is it, you? You don't like mountains? Where's Kuni?
"It's the Principality of Canofer. Born and raised, it's a port town."
What his men uttered was the name of a territorial state facing the sea on the border with Armando, Armando, Arquelle.
"What, the North, famous for its sailors' origins? Why would you join us over a mountain of walking in the south like this again?
"It's a weak nature for ships... so when I volunteered for the Army, I also chose land, but then this troop outpost was carried out jointly by the Territorial Union, and I was turned over the mountain."
"He's not twisted."
"No, not at all. I don't know what's wrong with me, but in Kuni, people from Galerin are sitting here with Nukunuku, skipping the border guard."
"Well, that sucks."
Another hundred captains pinch their mouths.
"Galerin's - the guys in Grandonburg, they really are shit. Blow the Great King's family and get on with the sign habit that our cunt took charge of..."
"I agree. It must have been a war at a time like this because they're being licked by the Arquelles"
"Seriously, it sucks. I was born in Dinhill, and when it was the same eastern cunt, he treated us like countrymen."
"Speaking of which, where is the captain?
"What, you don't get it? It's Vermin."
To his men's enquiries, the captain named the new Commonwealth, which had just joined the Federation a few decades earlier.
The surrounding face becomes strange as soon as possible.
"Well, what do you say..."
"Dear grief, should I say..."
"Hmm, whatever you want"
Reply to an outright voice of sympathy by sniffing in a grumpy manner.
The kingdom of Birmin is inherently a thin area on the fringes of Zanktogaren. The former official language is also quite different from Zanktogaren. It was incorporated into the Federation because it lost the war. It is like a de facto annexation, although royalty was guaranteed. Thanks to this, domestic interests were scratched and impoverished by Galerin and other territorial states.
"It's almost like I threw away a cunt. Before this expedition was formed, it was a mercenary. I used to put my face on an iron fire all over Zanktogaren."
That's what the captain says to throw up.
Before this war, we say that fifty years of peace had ensued, but there was simply no war between the four powers. The battle for the integration of the Kingdom of Birmin into the Union of Zanktogaren was only a dispute between the territorial states, and the mercenary's earning gates were rolling around there.
"Ha ha, was the Troop Commander mercenary up? You're used to pillaging by reason."
"Tell me you're a good fighter even if you're lying... but you're rarely a good mercenary."
There is no bloodline or geography at all, and my employer and I are connected by money alone. There is no such thing as a drunken mercenary who can fight for his life. Even on the hire side, they intend to use a number of pairs to intimidate the war opponents. Even in retrospect, he worked more in looting than in participating in a decent fight.
And back to me where I thought it would be.
"Hmm... you talk too much boring"
Say it and put the cigarette in your mouth again - I notice it's mostly ash to try to re-smoke it.
"No, it's not boring, Captain. Let me hear more."
"Yes, yes. It seems worthy of listening to memorabilia of the former mercenary lord of the war."
"Don't even say what you don't have in mind. Do you guys want to talk about it later in your own hundred squad?
"Yes, Captain Wo! Share your valuable experience across your unit to help improve your proficiency!
"Don't get on with it, play"
Say, light a second cigarette.
After a scattered operation, I meant to hang out chatting with my men to drain gas, but I leaked too much extra. If you lose your mind, you'll have a lot of old stories to reflect on because you ate your age. Apparently, it wasn't just the fat in the stomach and under the chin that was growing unknowingly.
When I put on my clothes and looked up, my men were still looking at this one in such a fashion as intrigue.
"What the hell, you guys? I'm not gonna say any more."
"Oh, please stop being such a jerk."
"It won't decrease. It's not a share of the looting."
When did you guys get so comfortable? That's what he thinks and smiles. Until morning, the guys who openly licked or repelled this one suddenly began to get familiar with it, bordering the evening. What the hell is wrong with you? Surprised by the leopard weirdness of his men, he contained cigarette smoke in his mouth, tasted only the flavor and vomited whooply.
"Reduce it. Specifically, my life expectancy. Famous jinx, don't you know?
Soldiers who told old stories during the war die. It is a well-heard rumor.
Of course, the captain doesn't believe anything like that. It was an excuse to end a troublesome long story.
"Mostly, if you have time to slap your mouth in vain, take care of your own squad."
"No, no. The soldiers would be confused if we were superiors."
"That's right, I see. This is our concern, too."
"Fool. Shortly after you screwed it up, huh? Now is the best time to keep your eyes open. What do soldiers do with anxiety and dissatisfaction?"
- I don't know, that's when I tried to go on.
"... Hono, Akali, Beautiful"
Nocturnal wilderness, unlike the military packed by men, the voice of a young girl.
I heard him in the wind. Besides, the captains turn around surprised.
To my surprise, a cigarette falls from hand.
The night mouth sky depicted by the gradient with purple and black, meadows under the moon. There she was, a girl of a different style who deserved a different situation.
A thin limb with dull blonde hair stretched out enough for her ears to hide and a line wrapped around an undecorated piece. The white appearance itself is neat, but painfully engraved with hands and feet all over his face and an unobtrusive tattoo in the neighborhood. The expression on his face was as audacious as it could be seen in the bonfire raised throughout the camp, and his eyes were out of focus.
If your first impression is "unusual," the feeling you carry on is "madman".
But the girl had one trait that was not just a madman.
"... lady, what's in that hand?
Ask the captain to cut off the fire while his men are being distracted.
In her slender arms, she was carried a long strong bow that would be difficult for even large adults to pull. Is it the arrow barrel that is borne on your back by the belt? If a girl could have used this bow to its full potential, how powerful would she be? And I wonder why he showed up here with that stuff. I was relieved to think about it.
"Am I an adventurer or something? Ha..."
One of my men leaks a cramped laugh.
The girl who takes the weapon and shows up on the meadow one night. As a candidate for her status, the Adventurer will be the most moderate.
The girl, after all,
"Bow, Kensha......?
Tilt your little neck to the word you picked up in your ear. It was an adorable trick, but at the same time it was uncomfortable to make me feel any definitive disconnect.
The girl's eyes shake. It seemed as if it was a terrible, distant sight to think of the lost homeland.
And he roars as he lays down his face for a headache.
"Ugh... Chi, Chigau"
"... no?
Not an adventurer, no. Then who is it? Why do you appear armed before the barracks?
... No, wait.
The captain noticed something he had decisively overlooked.
(How did this guy get close to us in the first place...!?
And taste the thoughts that make your spine cold.
As I have said many times, camping is fundamental in scenic meadows and hills. To avoid night raids by demons, beasts, and enemy forces, set up guards where it is easy to avoid accidents.
So, what's that watch doing?
Dull blonde. White onesie, all moonlight and still bright hours of night's mouth. Is it something that can come right in front of the Commander in such a wind that it floats in the darkness and stands out, without being blamed by the guard soldiers?
Whatever it is, it's not a decent deal. The captain makes that decision and reaches for the sword hanging on his hips.
At the same time, he looked up as if the girl had been played.
"I'm a jerk! Weasel, voi!
"Vui? Is that the name of your lady?
That's not what we want to hear.
The 100 captains of my men still have a stronger colour of confusion than vigilance. Just before the captain opened his mouth to call attention to it,
"Vampire's, voi!
The girl exalted her worldly name with a full smile.
"Van, Paia?
"Just kidding."
"... Enemy attack!!
Ignoring the distracted surroundings, the captain shouts out.
"A demon! All hands, move to the retreat! Enemy Estimated Battle Power, Crusade Class B to A! Repeat, B to A! All hands, it's a transition to a retreat!!
Yelling, he prayed diligently.
Please tell me it was a joke. If this is just a joke, all you have to do is call yourself a dumb grandfather who was charged by his little girl. But if it were true, a great many of my men would die, and so would myself.
Vampire. Vampire. Not only do they excel in both arms and magic, but the nobility of demons who exercise numerous special abilities and reign over the dead. Dark invaders who increase their strength by sucking blood, turning their blood sucking opponents into family members and taking territory away from humans. It's a high undead that once even leaned a country and finally destroyed it.
The Crusade Rank enacted by the Adventurer Guild is at least B-ranked. It is a monster that the mighty men of the realm, who deserve a hundred soldiers and are said to be a thousand horsemen, have finally hung them in bundles. No matter how many Xanctogallen troops are known to be martial artists, they will be overwhelmed by loads in this unit, which was formed for the purpose of conscription.
Do something, watch the gap, and run.
- Doss.
"... ah?
To the shock of abruptly cutting off thoughts, the captain looks down at his chest.
An arrow was growing out of his chest.
With a bow, he was shot.
"When, during..."
"Oh, no, no, no."
A girl named Vy laughs innocently at the appearance of a falling captain.
A strong bow that is about the length of your body that you can carry in your hand. It was used to shoot the captain.
... to no one on this scene, keeping an eye on the arrow, pulling the string, and not showing the moment you let go. It is truly an out-of-the-box early job.
The girl slowly watched the arrow taken out of the arrow barrel to make it look special this time. Not four at a time. And sharply pointed dog teeth that let you peek through your grinningly distorted mouth.
"Nakama, colored, teki...... Vy too, colored!
"Friends...... you say? I'm talking about Levnants in that village! You're the one who..."
"What if I'm saying that! We're taking the captain back!
"Then, fool... things..."
The captain controls his men trying to carry their hands on his shoulders with one trembling hand raised.
"It's fatal... I'm fine. You guys, yakitori -"
- Doss.
- Doss.
- Doss.
- Doss.
Without waiting to finish saying what must be a will, four arrows shoot through the hundred captains of his men. I didn't even scream. It would be instant death. In the captain's sumptuous sight, the flesh of his lost companions falls down one after the other. In the meantime, the vampire's daughter seemed only slightly clearer as she deepened her mad laughter.
Irrational incarnation, indifferent to the fact that it would be time for human convenience.
"Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Nakama, Kataki, Shi! Not yet, Colo! More, colloquial! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
"Wow ahhh!?
"Damn! Excuse me, Captain... Retreat! Retreat! Demons appear! Don't think about defeating them, retreat!
A surviving subordinate finally rushes out, trying to be pushed by a monster laugh.
The captain dropped it off, exhaling thinly with Hiuuuuuuuuuu.
(Oh shit...... eh)
Even if I want to throw up poison, I won't even turn my mouth satisfactorily. So I vomit poison in my heart.
(Why jinx would only hit bad......)
Soldiers who told old stories during the war die. It was a well-heard rumor.
And you'll never hear it again.
The mercenary ascending captain slowly lost light from his eyes, and at last his thoughts were cut off as well.
"Enemy attack! No, monster! There's a monster out there!
"It's a vampire, I can't believe I'm going to stand up to it!
Camp illuminated by a bonfire. The girl laughs as she puts in the eyes of the soldiers who scream and run away.
"Texture, emotion, taxane! Corosu, taxan, ho, ho!
Say, one tongue nodding.
The prey is massive. Kill this and my people will compliment themselves.
I'm glad to have you with me, and I'm glad to have given you a bow.
There's just too many of them to kill off by themselves. There will be some headcount here too, my instinct as a hunter whispered. And she's well equipped to do that.
In response to the will, a tattoo engraved all over his body glowed in dark purple.
"Nakama, nakama! Co! -" SAMON FAMILIA DIPLAYVED:! "
Intelligence degraded by the breakdown of the spirit. A magical curse engraved to make up for it proxyes a complex chant. At an alarming rate, activate a demeaning ceremony by a filthy god.
An unclean army was summoned, as the moonlight overflowed from the shadow of the girl who had let it rise.
"Ki, gi, gi, gi... Huh!!
Black wolf stripping out fangs and barking in the night sky. A bat that opens its eyes wide and glows red. Big centipede pounding his chin limbs as he busily moves countless legs.
Fear and disgust monsters arrive at the Zanktogaren army.
"Va, they're vampire demons! Shake it off!"
"Damn, what about the priest?!? No clerics?!?
"You know, you're even praying in the main force, you piece of shit!
"... I'll take care of this place!" It's flaming. "
He is a Zanktogaren army marched by boulders. Though it was the confusion that was befalling him, he waved courage against the herd of demons he used and steadily repelled this.
Especially effective is the magic of flames. Vampire use demons are as immortal in nature as the Lord. As a result, it becomes more vulnerable to the magic of flame attributes than the prototype animals.
"- Gikichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichi
This worked on the surface for wolves and blood-sucking bats flying through the air that can quickly run through the ground, and for giant centipedes that travel by crawling around the ground. A flame radiated like burning down a meadow. Surrounded by its high heat, it makes a long body swerve like no other.
I'm sorry the other demons are safe again. The wolf was attacked where he had jumped back to avoid the fire, and the bat was being pined down and beaten down with stones, bows and arrows, spears, etc. where he was frightened. Even when it comes to demons, they are still inferior as well. When dealing with soldiers used to fighting monsters, I could say the minutes were bad.
"Ugh... of eagles, nakama!
A vampire girl bites her teeth so that the summoned handkerchief can't be more effective than she thought.
Unlike the usual "Samon Familia", which requires a demon contract with an individual, "Samon Familia" produces only impromptu disposable pawns that project the magic of the operator. You can reuse as much magic as you need to activate, such as summoning a lower family member. Still, the sight of my invoked being kicked around was something that stroked my nerves backwards.
The acute perception of vampires is a clear picture of the state of war. That it is at the rear of the soldiers who are engaged in this battle, and that the other soldiers have already begun to flee. I let a lot of soldiers get away with it as it is. Even though it was the annihilation of the enemy that she was commanded.
The girl, who begins to be imprisoned in a hurry, whoops, realizes what is rolling at her feet.
Yes, if you don't have enough hands, you can have more company.
"Oh Mae, Nakama, Naru! -" Greater Creative Skeleton: Spartoy: Eh!
The demon-guided engraving of the girl who named her Vui is inspired again. Evil magic is activated with the ominous light, wrapping the corpse falling and lying in the meadow in a fog of anger.
cockroaches and bones - whirring all over his body, the white-boned corpses rose up.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa...!
"Thirsty... not enough... painful...!
"Give it to me... Give it to me! Give me your life!
The warriors take the weapon as they raise resentment against the living on the body of all the flesh shredded bones.
In that blasphemous resurrection, the soldiers who witnessed it attracted their faces.
"Hih!? The captains are in Skeleton!?
"But it's a skeleton! It's painful to know your life, but this..."
"No, it's awkward!
A magician tells a soldier who at least leaks his strength if he is only a junior undead, with a blue face.
"I'm a skeleton with horns! … the superior species Spartois, is further enhanced in its lifetime combat power. Don't be alarmed, even a skilled adventurer is an antiquated opponent!
White bone fighter Spartoy wearing horns on his head. It is a legendary demon who tells us that warriors made from dragon fangs were born from the struggling heart of birth and from the wreckage of the end of each other's killing. It is unclear whether that myth is true or not, but it is certain that a powerful warrior is a changed being after his death. And in the degree of threat in combat, naturally, it's not comparable to a normal skeleton.
"Yikes, Yikes! Corollary!"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Lord...!
"Say... stay... i...!
Taking the life of the creator vampire, the five Spartois begin their action.
The massacre has begun.
"Wow, wow!?
"" Flame - "Hih! Don't make it, yaaaa!
"Stop it! Captain, it's me! Stop..."
The corpse, which is also the Zanktogaren strongman, the undead whose captainship was created as a vegan body. Dimensions were different from those of low-level user demons created by magic alone. The magician is stuck without even having time to finish the chant, and the soldier is slashed down without even being prevented by a spear or sword. The tail of the Zanktogaren army collapsed within neglect.
But it was only at the rear of the retreating soldiers that the five undead and the surviving user demons ravaged. We still have enough power ahead of us.
"" Fireball. "Ow!
"Haaaaaa...... Huh!?
The flaming magic unleashed, not even reluctantly involving allies, wraps the army of the immortal in fire. It was what the commander, who expected to be broken through, made the Magic Master do.
"Oh, fever! Oh, I'm on your side."
"Don't hesitate, Mage! Go on, shoot!... This is not an ally killing. To save those who go behind us!
The demon of a self-armed soldier caught in flames. The Commander reprimands the distressed Wizard. Enemy breakthroughs are way off track enough to crush a grounded soldier in an instant. Then bake the undead even on each side. It was a ruthless decision, but one that had to be exchanged to keep more friends alive.
"Go on, I'll shoot you!" O flame, dwell in my hand - "
"... get ready wow! Let the undead go any further!
"No kidding! I don't like dying! I don't like it!!
"Damn it! Damn it! Whoa! All right, do it. Every single one of us!!
Unnamed soldiers, some lay down their weapons and flee, and some assemble into it in tears, seeing that they are no match for Spartoy. If you die leaving half a corpse behind, you will be souled by demons like this white-bone ghost, and you will not even get post-mortem salvation. Those who have come to know death therefore run wild, trying to burn their enemies in flames with them on the road.
"" Fireball. "Ow!
"" Fireball. "Ow!
"Oh, shit... [Fireball] Oh!
One flaming flower after another sprinkles in the meadow at night, and the lives of the soldiers burn to the ground. In order to obtain a small and vain consideration for holding back the unclean army for a short time.
The sight of the madness of humans throwing the lives of their allies into a ditch, or devoting their lives to crying. In a way, a vampire named Vui claps his hand and laughs at a battlefield landscape that is not on top of this.
"Hahahahahahahaha! Hono! Hono! Hono! Beautiful!"
Originally, a monster who feared fire and should be folded into a purified fire was enthralled by a burning fire that would destroy humans.
She recalls in joy, with a frivolous head.
Oh, speaking of which. I remember seeing sights like this once upon a time. I've seen more beautiful flames than this when it was. I think that was great fun and delightful, but when was that?
And I remember it like it was next.
"... the eagle, the eagle, it's deadbeat! Hono, dah, dah, dah!
A curse engraved on the blued skin glows three degrees dark,
"Deru, Deru! Dah! -" Ignis Fatas: Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!
The flames of the devil licked up the wilderness.
"" Giyayaaaaaaaaah...... Huh!!?
Magic flame swallowing dozens of soldiers at a time. A cold flame that is too unnaturally bright and too unnaturally lacks heat. It is a cantera of prison guards who burn the souls of the living and illuminate the suffering that leads to despair. It is the work of the demon god who burns out only the spirit of the offering without burning down the object.
Both the soldier who challenged the stopping who risked his life, and the demon conductor who was burning enemies on each side in tears, crushed with the firewood of the unclean holy fire.
But the horror isn't just about power.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa...!
"Resentment, pain, despair...!
"Full, full, full...!
The flaming magic of the Zanktogaren Magic Instructor, a bunch of Spartois that should have been damaged by that heat. And the bones, which should have been about to be cremated, rose again with a gruesome cheer to hear. The body of the bone, which was cracked by heat and blows, regenerates like a glazed ceramic.
The bitterness of the living and the lamentation of despair infused the dead flesh of the undead with evil vitality.
The damage inflicted by risking the lives of countless soldiers was attributed to nothing at this moment.
"Then, stupid..."
A commander who was surviving this attack reaches his butt powerless on the grass. Because it was situated so hard on the outside of the effect range, it didn't have to be burned by the demonic flame of "Ignis Fatas".
But what salvation would that be? Let the magic of burning your soul kill you, and hang it directly in the hands of the obnoxious undead, is it not the same to taste and die of agony in despair?
No, there's only one hand. There's not even a post-mortem salvation. There's a hand to escape the end.
The commander pulled his weapon out of his hips. A dagger that was supposed to be a spare weapon.
"Or God! Forgive me for not being able to give you all the raw...!
It is self-harm. Suicide is a heavy commandment violation in the Holy Kings, but only one could be tolerated. Just before it hangs in the hands of the undead, he returns his soul to you before it is toyed with and polluted. That would, he said, give him post-mortem relief.
He puts a dagger's cut to his throat, repeating the doctrine of remembrance over and over again in his head.
"Mahou, Taxan and Tsuka. The eagle, the naka, the sucker..."
- Or so it is, at the hands of the monster of blasphemy, he stopped the breakdown of suicide.
Immediately approaching his sight with extraordinary leg strength, the vampire is grabbing his arm up with his slender arms. Do not push or pull to slight motion. The monster's red eyes glowed mocking the wretched resistance of his prey.
The moment his eyes met, his heart broke.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!? Stop it! Stop it! Wow! Let me die. Yeah, yeah!!
"Shino?... Chi, su, shi fu! Shin, nakama, naru!
"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Oh, oh, please don't..."
The petition is also vain, and the lips that hide the deadly canine teeth behind it approach.
A cute, slutty, passionate mouthpiece if you peck your lover's skin with a mattress. That feeling down to the neck muscle shook my fear by betraying my appearance because of the cold temperature.
The Terminator who at night. Try to get your back pressed against it, the soldiers run.
Please be safe, I hope you get out of this hell.
Shortly afterwards they will find out that it was an overly reckless wish.
"Uhhh... Hono, this, let's go tigga..."
In a devastated camp, the girl named Vui roared in dissatisfaction.
After that, I saw the chasing enemy soldiers flaming on each side again, or tried to burn my soul with my magic, and I greased and lit fire on the opponent I had appropriately captured again, but I can't wipe away the discomfort. I feel like something is different from the way she knocks down her enemies with flames than the flames she knows.
"Oh, stop it!... No more, no more hiccups... Huh!
Vampires twisting their heads to memories that are sumptuous in their pomegranate. To that appearance, a crippled soldier crawling and squatting with his hands and legs broken raised his voice of suffering. A limb destroyed by force is a body such as a miracle that it has not been cut a thousand times. Half-hearted therapeutic magic will not allow the bone to return to its original form and it will not be able to move even if it has healed. Assuming it is completely cured, we can only rely on a magician familiar with the knowledge of the human body, or pile up money to the church and follow the mysteries of the clergy. but now the priest's cause, which is more truly needed, was the mediation to the vampire in front of him.
Girls don't cling to the suffering of their prey. When humans strangle livestock, there will be pain in conscience for the creatures they raise with their hands, and gratitude for the beings they feed themselves. But it's nonsense to expect a human psychology or something like that from a literal outsider. They only rejoice in the pain of their prey, and do not blame them. Sprinkle the abuse on humans so that they spice on the meat on the plate. That is why it is a hostile species to mankind.
The girl intrigues the next way to kill for a while and eventually looks at the bonfire that illuminates the area.
And I took one burn in my hand.
"... Hono's, Ken!
With a full smile, I hoist over my head a thick branch cut that keeps burning. A smiling trick, as if toddlers were interested in playing tricks dressed as brave men and adventurers. But if you think of the burning tree in your hand and the sour nose this daughter has been working for, you'll get another feeling.
So what are you going to do? No, who are you going to use that for?
The girl approached the soldier with a burning bar slice in her hand,
"Ya, meh."
Without hesitation, he waved it down with all the strength of his body.
No matter what, they can't stand the power of vampires. The soldier gets his skull smashed like a water balloon, and her murder weapon flies unconsciously from the middle.
She looked at the wooden stick, which she had stopped using in one blow, wondering.
Weird. What would a flaming sword have been so brittle? Besides, it doesn't look like it's cut. This is just a blunt instrument on fire. Now I know exactly what I love about you.
"" Armed Summoning, Candidate Selection, Secondary Military Clothing - Hand Cannon "...... Fire"
Boom. Impact. Fever. Pain.
The girl named Vui is blown away by those who suddenly attack her body.
"but ah!?
When you do your hand on your chest complaining of severe pain while rebuilding your posture, there's lukewarm blood and a small hole. She looked around in agony and fear that her body had been shot through by something.
"It's a dare! Dude!?
Someone approaches her as she steps on the grass as she strips out her fangs and leaks a roar of intimidation.
"The better the attack performance, the more intellect and judgment problems, and evaluation mass"
"Well, that's the place, isn't it? At the end of the day, do you feel the hunting dogs of the miscellaneous fish scatter are exquisite?
The voice of an emotionally invisible flat woman and a man containing a thin mockery.
Opus 05 fem. And it is the Opus 04 Shirl.
The vampire girl opens her eyes to Femme, who is shelving smoke from a short cylinder, and Sharr, who flaunts her shoulders in a disturbing gesture alongside it.
"Ah, ah, ah... Huh!?
He blues his bloodless face further, rattles his teeth, knocks his ass cake and then leaves. I knew for myself the deeds that I had made so many humans do.
This means that it fits in with the difference in power between humans and vampires, the difference between the girl who names herself just like Vui and the two people who show up.
"Do you know the difference in power between them?", confirms Mass. How about enemy allies, Shaw?
"Fem, fem. You just let it go, didn't you? From behind, Kenjoo, is that it? If I get shot, I don't even think the guy who shot me is on my side."
"Right, and self-reflective mass. When I came to see what caused the pace of annihilation to drop, Node was playing here. I accidentally got my hands on it, Sita."
"Hahahaha! My hand came by surprise! Good for you, Yi. If this kid had a real hand, it would be a piece of wood dust by now, eh?
Eventually the two monsters stopped in front of their trembling little girl.
Then, Fem's arms wrapped around his armor are stretched out, holding his roots abusively and hanging them in space.
"Now, check the enemy alliance identification feature, Mass. Do you know who the eagle is, Ska?
"Ha, ha! Yes! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 05! The eagle, the sheken, or the kantok!... Mayley, Dasu, human!
"Correct, and graded mass. Okay, next question, Death. Do you know who this man is, Ska?
"Haha, that's correct too. ♪ And the grading shima ~ Sooo!
"Please don't add tea 04, and pay attention, Mass. … good, it seems possible to distinguish between enemy allies Sne"
When Femme is satisfied, she releases the girl who was suspended by the throat wheel. Naturally, the girl who lost her support in the air crashed into the ground like no other.
"- Agu!?
"Ahhh...... that's rambling. If the toy you're testing breaks, it's gonna be tough, huh? Maybe the master will piss me off."
"You won't have a problem," replied Mass. Vampires are sturdy, and self-regenerating, so Shaw? I don't think it's built so soft that it breaks to this extent, Suga. "
"That's true, too. You guys treat us vampires too much? Of all the demons, he's especially noble, isn't he? Yes, let's go! That's why I'd like to have a little more respective response...... Ma! I don't care what you can do that's rolling here! By the way..."
Sharr laughs and grabs the hair of a fellow girl sitting around with petarity.
"Yikes! Yikes, it's crazy -"
"You know, Fem's not the only one who's mad, right? You're kidding. I'm in your head about the exam, right? It was an important test that was involved in the master's operation. Hella laughing and playing with it..."
"Yes, that's crazy! Crazy, sooo! Stop, stop!
"Miscellaneous fish overflowed while you were kidding! Mimi, we're the ones who're gonna end this! Don't add more extra work when you say you're just too busy with the shitty moron amulet!?
There was force in my fingers, a continuous bubble and a thousand cuts in my hair.
Now, there's no grin on this man's face. Anger and aversion are what the face distorted like the run of a crack represents. It is a nervous, episodic passion, such that unsolicited adults are fiercely exasperated by child discomfort.
"Does it hurt?... It hurts, so it's obvious! If you don't do this, your brain miso with rotten blood won't understand things!? You're such an idiot!
"Wow ahhh!? Oh, I'm sorry! Yul! Yul, please!
"04, isn't it awkward to break it? And, question and mass. What are you gonna do, Des, when you draw attention to the eagle?"
"It's okay, because this is... Even if we're vampire buddies, Otsum is as hungry as a bastard. Well, if it hurts a little, it's gonna hurt, right?
"Really, and convinced mass. Now keep separate records to verify the effectiveness of this education law."
"Yul, please! Yul, please! Vui, Tsugi Ha, properly -"
"... Vy? And, listening mass"
Fem questioned the girl's leaked name. Probably the one person she calls herself, but it was something I'm not used to. This individual, who Fem knows, is on record as not having been named that way.
The question was answered by a shrug of tongues in frustration.
"Damn, I don't know how retarded I am!... No, there's no way Fem won't know. Because he can't even remember his code name satisfactorily.... Whoa! I'll ask you politely, so remember me properly! Ki Mi no! Ha ha ha ha ha!?
He scratches up his dull blonde hair and exposes his ear to dig it out, slamming his anger into his ear with momentum like a mouth.
Fulfilling, the girl answered the question crying.
"I'm a jerk, I'm a jerk! Vu, vy zero one wy! V-01Y, so! Vampire! Vampire! Wow, wow, wow, wow."
"It's a prototype Y! Prototype Mass Production Vampire One! That's the code name the master gave me instead of the name of a plain body like rat manure in a ditch, huh? Remember that properly!
"Ha, yes y! Yes, no, no, no!"
V-01Y shaking her neck vertically over and over again crying. thrust it depressingly. Sharr sighs toward Femme.
"And well, this is how it goes. How many times have we had this interaction... come on, you know I don't like it, right?
"Right, and affirmative mass. The deterioration of intelligence so far, what's the cause, huh, Uka?
"Oh, what do you think, eh? Our master has only modified the useless and crude body because it has no body. Did this happen because you vampired an already frenzied one after a while? Or..."
"Or what? and prompt the mass"
"- The technique of not lettering you lesbianize that you would be a non-virgin non-virgin, but steadily turning you into a vampire. It's also possible that it's still incomplete..."
After all, you can't have a non-virgin, etc., and Sharr looks down at the failures that keep leaking his sobs. At the end of his gaze were pointed, but short ears that were pushing away the hair chamber and showing up.
It was about three months ago that Schaal was informed about his plans to test mass produce vampires. It was roughly early summer.
On that day, without the experiment in charge, he was tired of playing with the toys he had been given, and he visited the room in an uncomfortable attempt to reach the Lord.
"Nee, ovenil kun! Half elf daughter who says she got it during this time, do you still have it?
"What is it, Sharr? You said you didn't need it because you didn't like it during this time, did you? Because the mixture is cheap."
Indeed, the Lord had asked me once if I wanted what Sharr demanded, and I had answered that I did not need it on the spot.
A half-elf adventurer who succeeded in capturing in Marlan's dungeon, The Great Tree Sea of Darkness. He was detained and pulled out. Face to face with it, he instantly makes this assessment.
- Not enough, he said.
You don't look so bad. No, it's good. But meaty and low back length. It would be nice if I was just thin, but I couldn't get it to be just small. Sharr's preference is for women who have grown up.
Besides, this girl smelled like her heart was already broken. Immersed in despair, my soul is blackened. Sharr likes to break and obscene himself, and he's not interested in anything that has someone else's dirt on it from the start. He breaks his heart with blame for his daughter, who wears pride and feelings at one end, and lets herself petition at the end of it before sipping blood. Such play is the most fun.
So on the spot I replied, "I don't need anything else."
"No, you don't buy slaves very often these days, do you? Precisely the number of slaves who come around to me."
"Because I only buy good physical male slaves for mass production of the S-Series... no, you are too fast to use and crush female slaves. Nearly ten people in a year, not a boulder."
"When the rough ovenil of the continent's one slaver tells me, it snags. Well, that's why I came here to ask you to let me use the extra placement?
When Sharr says so, the Lord gently scratches his polypoly and cheek to open his tease mouth.
"That was a bad time. I used it for a little experiment."
"Yep? But if you're still alive..."
"Well, he's alive. But I guess I'm in a bit of a shortage to please you."
"Nothing good, huh? As long as the virgin stays, you just have to breathe blood to endure -"
"Sorry, I'm not a virgin anymore"
"- What?"
For a moment, I didn't know what they said.
Did you scatter the experimental virgins? This Turius Ovenil? The contents, the ravens, the horns, the looks of the superb woman. Always let the slave be samurai, like a man who's never had a hand on it?
Of course, there's simply no way he could have held it. No, there's a pale spot. My husband explained the situation.
"You've talked about this before, haven't you? Experiments in Examples, Brainwashing Clerics to Explore the Active Principle of Divine Magic"
"Oh, that's it. Change the god who believes in his brain, manipulate him to break the commandments - no way."
"Yes, that's not true. I just caught him on a set with a cleric who said he was partying. That's why I used it to experiment with the priest. Keep your faith in the Holy Kingship and let it break its commandments."
He said he made me lose my purity in the process. There's nothing wrong with you. If I were to use it for that, I would have no problem with the mass-produced 'product' that is there.
but that doesn't seem good for Turius to say. The mass production type is also expressionless, albeit spiritual, and excessive stress is a burden. Even though it's a mass production type, it's undergoing modification by hand. If you break it, you have no body to break it.
That's why it's cheaper to supply the right prisoners with experiments, he said.
"So, that experiment turned out surprisingly interesting, huh? There were quite a few differences in the disadvantages that would occur if the commandments were broken. In some cases it had no effect, and in others it greatly undermined the power of the law. There have been limited consequences for the inability to use a form of sacred magic. I can't say for sure because there aren't many analogies yet, but I guess there's actually a different part between the commandments preached by the Church and what God actually forbids and obscenities. So there's a difference in what happens by the commandments you break."
"Ha ha..."
"It's not a masterpiece. It's a crime of fornication where the priests blush and forbid you every time something happens. Oh, my God, zero impact! I almost accidentally laughed when it turned out like that. Apparently God tells you to give birth, increase it, and fill the earth. 'Cause I wonder what the church folks thought of such a ban?
Turius tells the blasphemous experimental results. It was the confession of apostasy and the language of blasphemy that made even vampires want to cover their ears. No, an undead who fears God's glory and burns himself into the Word of Prayer would be more fearful of God than this demon is of being too pious. Because they hate the Church, but they are stronger than it is, and they remember fear.
You manipulate a cleric, humiliate his biological daughter, and thus expose the lies of the commandments? Never before had a man produced a demeaning imitation of the Church. I hoped you wouldn't show up again if you were going to make it happen. Shirl, once a necromancer and now a vampire lord, but I still don't think I'm as guilty as the contents of this alchemist's head.
"Well, you used it as a counterpart to that experiment. There's no reason for a clean body. I'm sorry, Sharr. I'll take care of the new toys. I guess it would be nice to have a little patience."
"Ugh, yeah... ok. Well, I know, it's an amazing experiment. Then there's no choice..."
The answering voice is trembling, and there is a cold sweat on her face. The eating habits overcome by vampirization were about to recur. The man in front of me didn't even notice his modulation like that.
"Oh, yeah. I saw your face and I came up with something funny."
"No, the use of that half-elf prisoner. After using it to experiment with clerics, it looks like it's broken. Though brainwashed, did you enjoy being tortured by a leopard or a former companion? So, you know, I lost a lot of use."
- I just came up with a good way to reuse it, I laugh.
"Yeah. You vampires can't make a person with sexual experience a complete companion. Isn't that right?
"Yes, it is..."
"On second thought, it's a strange phenomenon, isn't it? Because it just depends on whether you've been through this once, and whether you can be a complete vampire or only a inferior lesser vampire. How can a non-virgin non-virgin not be a vampire? … don't you think it's a worthwhile theme to study inside? Besides, vampires who have overcome all their flaws would not be bad as one of the complete systems of immortality. This experiment could be a clue to exploring it."
In one word, the fate of the poor half-elf was decided.
Preventing lesserization by applying the treatment once applied when Schaal was vampired and attempting to chimeratize the primitive body based on vampire blood. As a result of that attempt, the V-01Y was half-successful, half-failure.
Certainly can impart vampire traits. Physical abilities were greatly improved, immortality was exerted in the absence of sunlight, and strength was increased by blood suction. Unlike dried mummy-like Lesser Vampires, they also retain their lifetime color.
but in exchange, the mental aspect drastically regresses. The conversation also follows, and when exercising magic, I don't even remember the chanting of the spell. It can be improved somewhat by applying a magical engraving all over the body, which is responsible for chanting proxies, but it is also limited to the combat aspect. It was a complete combat pawn and could not be a clue to Turius's aspirational immortality.
It should be noted that the cleric, who was her opponent and former companion, was also offered to this experiment as V-02Y, but because of her sanctity, even though she was obscene, she has not been vampired and turned into ash. Of course, it's only one example of failure that you don't need to remember for Sharr.
When Sharr stops recapitulating, he stares at the V-01Y, which is still foolish and crying.
"... what are you doing! You still have work to do after the extermination, don't you? Can't you remember? Don't you remember? Or are you skipping because you don't want to!?
"Oh, obo, I'm obo! Teki's, Sitai! Sitai, Nakama, do it!
"Yeah, yeah, that's it. You remember me well, didn't you? Great... if you remember, just do it! Shot wounds are already healed, assuming they're vampires! Look, come on! It's gonna be morning, isn't it? Or do you even want to sunbathe slowly after the sun rises!?
"Hii!?... Ya, do it! I'll do it! I'll do it!
When the girl wakes herself up like she was bounced, she gets to work as she was told. Previously, I had shown her, who had just begun to run, that a servant of the coarse-phase Shahr would be burned and tormented in the light of day. She's a little girl who doesn't remember things, but she remembers the sight clearly.
"Good job 04, and hard work mass. I've broken a lot of bones to teach, Ude."
"Not at all. The master commands terrible things, too. You're the same vampire, so take care of yourself."
"That would also be patient for a while later, and guess what, Mass. Not for long."
"- Oh, I know. This war is about to end."
The vampire man hits and changes his mood as he takes over Fem's words.
The burning of munitions at the hands of Uni, the difficulty of the requisition due to Operation Scorched Earth, and the failure of this requisition. The Zanktogaren army is at its limit now. Sooner or later, if we do not decide whether to proceed or pull, we will be stuck in this exotic land.
Either way, that's the end of the war with Vordan on stage. Run back from the mountains to your country, which would already be the same as in the middle of winter, still lacking the necessary supplies? Or do you challenge a quintessential showdown before the army destroys itself with starvation or the desertion of soldiers? It is assumed that there is a high probability that the latter will be chosen….
I really want that to happen, Charles thinks. Human beings who hated each other kill each other while polishing and reducing their bodies and minds to extreme situations. Such a sour sight, I imagine, made my chest jump. It would not be worth it compared to virgin blood, such as bloodshed on the battlefield, but it would be pleasant enough if it were for ornamental use.
That retarded failure is also one of the important props according to the Lord's script. Until you add flowers to the spectacle-ridden tragedy, let's play it safe and unbreakable. By thinking so, I was finally able to tolerate the angry damage I saw. Besides, based on this poor ability, I would not be threatened with my position on alternatives for the time being.
A vampire king at the hands of men laughs wickedly. What I was looking at was the moon in the night sky and the golem's eye on earth. It was only two kinds of cold golden light.
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