Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

076 And the support of the feast

"Lord Turius. This time we celebrate the increase and the Marquis."

"Dordolan Borderline Uncle...... You're not caged at all, it's a redo."

When I heard Turius Shrounan Ovenil's unwilling reply, my guest, the nobleman of Shaw, laughed visibly and bitterly.

"So let me put it this way. They did it."

"Yeah, really... you did it to the end of the day, that old man"

One sigh, trying to spit out the sour that came up in my mouth.

My elbow is on my desk in the main office, the Ovenil Mansion in Wangdu. Until a few months ago it belonged to my brother, the Count. It belonged to my brother, the Marquis - that is, to me. Clarified, I'm not comfortable sitting down. A chair that is old and only looks splendid and lacks softness, and a desk that lacks functionality over decoration. How can such a thing be appreciated?

Winning Ceremony and Argumentative Merit Award that ended in an unexpected backdrop. This is how we got together at the meeting to discuss the responses that followed... unfortunately, my mood, which dominates, is inclined diagonally in the worst direction. I'm not in the mood to come up with a constructive topic for a while.

In the meantime, one man seems to wonder without coming to the topic.

"Hey, is that such a bad thing? For once, you're here, aren't you?

It is Douye Schwarzer, our lead martial officer. For once, he's the head of the military division under me, so I want you to understand this a little bit more politically. Isn't that an amateur statement?

"Is that what you mean to say? Then I have to doubt my sight."

It's uni to say that toughly. Even she has publicly stated from time to time that politics is unprofessional, she knows the awkwardness of the situation. Even if Dooe, who works in a public capacity, could be said more rigorously.

Viktor, who stood aside, also glanced lightly at his shoulder.

"Lord Chief Maid is also harsh. I agree with you."

"Stuffed......! So, what do you mean?

"Even as things stand, Sir Viktor and the others will be in the midst of breaking bones trying to establish the rule of the state of Voldan, which has just taken over. Come there. It's this new territory. Elpis-Roane is considered a single region, technically two states, was it? I think it's easy to tell how much hardship has been imposed by tripling our current workload."

It is the uni that criticizes it. Two new states were pressed there to say that they had just inherited from their brother and that Voldan alone had been burned immediately after the war disaster. We must proceed with the establishment of a governing mechanism in the three Länder, operating it in practice, to the point where the above is a satisfactory achievement.... I'm just kidding. Obviously beyond our capacity.

"That's not all you have to do. Elpis-Roane has been a part of Zanktogaren for the past fifty years. Naturally, the officials to rule there are also nobles in his country. … how much of them will remain when they are assigned to Arquel?

Viktor says with a sigh. There is no duty to leave officials on the land to be ceded in order to help the defeated country govern the victorious country. Much of it will be pulled up. Still, those of local origin still have eyes, but if you behave cooperatively towards us, I honestly hope not.

Also, popular awareness is a problem. It is not easy to convince the people who were Zanktogaren until yesterday that from today on you are Alquarians. There are different laws to follow, different words to speak, different rulers to say. How long does it take to get used to this rule?

As far as languages are concerned...... the official languages of the countries of the Itusella continent are like the languages of the European countries, which, if spoken on Earth, have developed from Latin in common, so long as we remember the foundations of one country, well, it is easy to remember the languages of other countries immediately. I used to study in Zanktogaren. That would be a good example. Still, the labor and cost of education can be enormous.

The western half of that region was still Alquetian fifty years ago. It will take the form of a recapture of that in this Treaty of Reconciliation. It's quicker for you to get used to it, but the eastern half is the raw former Zanktogaren territory. Until then, it was a land soaked to the bones in an enemy country. Governance will be difficult.

Viktor, who described it so dramatically, turns his attention to Chirali.

"Excuse me, my lord. Do you have any idea of any other issues?

It seems to be a test of the achievements of imperialism up to this point. Oh, man, I'm not kidding. Excuse me, but what a prerequisite, there's no reason for any disrespect to be allowed. Mind if I take a little account of your feelings?

I reached out one hand, leaning back. [M]

"Uni, give me the map and what you write."

"This way, my lord"

A map spread quickly over the desk. When I receive a fountain pen from Uni, I drop a wet pen tip in the ink there. It first encircled and emphasised the whole of Vordan, the previous occupation, with a line.

"This is where I just inherited it from my brother, Voldan. So, this is the increase -"

Next round the plain stretching across the mountain.

"- It is the region of Elpis-Roane, conceded by the Treaty of Reconciliation. Look, it's easy to understand when you look at it like this, right? It's an administrative neighborhood, but geographically it's an enclave across the mountain. I can't believe the army won't come ambushing beyond this, it's so separated that I've been thinking about it for fifty years"

I'm impressed that the Zanktogaren army has come a long way too. It is a narrow mountain path that has not been kept busy for more than fifty years. I deserve respect for just being able to march on such a route. Well, it's just annoying for me to get attacked.

"Mountain road between Voldan and the new territory...... I would say that this route is difficult to get to and from normally, but in winter the snow makes it impassable. One quarter of the year, depending on weather conditions and beyond, governs two areas where even messenger traffic is hindered. It's not the same level of difficulty."

By the way, transferring magic reduces travel time, which is NG. We use it casually, but "Greater Teleport" is a high spell that is inherently in the realm of great magic. If you are known to be using such a thing as a wheelchair, it will be a new source of trouble.

"Sure, it's tough... yes, if you go tell them flat ground, you'll have no problem. It's inconvenient to take so long."

Whatever, it's a shallow grave opinion. You have such a white eye for Uni. These slight changes are very noticeable for the amount of facial expressions that usually don't move. Eyes say things like mouth, you know.

"I'll say in a nutshell that it takes time, do you have any idea how long it will take? If you choose the plains to proceed, how many aristocratic territories in the world will you pass from Vordan to Elpis-Roane? It may be necessary to be stopped at the gates each time, or to compromise with the lord himself depending on the matter."


Dooe opens her mouth gently after she points it out to her.

The Kingdom of Arquel is a feudal state. A nobleman owns the people and the land, takes the ascent out of them and runs the province. but what if that peasant fled to other aristocratic territories? The taxes that can be taken from the land will be reduced and the lords will not be able to eat. So the lords control the movement of men at the gates in order to bind the people to their land.

Regardless, it is nobles who are only lords of the land, not kings, who are blocking the borders of the territory at Guan. So you don't have to pay the toll. There would be nothing to pay taxes on a person of equal standing.

but there are other obligations instead of no passage taxes required. For the feudal nobility, those in other territories are the same as foreigners. So every time it passes, it takes a lot of troublesome diplomatic courtesy. Sending a parent book, giving a gift, attending a banquet, whatever else it is, oh come on... what you have to do comes out so sick of it.

Especially problematic are Novignon and Armando. These two, which are bound to pass on the overland route, are both grand aristocrats with vast territories. I'll have to put my face up to something. No matter how troublesome you are.


"Besides, the new territory is dressed across the river from Zanktogaren. I can't keep my mountains on the wall like I've always been. Organizing and stationing armies, and building fortresses in preparation for enemy incursions... on the military side, too, we have to do more than ever. The Army is a gold-eating bug that can't make any profit."

There will be more new spending destinations called the military. Until now, we have cut back on the internal affairs side by cutting back on the Knights and fortifications we hold and keeping costs down on the military side. That won't make sense. Just how much armament is required as a prep for Zanktogaren? If you think about the budget, Rubel, who is now leaving a message in Marlan, would also make his eyes pop out.

"Mm-hmm. You can't be clueless in armaments. His Excellency Turius was commended for the heroic outcome of the Battle of Voldan, which gave him his land. More than that, it should also be expected from the court to contribute to national defence. If you do anything raw, the messenger of the questioning will fly right in."

"... Dordolan border uncle too, foot trap, thank you"

This guy has also only served as a border calmer for many years, and he's bought a lot of hard work with that hand. There is a real sense in every part of the word.

Even so, the way Uncle Borderline speaks is changing from the example seat. The Marquis is roughly equivalent in terms of authority to the borderline uncle, but one step above the format. It's not a reciprocal gaze like before, is it? It's a kick-ass thing, but I can't breathe a bit more to make you recognize that than this one is a birth I don't want as far as I'm concerned.

"But I have to do such a difficult job, and I can't expect any other noble support"

"Why again?

'Cause they pushed the Marquis or something.

As I say, I remember what I just said. In that moment of proclamation, when the gaze directed from the nobles gathered between the thrones. You don't like me very much. [M] Never been liked before, but the emotions traditionally directed at me are contempt and contempt. Because it was so lightly viewed, if you show the right amount of bareback, you will be made a fool of yourself, but serious hostility cannot be directed. Except for some brother or grandpa or something.

But you don't get a marquis, you don't. A duke who is not described except as royal or prime minister or marshal, with the exception of which it can be said to be the culmination in an aristocratic society. It is jealousy, hatred, and desire to encroach on the Great Seal that are directed against me for occupying such a high position. Dangerous emotions that could easily develop into hostilities.

Damn, why is it so hard to have this stuff and want it again? Always this guy also insisted with his eyes alone that he deserved better if he did not deserve the status of Marquis such as Turius Shrounan Ovenil.

I just want to say that you want me so much, but much in awe is in the hands of our King, His Majesty Charles VIII. There is no way I can throw out the grace of His Majesty the Grateful King. Nobody would believe a nobleman who would serve such an imitation. Social credibility is a must for a massive crash. I don't care about your relationship with nobles, but it hurts that you won't be able to have a decent deal with the merchants. Nobody will fund non-performing loans, so there's no other way to make it look like an excellent stock in order to get stable access to the experiments and materials used for research.

"Is it that important?

"Yes, it's important, Lord Douye."

Viktor looks sideways at the poorly swallowed dough.

"The problem with this matter is not just attributable to one of our infamous lords. In aristocratic society, the sequence of the Ovenils themselves is questioned."

That's a thorny way of putting it. I would also be able to express it a little softer.

"The Ovenil family is not a meritorious minister since its founding, but a nobleman belonging to an emerging category taken up about two hundred years ago. It would often have been seen a step lower in the same house of titles."

"Two hundred... isn't that when the Federation was just founded in Zanktogaren? What kind of joke is that? It'll be old enough."

"That would be ridiculous, wouldn't it? But that is the values of the nobles of the kingdom of Arquel. Older and more sourced, no questions asked and higher in sequence.... ridiculous. Even though wine isn't something you could drink in fifty years, it's hard to have all the old stuff."

As I say, I weigh abusively on the back of the chair. Guisserie, and a deafening twitch rang.

Regardless, the values rooted in the old lineage are not all bad sides either. Extreme meritocracy, a competitive society, is that instability persists. If we try to solve all the problems that arise by force alone, a huge amount of energy will naturally be squandered. If history, format, and pedigree are valid as authorities to stabilize society instead, there is no reason not to use them.

Most of all, from what I've seen, there are nowadays passages in the kingdom of Arquel that rely too much on authority to cause arteriosclerosis. Even if there was a good side to this, it would be dysfunctional.


"Especially Uncle Langogne. He stared at me... Then you won't be able to use the strategy to intervene with the centralists through him."

"You had a terrific look on your face. Perhaps you and your husband would have been able to imagine the prosperity of that old man."

Yuni's right, Daita, you think my grandfather and I had some kind of back-trade. Damn, what have you seen of that shitty grandpa so far? I can't believe Lavalle is moving to give someone else territory to pull Baba off.

"Damn, you're the one who gets his head around all the extras, aren't you? I wish I could use that imagination in a different way."

"... wait a minute. Why is Uni telling me about Count Langogne?

What are you talking about, Dooey? You know, the answer would be decisive.

"Do you think I'll leave your husband alone?

It's decided because she arrived at me and entered the royal palace as a shady escort.

Naturally, even between the thrones, a raven lurked somewhere in the corner, either in the shadow of a pillar or on a chandelier. Anyway, I have many enemies, and the king of this country is emotionally unstable and doesn't know what to say. It wouldn't be a place where you could go with a scarecrow on your own, such as the Royal Palace of the Temple of Ambush.

"... convinced. I heard something stupid while I was at it."

"No, it would normally be unconvincing, such as bringing shady confessions into the royal palace... Especially if they find out who they are or what they're formatting?

"My Lord Dordolan Borderline, this is the common sense of our Lord. There's no better way to escape than brainwashed, so I was wondering if I could get used to it sooner."

Well, Viktor's right. I can't do anything but my way as long as I'm me, so I have to get used to it on my side.

... missed the conversation.

"That's why it's the status quo that broke my ties with other nobles to the quotes that pushed me all the challenges. If it works out, I might be able to draw in about Uncle Chamberlain, but it's hopeless. If you are also the Marquis of Tri-State Taishou, it is too huge to be in the hands of bats. They'll cut it down and try to distribute the fruit of profit."

"What about the decentralists? We were originally totalitarians against each other, and we just got close because we saw a gap, didn't we? Now if you stick with the local nobles..."

"You can't. Do you honestly think they'll let us have a new marquis with three states, and a house built for about two hundred years? Besides, I already have my own faction. When it comes to decentralism, it sounds good, but what I'm saying is, I stopped by because of centralist hatred, local cravings. All we can think about is eating into territorial rights, dismantling my faction and moisturizing ourselves with it."

Will a gathering of established companies accept a start-up company led by a young president suddenly erected in their industry into a community of interests? No, no. I would first wear a collar and tame it, or dismantle it and feed it well. I mean, that's the thing. It just looks like a pile that comes out, such as a new competitor with a shallow relationship. Beating as much as you can is a fluent.

I cut it off from the center. Regions are now too big to be connected. It is octagonal blockage.

"Think about it, you've been in a terrible situation for a long time.... What do you want me to do, start a rebellion?

Dooey jokes half the time, which means he says about half the time for real.

I know how you feel. Even I want to smash a country like this. Grey monkeys just to raise their gold cuts on the throne, puppets just to be manipulated by the black child of the dead, and other elephants. I can't stand being swayed by those guys and wasting my time for valuable research, and I'm afraid that stress will make me sick. So the option of rebellion is really fascinating. I want to smash and crush all the shackles and the culprits of depression, and I want to flatten them out.

But I can't. There's no way that that conspirator's last resort of his life could be broken to the point where he got a little fucked up.

"... Dude, Doue Schwartzer. Can't you read the map?


"Look, take a look. I'm going to write to you right now so you can understand."

With that said, write new information on the map.

Dordolan, Alrez, and other nobles who have been brain modified to join my umbrella. Enclose its possession in a way that separates it from the territory of other forces. Connecting it to my territory...

"- You see, from Elpis-Roane to Dordolan, you can make a single belt that extends elongated to the east and west. If you look at it this way, you can see that my forces are largely concentrated in the south of the kingdom, right?

"If you ask me, I will."

"So, suppose I started a revolt. Then. First, the Kingdom Regular Army will attack us from the north."

Towards the south from Wang Du, pull a large arrow. From there, it branches out and stretches ink into the western Dordolan peripheral uncle territory as well. One more from the territory of the Duke of Armando to Elpis-Roane.

"Next south. Omnia Empire.... After all, this war didn't make it to reinforcement or anything. As much as I sent the boy over to treat the wounded and bury the war dead. But for once, we are allies of the kingdom of Arquel. If the rebellion prolongs, they must send even one of the reinforcements"

One thick arrow from the southern peninsula towards Vordan. A small, branched arrow shall also be added to the southern coastal zone, beginning with Baron Alrez territory.

"Omnia...... It's also troublesome that the Second Knight Commander has been sent as a candidate for the Holy Knight. Separation from your husband will gain you even authority, and let us also carry with us the tenure of liaison between his country and his kingdom. I was wondering if it would be difficult to dispose of it before the trip."

"The Uni has come to understand politics... I'm sure this is one of Grandpa's handouts."

Though a candidate, if it is revealed that he killed or brainwashed a high saint, he will be feathers selling fights head-on to religious authority. Omnia Ranks Up from Virtual Enemy to Complete Enemy. I remember my dead grandfather had a pipe there too. If anything happens, it's not surprising that he was going to recommend a breathtaking knight as a candidate for the Holy Knight and make it a wedge to work on the upper Omnia.

Leave that alone, yeah.

"And the Federal Kingdom of Zanktogaren. These guys will want to take back the Elpis-Roane they've given way to, too. It's a trench battle for Operation Scorched Earth in Voldan, so they're giving us painful eyes."

"Besides, the stigma of Operation Scorched Earth has passed over there. Must be a grudge bone marrow."

"Shut up, Viktor. … so naturally, if it is a rebellion in the Kingdom of Arquel, it is an immediate direct intervention. In this case, the formula for turning to my side is low. Perhaps it's impossible for us to betray the kingdom and ask you, 'I quit the Arquelle aristocracy, please join me today'"

Speaking of which, I wonder if there has been a past where I was expelled from school after rubbing with the son of the other nobleman at the academy, etc., and so on, so I continue my work. Two stretches from the King's capital of Grandonburg, Lord of the Federation, Galerin, and from the Commonwealth constituent kingdom of the Baharia in the South. Bind it together into a single large arrow.

Then what do you think?

On top of the map was a picture of my sphere of power that would be besieged from all over the continent.

"See, look? It is the beginning of a great war in which three of the four powers have indeed turned their backs on their enemies. In addition, there is no safety zone in the back at all. It's going to be a terrible fight.... You want to fight like this?

I listen with a cramped smile. [M] It was a sight that I would hate just to inflate my imagination from the map. Though Dooey feels like a battle junkie, he's basically a man who thinks common sense stuff. Such a ridiculous battle on a boulder would shy away with him.

Naturally, he created a tannic surface for my inquiry.

"... I'm not kidding. This could kill each other, I guess. They're just gonna kill me."

"That's the thing. In addition, Zanktogaren will now carry out the finest of the great royal rule. There is no comparison between the mixed armies of the countries of the territorial state that did it in Vordan, the arrival of the most powerful army on the real continent. Even though it's hard to just deal with an Arquelle country, they beat you from the side while Omnia targets you from behind. People who are happy with this are not the Mazo. I'm just a ruinous man."

Naturally, but I'm not. I hate it when you say it's ruin or pain. My taste is the opposite. [M] I want to live in peace and happiness forever.

So there's no way you can start a revolt or anything, even if you can see it being slammed into an iron fire like this.

"... it's done really well. The boulder is the work of the kingdom's number one connoisseur. Then I have no choice but to encourage my home affairs to keep my territory from collapsing, to prepare my neighbors so that they don't see any gaps, and to make sure that I do not suffer punishment from the people of the King's capital. We have to work hard for this kingdom."

An ideal for a centralist, the completion of "Regional Nobility Working to Achieve the Will of the King's Capital". Besides, this is me.

To think, the old man's good face seemed to float on his eyelid. By now, the wrinkled face that should have been covered in a coffin and covered with a tombstone is laughing at this one as if it had been seen.

It's like a ghost. What a bad forelife.

As he was sinking into melancholy, he saw the Dordolan border uncle stroking his jaw tightly.

"But you can't solve it. The measure of having His Excellency Turius carry all this load. How could that old fox have struck such a hand? By approving (having) the will in advance and letting Sir's actions in the ceremonial setting be weighed down, we ensure the legitimacy of the coercion… Are there too many such arrangements, uncertainties?

The Chancellor, whose voice is big, said that Lavalle's grandfather recommended me in his will to Elpis-Roane Taishou and made him see that he would take the action he deserved for the burden. Sure, at first glance, you'd look wondering how you figured that out.

But, well, the trick is easy.

"... Was the will really only one?

When Uni says so, Borderline Uncle and Viktor, and Dooe look at her and glance at her.

I don't care. I knew that was about it.

"In advance, extrapolate the behavior your husband is likely to take and write down multiple patterns. You can just send that to the Chancellor and adopt a will that fits into what actually happened out of it. And no one will know what the letter with the missing prophecy will contain if it burns down later."

If you ask me, I'll know soon enough. It's child deception. but it is the prime minister of the kingdom, Lord Rochebour, who does this, and the place is before the king, which is the cunning place.

It's a lie. Even if they say it's Petten, the Chancellor picks out a slice of paper from his nostalgia and takes it out, and if he shows it to his flock, then Lavalle's prophecy will be borne out. If you are suspicious, you may think of more than one will. But where can one put his hand in the pocket of a man who sits on the throne as Duke and Chancellor of the Kingdom? No matter how many scams you point to, the evidence is among the country's largest sanctuaries. I can't help it.

"WOW...... sure"

"But, wow, what if your husband doesn't act like he can do such a ridiculous favour? What if we don't normally do anything and move to just get the prize decided upon as we do?

"... and your Excellency would have been ruined."

Viktor says with a pale face.

"Perhaps the prize of grace if Lord Dooe moves in the alleged pattern would be a change of country rather than a simple increase. Vordan, no. Disconnect from the marulan you grew hanging on your hand salt and push it into another land because it is good for Elpis-Roane or for converted aristocratic territory. Afterwards, while this one takes the trouble to rule the unfamiliar land, he pushes and crushes the difficulty. With that in mind... I'm sorry, but the status quo would be the best category."

"We won the tax exemption for the state of Voldan, and they're responsible for the corner of the national defense. Then I can't move in a detour, and vice versa, I can't cut the side of the royal palace badly."

"No, wait. If you can imitate that, you don't have to do anything about the grace awards, do you? You should prophesy that your husband will break the example questioning technique and use that as an excuse to execute him for disrespect. It's the easiest way for Lavalle's grandfather."

As always, Dooey doesn't understand. I sigh unexpectedly.

"Hey, who do you think I am? Even the king's capital is a man who burned himself to survive. Even that old man knows all about it. … so I can't do that"

"Am I?"

"'Cause if you tried to kill me on that spot... they'd kill you the other way around. The kings, prime ministers, and other noblemen at the heart of this country."

That's what I see. [M] He infiltrated the royal palace that day to protect me from the shadows, my most trusted katana.

"If the country is enough to kill me, I will crush the country. Even a man like that, Lavalle's grandfather would have known. If you hang a crown hand poorly, you will produce an imitation that will repeat itself on every plate. So I decided that it would be better if I just hit the cloth stone that eventually led to the packing."

What I don't like about that insidious grandfather is that he doesn't give up because he's going to die, but he calmly just hits the hand he needs as it stands. If you're just a slut in a plot, if you have a lodging enemy at a time when your life expectancy is approaching, you're forced to kill them. As a result, we are trying to call for a fateful outcome by complaining about the ideals to be upheld.

However, Lavalle cut the rudder in a direction that restricted my movement so that I could not encroach on the kingdom any more. Crush the opportunity for brainwashing by cutting ties with other nobles in the ranks and make them crisp in home affairs and defence. Besides, there is no crisis, as long as we are doing the duties that have been imposed heavily on us. Only, for a while.

"If I were a regional aristocrat with a Dordolan border uncle as my umbrella, I would have been overwhelmed, and I would have made a leap to get on my side successfully. But not when my body swells up to the Marquis. If incorporated into the detour, the faction could be swallowed up, making both the centre and the provinces wary. If you do it badly, the two forces that were supposed to have been in a state of recklessness may start attacking me."

"If you don't like it, serve your country. If it's a dog, not a wolf, I'll keep it. In ancient times, he said he would die cunningly and boil a running dog. But more than having a prey named Zanktogaren, it would be cheaper on a running dog… let this be the will of the old man's true - His Excellency"

When Viktor tied it that way, there was a painful silence flowing indoors.

In the hands of a dead old man stretching from beneath his grave, as he was held to his mouth.

Eventually, Dooe breaks the silence as he scratches his head with gasp.

"I don't know what to say...... you got away with winning, by that grandpa"

It was still Viktor who leaned down like the words were indulgent.

I resented Lavalle for abandoning my mother and myself, a hidden child who was trying to surpass my abominable father. But while that didn't happen, they got away with it in the form of life expectancy. Is that what he's thinking?

Oh, my God.

- That's ridiculous.

"Or, my lord?

"Come on, suddenly what is it? Your husband…"

Dooey and Viktor make me laugh.

Did they win and run away? Couldn't you finally surpass my father? Will you also approximate the playful sentimentalism?

"Don't be silly, Dooey. You won't have time to be depressed, Viktor. We're both too shadowed up by your grandfather."

"Yes, sir.... I'm sorry to hear you were taken before paying back the debt. but it is also true that the old body no longer has a batter against the change of circumstances. Because if you die, you can't move your hands."

"Yes, we have to sell our souls to demons and become undead."

Turn in the jokes and say what Uni says.

Whatever you say, that old man died before he pulled me down completely. I'm on a board that could lead to stuffing, but Lavalle fell out of the game itself.

Then, if you're going to say win or lose,

"I'm the one who won. Grandpa's dead and I'm alive.... Different, both of you?

"That, is..."

"Isn't the boulder a little too much to lose?

Viktor seems to have regained some temper, but Dooey is this. Damn, I don't know, this stick swing.

"'Cause who's left in this country after Grandpa? To the busy king, now is the prime minister of the shaved puppet. The centralists are not clear to the successors of the leaders, and the decentralists are only aristocratic stoops who, after all, seek the interests of their own territory. My brother sent a monastery, and the Dordolan border uncle is on my side... Although there are still obstacles to the elephant, the only Lavalle that can be described as an enemy is no longer out of life. Luckily, I won."

Sure enough, I look like I've been put under siege and pushed. [M] Politically isolated from the two major factions in the country, strategically under the pressure of the three powers.

But there's not enough time and handouts for all of that to work together. Totalitarians and decentralists will be hostile to me, but I will have to throw out each other's remorse and join hands first. Such imitation is not something we can do today and tomorrow. In that Uncle Langogne, where the totalitarian head is at present, it is especially so.

Trying to be sandwiched by the three countries of Arquel, Omnia and Zanktogaren, you only need to worry about it if you are treasonous. There is no point in turning to power and working in internal affairs and research. Only Xanctogallen would be a grudge bone marrow, but that's where the Alliance's Grand Royal Family and the Confederate Constituent Nation are unfamiliar first. Firstly, domestic organization is the top priority in order to gauge the impact of the defeat, and it will be a little further to turn a blind eye to Al Qaeda.

I can't move much for a while, either, but none of the people in the way can.

Lavalle did hunt me down and show me. But I only hunted him down and showed him.

He showed off his brilliant measures. Really brilliant...... a bad scratch.

"If Grandpa claims his victory from under the grave, I'd admit it pleasantly. Yeah, well, you did beat me once... But even with my turn after this, Lavalle's hand doesn't come around. Because only those who live now can participate in games that risk survival. Well, then, it's literally no match."

"If we can catch more..."

And the voice of the uni.

"- His Marquis has forgotten the fact that it should not be overlooked. If I give your husband my territory for a plot, I'll see what happens."

If you ask me, yes. The end of my involvement in this power struggle lies in the fact that my brother Linus made me the Viscount of Marlan. Thanks to this, I can get dry in Canales, secretly build a lab underground, and hide the presence of Shirl and Femme as pawns in an invisible place. That is now the Marquis, the territory came with three states. I also have a lot of behavior.

Viktor, who told us, was shaking his body full for a while.

"Come on, Cheng Cheng... the winner of the living, is it? Am I missing that man! Ha ha, sure! There's no reason for me to be distracted! This is a masterpiece......!

They took the encouragement. He gave me a cheerful smile.

Dordolan Borderline Uncle also says as he tries to mock the jaw of the example.

"The valves of the lords are polar... but it is only if they live that the flowers and fruits bloom. It may be more constructive than to be blinded by the flowers of death and the flowers of vengeance."

"Even so. Everything's alive, isn't it?

I clasp my shoulders as I lift the edge of my mouth.

Of course, the situation is no different. It is placed on a dangerous board surface, like being collapsed from it by a single mistake. But the batters that can be packed from there no longer exist in this country.

The greatest failure of the Marquis Georges Henri Lavalle. That's not that you put extra force on me with the intention of putting a burden on me - it's not. I think that's in the fact that I couldn't prepare a proper successor, in terms of blood or ideas. The grandson, who succeeds the Marquis family, was not given a trace until Setouchi, when his grandfather became eighty. As you can see, his faction, the centralists. If you weren't willing to live forever, like me, it's only a one-handed loss that you're not ready for the area.

Most importantly, the man who was the most powerful successor candidate in terms of talent and ideas is laughing at me.

Yeah, I'm finally feeling down. Finally, I feel like I'm the usual.

That's right, there's nothing frustrating about it. As I said earlier, my enemy is Lavalle alone in this country. Now that he's dead, the rest of them will care as long as it takes. I have to devote some time to studying immortality, but I can't help but survive.

"You've got a dry throat after a long story."

"I'm in awe. Wait a minute."

That's how Uni, as usual, goes to make tea for me. I also have a Dordolan border uncle, so I'll have to bring some wine and knobs at last.

Mine will be just like that. As usual, as always, just a few new things to do. Not at all. Normal progression. That there have just been more annoying chores.

... I'm sorry to hear that, Grandpa. If this is your game of good aristocrats, it was over with your win. Even if there is no batter to fill the final stage, at the time this many siege nets are placed, they will no longer be binary or ternary. But I'm only an alchemist. I don't know what a nobleman you are. It would be my victory if I survived and arrived forever trying to crawl through the earth like nothing else. For that reason, the territory, the power, the people, the nobility, the king, the kingdom, they don't care how much they crush, just like slaves. Because the base of the battle is different... so you and I can't compete.

Goodbye, first enemy, who appeared in my second life. I will triumph in a world without you, without fighting you. So, Grandpa, you should go to the afterlife in peace, with a precise victory.

I closed my eyes and prayed quietly until Uni came back.

Don't let that nasty enemy turn and get lost and return to the world.


(- Your grandfather's gonna die, too. Until I killed him, I thought he was alive badly.)

Remain on your chest, like ignoring a small lump.

From the management that death is merciless and equal, so as to turn away.

The Federal Kingdom of Zanktogaren had its capital in the east, in the plains that the forest had cut open.

The Federal Alliance Lord, the Grand Kingdom of Grandonburg, is the King's capital, Galerin.

The landscape is characterized, in a nutshell, by its physical rigidity. There is no heavy historical sentiment of the royal capital Omnia, no artistic delicacy like Brosenne, the capital of King Arquelle, or the mystical landscape found in Heptak, the capital of King Marlbearer. But the city, full of functional beauty created by elaborate urban planning, parallels the stone grey city with the heavy pressures of the ruler and the living conditions of the city well, without contradiction.

A mesh-eyed compartment extends radially around the main road that runs through the city. It would illuminate it brilliantly at night, a bunch of tall magic lights set in the streets. A park full of green fields that moisturize the hearts of its citizens. Theatres, concert halls, museums, public halls, schools, churches, and other ingenious buildings. They were adding colour to the landscape that was full of planning so that it would never be a killer landscape.

An orderly metropolis. Perhaps that's the word that most terminally describes the city of Galerin.

The tidy city was surrounded by timeless disturbances.

It's not weird. There is no sense of crisis in the faces of the people who travel through the city, and the shops are doing business as usual.

But the sight that is spreading in today's capital was a sight to behold.

Go down the central avenue, soldiers, soldiers. An officer on horseback marching ahead is followed by a soldier on foot. Armed is armed, albeit an outfit that prioritizes decorativeness. An army with a spear and a bow is intimidating the whole city. The horseback riders advance with their sides wide open at equal intervals, and as far as the lines are concerned, the magicians in carriages reminiscent of chariots boast themselves.

It's a parade by the military.

As you know, Zanktogaren has been painted a defeat in the previous Voldan battle. Yet, it was as strange as the triumphant National Army behaved. But most citizens who see the queue have no sign of pointing fingers at it. He praised the beauty of the army line that uniformly went to the king's capital, and he believed in his success, and did not doubt the strength of his army.

Representing their puzzling psyche, it becomes a word like the one below.

- It was not our own country that was defeated.

In Vordan, the army, backed by the earl style of its neighbor, interpreted the second-line soldiers united by the Territorial States. To the most elite of the great royal direct reports, two or three are nothing but inferior miscellaneous soldiers. Wherever is the feeling of mocking its impudence, anger, sorrow, the need to repent, etc. In that proof, behold, is not our army here now boasting of its objectivity? The defeat is a twist of national consciousness, belonging to the same Zanktogaren, but from the citizens of Galerin the army of another country… of a federation in which several nations competed.

Strange from other countries, from the people of Grandonburg living in Galerin, there was a group that watched the march from the balcony overlooking the street.

"No, boulders are Zanktogaren, no. Directly under the command of the Grand Royal Family. Nice gear and discipline."

"Ha ha. The fact that you can praise me is that the soldiers can face each other. It's the ultimate honor."

"If we launch and attack this army, we may also be able to reclaim the territory we have ceded in one day"

"The concession? Well, I don't remember our Grandonburg, and the Heidelrecht Great House, devoting themselves to any other country, even to the Dimensions?

"Whoa, excuse me. It was only the people of the Territorial Union who pitilessly defeated and offered their territory to Arquel. This is what I did..."

"There is no annihilation. This is also about the complicated formation of our country. Don't worry about it."

"Ha ha ha!

It is those with responsibilities involved in diplomacy between nations who exchange rhetoric adorned with neglect.

One needless to say, Zanktogaren is a court man in the Grand Kingdom of Grandonburg. The other is a resident ambassador seconded by the Kingdom of Marlbearers, an island country that lies ahead of the sea.

Due to the defeat of the Voldan battle, the Kingdom of Zanktogaren lost an army consisting of 40,000. Not to mention the soldiers of a group of countries of the Territorial Union that do not pass through the nostalgia of their allies, the numbers are numerical. In addition, it is not at all Roja with regard to the costs incurred in trooping out. If it were normal, we would lose the power of the state for that hole.

That's not true. The power of the Great Kingdom, the Great Royal Family, has not diminished. It is the figure of these generals who will exchange in the capital that proves it. If he despises us, he will despise the gap. Remember that enough for your liver......

This parade is organized for the purpose of demonstrating this will internally and externally.

"In fact, in Armando, your country prevailed. No, it was overwhelming."

"I didn't know you could say that, but the military would have a high nose, too. For all of us, at least we wanted Lord Armando to sharpen one of his prized fortress lines."

"No, it is only with the brute force of the Zanktogaren Army Squad that we will strengthen our defenses against the enemy. That's why they got food from that country without compromising the soldiers, right?

To Ambassador Marlbearer's words, a Glandonburg diplomat leaks people's bad grin.

While another task force was being exterminated in Vordan, the main unit in charge of the northern side was not playing either. The strategy boned by the army of the Duke of Armando family is adamant. Basically caged in a fort, even when it extends into the field, it toughens and withstands, waiting for support from its own country before hanging on to a counterattack. While the opponent was turning to defend him, Grandonburg's main forces looted (as they wished) from the fields that had not yet been pruned.

The cause of the war was food distress, and what you were looking for was food again. If you get it, you don't have the taste to continue the war. Instead of sealing your voice for compensation, you can dedicate the dirt, and then cheek. The groups of territorial confederations that make up a federation dissatisfied with territorial devolution can also be silenced if they do their share from the food they get this time. Those who were drawn a poverty label in separate squads like the Kingdom of the Bahamas would not fit in that way... but the military power behind them to claim their will is wiping out one of Arquel's youths in front. Zanktogaren as a whole is a huge loss of territory after losing, but for Grandonburg, the Federal Alliance leader, he dressed up as an increased influence over the entire Federation while averting a food crisis.

"When it comes to food, I really appreciate your support."

A courtier of Zanktogaren offers his thanks as he lays his eyes down.

"For the first time, food imports from Marlbearer have managed to gain a better outlook than paste. I owe you nothing."

"Ha? What is it about?

Includes Marlbearer's ambassador and laughs.

"Our merchant just traded food for his own gain. There's nothing to be thankful for."

"This is... in very careful terms"

"Careful, if you say so -"

The gaze narrowed by the loophole peeked chilly.

"- That it is a sincere lack of prudence on the part of Arquel this time. I didn't know you would monopolize rich fruit and sell high wheat with an unfamiliar face the plight of your neighbor. It's not going to arrive correctly."

"Nanriri. I don't think that the same people of Ithusela, who also serve the will of the Holy King, are believers."

My Queen of Marlbearers has also been told that she is uncomfortable with this matter.

"Holy shit! Known for that mercy, Your Majesty the Queen of your Country!?

"The merciless and greedy behavior of the Alquarians. If you know humane things with love, you can take them with pleasure..."

"The journey. That's a natural trick, isn't it?


Mouth to mouth is the will to condemn the Kingdom of Arquel. The will of both countries was obvious more than to put it into words in common. to the kingdom of Arquelle, in a co-paced manner. There is nothing more than an alliance between the two powers that crown the continent and try to hit this together.

This time, the kingdom of Arquelle won too much. Before the war, he devours the profits from Zanktogaren in trade, and after the war, he makes a favorable reconciliation in the short term by making good the overwhelming results and the lack of the opponent's ability to continue the war. More territory to enter the eastern part of the continent and more and more national power. If you arch your hand, it is visible that the defeated Zanktogaren will be more detrimental in terms of diplomacy and trade than the former, and that the Kingdom of Marlbearer will also suffer without being able to restrain Alquair.

The Zanktogaren Marlbearer Alliance to prevent it. We gain each other's national interests, but the biggest obstacle is the dark handshake against Al Qur.

"For the time being, let us at Marlbearer promise our full support with regard to food procurement in your country. Merchants are hoisting their values a little too much. Presence that can be persuaded to make it easier now."

The food obtained from Armando is also exquisite for a year's harvest in a region, and a few percent of it. I took a breath where I was gasping for famine, but it's still not enough to boldly work in the future. Come there. This offer of support is precisely the mercy of dry weather.

"Oh, this is comforting. In the meantime, my Zanktogaren... no, Grandonburg..."

"Let's consolidate the pavement and start a rematch."

"To do this... I fool you that extra weeds need to be mowed so they don't take their feet off?

What the Grandonburg side is saying is about dealing with the territorial state. The most detrimental part of this battle was the Confederate Constituent States, beginning with the Kingdom of the Bahamas, which damaged the soldiers unharmed by the soldiers who were supposed to have won the battle. To curb these grievances and to enhance the authority of the Grand Kingdom of Grandonburg, the Lord of the Federation - let the Great King's Army, which marches under its eyes, fully demonstrate its command.

The stopover zone of the group of nations and its role as chairman. I am tired of such a precarious and inflexible position and so on, and strive for an absolute monarch worthy of the name of the Great King, who will conjure and ordain all the eastern parts of the continent. That was the intention of the Grandonburg, and hence the Heidelrecht Great House, which would reign on it.

The giant beast, which had been sealed in motion by the Federation's buzz, is finally moving to further expansion. Ambition is also a dewy proclamation, and the ambassador who is asked about it smiles nicely.

"The sight of the garden of a friend's house cleaned up beautifully… please not only the gentleman but also your lady"

The kingdom of the most famous ladies of the continent, the gentlemen who bear the queen at its apex. The man from Marlbearer, also known as the sea and the kingdom of the queen, said so, dampening his throat with tea.

"This is… but it is a careful presence when mowing the grass"

"I know it's quite a pleasure."

The men in charge of diplomacy between the two countries smile at each other calmly but without alarm.



The old man's distracted stretch broke in.

"... you guys. I've been talking to both of us since the other day, and it doesn't make any sense. I don't have a hobby for killing time at a tea party. If you don't need me, I'd like to go home.

"Please stop, Professor"

A woman standing beside herself praises an old man who leaked a naïve word that was not commensurate with her brilliant silver hair.

"Let you be a nobleman too. You hate these interactions, but you can't even socialize with other people in the house?

"I don't care if I say noble... Non became an apprentice and an alchemist before that. The territory is about the cat's forehead, as is the increase in taxes. It doesn't even add up to research funding. If you can make money selling land and position, let it go today -"

"Kee-woo! In front of people from other countries!

"Oh man, she's still a annoying daughter. So when I was twenty, I always had a wife."

"... did you say anything?

"- No, it's nothing"

In a diplomatic setting where swordswallowing was hidden beneath serenity, a caricature-talented exchange began, between men and women of different ages. Marlbearer's ambassador rounds his eyes at the figure.

"Um, what about this one?

"Oh, disrespect. He was a student at our Magic Instruction Academy who collaborated on one of the parade's offerings."

"... you see, professor. Say hello."

"Why, such a waste. Let's just hang out today, like Marlbearer's messenger? If you're not the person to meet in the future, you need to remember your face, your name, etc."

"I... Ka Ra!

An old gentleman with silver hair and a silver mustache, stuck with an accompanying young woman, opens his mouth with a smile on his face.

"… My name is Paul Egbert von Graumann, Professor of Alchemy, Galerin Academy of Magic Instruction. In the future - you don't have to put it away."

"What is that insane greeting... excuse me. My name is Frederica Julianna von Castelbern, also a graduate student in alchemy. Please forgive my master for his generosity."

Go on, my flax haired daughter drips her head as she decides on a stunning curtesy.

Alchemist. Even in Zanktogaren, a demon guide developed country, a cheap operator who is supposedly one or two steps lower than other demon leaders. A cheater who calls for gold to be produced by applying plating (plating) to lead. The ambassador frowned that it had been brought to the diplomatic scene, albeit with a strong informal colour.

At the end of that gaze, a daughter named Frederica whispers to a diplomat.

"That's why I told you so much. Just scratch the red shame and let it touch the eyes of other countries, such as professors."

"No way, I didn't expect you to behave so far..."

"Um, can't you see the story?

The ambassador pinched his mouth as he lowered his voice.

The court man and Frederica turn around and blush.

"Ah, haha. Well, what is it? This is why there will be a lot of cooperation between these two names with regard to the instrument that you would like to see. I'd love to know you too."

"The alchemist..."

Maybe a voice containing prejudice leaks. In ancient times, alchemists and magicians who lacked magic became the norm when their mouths were pasted with the formula of a spirit medicine. Otherwise, he is a fraud as mentioned earlier. I hear that the Magic Instruction Academy in Zanktogaren seems to continue its research until it puts the discipline aside, but on a small scale. Compared to the discipline of magic martial arts, which generally cultivates magical martial arts, it is called the difference between cloud mud and mud.

Guess the other guy guessed that too. Professor Graumann and other bigoted old men rattled their noses.

"Hmm. Marlbearer and Zanktogaren are no different than Alquair. We lose sight of the nature of captivity in preconceived notions and waste our time and materials. How long does this take to find understanding of our path? It would have been better if you hadn't come here and continued your research."

"Professor! In front of the national guest.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter if you're a national guest or if you're destitute."

That's how I turn my back on Puy. It was like a child. After all, I don't think it's the words and deeds of an old man with white hair. Or maybe it's the one that's returning it to the child, but from what I've seen, it's the mid sixties. It would still be a little early for such an age.

"Not at all, politicians don't get the researchers' intentions. The prototype chimera before we took the data was just accepted as a matter of national policy. Did you hear what happened to me, Castelbern? I hear you stormed into an argument you couldn't put into action. So I told you to stop!

"That's a painful thing. In particular, the professor did not pay tribute to the disciples who had been expropriated as coordinating staff."

"? Ah, they're not disciples, they're just Seminar students. It doesn't matter whether you live or die. Students who are called disciples recognize that reaching your level is the least you can do."

"Yes, yes, I'm an incompetent, immature and lowest degree apprentice, aren't I? I'm so sorry. Oh!

To two people who say things like that, the man seconded by the court gave a desperate loving laugh as he scratched a cold sweat.

"And well, I'm an unusual person...... I guarantee you if you're an arm. He's one of the finest, no alchemists in our country."

"Oh, is it Master Left"

I have trouble being called the best alchemist in the country. It's probably the best, but it's not usually the kind of job that comes out in a place like this. The feeling is that at the party venue, the other side introduced me to a quick cleaning husband and a good shoe polish, even though it seems important. There was no confusion.

"So it's the fruit of their research."

"Non et al. Research? Don't call me an idiot. Can you put your chest up with such a people-imitating play, the results of research, etc. Do you consider this Grauman a dwarf who steals his disciple's accomplishments and gets his nose high?

"Professor, please keep quiet."


"- And the ravioli, too, look over there."

That's what I'm saying, pointing at the under-eye avenue, the rear of the parade.

Inside the army line, there was a strange bunch. Something like an iron stick with wood stock on. Only ten soldiers, carrying that strange object. The iron rod is apparently a cylindrically molded object, and when you gaze at it, you can see a hole in the tip. From near the roots, the ropes are popping out in disguise, and they don't look very good. I guess it's more of a weapon than a soldier possesses, but it didn't seem so strong.

"I wonder what it is, where is it?

"Well, look at it"

The Zanktogaren side is oddly proud.

Surprising ambassadors, just as they reached a space like the square below the balcony, the soldiers of the parade stopped. And a bunch of straw bracketed in a training mannequin is arranged, and the soldiers set iron bars toward it, ten meters apart. A fire was lit on the like of an example popped rope, and the chilli and scorching smell reached this far.

Together with the commander's signal, the trigger provided for the stock is squeezed.

- Pa! Pan, pan, pan, pan!

An intermittent bursting sound sounded.

At the same time, the targeted straw bundle scatters the straw like it was struck by something invisible.

Citizens of the sights first shouted surprises, then cheered.

"Ko, is this......!?

"It's a new weapon, made from the testimony of the soldiers who returned after being taken prisoner. … of the Arquelle Army as an example, where the people of the territorial state licked their bitter cups in Vordan."

More surprising facts continued to be told to Marlbearer's ambassador, who was stunned by the roar and the consequences.

A new weapon for the Arquelle army? Did you let them make that? Based solely on testimony?

Such an idiot. If what you just saw is really what the Arquel army used, it's not the right time. It's only been a month since Voldan. No matter how many replication sources exist, it is an astonishing short development period.

Zanktogaren, a land of forests and sperm. A nation with the largest military power on the continent. It's like being shown a lot of different things about its bottom line.

Says Graumann as he groans his jaw boringly.

"Did you say musket, or something? Boring. It's just a toy of simple principle. The point is to ignite it with a rope ignited by gunpowder, detonate it in a cylinder, and launch a bullet at its pressure. That's all there is. Miscellaneous soldiers are the only weapons that can defeat them."

"… I have struggled so hard to formulate the gunpowder used for that nasty weapon? The sulfur, the dirt beneath the filth, all the smelly things..."

"Well, we just didn't want an explosion during the blending."

"Buh-!? That's what I was letting you make such dangerous stuff!?

"Sulphur and nitrous stones would be the spirit pills of fire? One or two explosions will happen if you treat me like that."

Listening to the comics talent of the alchemists, the Marlbearer man spins his brains to the point that the boom and sound. That is not a reflection on their technical abilities…. Occupying the back of this man's brain was a more practical, military-like thought.

(Fill an iron cylinder with explosive psychotropic and ignite it, and strike out the bullet with that momentum? Can this be... bigger? It would also be a hassle to transport them by land, but can they be transported on board the ship?... No, wait. The ship!? Yes, if you enlarge the ship and mount it in large quantities, the firepower of the warship will increase dramatically, even if you don't rely on the rare Wizard!... This is not how it works. It would be a turning point to strengthen our navy even harder! Contact your home country as soon as possible.)

"What is it, my lord ambassador? Though he seems to be thinking of something."

A courtier in Zanktogaren asks nico kindly with a grin. You must have a naive sense of superiority towards someone who would be shocked by the musket revelation.

Regardless, he is a Marlbearer who excels in gentlemanly games where smiles and tongues are exchanged. It was easier to read through children's secrets, such as behind them.

"... no, I crushed my liver to a loud noise unexpectedly. And with the advent of a new weapon, I was filled with heads thinking about how to attack it."

I'm not lying. He was willing to attack this musket. However, by means of a more powerful and powerful weapon, inspired by this tiny new weapon.

There was such a joke-stricken alarm in the Ithusela continent.

Solve diplomacy with the flavour of cooking. Its heart...... Neither should believe in the tongue of the Marlbearers. Apparently, the Zanktogarenians in front of them had forgotten the word in a detour as well.

"Really? Really! It must be natural, somehow the muskets are a substitute introduced earlier by the people of Arquelle. As far as we're concerned, we have to narrow our wisdom to how to render this powerless."

"Absolutely. This is difficult, so..."

I look down on the bottom of my belly at the Xanctogalenians laughing purely loudly as I am relieved that I could hide my gained ideas. Of course, behind the foggy smile of Heptark, the king of my country, hide his intentions carefully and deeply.

(Hehehe...... is that the Oriental countryman? When I get something novel, I can't help but show it off)

Proud of its military power, Zanktogaren is trying to tighten its territorial state by letting its rigid arms say things and build regional strides in the eastern part of the continent. From them, the Kingdom of Marlbearers and other tiny island nations. I would only be looking at about a boat enquirer who has been convenient for food and other imports in folds.

But the reality is different.

(The food problem in your country has not yet been completely resolved. Now is the time to feed the people and wait for the demonic outbreak and the restoration of the rough agricultural land due to famine. I am trying to leap up to our help and forget it and turn my fangs towards an umbrella territorial state.... Stupid. Then all you have to do is buy the resentment of a federal constituency.)

No matter how powerful a military force is, it cannot govern the entire vast Federation solely through control by force. Not to mention the power of the Grandonburg Great Kingdom alone. As an allied Marlbearer, we would be worried about the precarious political situation in our friends and would incur an obligation to provide tangible and intangible support. But governance with the help of foreign powers will always nurture the seeds of dissatisfaction in the country.

And food and preferences for forgiveness are also imported from Marlbearer. Dependent on foreign countries for supplies of essential supplies in the absence of food self-sufficiency. The Zanktogaren merchants will also connect with Marlbearers to buy cheap Marlbearer food, not from the countryside of their country, which they struggle to rebuild.

What happens then? It is up to Marlbearers to put all of Zanktogaren, where reconstruction has lagged behind, under the influence of both political and economic aspects.

There is no need to necessarily shed blood on the invasion of the sea and the kingdom of the queen. For such an arrangement, it is necessary to flush the unloaded items from the ship.

That's how I bump into Zanktogaren, who turned him into a puppet, inviting the exhaustion of the kingdom of Arquelle. After that, where appropriate, do we increase the influence of intermediaries on both countries? Or do you want to visit Alquelle and divide the soil-rich country with your friends?

(Dance, dance, you old continental fools. At the end of the day, our queen will rule and pay for everything.)

Drawing his country's victory on the future diagram behind his brain, the man from Marlbearer laughs. Hide your heart at the bottom of your belly, making it look like a breeze to welcome with your diplomatic opponent.

Is it because I was interested in such craftsmanship?

The man had missed hearing the conversation that was being exchanged right beside him.

"Nevertheless, the musket is a very important substitute for what the man did."

"What, it's about his prudent boyfriend. Maybe hold something more powerful as a hidden ball. As I said, this is out of the toy range."

"You only make things that aren't even really busy, are you? I heard you came out with a great deal of martial arts in this war for everything... you're unbelievable. Does the kingdom of Arquelle want to perish from the inside...?

A man who would hold the key to the turmoil that rocks the continent.

Have a conversation with the alchemists with the information that leads to it.


It is the name of the Empire, the main mountain of the continent's largest religion and holy kingdom, known as the country of history and faith, and the name of the Imperial Capital, the capital of that country.

As the national code means' all 'in ancient language, the Empire was once the only nation on the continent.

More than a thousand years ago, the Ithusela continent was dominated by demons, and mankind was only one of the weak races that oppress the southern peninsula. People caged in plain castle forts and trembling at monster threats as if they were leaning against each other. They, who were powerless and undeveloped in civilization, were supposedly expelled immediately by demons of mighty power.

The turning point came when one saint came out into the world.

Holy King.

The real name is also hidden in the scriptures, and cannot be known as. There are many theories about origins, but from the words and deeds that remain in the Bible, a person full of sophisticated knowledge and goodness is passed on. From this it is almost unanimous for historians to acknowledge that they were born into a hierarchy that, as of that time, was wealthy and only satisfactorily educated. In the name of the Holy King, he may have come from the royal family of the ancient city state.

He told the people at the time of his demise. Courage, hope, trust, love... human splendor. And he went to spend if there was a poor man on the wall of the east, and weeped of mourning if there was a funeral in the west, and cried out of blessings if a new son was born in the south, and fought against demons in the north.

People saw hope in his appearance. If he were his man, he would be able to save mankind, which was a lightning fire in front of the wind. Many came beneath him, united, and fought.

If it is normal, one case settled on this. The armies of mankind push back demons and welcome large circles... a development that will remain visible in the common hero Tan.

But it didn't. It thus gives an unusual vid to the legend of the Holy King, and a true flavor is conferred on the existence of a human estranged saint.

The Holy King's army suffered a great defeat in the battle against demons. Hope was crushed, victory turned into fantasy, and love never saved as one person at a time.

Humanity is swallowed up again in the midst of despair. The smile disappeared and the budding of friendship was trampled on by treachery on the verge of predicament. What was there was exactly a crucible of negative humanity. In that vortex, he mourns himself with sorrow and generosity.

- Why, I can't save them.

- How can you not smile at the people you love?

- Won't the days come when people will receive the morning sun with hope in their hearts?

The Holy King arrived on his way out with a defeated army that wept, fell in mourning, and was reduced to only thirty. It was when he reached the land of the present imperial capital of Omnia.

... for the first time, a miracle happened.

"'It took, and his man went up to the throne with the twelve apostles. It became one with the light of the Father, and the holy king of the gods. Therefore his man was henceforth called the Holy King, and the land of Ascension was named Omnia by prayer, Blessed be it all' …"

"That's the first volume of the Twelve Orthodox, the final verse in Ascension. You know very well."

"I have nothing to say. The most important Bible, the most famous passage of all. Anyone on this continent, except the rest of the infidels, will be stunned."

That being said, Elisha Rosmond Barbastle glanced over her shoulder.

This is a painting of the imperial capital Omnia. It is one of several cathedrals in this capital. White Asia's buildings, made of pioneering stone, are magnificent and yet clean. The calm position is majestic enough to renew the faith and stretch the spine on the chest of the visiting pilgrims.

Whether she is a woman or not, she is the strongest of the Kingsguards and runs wild in the match. I didn't extend my legs so far because it was a pilgrimage.

In her earlier Voldan battle, she had documented a vampire crusade. For Holy Kingdoms, who glorify the shelter and prosperity of mankind, vampires who sip the blood of men and take their lives, turning those who hang them in their fangs into monsters of uncleanness, are one of the demons especially at risk. Elisha, who debated it, was honored with merit and earned the title of Holy Knight. I visited Omnia for training to bring fruit to the given name.

Walking side by side in the hallway of the diocese is a ni monk accompanying her from the king's capital for her guidance. Anything returns to Omnia itself. He is a clear and serene exemplary nun from the personality he found out on the road, but from time to time he gives a sad look as the shadow did. That's a little bit of a concern to her.

Such a ni monk throws an intriguing gaze at Elisha, who accidentally mumbles a passage of the Bible.

"By the way, why did you say that all of a sudden?

"No, I guess what I did was too much on the air here. He was out pounding his own mouth for some reason."

"I was wondering if it was a big deal. This is a testament to your true faith."

"... I wonder what that would be"

The female knight's mouth engraves a smile. Elisha doesn't think very much of herself as an ardent believer. The Holy King preaches benevolence and honors the sum of the people, but the sex she was born with is like the opposite. He leaps his chest in the fight against the mighty, gets wet in a bright red bloodshed, and gasps hot at the moment of betting his life and death. There was no way such a woman would have been a devout saint.

It would have been a strange attitude to be humble. To the ni monk, who tilted her little neck in wonder, she carries on her words to deceive.

"But, uh, what is it? I've been wondering this passage for a long time."

"And my name is?

"'Became one with the light of the Father, and holy king of the gods'... this onesentence. What are the gods?

God is one in the Holy Kingship. Only the Holy King, who ascends to heaven and gives shelter to the people, exerts his power to leave the demons and gives them peace. I've never heard of any other gods. Not to mention, it was the original of every scripture that overshadowed its existence, and the end of The Ascension Book, which was most seared by the population. It is abruptly described here and is not described in any other canonical characteristic that follows. "The XVIII Apostolic Herald", an apostolic record of activity left on earth without ascension; "The Emerging Nations", describing the birth of the Empire's predecessor, the Holy Omnian Empire; "The Book of Folk Religion", listing the commandments to be observed by the apostles; "The Holy Expedition Herald", a military book of externalities since the Holy King issued for the present Arquel territory; "The Gospel to the Seven Kings", a record of discovery of the Marlbea Islands and preaching in his land…. There were no other statements in the Scriptures about God other than the Holy King.

Words that I've been concerned about for a long time are by no means false or false. Doubts on this point continued to hook me up to my chest like a lump, without falling to my heart. So when I accidentally put my thoughts on faith, this comes to mind first.

While explaining, he remembers his opponent's position more and catches his feet.

"It may be uncomfortable to question the Holy Word."

"That's not true. Because it is also important to think about understanding what it means to defend the Holy Word. First, forbidding it doesn't make a discipline called theology."

I felt relieved when they said that with a face that seemed serene and impressive to me. There are many clerics in the world whose enthusiasm for faith has passed and whose brain miso has hardened like an overboiled egg. The nun in front of her seemed unrelated to such bigotry.

"Sure if you ask me. So, for your information, may I ask your point of view?

"In general, you are told that you refer to the Twelve Apostles, who ascended to heaven with the Holy King. And they also came to God, and served the LORD, as they did when they were on earth. The statement to that effect was dared to be omitted in order to emphasize the divinity of the Lord. … even for me, I thought that would be a reasonable interpretation"

"So what is the light of the Father?

"There are many parables in the Holy King's theory, written in The Ascension Book, that use light. The famous one is… 'Love the people, like the light that descends from heaven, treat your neighbors as warm and illuminate the way. Then you will also be warm and illuminated by the way, as the light descends from heaven."

"Oh, there it is. I do feel like it was chapter 11..."

"Eleven: twenty-two, right? Because this is how many stories have highlighted the light. At that time the people called and learned about the Lord, the Son of Light. It turned, and became God. Wasn't the word Father Light born as a concept to be united with the Lord?"

According to what the Nissan said, the statement that he called the Holy King the Son of Light was in an ancient document dealing with the Dictionary, not the canonical. It was originally a collection of citizens' writings at a time when the Holy King was revealed to the earth. Because it was before the penetration of the idea of His person as an object of faith, there was much content that would corrupt the Holy King for a long time. Son of Light, also called, is inherently containing perhaps the ingredients of sarcasm and sarcasm. So when the Church compiled these historical materials, you said you refused to treat them as canonical? At first, it is kept as a precious historical material describing the period before and after the birth of the Holy King, but copies are not allowed and viewing is also allowed "only to believers who can stand the devil's word".

He didn't want to spread the word too much, and this was added as a prank at the end.

"Complete. Somehow I get the feeling that..."

That's what I say in one mouth, but I'm not entirely convinced in the heart. Somehow, I can't wipe the sense of reason or anything that was stuck just to get through the muscles.

Such thoughts seemed promising to Nishi, who gave a brief lecture.

"If you are interested in deciphering and interpreting the scriptures, don't hesitate to come to the auditorium of theology. Build up your knowledge and deepen your understanding of the Lord God is also part of the training of the Holy Knight. If you're as famous as Elisha, your bachelor or doctor would be happy to talk to you."

"Let me thank you for your advice. Shall I think about it?"

Probably won't have that chance. Elisha was not comfortable listening or studying in silence. No, precisely the type that bitters your studies on areas of low interest. Practical - or preferred - disciplines such as military science can withstand lectures for hours, but not so much interest in ancient Omnian history with its strong theological and mythical colors. I didn't have the guts to learn for days just to clear up a few questions.

and so forth, and that as a candidate for the Holy Knight he has an uncanny idea,

"- Because it is! I'm asking you monks to do a little work now!

I heard a man yell leaking from one of the rooms I passed through. The ni monk stops to pitch and guide the foot.

"Oh, were you here..."

"What's up? Are you going to see the person in charge of supervising the training?

"Yeah, it looks like you could be in this room."

That's what I say, while I look at the door.

Due to its position in the temple and in the diocese, it does not appear to be a room publicly used by high priests. The conference room used by the lower clergy, which was also not frequently used, could be inferred. Probably even going about private secrecy, but how far can you keep it confidential when you have a loud voice like this?

"I will say that, but we are too much about the dead -"

"Isn't that the precarious state of the world calling for the devastation of the hearts and minds!

"That's why it would be the priesthood's duty to preach the doctrine and reassure the people?

"How many believers do we think we lost while we were arching our hands with left-handed sayings!? Demonic bouncing beam at Zanktogaren, which became a far-flung battle. Not like this..."

"You think the legendary Demon King will be resurrected? So, do we go to the brave man's hem?

"Don't stop fooling around! Yeah, your boy always does!

Knock on the door where you can still hear people arguing about something.

"Excuse me. Is Cardinal Fantoni under your command?

The argument across the door stopped perfectly and awkward silence flowed for a while.

Slightly, I can hear you responding with a hard voice.

"... what?

"Oh, my God, not at all. It's your official business. I have brought with me a new Saint Knight, Lord Elisha Barbastle, from the Kingdom of Arquelle. As the head of the Omnia Saint Knights, I ask you to show me."

"Okay. Let's go right away."

"Ooh, ooh. Why don't you encourage yourself to work before you put us to work?


One man appeared with the door open, trying to be pushed by a sticky voice of irony.

My first impression from Elisha is that it's natural granite. A robust body like the one that cemented the red-hot lava with reason and faith. He wraps a full-body forged giant in a pilgrim, qualitative monastic garment. This big man, too, was probably one of Omnia's finest prowess when he was called Cardinal, but he didn't seem to be dressed that way. Is it because of the shady virtues cultivated as priests, as well as the face-to-face success, that it is not unusual or out of place, but in the eyes of pure poverty?

On the other hand, a skinny man sitting in a wooden chair indoors and peeking at this one. He contrasts well with this big man in a bad way. Thick robes, straws lowered from the neck, short canes in the hands, shoes floating off the floor to tease. Everything you wear is luxurious and disgusting. An outfit full of religious authority, of the paintings themselves that the world would think of when it heard of a high priest. All those things about the eyes, the man at heart himself has a faint impression. The only part that seems to be memorable on that face is the vulgar, inferior eyes that value people.

No matter how spectacularly decorated you are, you can't even find a piece of sanctity. It is a living windscreen painting depicting a corrupt cleric. The big man closed the door behind his back so as to disgrace and conceal such a man's appearance. When he turns back to Elisha, he names himself with a suppressed low voice.

"It's Gianfranco Paolo Fantoni. In the Church, he is a Cardinal, and he leads the Order of the Holy Knights"


Elisha knelt in the hallway. The opponent is a priority of the Church of the Holy King, as well as the one who will seek guidance from now on. I didn't want to bow my head.

"The first time I saw you, under the Cardinal. I have come as a candidate for the Holy Knight from the Kingdom of Arquelle. It is Elisha Rosmond Barbastle. Thank you for your guidance."

"Uhm. After that, at last. Let's talk more in my room.... I'll be there, but good"

Cardinal Fantoni walks out first with that said. Elisha recalls arguing with the man earlier in a foothold that reminded her of a heavy burden on her back.

(Omnia but a nation of men. organization of people even though it is a denomination)

Familiar with sniffing in Brosenne, the rotten smell of power and signs of concoction. It seems that a glorious and holy nation, the Empire of Omnia, cannot be unrelated to human interests, intentions or desires either.

I will sit in heaven. What does our Holy King think of this likeness? Are you mourning the filth dripped into the goodness of his loved ones, and yet again, is it good to think that it is also a man?

Follow the heavily footed Fantoni and walk down the hallway of the cathedral. On the road, Elisha amused herself for a while with new questions that would never be asked by clerics and theologians.

- There was darkness at the beginning. The next light was born. A flame of impure shaking blue. Countless human souls creeping through the universe. A huge amount of souls died carelessly. That was their light. A world where more than 10,000 light sources exist but are still closed in the dark.

They wake up there for the first time in a while.

"... the smell of carelessness. Smells like a curse. Smell of death. And was there a war in the world of men?

"This scale. It's a battle between any of the four powers."

"Then it's been roughly fifty years. The cycle is getting a little shorter."

"I'm not stupid. It hasn't changed after hundreds of years. Born ignorant, living incompetent, and dying indescribably. I can't be saved, I can't be saved. And you're gonna be nestled in by the rats. Wow."

Four voices echoing in darkness. That did not arise solely by virtue of the swing of air. Magic with such a mass that the space itself raises its stiffness. It only creates a twist when they wander, which makes even their voices contain a curse that only kills the heartless.

"... this awakening, for the first time in three hundred years or so one of us can go outside"

"Oh, just one? The dead in the war? I don't know if it's gonna be for two of us. Ah?

"The soul of the great man was called to heaven. There are still many fools who believe in him."

"To the merciful Holy King," he said.... I don't like it. Are you telling me to save even people who denigrate, curse, hurt, steal, offend, and dye their hands to the point of killing? I say I love you!... Oh, no one in the gods likes me less than him!

Only leaked anger feelings make the cavity scream. Parallax and sections pour down from the high and distant ceiling, and the souls of those who were dancing in the universe flee. Some of them scratched out in the aftermath.

One voice stops it sharply.

"Town down. A corner, a soul flowing towards us. The next awakening will be far away if you scatter it for no reason with eight hits, etc."

"And the resurrection of the Great One?


"... man. You're still not well asleep."

The space, in one turn, restored silence.

But what is there is not calm quiet. It is a tension such that the lifespan of the beholder shrinks, with the four beings towing each other.

- I want to go outside. That was the desire common to them. But there's only one ticket there. I want to grasp that right. That's why we're holding each other back.

One of my voices cut my mouth.

"So, who's going?

"It will be up to me. Oh, my God, I won't keep you guys waiting. I'm gonna kill you, kill you, kill you, and I'm gonna stash you all up again soon."

"... foolish. Still, it's almost time for one. It is premature for us to lay our hands on ourselves. Three hundred years ago, I forgot I missed the opportunity because of your shortcomings."

"What the..."

"So I'm telling you not to get excited. And. Direct intimidation will also threaten to unite them. I don't like you - no, I'll give our abominable servants of the Holy King the opportunity to martyr on purpose."

"For a while, it doesn't mean that humans kill each other with their own hands. If so, would you be the right person?

"... let's not. I am good at tying things up, and I am good at seducing and corrupting you."

"It's settled."

"Oh, yeah? Then..."

At the same time as the vote came out, there was an anomaly. The spirits, who were unreliably illuminating the great cavity, converge on one point so that they are inhaled. The faded fireballs gather to become a giant flame, which also gradually exchanges human shapes smaller.

And darkness was born again.

But it's darker than darkness. In a world without light, dark crystals are so dark that they clearly exhibit their appearance. It is not the late shadow that blocks the light, but the incarnation of evil that blasphemes and erodes the light.

The presence that regained her appearance looked like a woman at first sight. loosely stretched, unsweetened, occasional hair. Wet glow. Eyes of treasure balls that are about to fall off. Fantastic thick lips on neat nose beams. With stretchy limbs, the body depicts an elaborate golden ratio, as frantically pursued, with the richness of the chest and the creasing of the hips. That's all you see, you'd think of yourself as a compelling beautiful woman.

But there were too many extra foreign objects to appreciate that. What's a sheep-like twisted double angle that scratches and stretches your hair? Vertically cracked eyes that change the color of brilliance by angle. The emotions expressed in the grievously distorted lips are one and the same. What does it mean to have a tail with two to four bat feathers growing from the back, a snake-head hovering a sickle from between slutty meats?

Beautiful woman? No, she's a nasty woman.

There's no way a woman who exposes herself to such aliens is a human being. Nor is it a long-lived species like an elf.

It's a demon beyond demons. Families of those who stand at the peak of the devil - that is, the devil tribe.

His name is Satan.

The woman, who had suffered from a more demonic appearance than any other, smiled luminously at her compatriots, who were now nothing but darkness.

"- Well, then, I'm gonna have fun one foot ahead of you, huh?

A luscious but proud grin that wins you the right to satisfy your desires. The devil sends her out, even though she snorts at the ugliness of the end of her beauty.

"Oh, go but good. The suffering and death of the living is what feeds our petition."

"The more fun you play, the closer we'll be."

"... like trying to stay alert."

"Alert? I wonder if this athlete needs to be alert. Oh, man, what a foolish race. No?

"Fool, huh? Sure, but don't forget. Horses also have hooves, deer plus horns. None of them make a difference in hunting prey, but if you look at the painful eyes from your guard, you will be an inferior fool to an idiot. It's something to remember."

"Yes, ha-ha. I'll remember that when I feel like it. Eh?"

Nor did she take the advice seriously, and the female demon disappears with the light of magic. I guess it flew off with the magic of metastasis. The three shapeless darknesses leaked signs of sighing.

"You're still a light-headed whore. You sure you're okay with this?

"... no, light is the eye, not the head. If you don't look at your enemies lightly, you're more wise than you are."

"I guess I'm stupid because I can't do that.... Whoa, if I imitate your analogy, if I see a painful eye on an idiot opponent, you're less than an idiot"

"Stop being sarcastic. There is no sign of an abominable God runner on the continent right now. Daimyo, I guess that's what's going on."

"... 700 years ago and 300 years ago. It held us back, in this world. Ah."

"Stop it, stop it! Listen to me. The scratches they carved on me hurt!

"Is he not there yet, or is he still weak? Whatever it is, there is no one in the way. Let's hope that woman does well. To us..."

Using the word as a signal, the consciousness of the three bodies was directed to the cavity of darkness, its deepest point.

There was a throne there. The king of men lays himself on a throne so immense that it cannot be compared.

What kind of presence is this supposed to be to sit on your hips?

"" - His Majesty, the Great Demon King, our Lord, who awakens and renders immortal even more spiritual than this. ""

Words of prayer echo at the bottom of the earth, in the hell of the earth, in the naught of uncleanness.

Ironically, the sincerity of that prayer resembled that of a human being in divinity.

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