Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 105: What is a god to a Devil?

Here's chapter 105: What is a god to a Devil?


Chapter 105: What is a god to a Devil?

Looking at the huge cliff in front of her, Vivi felt nostalgic. It has been twelve years since the last reverie she attended. She was six at the time and remembered every moment and every detail of her time here. Notably the time spent with Rick. He was always by her side, playing or talking with her during the journey from Alabasta to here. She missed those times.
“Vivi, are you ready?” her father asked from behind her.
She turned around and put a smile on her face.
“I am, father. More than I ever was.” she replied and took his arms in hers.

“It’s time for the world to change.”

“I have faith in you Vivi, I’m sure you will succeed.”

“Thank you, father.” she replied with a smile.
At the same time from the other side of Red Line. Viola was watching with happiness Rebecca making friends with the mermaid princess from the Ryugu kingdom. It was the second time the merfolk were invited to the reverie and she was curious about how it would go. The two pink headed women had bonded over their friendship and admiration of Luffy. Being reminded of the strawhat pirate, her thoughts went to his vice-captain and his wife. The evening, night and morning she spent with the two of them has been the most exciting of her life. She often thought about that randomly during the day and ceased to function with a satisfied smile or a blush on her face. She wished this time would have lasted forever.
“You know Luffyland?” Leo asked Shirahoshi, coming out from under Rebecca’s mantle with princess Mansherry.
Shirahoshi was surprised by the sudden appearance. Viola laughed at the sight. The tall mermaid princess, way above ten meters, met the very small Tontattas.


“Yes, Luffyland! With Usoland, Robiland and Rickland!” Mansherry said.

“That’s how the tontattas call Luffy, Usop, Robin and Rick.” explained Rebecca.
At the mention of her lovers’ names Viola came closer to hear better. When Shirahoshi asked questions all focused on Rick, she had a feeling the mermaid princess was in the same boat as she was.
“You seem to know Rick very well.” the ruler of the Dressrosa kingdom said.

“I.. He’s.. just a friend. I owe him a lot.” Shirahoshi replied with her whole face turning bright red, giving Viola the answer to her question.
“I must have a talk with her later.”
The two royal families got on the elevator that led to Mary-Geoise. The higher they got the better the view of the sea. It left Shirahoshi in awe.
“It’s so beautiful.” she said with tears in her eyes.
She felt the sun’s  warmth on her skin, it was the first time for her. She had been amazed by the small town at the base of the cliff and kept asking questions to satisfy her curiosity and her amazement. But it was in that moment, looking at the horizon, looking at the blue sky and the light reflected on the sea that she knew.
“Father, I want to live on the surface. I want our people to live under the warmth of the sun and under the blue sky. I don’t want them to live in a place where the sun doesn’t reach.”

“We will, Shirahoshi. We will realize your mother’s dream.” replied king Neptune.
The ascension was slow so Shirahoshi and the rest of her family had the time to imprint into their memory the beautiful view before them, daydreaming about a radiant future for the merfolk.

Soon enough they reached the top and were led towards an immense garden where every royals invited to the event were gathered. Several princes supported by their fathers accosted the mermaid princess and asked for her hand. While they were all charmed by her beauty there was no love there. In fact the only purpose they had in mind was to own Shirahoshi. Having the mermaid princess as a wife was the best way to get a better status and fame. Some were already thinking of using her as a trophy to make others envious by displaying her as a pet in a private zoo.

Those entitled and spoiled princes made Shirahoshi very uncomfortable as she was not used to so many people so close and so insistent. When she declared bounty in a panic state that she already loved someone and was not interested in any of them they became furious.
At the same time, her family, especially her father, was outraged at her declaration. Not at all for her bluntness but by the fact she was in love with someone. How could the apple of their eye be in love when she spent the last twelve years locked in her room ? King Neptune swore that he would find the person in question and made him or her regret stealing his little girl’s heart.
On the side Viola was now certain of who the princess was referring too. She was wondering if she too fell for the ex-marine’s charm and his wife’s or the man alone.
The spoiled royal began to grab Shirahoshi in their anger, some yelling threats to the person she loved, others simply bringing them down by flaunting their royal status. Those actions snapped her brothers out of their stupor and pushed them to save their sister. They were too late as someone else acted before they could.
“Have you no shame?  Assaulting a princess when she rejects you? Are you really royals? Because all I see are ruffians!”
The royals turned their heads to see Vivi, with the new king of Drum island by her side, looking at them with an angered face. Her voice had been loud enough that any conversation in the garden had stopped and everyone was looking at them. Some with curiosity, some with pity and some with disapproval. Being called out for their behavior unbecoming of their status forced them to apologize to Shirahoshi before leaving the garden in haste.
“Are you alright?” Vivi asked the mermaid princess.

“Yes, thank you for your help.”
The blue haired princess quickly presented herself to which Shirahoshi did likewise before introducing Rebecca, princess Mansherry and Leo. Once again Viola felt happy for her niece who had made a second friend outside of the tontattas. The four young ladies and Leo talked for a while vividly before the conversation turned into an exchange of whispers. Having an idea of what was the subject of their talk Viola stopped watching, this time, decided to join them.
“Hello~~” she said as greetings, surprising the little group.

“Hello, I’m princess Vivi Nefertari, nice to meet you.”

“And I’m princess Viola Doldo, Rebecca’s aunt, nice to meet you too.” she answered with a smile.

“I couldn’t help but notice some secret talk going on and it got me curious about what it was about. If I had to guess I’d say the straw hats, am I wrong?”
Before any of the young women could answer, Leo took the lead.
“No pwrincess, you’re not wrong. Pwrincess Vivi was shwaring her adventwure with them.”

“Oh, really? I would like to hear about it too.”
Without any hesitation, Vivi related her tale with the crew. To Viola’s surprise, there was no mention of Rick or Robin in her story, making her think that they joined later, however when she reached the part about meeting Rick again, Viola interrupted her.
“Again? You’ve met Rick before?”

“Yes, long ago when he was still in the marines. He saved my life.”
The Dressrosa princess simply noted and let Vivi continue her story. She didn’t miss the glint in her eyes everytime she brought Rick up.
“Shirahoshi, Vivi, me… Is he collecting princesses right and left on purpose?”
Viola quickly dismissed the idea, since Robin was not in the story yet, she doubted she would have 9made a move, especially since it seemed Vivi was only sixteen at the time. When the story reached the point where her one time lover faced a millions rebels on his own she couldn’t help but let a comment slip inadvertently.
“That sounds like him. So reckless…” she said, punctuating her words with a small giggle.

“You seemed to know him well.” said Vivi.

“While Rebecca is more acquainted with his captain, I’m more acquainted with him and his wife after what happened in our country.”

“More than just acquainted if grandfather is to be believed.” chidded in Rebecca, making her aunt gasp and blush. That was not missed by Vivi who frowned.


“Is grandfather wrong?”
Viola was about to scold her when she realized that her niece was not completely understanding the effects and meaning her words had.
“No, but the way you said it could be misinterpreted. Please princess Vivi, continue.”
Rebecca looked puzzled, and Shirahoshi’s face turned completely red, finally understanding the hidden meaning.

Vivi kept on with her story until the end then Shirahoshi told hers. When the part about Rick needing to be operated on came up Vivi gasped and held her breath while Viola was shocked that he was so wounded that he needed it in the first place. She remembered quite vividly when he had fallen from the sky with both his forearms missing and yet replaced them as if nothing ever happened. 

Once the tale was over, Shirahoshi was the one who told hers. While Rebecca and the tontattas already knew of it from an earlier discussion, it was new to Vivi and Viola. The beginning of the story was mainly focused on meeting Rick. The Dressrosa princess didn't miss the look of jealousy the desert princess had when the patting part came up, nor the blissfully smile the mermaid princess had on her lips while talking about it.

"Does it feel that good?”

Viola kept that question for herself and kept on listening. The more she heard the more she was convinced that Shirahoshi was more than a bit infatuated with her one time lover. While she couldn’t tell if the mermaid had the same treatment as the one she had on dressrosa she did notice a pattern.

A princess was in distress and an ex-marine turned pirate came into the picture, beat the villains and secuded the said princess.

"I wonder how many times it happened, and how many times it will happen again."
Was she just a note on his or their bedpost? At the time it was clear that both husband and wife were interested in her for her body; there was no denying that, but was it all? Nobody would go to the extent he did for her, just to get into someone’s bed. Hell, with how sexually frustrated as she was a simple glimpse of his tool would have been enough. Yet he went out of his way, to be flirty -in his own way - to be honest and blunt while doing so. She remembered that single moment, just before he took Robin in his arms and began to make love to her while standing. The brunette had her ass destroyed a few minutes earlier and was resting on the bed. Rick went to her and entered her again. However this time… This time it was gentle. He hadn’t been rough as he had been before; no he was gentle. The passion was still there, still strong but different; he was attentive and caring.

Of that morning session that she’ll remember to her dying days it was the moment she cherished the most. He had made love to her. She only wanted to get her jollies, finally after years, and he gave her more, something that she didn’t know she needed desperately. She remembered the orgasm he gave her, it was the strongest she had received that day. It fulfilled not only her physical needs but her emotional ones.
“Did he know? Was it real or an act on his part for me?”
Unknowingly she hoped it wasn’t just an act. Everytime she thought of him her heart beat faster. She knew it but justified it as a body reaction, wanting more of what he gave her this morning. The truth of the matter was she longed for more of him. Not really sex - even though it has been the best - but just spending time with him. The chaos, no matter how small or how big, he brought by just being there and talking.

Unknowingly, Viola Doldo, princess and future ruler of Dressora was infatuated with Wal D. Rick.
Still lost in thought about her lover she was brought back to the conversation when Rebecca grabbed her arm.


“It’s your turn.”

“My turn?”

“To talk about how it went from your side back then.”

“Oh! Sure!”
Just like the others she talked about what she did during the fight against the Donquixote family with several omissions. She couldn’t share in detail her time with Rick, after all Rebecca was still 16, innocent in that particular part of life, and Shirahoshi was perhaps in the know but wouldn’t be able to handle it as the mere mention of him made her face so red and hot she was almost feverish.
“What about your kidnapping?” asked Rebecca

“Kidnapping?” Viola asked, confused.

“When Rick trespassed into the castle and took you away?”

“Oh! That…”

“You only got back the day after at noon.”
Everyone looked at her expectantly with a face full of curiosity. Except Vivi who had a knowing frown on her face.
“Curse you Rebecca! I really need to have THE talk with you soon!”

Before she could try to think of something, she was saved by a marine officer coming to them . They were the last group to be led outside the small garden towards the place where the reverie would actually take place.
Viola thanked any and every god out there for the timely save and followed everyone. Unfortunately, her luck stopped there and then. Rebecca , Shirahoshi, the tontattas and the rest of their respective family went a few feet ahead of her as she was held back by Vivi grabbing her arm.
“Princess Vivi?”

“My apologies princess Viola, but I think you and I need to have a private talk.”

“What abou…”

“You slept with him.” said Vivi. It wasn’t a question, it was a declaration, a statement that couldn’t be misinterpreted by the tone of her voice.

“Excuse me?”

“You slept with Rick.”

“... I did.”

“I knew…”

“And his wife too.”

“It!! WHAT?!” Vivi had her jaw hanging low.

“To be more precise, I slept with his wife first, then he joined us the morning after.”

Vivi was at a loss for words. She clearly didn’t expect that.
“Hi… his wife knew? And s-she..”

“Participated? Yes she did. It was her idea actually.”

“I thought… I thought that he…”


“Yes.” replied the desert princess with a nod.

“No, he loves her too much for that.”
That piece of information made Vivi grimaced. Clearly it hurt her.
“But.. How… How could she…”

“Allowed it?” interrupted Viola, earning a nod of agreement from her conversation partner.

“Robin is bisexual.”


“She loves men and women.”

“I know what bisexual means, I just don’t see how her being bisexual have anything to do with… with…” she could find the words and just waved her hand up and down towards Viola.

“I don’t know all the details but I know that Rick is a catch, hence a woman magnet. I think Robin is just… benefiting from that fact.”

“She’s just using him then.”

“In a way? Yes but don’t be mistaken, she genuinely loves him.” replied Viola.


“It’s the truth. When I was… too exhausted, they shared a very intimate moment together. Anybody seeing them together would see that they are truly in love with each other. Honestly, I feel fortunate to have witnessed such a moment. Really envious too.”


“It was true love. They were in their own little world where nothing else mattered but each other.”
Vivi didn’t say anything, she just looked at the ground and started thinking with the frown on her face even deeper.
“You’re thinking too much of it.”

“Obviously… I mean… I’ve been in love with him since I was six. I didn’t even know what love was back then but I was. My feelings became stronger and stronger to the point that I don’t see anyone else but him as my husband. And now… now he’s married. Sleeping around any chance he gets with his wife and others.”

“Oh! I would not say that.”


“From what Robin told me, he doesn’t sleep with any pretty lady he comes across.”


“Yes. Apparently he would have been more than fine with just her, she’s just pushing him to explore, for them. So far only two others were included.”

“Only two?”

“Yes, their navigator and the pirate empress.”

“Nami and Boa Hancock?!”

“From what Robin shared with me, yes.”
If that crazy story about Robin pushing Rick to go after other women was true then it wasn’t a surprise that Nami was one of them. She probably has been the first. Vivi felt betrayed by her friend, she knew of the feelings she held for Rick and slept with him anyway. Now the pirate empress… That was a surprise for her.
“There is you too, now.” Vivi commented.

“I wonder about that. I mean, the night I spent with Robin and the morning I spent were wonderful but I don’t know if I’ll ever have a repeat. Perhaps I was only a one time thing.”

“It doesn’t change anything. A thousand times or just once…”

“If you say so…”
Vivi quieted once again and thought for a moment before she spoke.
“I’m really stupid, aren’t I?”

“Why do you think that?”

“For more than a decade, I loved him… I still do, but for twelve long years I only had one thing in mind, marry him. Such a stupid dream.”

“It’s not a stupid dream to want to be with the one we love.”

“A dream that was impossible to realize to begin with.”

“Don’t give up! If there is one thing I learn by meeting Rick is that you never know what tomorrow is made of.”

“It is nice of you to cheer me up princess Viola but I have to face the facts…”
They fell into an uncomfortable silence which lasted the last hundred feet of the trip towards the building they were supposed to reach. Everyone was led to another garden where even more people than the previous one were waiting. The good atmosphere of the place didn’t last long as a very thick metal net fell onto Shirahoshi.
A gigantic slave began to pull on the net dragging Shirahoshi while a fat celestial dragon was dancing and singing that he got a big mermaid. King Neptune reacted instantly and charged the world noble but was pushed back by a well dressed man in white with a pigeon landing on his shoulder. Rebecca, Vivi tried to help their friends too but were restrained by others for their own protection. As for Shirahoshi she did her best to get free, she could have shrunk herself and gotten away but she made the promise to her father to not use her devil fruit powers no matter what. She was hoping that someone would help her.
When her brothers took a fighting stance against the man who pushed back their father, the latter finally spoke.
“Honestly, you should all be thanking me. Should you have laid a hand on a celestial dragon, many kingdoms would have disappeared. Celestial dragons are gods. They can do whatever they want with impunity, you’ll do well to remember that.”

“That doesn’t make any sense!” shouted Vivi getting into his face.

“Gods are outside the realm of logic. The only thing you can do in their presence is kneel before them.”
She was about to reply when suddenly the man fell to his knees as if something was forcing him to do so. He was struggling against that force, trying to raise himself on his two feet. Looking around she saw every guard, marine officer and slaves in the same state, the ‘god’ was not spared either.
The net which Shirahoshi was under began to float in the air and moved onto the world noble and fell on him.
“And yet the gods are kneeling before me. What does that make me then?”
She knew that voice. The net floating, everyone forced on their knees as if someone were pushing them on their shoulders to do so. She should have known. She should have made the connection faster.
Raising her head she saw him floating in the air, all regal despite not wearing a crown. The man she has desperately loved since she was a little girl, the man who saved her life, her kingdom. In a whisper she said his name.

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