Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 25: Friend like me

The new year had passed.

The crew did celebrate, but Rick didn’t enjoy himself as he normally would. He never really connected with the men and women on the ship on a personal level. That’s not saying there was tension or anything; they just didn’t “clicked”.

He missed being on Tsuru’s or Garp’s ship. He even missed Kaza a little bit. Just a little.

He did connect with Aokiji though.

Uncle nice and him were both alike.

Rick might be on a mission to gain Karma and had trained like a madman since he came to this world, the truth was; he liked to laze around all day.

That’s why if you had been aboard that ship, you would often see the both of them laying on a deckchair, sleeping masks on their eyes, enjoying the breeze and the warmth of the sun.

“Haaaa! This is life, I’m telling you Rick.” said Aokiji with a sigh of contentment.

“It is uncle. It is.”

They had a glass with a straw in it in their hands? Why do you say?

They were celebrating.

Aokiji got a call from Sengoku. He told him two news.

One, that Borsalino after studying Rick’s reports and evaluation, agreed to his promotion to Ensign.

Two, that the Alabasta kingdom finally tracked down the group trying to kidnap the princess hence their help wasn’t needed anymore.

“Still too bad about Alabasta, I heard it is a beautiful and peaceful country. I would love to visit it.”

“We have our whole life before Rick, so who knows ? Maybe one day you’ll go there.”

“You’re right. Though if that’s the case that would mean there is trouble. I’m not sure I like that part.”

“Well get up the rank and let your subordinates do the job”. 

That was the biggest difference with Aokiji from his previous commander, Tsuru and Garp.

Tsuru was hands on on everything. She rarely acted herself but she was always there, supervising the current mission watching or the situation and her people in case she needed to act in response to an unpredicted event.

Garp was either on the front line doing everything himself and letting his men clean up his mess. Or lazing around but still at the ready in case something’s gone wrong like Rick’s first mission.


Well, Aokiji was doing nothing. His crew was quite independent. He gave the order and that was it, his men did the job.

A problem arised? They had to deal with it themselves. Though if the situation was way beyond them, like a shichibukai or a yonko, the Vice-admiral would not hesitate to step up, do his job and protect his people.

‘Maybe that’s why I can’t really get along with the crew? They are too independent.’

Since he’s started sailing with, not even once did Rick see him act.

He spoke twice in the six missions they did.

Once was to tell Rick to not bother with the remaining bandits that were fleeing.

“Don’t bother chasing them, they’re just road bandits, not worth the hassle.”

After some interrogation, it turned out they were bandits not by choice. The local lord was a greedy man and raised the taxes to the point they could not take it anymore, and resorted to banditism to provide for their families.

A few days later the lord mysteriously disappeared and was replaced by his son who was a far better man and leader.

Aokiji had looked questioningly at Rick but didn’t say anything in the end. Since the problem was solved at the root, the marine won’t have to come back to arrest another group of bandits.

The second time Aokiji spoke was when Rick was dealing with a small and weak pirate crew.

Rick had put the scare on them and was sure that their pirate life was over.

“Go after their captain.”

“Why? They are so scared, I doubt they will hurt anyone again.”

“The captain tried to kidnap a noble’s children, we can’t have someone like him on the loose, he must pay for his crime. Rick, he's not like the bandits from back then.”

In the end He caught the pirate captain.

He had come to understand the way Aokiji was dealing justice.

“ Lazy justice… Really a fitting motto for him.’


With Alabasta's mission over (or not even started) they just patrolled on the Grand Line. Sengoku asked them to report to him at HQ but both Aokiji and Rick smelled the bullshit.

Rick whispered:

“It’s 100% sure he wants me to deal with Kaza. Plus it’s a pain to go back.”

To Him Aokiji whispered back

‘You’re right, besides, aren't we good here?”

Rick smiled

To Sengoku the ice man was firm.

“Sorry, sir can’t do it, we’re currently investigating a new pirate group. From what we heard they are trying to bring a country down. We’ll report back in a year or two.”

Then hung up.

He put his sleeping mask back on his eyes and lay down again.

Rick and him both resume their napping.


On the other side of the Grand Line in Marineford.

Sengoku was in the infirmary. Rumors said that after a call he was so angry that he passed out.

Many wondered and worried about what horrible thing could have happened to make the Fleet Admiral known for having nerves of steel, faint.


Rick’s 18th birthday, his real 18th birthday, was only months away.

‘I’ve been in this world for 14 years already. What a long time.’

Roger’s death was only 12 years ago. He has spent 2 years and a half with Garp, then 7 with Tsuru and the last 3 he’s been on Aokiji.

‘Time sure does fly fast.’

Thanks to the sight before him he was feeling a bit nostalgic.

“So this is Nanohana…”

“Yes Rick, City port of the kingdom of Alabast and known for their really good perfume.”

This was the first time in all those years that he came to a place that changed thanks to the straw-hats.

’LogueTown doesn’t count. Their real adventure began when they went through reverse mountain and met Crocus and Laboon.’

While capturing pirates they learned of a nefarious plot, the kidnapping of Alabasta’s princess.

“I thought Alabasta’s royal guard dealt with them years ago already.”

“Apparently they weren’t as through as they thought they were. They just captured the cells in the kingdom and the one who managed them, thinking he was the boss”

“I don’t understand why they want the princess, ever since she was born they tried to take her away.”

“Well, she’s the only daughter of King Cobra, so by having her as an hostage…”

“They can force the king to do whatever they want. Secretly ruling the  kingdom.”


“But how come they were silent for so long? I mean they tried four times in two years. Why did they stop and started moving again now? I mean they’ve been preparing now for nearly four years waiting for their chance. From the intel we got from them, this year is the year.”

“Probably because of the Reverie.”

“The Reverie?”

“Every four years on Mary Geoise leaders of the world gather to discuss the state of the world.This year is the year the Reverie is happening. That means king Cobra will leave Alabasta with a small troop to travel to Mary Geoise. Sometimes the Marine escorts them, but you know how dangerous the journey can be. I doubt the king would take her daughter with him.”

“So since the troops are not at their full potential , they believe they have a chance to kidnap the princess?

“That’s likely.”

Rick smiled

“Too bad for them, we’re here.”

Aokiji smiled back

“They’re truly unlucky.”


After they landed in Nanohana and taking care of their supplies they moved towards Alubarna, the capital of the kingdom.

The plan was simple. Aokiji with a small number of marines will go to see the king under the pretext to pay their respect to the ruler and to negotiate the right to make a temporary marine base in the Alabasta kingdom. They would deal with the problem in the nearby island until it was time for them to escort the king to the reverie, in a few months.

Meanwhile, another team of marines under Rick’s order, would disguise themselves as tourists or people of the Kingdom.

Aokiji’s team was the bait, their objective was to be seen and heard to make the criminals after the princess, sweat and not normally behave.

Rick’s team was to detect their abnormal behavior, unmask them, track them and arrest them. For that they had to be living in Alubarna for a bit to get to know the people and make some connexion.

Meanwhile Aokiji would be sailing back again and return in two weeks to see the king and move forward with the plan.

“See you in two weeks uncle!” and waved at Aokiji before departing.

‘Now let’s get to work’.


Rick had found a job in a tavern as a bartender. Because he was handsome and had a nice personality he brought more clients.

The owner was happy to have hired him.

Some members of his team were hired as help for stall marchants or found work in construction. Others as bodyguards or as thieves for hire.

They had not yet uncovered any people after Vivi but they were patient. Aokiji had arrived yesterday and was paying his respect to the king.

Rick working the night shift was strolling around the streets of the capital, saluating some patrons he may meet while they were working.

He stopped at a fruit stall. He wanted to try some new fruit and make new cocktails for the tavern. He was most interested in fruit that only existed in this world. The merchant was trying to sell him some of them but it was obvious that he was trying to scam him. The merchant caught up on the fact that Rick didn’t know anything about fruits and thought he could sell him his worst bach at a higher price.

Too bad for him, a 6 years old girl with blue-sky hair didn’t let him.

“You should not buy those fruits.” she said to Rick.

Rick turned his tead to look at the person speaking to him.

‘Well I’ll be damned! Vivi!’

“Oh? And why is that young lady?”

“Because they are no good.”

“How so?”

“This fruit here is originally of a pale yellow color before maturing. When they are bright yellow they are good to eat.”

“Young lady, those fruits are orange!”

“That’s because they matured too much. They are still good to eat but their taste turns bitter. The more orange, the more bitter.”

Rick looked at the merchant with a serious gaze.

“Is it true?”

“Nonsense! I’ve been selling fruit for 40 years and I know my business. What does a kid know in comparaison?”

He kept looking at the scammer then, while still looking, spoke:

“Young lady, would you be so kind as to bring me to a good fruit stall? I’m new in the capital and don't know my way around yet.”

“Sure, but in exchange you buy me some fruits!”

Rick gave her a smile.

The Merchant was enraged! Vivi just cost her a big sale! Rick was buying in bulks!

“You stupid brat! I’ll teach you about messing with my business!”

He grabbed her with his left hand so hard she screamed. He raised his other hand to hit her when he felt a lot of pain coming from his left wrist.

Rick had caught him, and had his eyes too were full of anger.

“Trying to scam me, that, I can let it go. But hurting an innocent and honest child, that I can not accept it! “

He squeezed the old man’s wrist harder.

“Let her go or I break it.”

The merchant was squirming in pain and finally let go of Vivi.

Rick then hit him in the neck and knocked him out.

‘Time to win some princess’ heart.’


And before the author could rally the readers to wave their hands chanting the mantra ‘this is not the story you’re looking for’, Rick kneeled to her level and spoke.

(Author’s note: I don’t like it when you’re doing my job,narrator >:( )

“Young lady are you alright? Are you hurt?” his voice was full of sincerity.

“I… I’m fine, thank you.” she was holding her arm, a big dark bruise was already appearing where the bastard grabbed her.

“Are you sure? I have some medicinal cream and bandages on me if you need it.”

“I…” she was hesitant but it really hurt a lot.

“Please.” she whispered.

Rick smiled.

‘She’s such a cute child’

Whether in uniform or in civilian clothes, he always had a small first-aid kit on him. ‘You never know what can happen’.

“It will be hot for a little bit but don’t worry, that's normal.”

He delicately took her arm in one hand and applied the cream with the other.Vivi winced a bit but gritted her teeth. Once done he took a bandage and wrapped it around the big bruise.

“And done!”

“Wow, I don’t feel anything anymore!” she was amazed.

“That’s the cream, it blocks the pain for a while. By tomorrow morning it will only hurt if you put pressure on it. So you know, don’t go doing it.”

She laughed.

“I won’t!”

“Good! Now young lady, I should go. Everyone was so busy that they didn’t see anything, but I did knock this bad guy out. I could be in real trouble.”

Vivi took his hand.

“Then come with me. You promised to buy fruits for me if I brought you to a good stall, and I want my fruits!”

He chuckled a bit.

“Alright, young lady. Lead the way!”

“Vivi. My name is Vivi”

“Rick Wald, but you can call me Rick.”


They visited many fruit stalls. He didn’t buy at all of them but did get some good fruits from some.

Rick handed her a small bag of a dozen of the  fruit she was eyeing secretly.

“Here Vivi, it’s for you!”

She took it, looked inside and gasped.

“Rick! I can’t eat all of them!”

“Well, share with you family and friends.”

She was stunned, this kind of fruit was really expensive, to give her a dozen…

“Oh! What’s that?”

She looked up to see what he was talking about.

“That’s a travelling circus. They perform some trick to the audience in cities to show they are here. And in the night people go see their show at their camp outside the city.”

“That seems interesting, do you wanna watch?”

Vivi nodded, she had only heard about them. She couldn’t sneak out of the palace often, she couldn’t miss this opportunity.

A big crowd was surrounding them and at 6 years old, she was too small to see anything.

She looked at the floor sadden and without knowing it, squeezed Rick’s hand.

He looked down at her and saw the problem.

‘Fufufu, poor you".

“Here we go!” he said.

And picked her up and put her on his shoulders. She let out a surprise yell.


“YES!” she said with a smile.


At the same time in the royal palace.

Aokiji was meeting the king.

“Greetings your Majesty.

“Welcome, Vice-admiral Aokiji. To what do I owe your visit?”

Before he could give an answer. A man entered the throne room yelling.

“Your majesty! Princess Vivi is nowhere to be found!”


“Nobody has seen her since this morning!”

“And you’re telling me now!”

“She must have sneaked out a gain after her morning classes as she had the afternoon free!”

“Send the royal guard to the city!”

“Yes your majesty!”

Aokiji spoke to Cobra.

“Your majesty, please let my men assist yours, we’ll find the princess faster with more men looking.”

“Thank you Vice-admiral. I’m sorry but we have to postpone our talk.”

“Actually, you’re majesty …”

Aokiji explained to the king the situation. The latter was not pleased with it, but understood the marines plan.


“That was fun!” exclaimed Vivi

“It was!”

“The juggler was amazing! Juggling with 13 rings! I didn’t know it was possible!”

The circus performance had ended, Rick with Vivi still on their shoulders were walking away. While they were watching, seeing the time flies, Rick had promised her to walk her home to which Vivi hesitated before agreeing and that’s where they were going. She thought that it would surprise Rick to know her home was the palace.

They were too preoccupied, talking about what they just saw to really pay attention to their surroundings.that’s why they didn’t see the people that started to walk close to the walls on either side of the street..

Their talk was interrupted when they heard a loud voice yell.


‘Time for some acting.’

He turned around nonchalantly to see what was going on, then turned back and started walking again.


‘Oi! Dude! Language there is a little princess here.’

Rick and Vivi were quickly surrounded by guards. He stopped walking and looked up at her

“You’re the princess?”

She nodded in shame, she didn’t want to but still caused him trouble.

“Let me guess, you sneaked out of the palace?

She nodded again.

“Neet!” he said and smiled at her.

She smiled back.

She let her down gently on the floor.

The yelling man saw that the princess wore a bandage and got enraged.


‘Okay, I have enough of you.’


With this one word Rick used his gravity and made them kneel.

The loud guard was still yelling so Rick use more gravity to flatten him on the floor.

“Listen well, prick. First you’re in the presence of a child, a princess at that, so watch your language! Second there is no need to yell! I bet they heard you at Mary Geoise! Being loud doesn't mean you’re strong, it just means you’re annoying.”

The loud guard was looking at him with pure hatred.

“What’s going on here?”

“Pell! Chaka!”

Vivi, recognizing the voice of Pell, the head guard  turned around to see him. He was with Chaka the second head guard.

“Princess Vivi?” said Pell

“Princess! Get away from that man!” Said Chaka.

Rick looked at her.

“Hmmm, Vivi? I would not mind a little help here.”

Vivi nodded

“Chaka this is my friend Rick, he’s a good person he was walking me back to the palace.”

“Princess he attacked the guards.”

“Oi! Your “guards”(he did a quote motion with his hands) Insulted me, falsely accused me of a crime I didn’t commit and charged at  me. Do you really think I would let myself get killed? Would you, in my place?

Besides they’re not hurt they are incapacited I think that’s highly merciful of me.”

“It’s true” said Vivi

“Rick didn’t even know I was the princess until he yelled it to the world. She was pointing at the foul mother guard.

“Look, I’m a man of my word and I promised Vivi to walk her home. So I WILL walk her home. Now there are only two ways it can go. One, you escort us to the palace and Vivi will tell you all about the exciting day she had, together with me, on the way. Or two, you keep being stubborn and I kick all of your asses to the ground then I walk Vivi home.

Either way as I said, I’m walking her home. The choice is yours.

Pell and Chaka looked at each other and had a silent conversation.

‘That man is strong’

‘A devil fruit user not doubt, and a powerful one at that’

‘I think we can handle him’

‘But the princes…’

‘Yes the princess’

They saw their men struggling on the ground and Rick completely fine.

They nodded to each other. They had come to a decision.

“We will escort you to the palace, please release our men.”

Rick smiled and stopped using his ability. The guards stood up once again, sore.

He smiled.


Vivi took his hand and started to lead him.

“I’m going ahead to tell the king the princess was found and is fine”

He transformed into a falcon and flew away towards the palace.

‘Oh yeah he’s the falcon guy. I didn’t recognize him.’

On the way, still holding Rick’s hand, Vivi told everything that happened today to Chaka.

The meeting with Rick, the merchant that hurt, Rick healing her and their adventure in the streets.

Chaka thanked him for protecting the princess and tended to her. He was pleased when he heard that Rick had knocked out the merchant.

He was less pleased about how his men dealt with the situation.

He was asked earlier what he would have done if it were him and he would have done the same.

‘I need to speak with Igaram about this. We must train them to deal properly for situation like that’


Pell landed in front of his king.

“Your majesty we found the princess! She’s fine!”

“Good! I suppose you went ahead to warn me and Chaka is bringing her back?”

“Yes your majesty. However the princess is accompanied by a young man.”

Cobra’s blood ran cold.

“A young man? What young man? Who is he?”

“Apparently from what princess Vivi said he’s her friend and had spent the days with him. I… don’t know more about him. I do believe that by the time they arrived here Chaka would know everything.”

“I want to meet that young man.”

“Your majesty, he’s strong, he incapacited 10 mens without moving a finger. It would not be wise to meet him when we don’t know anything about him.”

“Well, aren’t you, Chaka and Igaram here to protect me?”

“Your majesty even with Igaram’s help Chaka and I don’t think we could win. At best we could draw.”

“He’s that strong?”

“Yes he has a powerful devil fruit”

Cobra pondered a bit.

“I’ll still meet him, Pell.”

“Very well your majesty.”

Aokiji entered the throne room again

“My apologies, your majesty, my men didn’t find the princess. They are still looking.”

“ It’s okay Vice-Admiral, my daughter has been found, she’s unhurt. You can thank your men and tell them there is not no need to search for her anymore”

“I’ll tell my men. It’s good that the princess is safe. “

At that Vivi, still leading Rick by the hand, Chaka and the guards entered the throne room too.


“Vivi!” Cobra stood up from his seat, ran to her and hugged her.

“Vivi you can’t sneak out of the palace like that, I was worried to death!”

“I’m sorry daddy.”



“What are YOU doing here? This is not part of the plan.”

Cobra looked at both the men?

“You know each other?”

“Know? Your majesty, this is Ensign Rick Wald, he’s my right hand man.”

Rick did a little bow.

“Ensign Rick Wald. It’s an honor to meet you, your Majesty”

Vivi was surprised

“Rick, you’re a marine?”

“I am!”

“But you told me you were a bartender.”

“I am too sometimes, when I have to catch bad guys off guard!”

Rick felt like an adult conversation was needed here.

“Vivi, why don’t you take the fruit you earned to the kitchen and ask the maids to prepare them, we’ll wait for you.”

Vivi said “okay!” and darted out of the room towards the kitchen she was followed by the loud mouthed guard and another. Before she went too far she came back and handed him one of her fruit.

“Princess, those fruits are for your family and friends.”

“I know! That’s why I’m giving you one.”  she said and ran out again.

“What a sweet  little girl.” he said with a smile.

He turned to look at Cobra and Aokiji.

“Your majesty, sir, I think we should talk.”

“I think indeed, young man. Why don’t we start with “ why were you with my daughter?””

“Well, actually, Vivi found me this morning . As for the rest of the story... I don’t want her mad at me so I‘ll let her tell you. Your head guard knows though.” mentioning Chaka with his head.

“It’s alright your majesty, nothing bad happened.”

“Nothing bad? And yet my daughter’s arm is bandaged!”

Cobra was really not happy.

“Everything has been dealt with, your majesty. Please don’t rob the princess of the opportunity to tell you the story herself. She was quite expectant.”

The king sighed.

They talked about the “plan”, as Igaram, Pell and Chaka were not aware, for a while.

They were furious with themselves, they had failed to properly deal with the people wanting to take their princess away.

“If you need to contact me I’m working the night shift at a Tavern called “Alabasta nights, please come in civilian clothes if that’s the case. As for my team members I ...”

A guard came running into the room 

“Your Majesty! Princess Vivi has been kidnapped by Aladdin and Abu!”


The chapter is actually a lot longer. What should be here but is not ( and will be in the next chapter) is the end of Alabasta mini-arc.

I wanted to do it in one chapter on one hand. On the other hand, I had too much to say. I estimated the chapter to be done around 8/9 pages... Boy I was wrong!

So I thought it was a good moment to end the chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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