Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 32:The truth? You can’t handle the truth! (V2)

“I am going to kick that fastard’s bass so hard he’s going to fly to the moon!”

Rick had murder in his eyes.

“Nobody treats Vivi like that without hurting a lot as a result”.

Vivi blushed and turned her head to the side to hide it. Nami saw it and smiled though.

Chopper and Ussop were scared at his outburst, they could feel his bloodthirst.

Sanji and Zoro had a serious expression.

‘That guy is no joke.’

And Luffy…. Well…


“By the way, since I don’t think I did it yet; Thank you for saving me. And thank you for taking care of Vivi, I know she can be a handful sometimes.”


She protested. She slapped his shoulders hard. Rick was all muscles though, so she ended up hurting her hand. She didn’t let her pain show and just pouted.

“Don’t worry, Vivi has been more helpful than anything.”

“And we couldn’t let her friend die in the sea!”

“Hmm. Luffy we didn’t know he was her friend before we picked him up” said Ussop”

“Oh yeah that’s right”.

“By the way. Where are we and what’s the plan?”

“ We’re on our way to the west side of the Sandora river. We plan to land on Erumalu and from there  we’re going to Yuba, it’s the rebel army base.”

“The rebel army? Why do you want to go to them?”

“Their leader is Koza, a childhood friend of mine, I hope he can listen to me and stop the rebellion so we can go after Crocodile”

“Speaking of him, where is he?”

“ North of Yuba at the rainbase”

“So we’re stopping near Erumalu, go straight to Yuba, stop the rebellion and get their help to take care of Crocodile further north…”

Vivi nodded.

“It’s simple on paper…”

“Yes. I know defeating Crocodile will be difficult, but I have faith!”

“Good! Because without faith you can’t achieve anything”

Rick patted her head.

“Stop doing that!”

“Why? Don’t like it?”

“Because I’m not a kid anymore!”

“If I remember correctly, you’re 16, so not an adult. That still makes you a kid no matter how mature you are.”

Vivi grumbled and escaped away from this reach. Rick had a little laugh.

‘Ten years may have passed but still as cute as ever.’

He was right. Vivi had matured a lot  and in many ways, yet she was still the stubborn princess that wanted to taste every single drink he made when he was a bartender in Alabasta nights.

What changed the most with her growing up, was her beautiful a…..

(Author’s note: *frowns* She’s still 16)

…attentive heart. She was ready to help someone in need when she was little, sure, but she wasn’t ready to sacrifice herself to do it. At only 14, she took upon herself to do what was necessary to save her people, no matter what happens to her.

Her determination and her caring nature, won the heart of many fans, including the author.

(Author’s note: Excuse you?)

What? Don’t you dare tell me that you’re not a fan of hers and that you didn’t plan to make her a member of Rick’s harem?

(Author’s note: STILL 16!)

Yeah, yeah, but after the time skip she won’t be anymore,so ….

(Author’s note: BACK TO THE STORY! NOW!)

‘Let’s try to familiarize myself with the crew, It would suck if they don’t ask me to join after saving the country’ thought Rick

He was right to think so. Or worse, he’s asked to join but has never really interacted with them, forcing the author to rework some parts of some chapters already done.

(Author's note: Well narrator, this is my first story ever, I’m bound to make mistakes and I’m not afraid to admit and correct them.)

And so Rick went to meddle with the crew, Vivi excluded since he already knew her.

“So Luffy, since you  want to be the pirate king, I’ll take that you're interested in Gol D. Roger?”

“Of course! He’s the greatest pirate who ever lived!”

“Want to hear what happened the day of his execution by someone who saw it?”

“Yes!” He was ecstatic.

“Wait, you witnessed the death of the pirate king?” asked Nami incredulous

“Lot of people did Nami it was broadcast around the whole world.”Said Sanji

“Yes but not all people around the whole word were a fresh 6 months old recruit of the marine in loguetown at the time, Sanji.”

“““You were there?!”””

Rick nodded

“Come on tell us already!” said an impatient Luffy

“Short version or long version?”

“Long version!”

“Okay. So, that day I was supposed to have a day off because it was my birthday. BUT. My idiot superior at the time forgot it and sent me to patrol the streets because kids are not supposed to watch execution, he said.”

“WHAT? What an ass.” said Luffy

“He’s right though, execution is not something a child should see” answered Nami.

Vivi was nodding in agreement.

“So, I’m patrolling the street when I saw the dark king.”

“The dark king? Who’s that?” asked Luffy, puzzled

“Luffy, the dark king is Roger’s first mate, how can YOU not know that.”

Luffy laughed embarrassed.

“Wait you met the dark king?” asked Sanji suspiciously.

Rick smirked.

“I did more than met him. See, at the time, his face was still very well known, and he was walking in plain sight without any disguise. So I sneaked up on him.”

“You sneaked up on him?” questioned Zoro, doubtful.

“Yep. Nobody pays attention to a child after all. Anyway, I strike a deal with him. I helped him not being seen by the marines and he took me to the plaza where Roger was to spend his last moments.

I gave him my marine cap to hide his face a bit, and climb on his shoulders.”

“This story is more unbelievable the more it goes.”

Rick ignored Sanji’s remark and continued his tale.

“ A middle-age man with a cap alone is suspicious; a middle-age man with a cap and a kid on his shoulders, just looks like a kid and his grandpa. The marines didn’t even spare a look towards us. We finally came to the plaza. Roger was handcuffed and on his knees. He was smiling. It was as if his death didn’t matterred. And when the marine officer asked if he had any last world his smile grew bigger, ear to ear.

You know what happened next… but Roger never stopped smiling.”

“That’s amazing!” Ussop and Luffy said in once voice.

“Do you have more stories like that?”

“Well, I was a marine for more than ten years, so I have a lot, want to hear them too?”

““YES!”” Luffy, Ussop and Chopper yelled.

And Vivi too! She was really curious about Rick’s life, she didn’t know much except the time he was with her.

“Where should I begin…”

“How you became a marine. Roger’s death was 22 years ago. And despite your beard you’re what? Early thirties at best? You should have been young when you joined the marines.”

“Okay. So everything started when I woke up one day…”


“So that’s how you ended up seeing the pirate king’s death. I have to say it’s an unusual story.” Said Nami.

“And what’s your devil fruit powers?”

“To make it simple my power is allowing me to control gravity.”

“To increase it or the negate it”

Rick made Luffy float a bit above the ground.

“That’s so cool!” he exclaimed.

““Me Too! Me too!”” Chanted Ussop and Chopper

And soon, they joined Luffy in the air.

“That’s an incredibly useful ability” said Sanji

‘He can lift skirts at will!’

“I can do much more than that. Many people don't realize but there is more than just using the powers that a devil fruit gives you. You need to think outside the box. Then your power will decuplicate. To give you an exemple, when I train my body, I increase the gravity around me. It’s like you have more weight on you, and your muscles develop faster since they work harder.

Hearing that gravity could help in his training Zoro was interested.

“Can I try?” he asked.

“Sure!  Please move away from the others.”

Zoro distanced himself from everyone, and nodded to Rick, letting him know he was ready.

“I don’t know how strong you are so I’ll start small and increase bit by bit.”

“Nah, Just give me a good dose straight.”

“Are you sure? Don’t blame me if you get hurt.”

“Do it!”

He was suddenly laying on the floor face first

‘If you want to be cocky, fine.’

“Try to stand up. If you can’t do it anymore, just say it.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, Zoro has been flatten on the wooden floor and could do nothing. He tried to stand, even with all his strength he could only push himself up a few centimeters off the ground before falling down.

Rick quickly stopped pressuring him. And land him his hand.

“Not bad for the first time.” he said with a smile.

Zoro was catching his breath, and grabbed his hand.

Rick pulled him up.

“You know, it’s good to train hard your body just a bit above it’s limit. But too far beyond… at best you won’t develop, at worst you will permanently hurt yourself.

Zoro nodded.

“Take some rest, and if you want to try again we will, but this time will find you an appropriate gravity.

“Thank you” was all Zoro said.

“You got the will, though, and that’s what is the more important.” he said to him smiling.

Both went back to their audience.

“Rick, why did you enter the marines? That’s the one thing you didn’t tell in your story. With your power you could have joined a crew and become a famous pirate. Even young, you would have fare well.”

“Well… Since I was an orphan, I guess I wanted a family and the marines is kinda like one. Besides I wanted to see the world.But Mostly I wanted to protect and help the people who couldn’t do it themselves.

What about all of you? What made you sail the seas?”

Zoro first spoke up:

“ I want to be the best swordsman in the world. I didn’t start as a pirate though. I was a bounty hunter. Got caught by a corrupt marine. Luffy saved me and asked me to join me and here I am.”

“Good luck! Defeating Hawkeye Mihawk won’t be easy.”

Zoro has a bitter laugh.

“Don’t I know it.”

Seeing the confusion on Rick’s face, thanks to acting Level 5, Sanji explained.

“He got trashed by Mihawk in East Blue”.

‘Now, let’s make a bewildered face’

“And you survived?! That’s impressive!”

“One day I’ll take his head.” said Zoro with determination.

“My dream is to make a map of the world.” announced Nami.

“That idiot over there needed a navigator so I joined.” she was pointing at Luffy.

“Mine is to become a great warrior of the seas like my father.”

“Mine is to find All-blue.

“I want to be a great doctor who can cure any diseases and to travel the world with my friend.

Rick smiled.

‘You knew that one day, I would be witnessing the strawhats telling me their dreams. I’m so glad to be in this world’.

Vivi was curious and asked.

“Rick, what about you?”

“What about me?”

“What is your dream?”

Everyone was interested to know about that. They were looking at him with attention, waiting.

“I… don’t have a dream anymore. My dream was to be Fleet admiral of the marine, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon now”

His voice was full of sadness, regret and bitterness.

‘Come on, take the bait.’

“ THAT’S NOT GOOD !” yelled Luffy

‘Hook, line and sinker.’

“ You can’t sail the seas and don’t have a dream! You need to found a new one!”

Rick laughed.

“That’s more or less what a recent friend said.”

“You should listen to him!”

“Well I was, then I heard Vivi had disappeared so I put that thought in the back of my mind.”


Zoro asked for a second round, this time Luffy and Sanji joined him.

Luffy was the first to stand on his feet followed by Zoro and Sanji.

The gravity was at a more acceptable level but it was still hard for them.

“That was impressive. Doing that every day is a no go, but it’s a good way to see if you’ve gotten stronger or not. If you still want me to help you train, I’ll use a gravity heavy enough to allow you to move with difficulty. That way you’ll progress in no time.

Rick turned to the rest.

“You guys want to train too? At a lower level of course.”

“No thanks, they’re the fighters”.

“They won’t always be here to protect you Nami. You should be able to defend yourself a bit.”

Nami thought about it a bit, and nodded.

“I guess you’re right.”


They landed at Erumalu, finally.

 There they saw an animal near the water.

‘Yes! I always wanted to train some of them!’

“Vivi! What’s that?” Rick pointed at it.

“That’s a Kung-fu Dugong !”

 Ussop approach one.


“Ussop, get away!” But before Vivi could warn him Ussop was already defeated.

“So what’s up with them ?”

“They are sea fighter animals. It’s Kung-Fu Dugong law that the loser of a fight becomes the winner’s student.”

“It seems we have two winners over here.” said Nami pointing at Luffy and Rick.

“ You should not beat them up either! They will follow them forever now!”

Next thing she knew, 

Luffy was teaching them to fight.

“No, the stance goes like this!” and he showed them his punch stance.

Rick was teaching them the marine salute.

“Perfect! That’s how you pay respect to your teacher, never forget it!”


“Well the one I beat went back to the sea and came back with his friends.”

“Mine too.”

“ Why did the two of you have to defeat a master..” 

She was face palming and lamenting.

““Is that bad?”” asked Luffy and Rick

She sighed.

“When you defeat a master every single one of his students becomes your student too.”

“That’s awesome!”

“Luffy! Let’s find the Dugong’s grandmaster and build an army!”


But before they could march towards the sea Vivi had punched them both with the deadly fist of love.

“ENOUGH! We don’t have time for this!”


After Chopper negotiated with them the Dugongs stopped following the group. They had to give them half their food though.

They walked a bit and were in front of the town entrance.

“We’re finally at Yuba! But it doesn’t seem that anyone is here.”

Vivi was looking sadly at the town.

“This is not Yuba Luffy, this is Erumalu the Green city, or what’s left of it.”

“What happened here? Erumalu was a verdoyant city full of people. This..., is just a ghost town.”

Rick was acting to the max. He already knew why the town was like that, but he had to play the part.

‘Always acting ignorant is really tiring.’

“Crocodile happened.” said Vivi with anger.

“Because of the change in weather it didn’t rain anymore. Droughts happened everywhere in the kingdom. Except at one place. Alubarna the king’s city. One day a scandal broke out. Dance powder was found in the palace.”

“Dance powder?”

“That’s a powder, which smoke makes it rain. It accelerates the formation of water in clouds in the sky. The downside is that the surrounding areas suffer a drought since the clouds who should have made water by the time they arrived in those areas couldn’t form any.” said Nami.

“People accused my father of using the dance powder to make it rain in the capital and by doing so deprive the rest of the kingdom of rain.

Towns dried up, people died of hunger and rebels formed an army against an innocent country. Crocodile stole everything! The kingdom’s peace, the trust in the royal family, the rain and people's lives!”

She was crying by now.

Rick walked up to her, and patted her head.

‘I don’t know why, but I really like giving her pats’

“Long ago I made the decision to capture criminals no matter what instead of killing them. But for Crocodile, I’ll make an exception.”


After a few hours walking they were exhausted.The sun and the heat was too much. Luffy rushed to the shade of the big rock they had seen and like in the original got our stuff stolen by the birds.

But when he tried to get our stuff back and came back with a big giant Lizard chasing him Rick saw a golden opportunity.

Before they could kill him, He flatten it to the ground with his gravity violently.

Everyone was dumbfounded at what happened.

“I don’t know what’s happening but let’s kill that guy and eat his meat!”


Rick used his gravity to stop it in his tracks. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji  took care of it in one attack.

“So that’s how you did that back then. I didn’t realize on the ship.” said Vivi with a sudden realization.


“Well, you remember, when I told you about the time when the royal guards surrounded us when Rick walked me home?They all fell on their knees to the ground, that was you right?” she said turning to him

“Yep. They deserved it, what kind of royal guards doesn’t bow or kneel before a princess, especially theirs.”

“You didn’t bow either.” chidded Vivi.

“Well for one, I’m your friend, for two I’ll only ever bow to my wife!”

“““““YOUR WIFE?!”””””

“Is it that surprising?”

“You’re married?” Vivi started hyperventilating.

“What? No, not yet why?”

Vivi hit him so hard his head was stuck into the sand and he looked like an ostrich.

‘THAT IDIOT!’ she thought

The guys were scared shitless. Vivi had somehow learned from Nami the love punch. But the one she just gave Rick…. Even Nami never hit so hard…

Nami just laughed

‘You shouldn’t play with a lady’s heart like that Rick. Poor Vivi, she’s in love with a dense idiot. Well I understand why this idiot particularly though.’

Luffy and Ussop were freeing Rick while Nami could hear Vivi mutter to herself.

“I’ll make you kneel to me one day.”

Rick was finally free and was spitting sand.

‘Damn, Vivi knows how to land a punch.’

Zoro was about to cut the lizard when he stopped him.

“Wait Zoro!”


“Do you think you could skin a part of his back?”

“I don’t know. Probably? I cut things normally, not skin them. Why do you need me to do that anyway.”

“The lizard lived in this weather, so I guess his skin is somewhat resistant to the heat. If it isn’t, we still would have an umbrella.

“Umbrella ?”

“Yes I could make the port of his skin you cut float above our heads protecting us from the sun.”

“Zoro, skin that thing.” Ordered nami with authority.

Everyone nodded vehemently in agreement.

He succeeded in his task then cut part of the lizard’s flesh.

“Well now we have food again.” said Sanji looking nastily at Luffy.

“You can cut more, I’ll make it float too. We can give any surplus to the people of Yuba.”

“Your ability is really a cheat.”

“That’s really a neat power.”

“Yes, but it’s very taxing if you don’t have a well trained body and the stamina that goes with it. Over exhaust yourself and the best outcome for you is dying or you’re in for months of rehabilitation.”

“Speaking from experience?”asked Sanji, curious.

Rick had a little laugh

“You have no idea?”

“What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I participated in a fight against Shiki.”

“Who’s that?” asked Luffy.

“Wait! Shiki, as in Shiki the Golden Lion?”

“You know of him Nami?”

“Yes! He was one of the pirate King’s rivals. Last time he was seen was when he attacked the marines headquarters around twenty years ago.”

“Yeah, almost died that day. Worst birthday ever.”

Everyone had a dubious look.



“You’re like what? In your late twenties, early thirties? You would have been around ten back then, and you’re telling us that you fought shiki?”

“Oh no,I didn’t.”

“But you said that you fought him!” said Luffy with a frown.

“No, I said I participated in the fight. While the Fleet admiral and two Vice admiral were the ones fighting him, I stood as far as I could and used my gravity on him. That didn’t bother him at first. But over time, his stamina was depleting faster and faster. For around 10 to 15 minutes I used it at the maximum output. In the end I could not handle it and almost died. Spent months in a coma, and much more healing.”

Rick was very careful to be evasive about the fight, so that Garp’s name would not come out.

That’s why the situation was what it was. 

They were not convinced. Even Vivi had some doubts.

Rick smiled.

“Think whatever you want. Whether you believe it or not, it won’t change that it’s the truth.”


They arrived at Yuba; the lizard’s skin was indeed not heat resistant but it blocked the sun well, making the temperature drop a bit under it. 

As expected the rebel army wasn’t there. Vivi met Toto, Koza’s father, who told her the army relocated in the Katorea oasis east of Nanohana.

Vivi wanted to go back.

“We need to go back to Nanohana and intercept them.”

“We can’t Vivi! Stopping them won’t change a thing as long as Crocodile is not taken out. He’s been planning for years, he must have ways to still keep the war going!” said Luffy, surprisingly

“We can take care of him afterwards!”

“That won’t stop casualties!”

Rick intervened before the both of them started to fight.

‘If I remember correctly the fight ended with vivi crying. Not gonna happen this time.’

“Vivi, Luffy is right. Besides, Crocodile is a lot closer than the rebel Army is.”

Vivi relented.

They spent the night in Yuba and left for Rainbase in the morning. Toto had dug all new to find a bit of water. Everything he found he put it in a barrel then gave it to Luffy.

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