Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 48: Descent to Hell

Chapter 48: Descent to Hell

Luffy, Nami, Usopp and …. *sigh* Really Author?

(Author’s note: What?)

You’re not going to answer why you named chapter 47 ‘Formate (Times Two)’?

(Author’s note: Should I ?!)


(Author’s note: Well, formate is the conjugate base of formic acid. Its formula is CHO2...)

Yes, so?

(Author’s note: so in full it’s CHOO…)


(Author’s note: And since it’s times two, it’s CHOO CHOO... )


(Author’s note: For the Puffing Tom, get it?)


(Author’s note: Yes?)


(Author’s note: I know, that’s why I picked it.)

I… I… don’t know what to say anymore.

(Author’s note: The rest of the story?)

… That’s actually the first good idea you had in a long time.

Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Rick had made their way to a shop exchanging gold for berry. They had to visit a few more as the quantity they had was too much for a single shop. The result? One billion berry. That was definitely no small change. To think that not so long ago they had only 50 thousand to their name. That’s being a pirate for you. They went on their way towards the ship company Kokora gave them the recommendation to but Rick stopped everyone when they passed in front of a clothing shop.

“Guys, do you mind if I stop for clothes?”(Rick)

“Why do you need clothes?”(Luffy)

“Because I’ve been wearing the same clothes for the past ten years and they are more than worn out”(Rick)

His clothes were ragged, they had holes of every size almost everywhere. Thanks to the coat/jacket he wore they were concealed but if anyone bothered to take a close look…

“The ones I’m wearing now are not even the worst.”(Rick)

“You look like a beggar.”(Luffy)

“I know, thank you! That’s why I want to stop so I can buy something.”(Rick)

“If you couldn’t wait for me to take you there why didn’t you go shopping with Chopper and Ro…”(Nami)

She cut her sentence short, realising exactly why he didn’t. Right now Robin was avoiding Rick like the plague and it soured his mood a lot. Before Usopp could pick up on it Rick, fortunately, reacted without missing a beat.

“Because despite how strong Luffy is, he would not have been able to drag the pillar alone.”(Rick)

“That makes sense.”(Usopp)

“You can go ahead, I won’t be long.”(Rick)

Nami gave him an apologetic look, some cash and left with Usopp and Luffy but not before her Vice-captain whispered in her ear

“Sorry but I couldn’t wait, I can't stand the fabric anymore, it itches. A lot.”(Rick)

“It’s fine. Next Time?”(Nami)

“Next time.” (Rick)

The ex-marine entered the shop and immediately started looking for what he wanted.

‘If I want the plan for dealing with the Enies Lobby arc to work I need to find those clothes.’

Not finding what he wanted he asked the clerk for help. The employee seeing Rick’s appearance wasn’t really helpful until he was shown berry bills. The shop had exactly what Rick wanted, there were many items for the same thing and he took his time to choose, by the time he did it he was more than late. He rushed towards Dock #1 when he saw Paulie on a yagara bull.

‘So I’m not too late.’

He made the two suitcases containing the crew’s money float and attracted them to him. Since in the manga Paulie didn’t get very far from the crew before being caught by Rob Lucci it meant that he was really close to them. Indeed by looking down on his right he saw Nami, Luffy and Usopp.

“Hey Guys!”(Rick)


“Rick! Catch that guy!”(Usopp!)

“He stole our money!”(Nami)

“You mean this money?”(Rick)

He raised his arms with a suitcase in each hand. He floated down from the bridge he was standing to his crewmates. Nami was so happy with him she tackled him to the ground.

“Thank you! You’re the best.” (Nami)

“I aim to please!” (Rick)

He raised both of them up with his gravity and Nami let him go.

“Did you met the person Kokoro send us to?”(Rick)

“Yes, it’s that guy over there.”

Nami signaled Iceburg with her head. At the same time, Paulie has been brought back by Rob Lucci and was berating him. To be more precise it was Lucci’s pigeon Hattori doing the talking.

‘His ventriloquism is really exceptional. Can’t wait for Luffy to beat his ass down.’

“Wait a minute, the guy that stole our money is ship maker?”(Rick)

Ice Burg heard Rick and decided quickly to diffuse the situation.

“My apologies for my employee’s wrongdoing. That’s not quite exactly what happened however”

“It’s true, Rick. Some guys stole the money first and he just landed on the yagara bull they were using and dealt with them. He did try to flee with it afterwards though”(Nami)

“Once again my apologies, you had to take care of a domestic problem.We completely lost face.”(Ice Burg)

“Well the pigeon guy did bring him back, Rick was just lucky to get the money faster, so no big deal.”(Luffy)

“Thank you.”(Ice Burg)

The crewmates were led into Dock#1 where a lot of people were busy building a huge galleon. Many stopped at the sight of Ice Burg to salute and welcome him.

“Wow, Mister Ice Burg is really popular around here.”(Luffy)

Kalifa, Ice Burg’s secretary, officially, explained to him why.

“Of course! In this town, skill is everything. Long ago this island has been specialized in carpentry. There were 7 competing shipyards at the time. The one day Mister Ice Burg came and amazed everyone with his genius carpentry techniques. Then five years ago he united all shipyards into one company, the Galley-la. He did so much for the island than people naturally gave him the job of Mayor. Despite his new duties he never lost his love for carpentry nor his skills. The workers respect him even more for it. This is no small feat as the only thing carpenters respect is skill. They won’t bow to any pirates or political powers.”(Kalifa)

Kalifa, who had her eyes fixed on her boss, turned around to the group with a smile. Expecting to see Luffy, she went into a rage when she heard him asking Ice Burg if he wanted to be a pirate and join his crew. At that moment, Rick noticed the arrival of someone from the air. His long nose made him think of Usopp, but where the sniper’s nose was round this man’s was rectangular.

‘Kalifa, Rob Lucci, and now Kaku. Three members of the CP9... Which one of them should I bait / threaten?’ was thinking Rick.

 After consideration he chose none of them. They were all working close to Ice Burg, the approach would have been too direct.

‘Yeah, Blueno is the one I should contact. From what I recall he’s a bartender, he should be too hard to find.’ 

Blueno was never seen in his undercover persona in the manga. The only information given was that he owned a bar where the the chief carpenters of Dock#1, that include Lucci and Kaku, go for a drink after work. Thankfully they were all right in front of him. He was brought back from his thoughts by a nudge on his side.



“That guy who just landed, is the guy that went to check on the Merry, is ready to report to us.”(Nami)

“Let’s go then”(Rick.

As expected, Kaku explained tha Merry was doomed, her Keel was damaged and nothing could be done about it. No matter what the skilled carpenters said Luffy refused to acknowledge it and threw a tantrum. Nami and Rick let him vent, they understood his feelings, they felt the same about the sad news. It came to the point where Ice Burg berated Luffy and basically told him that he was a shitty captain in a well mannered way. Rick put his hand on his captain and lowered it.

“My apologies for my captain's words. His head is empty, that’s why he thinks and speaks with his heart.Right now he’s just speaking with his pain and grief.” (Rick)

“Rick, what are you talking about! There is no way the Merry…”(Luffy)

“Luffy! We knew, the moment Usopp and I saw the Klabautermann, that Merry was perhaps beyond help.”(Rick)

“Wait! You saw a Klabautermann?” (Ice Burg)


“Then all the reason more for you to give up on it.”(Paulie)



“Not it, she. The merry is not just our ship, it’s our home, our crewmate. That’s why it’s so difficult to accept the fact that we have to say goodbye to her.”(Rick)

“Then send her off well.”(Ice Burg)

“We will.”(Rick)

“Rick we’re not going to…”(Luffy)

“I think it is enough for today. Take some time and think about it. With the amount of money you have you can easily afford the best ships we can make. Kalifa, would you be so kind to…” (Ice Burg)

“Yes, sir.”(Kalifa)

Kalifa approached Rick and gave him a really thick catalogue listing everything from second hand to the newest products the Galley-la makes. The ex-marine thanked her and started to read it. Knowing that in the end they won’t have any of those he didn’t need too but did because soon some official governments would be here to talk to Ice Burg, prompting Nami and Luffy to hide and discover that the money was gone as well as Usopp. It was the perfect time to ask the chief carpenters about the bar.

“Excuse me, miss?”(Rick)


“Are you familiar with every ship in the catalogue?”(Rick)

“Of course! I helped in this making so I can answer any question you have.”(Kalifa)

“Oh my, dutiful, beautiful and knowledgeable, if you were single I might fall in love.” joked Rick.

“That’s sexual harassment, sir!”(Kalifa)

“You’re right, my apologies. I really do have some questions though. Should we step aside to talk so we don’t bother anyone working?”(Rick)

“It is thoughtful of you, sir. Please follow me. And by the way, sir,  I’m married to my job.”(Kalifa)

“Oh,I understand. Perfectly I might add.”(Rick)

“My apologies sir, but I doubt that.”(Kalifa)

“I may be a pirate because of circonstances but it is not my job. I don’t steal, or murder or anything condemnable. I am just taking care of people’s needs and wants. Have been doing so for as far as I can remember. It’s a hard and stressful job, especially with an idiot captain like mine. And even though it’s not always rewarding when it is… well I’m sure you know.”(Rick)

“... I guess you do understand, sir. My apologies for doubting you.(Kalifa)

“It’s alright, miss.” (Rick)

‘I hope she got the hint/bait I gave her.’

The hint/bait he gave her was subtle. Rick assured her that he was not doing anything illegal and that he was working for some people who had needs and wants. The underlying meaning was “I’m working for some people that want some things done and have been doing so all my life.”, added to that the fact that he was in the marines since he was kid ( ‘As far as I can remember’), Rick basically told her he was an undercover agent for the World Government. Since he was well known and Kalifa was a member of CP9, the chances were high she would understand.

While they talk about the different ships presented in the catalogue, Ice Burg, received the government officials. As expected, Nami and Luffy hid, and found out the money and Usopp were missing, prompting the captain to begin a search for them. It was time for Rick to make his move. His best bet was to find Blueno but in all honesty, he would rather spend some time with the beautiful Kalifa than a middle-age man to further his plan.

“Miss, would you like to relax and compare our experiences about our work as caretaker? Perhaps over dinner?”(Rick)

“I’m sorry sir, I don’t have any time for relaxing, there is just too much work”(Kalifa)

“Rick! We have a problem!” yelled Nami, thirty feet away.

“That’s a shame but I understand. Thank you for your help.”(Rick)

“You’re welcome, sir.”(Kalifa)

She left Rick to join Ice Burg who was back to his office entertaining the government officials.

‘Well…. Plan B it is.’

He approached Nami who was panicked.

“What’s wrong?”(Rick)

“Usopp got kidnapped with a huge part of the money! Luffy went to search for him, we need to go.”(Nami)

Rick close his eyes, inhaled longly and let out a very long sigh. He turned towards Paulie, Lucci and Kaku.

“Wouldn’t you know of a bar where I can have a more than decent drink and a relaxing time?”(Rick)

“Rick, it’s not the time for that!”(Nami)

“I’m making the time.”(Rick)

“There is the ‘Bull Seat’ in the upper part of the city between Dock#1 and #2. It has a sign of a bull’s head with its horn. It’s rather big, so you can’t miss it. We go there to unwind when we have time after work.”(Paulie)

“Thank you.”(Rick)

“Are you done now ?! Can we go?”(Nami)

“Yes, yes.”(Rick)

Hepicked her up just like he did Robin at Skypiea and ignored her protest as he raised up very high in the air to get get a bird view of the city. Upset at his careless attitude Nami let him know.

“What’s wrong with you?! The money and Usopp are gone and you’re just taking your sweet time? For a drink? You don’t even drink! Why do you need one?”(Nami)

“Well for starters, after all the shit that’s been going on since we’ve met Aokiji, I’m a bit worn out. So I don’t see what’s wrong with me wanting some alone and peaceful time so I can enjoy a well deserved, earned and needed drink.”(Rick)


“Second. Luffy is already after those bad guys. From what I overheard when you called me, Usopp has been missing for more than half an hour, if something had to happen it already has and we can’t do anything about it.”(Rick)

“Don’t say that!”(Nami)

“I don’t like it either but it’s the cold hard truth. Now quiet, I’m searching.”(Rick)

He looked down on the City, trying to find a crowd forming, which would indicate something going on. After all, people tend to gather when something unusual happens. When he found what he was looking for he flew fast to the location, making Nami scream and hold him tight. They found Usopp badly beaten up but conscious, he was apologizing for getting the money stolen.

“Usopp, it’s just money. It comes and goes; you didn’t need to go that far for it.”(Rick)

“I had to! We can’t fix the Merry anymore now.”(Usopp)

Rick sighed.

“Let’s get back to the ship, Chopper would treat your wounds.”(Rick)

“No! Just... leave me alone for a while.”(Usopp)


“Alright. I’m giving you the time for me to drop off Nami to the Merry and get back with Chopper. See you soon.”(Rick)

“What? Rick, we can’t...”(Nami)

He didn’t let her finish before taking the skies again and heading towards the peninsula where the ship was docked. He knew what was about to happen and didn’t like it but it needed to happen so Rick didn’t do anything.

‘If I go wreck the Franky house now, Franky would never be able to buy Adam’s wood. That would be really bad.’

“Why did you leave Usop ?!”(Nami)

“Because that’s what he needed right now.”(Rick)

“What he needs is to be treated by Chopper.”(Nami)

“It’s a man thing Nami. His pride was hurt, because he couldn’t protect the money, and he felt guilty for it. He needed time to process his feelings first.”(Rick)

“You men and your ego…”(Nami)

“Don’t say that. A man’s pride is what pushes him to do the impossible.”(Rick)

“The impossibly stupid you mean.”(Nami)


They landed on the deck and the Vice-captain put her down.

“We’ve got a problem.”(Rick)

“We’ve got one too.”(Sanji)

“Usopp has been kidnapped, beaten up badly and the money he was keeping was stolen, by some weird guys.”(Nami)


“Chopper, I'm taking you to him, he needs medical assistance.”(Rick)

"Give a second to take my bag and supplies”(Chopper)

"Where is Luffy?"( Zoro)

"I don’t  know, when we realised Usopp was gone we heard one of the workers tell one of his colleagues that looked like Usopp, why he was hanging with the Franky family. We asked where they went and Luffy rushed to the direction he pointed at.”

“How could you lose Usopp?”(Zoro)

“We didn’t lose Usopp. The guy Kokoro sent us to is the big boss here and he gave us a tour of  the Dock. It was huge and everyone separated more or less to look around”(Rick)

Chopper came back from inside the ship with his back full.

“Rick,  I’m ready!”(Chopper)

“Let’s go then. See you later guys.”(Rick)

He picked up Chopper and flew to the place they left Usopp. Sanji and Zoro exchanged a look. They didn’t tell Nami about Robin’s disappearance yet. That and Usopp’s situation, it was too much at the same time. Especially since Usopp was suspicious of Rick like the two of them were.

“Nami, start from the beginning. From the moment you left the Merry”(Sanji)

She didn’t get why they wanted to know but she did. It wasn’t until Sanji spoke up that she understood.

“So while You, Luffy and Usopp went to meet that Iceberg…”(Sanji)

“Ice Burg”(Nami)

“Rick was alone?”(Zoro)

“Seriously? That’s the first thing that comes to your mind? That Rick is somehow responsible?”(Nami)

““Yes””(Zoro & Sanji)

“I can’t believe it! For your information, the clothes he bought are in that bag over there. When we were touring he was right next to me, when he wasn’t he was asking question about ships in the catalogue we were given to Ice Burg secretary. I had to call out to him that we had a problem!” (Nami)

“He could have bought the clothes really fast and hired some people to take care of Usopp and the money.”(Sanji)

“I don’t believe he did and we can always ask the store’s clerk for verification! Stop being suspicious of him, he doesn’t deserve it!”(Nami)

“Between Usopp, the money and Robin, that’s…”(Zoro)

“Wait, Robin? What about her?”(Nami)

“Nami, Robin disappeared.”(Sanji)


“I was shopping for groceries and she was with Chopper. He said that she was right behind him and the next moment she wasn’t anywhere.”(Sanji)

“He didn’t find her.”(Nami)

“No, he searched around for a while and when I got back to him I helped searching but we didn’t find her.”(Sanji)

“Ok, so you lost Robin…”(Nami)

“We didn’t…”(Sanji)

“YOU LOST ROBIN! What does Rick have to do with it? And if you say it’s because he’s a former marine I’m kicking you in the balls.”(Nami)



“There are plenty of reasons as to why Robin is gone. Don’t just focus of the one you want the most for whatever stupid idea you have. I’m telling you you’re being really unreasonable right now… Being sure Rick did something when it physically impossible for him to have done so. Now I’m guarding the 300 million we have left while the two of you go help Luffy find our missing money and kick the asses of the guys who hurt Usopp.”(Nami)


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