Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 54: Where there is unity there is always victory

Chapter 54: Where there is unity there is always victory

Rick lost.

That was a hard pill to swallow. Gravity was a powerful ability that no one could resist. Unless you were a logia like Smoker or Ace. An intangible element with no mass. Among the members of the CP9, none were a logia. So Rick could have butchered them all. Some easily some… not so much, but he would have been able to do it. The question was… Why didn’t he? What bullshit reason did Rick have to not tear them apart, limb from limb? Why did he only knock out Fukurou and Kumadori? Kalifa was an easy target; he could have dealt with her too. Heck! He could have dealt with them all at once!

Yet he didn’t.

He made the fight last as long as he could. His objective was to lose.

Really… What pushed him to do that? Author?

(Author’s note: Look at the members of the CP9, especially the ones down.)

Fukurou and Kumadori? What about them? They’re not important, they only fight ….. Oooooooooooooh.

(Author’s note: Seems like you found out.)

In the manga and anime Fukurou and Kumadori were not important opponents. Not because they were weak, which they were not, but because their opponents didn’t need to fight them. Chopper, Franky and Sogeking were the ones to deal with them and gain nothing out of it. On the other hand by challenging Lucci, Kaku and Jabra, Luffy developed his Gear 3rd, Zoro his asura move, and Sanji his diable jambe. They were necessary fights for the three of them. They needed the power up since they didn’t really get one in the Skypiea arc.

Why fight at all the CP9 then, they were fated to fight anyway? The answer was simple, because of Rick's intervention. By sending them right back at the island’s entrance they would have to fight their way again to the Tower of Justice. The crew would be a lot more tired than they originally would have been and may not have been able to win against the CP9. Now with everyone weakened on each side, everything was balanced again more or less.

That was a very convoluted plan. At every moment something could have gone wrong, could still go wrong. Rick nearly failed to secure Pluto’s blueprints because of his call to Sengoku. It was just a two minutes call and yet it almost screwed up his plan. If you could call that a plan.

Rick was on the ground, beaten up. His white suit was now dyed red. He was still alive. Unfortunately for them he was wanted alive only, meaning the World Government had a need for him. Finishing him off was an option they could but shouldn’t take. Especially after the Fleet Admiral himself said to not approach him. Well, Rick approached them on his own will, so they were covered, but if he died they didn’t know what kind of problems they would have.

“To think he could fight against the six of us for so long….” said Kalifa

“And take out Kumadori and Fukurou.” added Jabra

“I don’t think in a single fight any of us would have won.” said Kaku

“It doesn’t matter. He’s down, get the blueprints.” ordered Lucci

Despite his cold attitude, Lucci was thinking about what Kaku said. It was true, in a one on one fight he would have probably lost. That didn’t sit well with him. With most of the office destroyed he now had a nice view of the main island. When he saw Luffy arrive on the courthouse’s roof, he drew a smile.


Lucci grabbed Rick’s head and raised it so the strawhats’ captain could see better.

“This is what happens when you defy the World Government.”

He then threw the unconscious man violently towards the office entrance where Spandam was. When the fight started the CP9’s director had run away. He was no fighter after all, worse he was weaker than the average marine, and a coward. Now that the battle was over he came back, Rick was still in possession of Pluto’s blueprints. Or so he thought.

“Good job, everyone. Do you have the blueprints?”

“We were about to get them from him when Lucci threw him your way sir.” replied Kaku.

Spandam crouched and started to search Rick’s pockets. His frustration and irritation grew after each empty one until he exploded with rage not finding them.

“They’re not there!”

“What?” asked Lucci.

“He doesn’t have the blueprints!” yelled Spandam.


Rick was conscious again. He raised one of his hands and flipped them the bird. That was too much for Spandman who started kicking him with all his feeble strength.


That was too much for Luffy who was watching from afar. After Lucci had thrown Rick away, he wanted to cross over the chasm and fight. But he knew he couldn’t take everyone. So for the time in his life he held himself back and waited. Waited for the bridge of the courthouse to lower and his crew to go to the other side. Now? Seeing what Spandam was doing to his friend he couldn’t do that anymore. He grabbed what looked like battlements, one in each hand, stretched and propelled himself. His welcome in the office was not a warm one. Lucci immediately charged him, and when his colleagues tried to intervene he forbade it.

“He’s mine!”

Spandam was still kicking the shit out of Rick when Kalifa called out to him.

“Sir at this rate you will kill him.”

“WHAT ABOUT IT?! HE’S JUST A FILTHY PIECE OF SCUM OF A PIRATE!” replied Spandam completely unhinged.

“He’s the only one who knows where the blueprints are sir.”

That made Spandam stop. It was true, Rick was the last person to hold the blueprints. If he died they may be lost forever ruining his plans and dreams for good.

“Besides he’s wanted alive, sir.” said Kaku

The CP9’s director took a moment to collect himself and think about the situation. At that moment he heard a loud noise he was familiar with. The bridge had been lowered.

“Kaku, Jabra take care of the annoying pests crossing the bridge. I want all of them dead. Kalifa I want you to go and bring back Nico Robin no matter what! As for that thing, I’ll bring him myself to Impel Down for interrogation.” ordered Spandam

“What about Franky sir?” asked Kaku.

“What about him?” 

“I think Rick Wald gave him back the blueprints while he was choking him. He was showing us his back, and with his size and his overcoat we couldn’t clearly see what was happening with Franky.” answered Kaku.

“... Kalifa, if you find Franky, capture him too. However Nico Robin is still your top priority.” Spandam ordered.

Kaku had been right on this one. When Rick was choking Franky, they were really close. When Rick moved his hands to put the blueprints in the inside pocket of his overcoat he actually put them in Franky’s shirt, and no one saw anything.

Spandam grabbed Rick by his collar and started dragging him towards his destination; the bridge of hesitations. Kaku, Jabra and Kalifa moved as well, they thought about exiting the tower by Spandam’s office but the battle between Luffy and Lucci was still raging in it and decided against it. Besides, by now the intruders must have been in the tower, so Kaku and Jabra took the stairs down to meet them and do their duty. Kalifa opted to follow and help them along the way.

30 minutes had passed since Rick used the golden den den mushi and at any moment the Buster Call could start.


Rick felt vibrations from, what he believed correctly, the ground under him. Someone was talking to him and fiddling with his hands. He opened his eyes and saw Sogeking trying to lockpick the shackles on his wrist.

‘When was I handcuffed?’ thought Rick.

Spandam, unable to go back to his office because of the battle going on, had to make a detour in the Tower of Justice to procure a pair and put them on Rick. He couldn’t leave that traitor like that, not after defeating two of the CP9 in a one versus six fight. Sure Rick was unconscious and badly beaten up but the possibility was still there for him to try something if he ever woke up. That was a smart move born from his cowardice.

Explosions could be heard nearby.

‘I guess the Buster Call already Started.’

Looking at Sogeking, Rick greeted him.

“Hey.” said Rick weakly.

“Hey.” replied Sogeking.

“You... came.”

“Of course we did!”


“Everyone. Even Franky.”



“What… about… Usopp?”


Usopp/ Sogeking was the one who has been the most harsh with the way Rick has been treated. So Rick teased him a bit as a petty revenge.

“Usopp… was too ashamed to come himself, that’s why he sent me to begin with.” 

“Ha! I knew he... liked me.” joked Rick.

Sogeking muttered something unintelligible and kept fiddling with the shackles’ lock. His frustration was increasing as he couldn’t unlock them.

“What happened?” asked the ex-marine

“Soon after we arrived at the tower, we were attacked by three members of the CP9.”


“Yes, you can say that. They taunted us and that pissed off everyone. Some more than most.”


“About what they did and were going to do to you.”

“Oh boy…”

Hearing that, Usopp let out a laugh.

“You have no idea. Zoro and Sanji took one guy each. Nami and Robin fought the blonde. You’re lucky you didn’t see how Nami was. I’ve never been so scared of her. Actually I have never been so scared in my life.”

Rick tried to laugh at that, before groaning in pain.

“Wow, easy there.”

“Don’t make… Me laugh then.”

“Sorry about that. Anyway, Franky, Chopper and I were not about to intrude in any of those fights, especially the ladies’. So we went ahead to get you. We met soldiers along the way and around that time the Buster Call started. That was really a shitty idea you got.” chastised Sogeking.

“Sorry… Only one I had at the time.”

“Well, can’t really do anything about it now. So where was I... Ha yes, Franky and Chopper engaged the soldiers and told me to go on. Thanks to the CP9 blabbing we knew where their director was taking you. Kokoro filled us in about the underground passage to get here. I went as fast as I could and caught up. I shot him right in the head with a fire bird star.”

“Good. That piece of shit deserved it.”

“Plenty.  He’s down for the count now.” said Sokeking, pointing with his chin to the side.

“What about Luffy?”

“When we crossed the bridge we saw him, briefly in the office where everyone came out. He was already fighting the pigeon guy.”

An explosion happened behind them. It was Luffy and Lucci fighting; they broke the upper part of the tower at the end of the underground tunnel, allowing people to go up the surface and get to the bridge of hesitations.

“We should go.”

“Yes, at this rate we’ll be collateral damage of their fight. Damn it, I can open those cuffs!”

“There is no need.”

Rick had waited for Sogeking to open the lock, even though he didn’t need to. The skin he sprouted around his wrist was still there, meaning he could still use his gravity to break his shackles. Why didn’t he do so right from the beginning?  Simply because that would have raised a lot of questions. How could a devil fruit user use his power when restrained with seastoned cuffs? Rick didn’t want that hassle so didn’t do anything. It had been ingrained in him long ago to never speak about his second devil fruit ability that it was now almost second nature to hide it. Now, however, with Luffy and Lucci battling so close, having his hands restrained could be problematic, he might need them after all. So in the end he broke them to Sogeking’s stupefaction.

“What the… How did you..”

“Trade secret that I’ll tell you later. We need to go.”

Thanks to his imperfect body he had healed more than enough to move. His breath was not a bit ragged anymore and had recovered enough strength to move. He was not ready to fight in any way but he could walk without any problem. Not very fast though. When explosions started to happen closer Rick told Sogeking to go ahead. Apparently the marines decided to start the destruction of the stronghold from the main island before switching to the Tower of Justice. After that, the bridge of hesitations would be the next target to be turned to ashes.

“There is a ship and the end of the bridge. You need to prepare it for our escape.”


“I can’t move as fast as you and we can’t waste time, so go ahead I’m right behind you.”

Sogeking looked at Rick then nodded.

“Don’t make me come back for you.”

“No chance of that.”

Sogeking started running towards the end of the bridge. Rick turned around and looked at Spandam lying on the ground.

‘Nah, he’s not worth it. He’s done for anyway.’ he thought.

Choosing not to kill the director of the CP9 Rick started walking towards the ship. Ship that sooner or later would sink under the heavy fire of the marines' battleships. But that was fine, Merry will be there for them.


Sogeking was fast and in no time reached the ship and started to prepare it to depart. He heard a loud splash followed by something hitting the deck. He turned around his kabuto at the ready when he saw everyone gasping for air.

“Where the hell did you all come from?”

“From the sea.”

It was Kokoro who answered him. She was putting back her pants and explained what happened. Zoro, Sanji, Nami and Robin had defeated their opponent and went further into the tower meeting Franky and Chopper who were about done with the soldiers. They went through the underground tunnel when water came fast from the front and swept them away. Kokora arrived and thanks to her being a mermaid pulled everyone and brought them here.

“Where are Rick and Luffy?” asked Nami.

“Rick is on his way, he couldn’t walk fast so he sent me ahead to prepare the ship for our escape. As for Luffy, he's battling pigeon guy over there.” he indicated with his finger towards the place where debris was flying all round.

Their respite didn’t last. One of the marines’ battleships changed targets, seeing someone trying to escape the island and fire at the bridge destroying part of it, cutting off Rick's path. Another cannonball landed even closer. 

“That’s not good, we can’t stay here like sitting ducks. We need to move!” said Sanji.

“What about Rick and Luffy?” asked Chopper

“We’ll see to that later!” replied Sanji.

As they were leaving something came flying out of Luffy and Lucci’s battle area and collided with the huge mast of one of the warships. It was Lucci. Luffy had finally defeated him. The crew was overjoyed with their captain’s victory. Sailing near the area while dodging cannonballs, a rubber hand grabbed the ship’s rail and Luffy tracted himself towards it. They were now just missing their Vice-captain and were good to go. Sadly it didn’t go as expected. The entire fleet was done with Enies Lobby with the exception of the bridge of hesitations which had half of it still standing. The ten warships focused on the ship, the crew was on, their firepower hitting it pretty badly. Thankfully Merry was there and everyone jumped on her before they could sink. Now on a smaller vessel they were harder to shoot with the warships’ big cannons which were not made for precision. While not stopping using them, it forced the marines to use rifles and bazookas. Bullets and small cannonballs in high quantity were flying towards the crew. On each of the people on the Merry an arm appeared.

“Robin? What are you…” asked Nami

“That’s not me.” denied Robin.

A purple glow surrounded them and repelled any projectiles coming their way. They knew that glow well.

“Rick?” said a puzzled Luffy.

They turned towards the bridge and saw their friend in a bad state but standing. His arms raised forward.

‘Okay, next the warships’ he thought.

The warships were too far for his gravity to reach, but the power of his Me Me no mi? No problem. Hundreds of hands appeared on the ten vessels. Mainly on the cannons and used his gravity to orient them towards each other and provoked a friendly fire. Three of them were badly damaged enough to sink and the others to keep sailing. That move depleted the little bit of stamina he had recovered since he woke up. Now entirely spent he fell down to his knees and waited for the crew to come for him. They did but not the way he thought. Luffy’s rubber hand grabbed him and brought him back to the Merry. They could leave now.

They waged war against the World Government and won but more importantly…

They were all back together.


That Chapter was really hard to write. Coordinating who was doing what and when... A real headache. In the end I removed and/or modified some stuff.

I'm glad it's over but I can't help but feel I could have done better.

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