Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 62: Devil Trigger II

Honestly when I heard that, I was pissed and wanted to just stop writing but I decided against it because no one  f*ck with my works but mainly because of all you reading my story.

Now, please enjoy chapter 62!

(And please rate my novel it takes less than 5 seconds)

Chapter 62: Devil Trigger II

From the Sunny Rick flew fast towards Oars. The undead giant was right about to destroy a small tower where Chopper and Robin were with a kick. There was no way for his gravity to have enough effect  to even deviate the hit so he just pulled towards him his friends, letting Oars destroy the empty tower.
“Why is it that everytime I leave you alone for five minutes, things like that happen?” he asked.
No answer came as the three of them heard Usopp scream Zoro’s name. The swordsman had tried to cut down their opponent and failed. He was hit hard and sent flying high up in the sky.  Rick made him float too and brought him to his side. A fall from that height would have killed him.

Oars didn’t stay still, Franky was shooting at him, annoying the giant, so he broke another tower with his hands and threw it in the cyborg direction. Franky and Brook, who was with him, got hit. Their standing support gone, they fell to ground level.
“Killer technique ‘Salt Star’!” yelled Usopp, shooting something into Oars’ mouth.
The giant froze looking at Usopp, perhaps waiting for something to happen. After a few seconds of nothing happened he smashed down the bridge Usopp was on. Thankfully Rick pulled him towards himself in time. Now was the time to use his best friend Acting LV5.
“I… have so many questions right now. Like… What’s going on? What’s that thing? Why is he screaming ’Gomu Gomu no’ every time he’s attacking? And most of all… Usopp what were you trying to do?” asked the ex-marine.

“That thing is an undead with Luffy’s shadow.” said Robin.

“Luffy’s shadow?”

“Yes, it was taken by Gecko Moria and put in this. That’s how the zombies are made, by putting shadows into them.” replied Robin.

“And the only way to get Luffy’s shadow back is to throw salt in their mouths. That’s what I shot him with but I guess the quantity was too small.” added Usopp.

“Well, shit. That’s going to be a long battle.” said Rick.

“We’re pressed by time actually.” announced Zoro.


“Anyone without a shadow disappears when under the sun. And dawn is in less than an hour.” answer Chopper.

“Double shit then.” said Rick.
While they were talking, Oars tried to attack them but thankfully Rick had put everyone out of reach. Sadly the giant was not that stupid and climbed the central tower before jumping in the air trying to reach them. They dodged by an air breath.
“How are we going to beat that thing?” asked Chopper.

“Well the same way I took care of every zombie on my way.” answered Rick.

“That is?” questioned Robin.

“We tore him apart limb from limb. Without arms and legs he can’t really move.” said Rick.

“I like that plan.” declared Zoro.

“Wait, you’re the one that made a mess of the haunted forest?” Robin asked, astonished.

“... Yeah… I was a bit… pissed.” confessed the Vice-captain.

“A bit? There were body parts everywhere!” exclaimed his girlfriend.

“Fine! I was completely enraged!” he replied.

“Are you done quarrelling? Time is wasting.” said Usopp.

“Alright, here’s the plan.” said Rick.

The plan was simple: Usopp and Robin would be on high ground, with the former shooting at Oars while the latter would take care of movement; taking her and Usopp out of the way if Oars focused on them. Meanwhile, Rick would be on the ground distracting Oars. Zoro and Chopper were tasked to retrieve Sanji, Franky and Brook.

Before starting Zoro handed back Ryusei to Rick.
“I got better.” the swordsman said while showing his new sword.

Its name was Shusui and was one of the 21 Great Grade swords. It belonged to a legendary samurai from the country of Wano who was famed for having slayed a dragon centuries ago.
“Thanks, it will make things easier.” replied Rick.

He put everyone in position and started his assault. Gravity blade after gravity blade went flying towards Oars’ ankles, knees and shoulders. Aiming for the joints was the best way to forbid the giant to move and to put him down. Rick thought about crushing him with a wide area gravity zone but decided against it. It wasn’t sure he could do it with how big and heavy Oars was. If he failed he would have used a lot of his stamina for nothing and would probably be a liability. Another option  was to use his gravity point, a thrust of the sword with high level of gravity in hit but with Oars speed and agility he could have dodged that too.

In the end Rick chose to annoy him by floating around and constantly attacking him with low level gravity blades. It worked, the giant was ignoring Usopp’s projectiles and was focused on the gravity man. Zoro and Chopper were free to recover their friends and pull them out of the battle area. They were helped by Robin, blooming arms, who didn’t really have anything to do since Oars was not targeting her and Usopp. The fight went on for a few minutes more when Oars finally had enough.
“You’re really annoying!” thought Oars out loud.

“You just suck at aiming!” replied Rick.

The scream the giant let out was so loud that Rick had to cover his ears as he was too close. Oars didn’t miss this opportunity and threw a punch at the now disoriented and defenseless ex-marine. The hit connected and Rick was sent flying towards the walls of the main tower. Successful in his endeavor the giant started to dance.

“Ha! I got you! I got you! ~~” he sang.
Zoro charged at Oars. He was supported by Sanji and Brook who had woken up. However it was for naught as the giant spun around and kicked them away. Thankfully the kick was not as powerful as the punch delivered to Rick and unlike him could defend themselves somehow, taking less damage.

“Guys! Rick had the right idea! Aim for his joints!” yelled Chopper.

“Alright!” replied Sanji.
He went for one of Oars knees and kicked it hard enough. The giant lost his balance and put his hand on the ground so he would not fall.  With his other hand he tried to hit Sanji but was prevented by Zoro hitting it with the heavy nunchaku made of stone pillars that Franky had created earlier in the night. Oars’ arm was moved backwards and robin sealed him behind his back by blooming a thousand hands.

The zombie was now only standing on one leg and supported by a steady hand. Unfortunately for him Usopp shot oiled balls right under it making it slip. The assault was not over as Franky and Chopper went into action; the former had built a makeshift staircase to reach Oars’ face. From there they landed two heavy punches in the giant’s jaw. That did the trick. With his brain now shaken, Sanji lept and swept the leg Oars was standing on, completely turning him upside down. A purple glow appeared on the ground under the giant’s body and attracted it with great strength. The zombie connected with the ground head first.

“Are you alright?” asked Robin.

“I’ve been better. It’s just a headache and a few broken bones, I’ll live.”

The talk was cut short by threats from Oars who was still upside down.
“Now you did it! You made me mad you bastards! I’m going to flatten you so hard that even your bones will be gone!” he screamed.
He pushed on his hands to put himself back on his feet but it didn’t work.

“My horns are stuck… My horns are totally stuck to the ground!” he exclaimed in surprise.

The news rejoiced everyone. That meant he couldn’t defend himself in the position he was in. Each member of the strawhats and Brook wanted their pound of flesh for what he did to them.
“Sucks to be you!” said Rick before adding “ Anyway, we need salt right?”

“Yes but the bag I brought is… lost among the ruins.” replied Brook.

“Then I guess I’m in for a trip to the sea.” muttered Rick.

He started to float and before departing said with a smirk :

“Don’t do what I wouldn’t do!”
The strawhats looked at each other then focused on Oars. All had a different reaction.
“So we can…” started Chopper.

“Shot him...” continued Usopp with a gleam in his eyes.

“Punch him…” added Franky raising his glasses from his nose to the top of his head.

“Kick him…” said Sanji with an evil smile

“Crush him without any restrain.” said Robin in a cold, icy tone.
What about Zoro? Well Zoro was too busy licking his blade, being delighted by the opportunity.

Rick was flying towards the sea when he saw Nami on the way. He called out to her and landed on the ground. She was wearing… a surprising dress.
“Okay look, I know Robin said you could have me but don’t you think a wedding dress is going a bit too far?”

“Someone put it on m… Wait! What? Robin is letting me have you?”

“She didn’t tell you?”

“It’s the first time I’m hearing it.”

“Well shit… Forget it! I didn’t say anything about anything! YOU didn’t hear anything either, and certainly not from ME, okay? Good.”

“Like hell I am!”

“I’m so screwed…. Robin is going to be so mad.” Rick muttered.

“Don’t worry I’ll take good care  of you.” she said with a wink.

“Oh great…” he said in sarcasm.

“Oh it will be, you’ll see.” snickered Nami.

“Look, now is not the time. I’m bringing you back to the Sunny so you can change clothes and after that you’re on your own.”


“Because I have plenty of sea water to transport where the others are.”

“Sea wa… Oh! For the giant Zombie? That’s smart.”
He made himself and Nami float, then went towards Sunny.
“You could have carried me like a bride considering my outfit.” she pouted.

“And have Robin cut my balls in my sleep because she wasn’t the first? No thanks.” he retorted.

“So you do intend to marry her… I didn’t know you loved her that much.”

“When you know, you know Nami. But it’s a bit early for a proposal. I mean, we’ve not been together for that long.”

“But you’re thinking of it.”

“If I have enough time, yes.”

“What do you mean?”

“Nevermind, we arrived.”

They were at the entrance of Thriller Bark where the Sunny was anchored. To their surprise zombies were occupying it,  moving around some chests. They were led by some girl with pink hair wearing a crown.
‘Isn’t she the one that lived with Zoro during the time skip? What was her name again? Pero.. something… Pero… Pero.... Ah! Perona!’
“Stop right there! What do you think you’re doing with that treasure!” yelled Nami.

“And the Sunny...” muttered Rick.

“And the Sunny!” repeated louder Nami.

The pink haired girl turned around to look up at the pair.

“It’s you!  Horo Horo Horo, is the ceremony with Absolom already over?”

“Absolom?” asked Rick

“The invisible guy. And before you get all grumpy, I already took care of him.” she answered before provoking Perona.

“Who would marry such a pervert?! Besides, I already got myself a handsome and strong boyfriend, so why would I want this ugly beast?”
She wrapped her arms around one of Rick before taunting her opponent again.

“Why don’t YOU marry that ugly friend of yours? With your face that’s all you can get anyway. Certainly not someone like my man here.”

“Do you think this is the time for that?” Rick whispered.

“Shh! Be quiet!” she whispered back.

“OH THAT’S IT!  You asked for it now!”
The pink haired girl was furious and ordered her soldiers to attack Rick and Nami. The zombies dropped the chests and rushed out of the Sunny. In a flash they were… in the water? Shadows raised from the sea and scattered away.
“What the…” wondered the pink haired girl.

“Thanks for getting them out of the Sunny, that made things easier.” said Rick.

“What did you do?!”

“Pushed them into the sea with my devil fruit ability. Was that your plan Nami?” he answered nonchalantly.


“Okay! I’m done playing nice! Mini Hollow Squad…” Perona began but was interrupted by Rick.

“Behind you!”

She turned around and was face to face with Bartolomew Kuma.
‘Wait, I thought he arrived on the island at the end of the fight with Moria?! What is he doing here?!’

“Who the hell are… Bartholomew Kuma?!” She had stopped mid-sentence as she recognized the man towering in front of her. She quickly overcame her stupor.

“What is one of the shichibukai doing here?”

“Are you one of Moria’s people?” he asked.

“Lord Moria… I mean Gecko Moria and I don’t have any relationship.” she replied in fright.
While Kuma and Perona were having a little talk. Rick didn’t hesitate for even one second. He removed his overcoat and T-shirt and gave them to Nami.

“Get rid of the dress, put that on and go.” he urged her.

“What?” she asked, confused.

Telling her a third time wasn’t necessary. She put the T-shirt first, as Rick was way taller than her it reached the middle of her thighs.It allowed her to remove her wedding dress without exposing herself. Soon enough she was ready to go, turning back she saw that Perona was gone and Rick was already facing Kuma. She wondered who that guy was, but for her friend to order her to run he must have been dangerous. Without delaying any longer Nami ran to join the rest of the crew.
“What are you doing here Kuma?”

“The world’s worst traitor, a member of the strawhats...” the giant man said.

“Are you here to help Moria?”

“Help? No.”

“Then why..”

“I’m here to deliver a message from the World Government to him. But it seems I was too late.”

“Too late?”

“Announce to Moria the successor of Crocodile and to be careful of your crew.”

“Well yeah, it’s a bit too late. Must be getting his ass kicked right now.”



“Why didn’t you join the Revolution Army?”


“You tried to kill the highest rank officers of the Marines and a world noble. You destroyed Enies Lobby, the symbol of Justice, by activating the Buster Call on it.”

“Well… it’s not like I can meet a member of the R.A. at every corner of a street.”

“If you could, would you?”

“... Eh, why not? Bringing down those bastards in Marie Geoise and the corrupt officers of the marines? I’m all for it but I have a duty to do first.”

“What duty?”

“Help my captain become the pirate king.”



“I see.”

“Will you interfere with the fight against Moria?”

“I will not.”
They looked at each other for a bit. Rick finally decided to move, he raised at least 20 cubic meters of sea water with his gravity and flew towards the battle ground.


When Nami arrived where everyone was. She was stunned by what she saw. The giant zombie she caught a glimpse of while she was going back to the Sunny was about to drop an axe kick right on a down Franky. Without thinking twice she used her clima-tact to make a thunderbolt fall on Oars, his raised leg playing the role of a lightning rod. It was effective, as the giant was stopped in his movement, allowing one of her crewmates to take care of Franky. It would even have been perfect if Sanji didn’t have to be himself and go bonkers at her appearance.
“There she is! NAMI!!!” he yelled looking at her.

“Don’t yell, he’s going to notice me!”
She was on a way higher ground than Oars, who would have needed to look up and search for her as she was quite far away. In other words she was relatively safe but thanks to Sanji not anymore. Oars raised his arm, ready to launch Luffy’s famous ‘Gomu Gomu no Pistol’. When he did something unprecedented happened.

His arm stretched.

It stretched far enough to hit Nami’s location. Thankfully Robin was there and saved her in time by blooming hands. That was the worst situation possible. An almost 220 feet tall giant, weighing 102t was now able to stretch his body. There was no way to get out of reach anymore.
“That must be Moria!” said Zoro.

“Oars’ body stretch like Luffy’s after he went inside him.”

“Kishishishishi! That’s the power of my Kage Kage no mi! You see the shadow is subordinate to the body, that’s common knowledge. But now I put my own shadow inside Oars’! And since the body and the shadow must have the same shape, if I change Oars’ shadow with mine his body will change accordingly!” declared Moria.
That made the fight, without any doubt, harder. Too bad for him Robin was smart. He bloomed arms around Moria and restrained him, putting an end to Oars’ stretching. However Moria’s own shadow could still move and attack on his own. He threw shadow bats towards Robin to free his master. She couldn’t dodge them all but enough to keep her hold on Moria.
“Robin Behind you!” yelled Zoro.

The bats mixed together to form Moria’s shadow and violently clawed at Robin who was badly hurt as a result. Moria who could switch places with his shadow did so. Now near Robin he grabbed her and took her own shadow before discarding her away. As Moria was laughing for taking care of another Strawhat, a loud and eerie roar resonated. The next moment the shichibukai flew towards the nearest wall at high speed.
“What was that?” asked Sanji.

“I don’t know but it took care of Moria” answered Franky.

“I think… I think it was Rick.” said Usopp, still bewildered at what he saw.

“Rick is not that fast.” replied Zoro.

“I know what I saw!” insisted Usopp.
The debris stopped falling where Moria ended up and the smoke cleared, revealing Rick choking the shichibukai with one hand with strength.

His head was adorned with long black horns; his eyes had a feral look in them mixed with pure malice and finally, his smile was the most sadistic they had ever seen.
“Is that normal for him?” asked Franky?

“No.” answered Zoro.

“We never saw him like that.” said Nami.

“I don’t know what happened to your friend but it doesn’t look good.” confessed Brook.

What was in front of them looked like a devil, and they would soon find out, that it wasn’t just in look.

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