Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 64: The most sublime act is to set another before you

Chapter 64: The most sublime act is to set another before you

“You said you will not interfere, Kuma!” yelled Rick.

“In the fight with Moria, yes. But the fight is over.”

Without saying anything further Kuma started the cleaning up he was ordered to do. Some of the pirates in the crowd tried to attack him but were pushed back violently and ended up unconscious with a paw mark on their chest.
“What the hell did he do?!” asked Usopp.

“He repelled them.” answered Rick.

“Repel?” said Sanji

“Those paw marks are from the Nikyu Nikyu no mi. It allows the user to repel anything and everything.” explained Rick.

“But he didn’t even touch them. I mean I get for the first guy, but what about the guys behind him?” asked Franky.

“He repelled the air?” replied Robin

“I think so.” answered her boyfriend.
Zoro drew his swords from their sheaths and got close to face him.

“Pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro… I’ve heard that strawhat Luffy has gathered a number of skilled crew members. It seems like it was true. Even though you were not known before… Now, it’s not just your captain getting notice. After defeating two shichibukai I understand why the World Government wants to get rid of you.”
Zoro went hard at him, slashing and thrusting his swords but Kuma didn’t even bother to defend himself. He just pulled back his hands and did some palm strikes. Zoro was forced to dodge, he knew that even one hit would be the end of him. He dodged so much that a not negligible distance was made between him and his opponent. He unleashed a flying flash towards Kuma who just raised his hand and repelled it to the side.
“How did you…” Zoro started to ask.

“My paws repel everything.” said Kuma showing the inside of his hands.

“Why are you guys even surprised?! I told you about his powers!” exclaimed Rick when he saw his crewmates being bewildered.

“So he’s a paw man?!” siad Sanji, astonished.

“What part of Nikyu didn’t you understand?” replied Rick about to lose his temper.

“That sounds so gentle!!” exclaimed Franky.
That comment didn’t sit really well with Kuma as he swinged his arm towards the cyborg, repelling the air. Franky was pushed back violently backwards into the wall.
“Yeah, insulting him was not the smartest thing to do…” said Rick with a sigh.
Chopper went to Franky to see how he was doing while the rest of the crew kept their mouths shut. That didn’t stop them from thinking of something cute. Rick turned towards Robin and squinted his eyes.
“Yes?” she asked.

“You thought of cute kitties didn’t you?”


“We’ll get you one in the next island.”

“That’s not…”
She was interrupted by a loud crashing sound.  Zoro had been pushed back against a big piece of debris from their fight against Oars and Moria and was now at the mercy of Kuma. The paw man was ready to give the swordsman the final hit when he was struck himself in the jaw by Sanji’s leg. Sadly Kuma’s jaw was too hard for the cook who fell down on the ground and held his leg while screaming.
“Now that the strongest fighters who could still fight are weakened, killing you is neither insteresting nor satisfying. The World Government’s order was to destroy you all but honestly it’s not worth it.
He spread his arm far before getting them closer. You could see with the naked eye a transparent paw shape being created and getting smaller and smaller as his hand got closer to each other.
“That’s not good!” said Nami.

“What is he doing?” asked Usopp

“He’s applying pressure to an air ball with his paws.” she answered.

“With that much air compressed, if it is unleashed that will create a gigantic shockwave.” added Robin

“What do you mean exactly?” asked Usopp.

“He made an air bomb.” replied Rick.
Dumbfounded by the news and Kuma’s ability to make a bomb whenever he wanted, Usopp despaired a bit.
“I will spare all of you but the price for that will be strawhat Luffy’s head. The government won’t complain if I bring back only him. Now bring him here.” ordered Kuma.
No one answered positively to that order. Neither the crowd of pirates who were thankful to Luffy for beating Moria’s and giving them their shadows back nor the strawhats. They put up a united front for Kuma and in total synchronisation answered the same thing.
““““HELL NO!””””

“So be it.”
Kuma released his air bomb and the resulting shockwave was devastating. The debris around Kuma were first launched backwards, hitting some of the pirates around, then the pirates themselves. In the end nothing was left around Kuma in a 20 feet radius. The shichibukai started to walk, encountering unconscious bodies here and there stuck under rubble. His search quickly bore fruit; he had found Luffy under a broken wall. As he leaned and reached for him, he was slashed twice.

Straightening himself he saw Rick in front of him, his sword raised, and turning around, saw Zoro. They had endured the blast of his air bomb.

His coat had been damaged, enough to give a glimpse of the metal parts substituting for actual organic body parts.
“You.. you’re a cyborg like Franky? No… the metal was harder than iron.”

“A cyborg… Yes I suppose it is the correct designation for what I am. I’m more advanced than the “cyborg” Franky though.” replied the shichibukai.
He opened his mouth and from it a bright light shined.
“Dodge!” Yelled Rick to his friend.
You didn’t have to tell him twice. Zoro barely moved out of the way of the laser beam shot from Kuma’s mouth. The beam’s heat was so high that he melted the metal in its way.
“I’m called a “Pacifista”. An incomplete human weapon developed by the government.”

“You were made by Vegapunk? I’m not surprised.” said Rick.

“Only a genius of Dr. Vegapunk’s caliber would be brilliant enough to make such a project.” declared Kuma

“So we have no chance then… Between your body and your devil fruit powers… “  said Zoro in defeat.

“It’s good that you understand. Now just lay down, the both of you.”

“I won’t let you take my little brother’s head even if it’s quite empty.” announced Rick in defiance, raising on his feet while panting. “If you need the head of someone for the government to parade, then take mine. My bounty is higher and I’m perhaps the most hated sailor on the seas. My death would give more publicity to the government.” he added.

“No, take mine!” interjected Zoro. ”Rick, the crew need you to take care of them.”

“If you die, what about your ambition, you moron!”
Kuma, Zoro and Rick turned towards the voice. Sanji was there, exhausted and hurt.

“The two of you are morons! Of the three of us I’m the one without a dream! Being the best swordsman in the world, finding all blue, only you can realise your ambition! Me? I have nothing so I would lose nothing! Besides I…” he didn’t finish his sentence. He couldn’t bring himself to say the truth. That he was dying.

“Each of you is willing to give up your ambition for your captain… Why?” asked Kuma

“““He’s going to be the pirate king.””” they answered in sync.

“I see… To have such subordinates… He’s truly blessed. Very well I’ll take the life of one of you.” declared the paw man.

““Then I””
Before they could finish their sentence, Rick had used the little bit he had left of his strength to flatten his two friends on the ground. Hard enough to knock them out.

“Why did you do that? Your captain's life was safe, you could have let one of them take his place.” asked the shichibukai.

“Because… I’m dying.”


“My body is breaking down. I can feel it. At most I have around 4 months left, and I believe the only one who can cure me is Vegapunk. I don’t know where he is and even if I did and met him, I don’t think he will have the time to find a cure. Besides, I’m the oldest. It's my job to take care of the younger ones.” said Rick with a smile.

‘I had planned to take Zoro’s place for the Karma, but I didn’t think I would be that injured. What the hell happened for me to be in that state? Can I take all of Luffy’s pain and fatigue like that?’
Just like the time when he saved Vivi in the bandits hideout his memory was blanked. He remembered carrying the sea water to the fight with Oars then next, waking up amongst ruins and a giant Moria.
‘At least this time there isn't any blood and body parts everywhere.’
Kuma picked up Luffy with one hand and with the other repelled all his fatigue and pain he accumulated during his fight against Oars and Moria.

The pink paw resulting from this action was enormous.
“This is all of your brother’s pain and fatigue. Since you’re ready to exchange his life for his I think you won’t mind taking it.”

“I don’t.”

“Good. But do know that hell is waiting for you.”

“That’s okay, the goddess has a soft spot for me.” replied Rick with a smile.
Kuma didn’t say anything anymore and sidestepped to let Rick approach the giant paw. Standing in front of it the strawhats Vice-captain said a few words.
“My only regret is to leave behind the woman I love but I can’t really do anything about it. Fortunately she won’t be alone.”

‘ I guess it’s time. Whether I live or not… I’m glad to have been in this world. Ugh the goddess is going to tear me a new one if I die.’
Thinking no further he entered the pink paw.

An entire day had passed since Moria’s defeat. It was not a surprise, after all they had fought hard all night against Moria and his zombies and were quite exhausted. Everyone was somewhat bandaged and still tired with the exception of Luffy that was more healthy than ever. Him, Franky, Usopp and Nami were on the Sunny to get some supplies for everyone still on the island. Actually Nami was there for the treasure chests Perona had had her people load on the ship. To her dismay they were all empty. Her sour mood didn’t last long when Franky came out from the hull with a big bag.

“That’s weird, the supplies that were taken were back. There is even a lot of gold that wasn’t there before.”

“Gold?!” exclaimed Nami.
Without waiting for Franky’s answer she looked inside the hatch leading to the inside of the hull. There, was the treasure that Rick had stolen. At the sight Nami was over the moon.

As the group of four went back to the hall where everyone was, they wondered why Kuma left the island, leaving everyone alive after fighting them. Entering the place they called out to Chopper.
“Chopper!” said Luffy.

“We brought everything you asked for.” added Franky.

“Thank you!” replied the reindeer.

“How is he?” asked a worried Nami.
She was referring to Rick. Her Vice-captain was laying down on a makeshift mattress bandaged like a mummy. Robin was by his side tending to a wound Chopper didn’t take care of.
“Honestly? Not good.” he answered Nami with a shake of his head.

“What’s wrong with him?” asked Usopp.

“So much that I don’t even know where to begin.” replied Chopper

“Is he going to be alright?” asked Luffy.

“With a lot of time, yes.”

“That’s good then.” said Usopp.

“Actually it isn’t.” declared the doctor.

“What do you mean?” Robin asked, stricken with worry.

“Rick always healed fast. Way faster than the average person. What took a week to heal for someone only took him a couple of days. Now? His healing factor is nowhere near what it is supposed to be.” explained Chopper.

“Do you think his weird change during the fight is the cause of it?” asked Franky.

“That I don’t know. What I do know is that he didn’t have so many injuries when we won against Moria. I wondered how he got the new ones.”

“Oh! We know! We know what happened!”

“When that Kuma guy blew everyone up …”
Two people inserted themselves in the conversation. These two pirates’ words caught the attention of Sanji and Zoro who reacted fast. They dragged the two guys outside out of earshot.
“Okay, spill it.” said Zoro.

“What happened?” asked Sanji.

“After your friend knocked you out, that Kuma guy asked him why he did that when he could have lived by let one of you die instead” said pirate#1 whose name was Laurel.

“Yeah! And your friend said that as the oldest he had to take care of the younger ones and also because he was already dying.” added pirate#2 named conveniently Hardy.

Sanji grabbed Hardy by the collar and lifted him up.

“I-It’s true!”

“He said that he only had a few months left and that he couldn’t find some guy that could help him.” explained Laurel

“What happened next?” asked Zoro as Sanji put down Hardy.

“The shichibukai picked up your captain and repelled all his pain and fatigue making a huge pink paw.” Laurel said, continuing to relate the events.

“Then your friend entered the huge paw and never let a sound out of his mouth despite looking in extreme pain.” added Hardy

“When he finished absorbing the paw he just went quiet and fell to the ground. Honestly, I thought he had died.” finished Laurel.

“Yeah me too.” admitted Hardy.

“Anything else?” asked Sanji.

“No, after that, that Kuma guy just left.” answered Laurel.

“Wait! There is one thing. Your friend said that his only regret was leaving the woman he loved behind.” remembered Hardy.
Zoro and Sanji looked at each other. Surprise was on their face.

“Rick is with someone? I thought he lived alone on O’hara for the past ten years.” asked Sanji.

“Not our business.” said Zoro.

“And his condition?”

“... Not our business either. It’s up to him to tell us.”

“You’re kidding right?”
Zoro and Sanji started to argue about telling or not telling the rest of the crew. The argument between the two stopped when Laurel and Hardy tried to leave to tell the crew Rick’s heroic deed. This started another argument with the four of them. Meanwhile an eavesdropper was devastated by the things she heard.


“Robin, what’s wrong?” asked Chopper.

“Nothing, why?” she replied.

“You’re crying.” stated Nami in worry.
Robin brought one of her hands to her cheeks and indeed she was shedding tears.
“It’s fine just… fatigue I guess.” Robin lied.

“I think a bit of fresh air will do me some good.” she added, before getting up for her seat near a comatose Rick, and exiting the hall.
Devastated didn’t even begin to properly describe how she was feeling right now. After 20 years she finally found someone who understood her, someone who cared and loved her no matter what, ready to stand by her side no matter what she was facing and most of all ready to do anything for her. And now that she was finally happy with her life that person would soon be gone forever.
“Robin, are you alright?!” said the voice of Nami coming from behind her.

“YES! I’m.. I’m…” She tried to make up a nice front but ended up breaking down.

“No, I’m not.’ she said with tears between sobs.
Nami got closer and took her friend in arms, gently patting her back.

“What is it?” she asked.

“He’s… He’s dying.”



Robin began retelling the talk Zoro and Sanji had with Laurel and Hardy. Nami couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“How can he be so sure? Chopper examined him and didn’t see anything wrong. He expects Rick to recover.” asked Nami, trying to be rational despite being affected by the news.

“Nami, he’s always right.”

“Then maybe this time he’s not!”

“You heard Chopper! His body is not healing as fast as it should!”

“That doesn’t mean he’s dying!”
Not in a mood for an argument Robin just left for parts unknown, leaving Nami behind.

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