Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 68: Explosive temper

Here is chapter 68; please Enjoy

After coming back from the bathroom, Robin and Rick joined Luffy, Nami and Hachi in the Auction House. The place was full, mainly with Royals and nobles from across the world, here to buy some slaves for whatever reasons they had. Pirates were here too, notably Captain Kid and Trafalgar Law, worth respectively 315 and 200 Million berry. They were part of what the world called the ‘worst generation’. A title given to this current generation of pirates, born from Gol D Roger bold declaration the day of his death. They were also members of the supernova. Eleven pirates rookies, whose bounty was over a 100 Million.

To be more accurate, it was not eleven but thirteen now thanks to Rick’s existence and with the highest bounty of the bunch. Robin with a bounty  superior to most of the group was also included.

She was currently holding her lover’s hand, squeezing hard, showing her support as he was glaring intently at the three celestial dragons in the room. Even though she wanted to keep their relationship a secret, right now she didn’t care. That was way less important than holding him back and most of all, show him that she was there to support him. Nami caught on to it and gave the tall brunette an inquisitive look who answered with a shake of her head. While the crew was waiting for the auction to begin Captain Kid tried to say “Hello”.
“Well, well, well, if this isn’t the strawhats pirates in the…”

“Shut it.” replied Rick in a cold and domineering tone without averting his eyes from the world nobles.

He may have talked in a friendly manner when he accosted them but Kid was a vicious and sadistic man with a very hot and short temper. Rick’s reply and attitude enraged him on the spot.

“Do you know who you’re talking to?!”

“Don’t know, don’t care.”

“I’m Eusta…”

He didn’t get to finish his introduction as he fell down on his knees, a monstrous pressure on his shoulder.
“I told you to shut it, extra. Now you either do it or I make you do it and make it permanent.”

Rick tore away his gaze from the celestial dragons to look in the eyes of his prey. As he was applying more gravity he was stopped by Luffy.
“Rick, let him go.”

The Vice-captain obeyed, and released his captive, who didn’t wait to put some distance between him and the monster who trapped him. Law, who was seated a few rows below the crew’s position, had his head turned towards them with a smirk on his face. He was about to banter when Rick made Kid kneel and changed his mind. He didn’t want to be humiliated like Kid or end up worse. He did find the interaction interesting.

To him, Rick seems to have a very short fuse and nasty temper seeing how he dealt with Kid but what intrigued him the most was the relationship between Vice-captain and Captain.

'He obeyed straw hat’s order immediately, so he’s not just a mad beast. But why did he obey? Isn’t he stronger than straw hat? The rumours said that he was the real captain of the crew and straw hat just a figurehead but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Unless they are acting… No, with how pissed he is they’re not acting. Then why is a 450 Millions berry pirate taking orders from someone younger with a lesser bounty?'

Law’s thoughts were interrupted as soon enough the auction started and a respectable number of slaves went on before Caimie was finally presented. Nami didn’t even have the time to place a bid that one of the celestial dragons bid for 300 Million stunning everyone.

Everything went as expected, from Hachi getting shot to Luffy punching the world noble across the room. Well… Not everything actually.

Despite not having a care in the world about Hachi, Rick couldn’t hold himself back anymore in front of the celestial dragon’s behaviour. He didn’t even think he just acted. In a frightening speed, with Robin still holding his hand trying to rein him in, he found himself on the other side of the world’s noble. The latter ended up with the captain and Vice-captain of the straw hat crew on either side. It didn’t end well for him as two deep imprints of different fists marred his fat cheeks.

Silence fell down on the place. Everyone was looking at what just happened. Some bidders had a face full of shock, others, full of horror at what they just witnessed.
Pirates had laid a hand on a celestial dragon.

Rick and Luffy looked at their victim, knocked out on the ground, then looked each other in the eyes, their faces bearing a seriousness that didn’t suit those two happy go lucky men. It was only for a moment as Rick’s lips curved upwards.
“Nice punch.” he said to Luffy.

“Nice punch too.” answered his captain before letting out a small laugh.
Rick turned to Robin with an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” she said punctuating by a long sigh and releasing his hand discreetly.
The audience finally realised what just happened and panic broke out. Nobles, civilians and pirates alike rose from their seats and started running towards the exit. They didn’t want to be here when the admiral arrived, after all they had no wish to be associated with the pirates that lay a finger on a celestial dragon. No matter their status, be it king or commoner, it will not help any when the gods of the world, known for their absurd whims, order to arrest and execute everyone.
Not all people fled though. Those that stayed included members of Cypher Pol, two other celestial dragons and their guards. They didn’t have time to snap out of it before Rick slammed them up the ceiling and back to the ground knocking every single one of them out.
“Was that necessary?” asked Robin to her partner.

“Yes.” he answered.


“I’ve dreamt of it for the past decade and more. It was… cathartic.”
Robin just sighed but didn’t comment further as she understood what he was feeling. If she had the ones responsible for the destruction of her home in front of her she would have probably done the same. With more ballbusting though.

They walked down the stairs leading to the scene where Luffy and Zoro were breaking Caimie out of her water prison while Nami and Chopper were tending to Hachi’s wounds. When they tried to remove their mermaid friend’s collar Rick pulled them away.

“Don’t touch that! It’s rigged with explosives!”

“How do we remove it then?” asked Luffy.

“The key must be somewhere backstage.” replied the Vice-Captain.

“Not anymore.”

Hearing an unknown voice behind them, everyone turned around. From a tear in the curtain a man well into his fifties or perhaps his sixties emerged, holding a keychain with multiple keys on it.

Even though twenty years have passed Rick instantly recognized the Dark king, Silver Rayleigh.

“Long time no see old man.” said Rick with a neutral face.

“Hmm?” was the only answer Rayleigh gave him, clearly not recognizing the young man that addressed him.

“You know you could at least remember the one who allowed you to witness the death of a man and the birth of a legend.”

Rayleigh’s memory was jolted. He took a good look  at Rick’s face and recognized the eyes. The blue grey eyes of a young boy, full of determination that helped me see the end of his captain all those years ago in LogueTown.

“Oh my! The little marine has grown up!”
Without saying anything more Rayleigh got closer to Caimie and tried some keys to unlock her collar before finding the right one. He then toss the keychain to the giant that had followed him through the hole in the curtain and asked him to free the other slaves locked up backstage.

Meanwhile Robin was mouth agape at the exchange between her boyfriend and the Pirates King’s first mate.
“How …” she began before being cut off

“Do I know him? It’s a long story.”

Once free Caimie rushed to Hachi to see how he was doing. Rayleigh followed her with his eyes, which grew big when he saw his fishman friend wounded.
“We need to leave this place, it will soon be overrun by marines, and an admiral.” announced the old pirate.

“Our ship isn’t exactly close. Do you know a place where ce could bring Hachi and let him rest?” said Rick

“Yes, a friend of mine owns a bar not far from here.”

“Oh! Oh! Is it Shaki’s ?” exclaimed Luffy.

“You know her?” asked Rayleigh.

“Yes, Hachi brought us there before exploring the island, thinking that’s where you were.”

“Good, If you already know the way we’ll move faster then.”
Rick picked up everyone with his gravity and departed towards their destination, calling Usopp on his den den mushi alerting him Brook and Franky of the plan and new rendezvous point.

While the crew made their way out of the action house, a marine  burst open in Admiral Fleet Sengoku in great hurry.

“Fleet Admiral!” he began panting.

“What is it?” said Sengoku, focusing on his subordinate who interrupted his conversation with Kizaru.

“Sir *gasp* approximately *gasp* fifteen minutes ago *gasp* in Shabaody’s auction house *gasp* three celestial dragons *gasp* were attacked by pirates.” announced the marine.

“WHAT?!” exclaimed Sengoku.

“The entirety of their guards and the members of Cypher Pol accompanying them were defeated too.” added the messenger after recovering his breath.


“From the reports, two pirates sir,  Straw hat Monkey D. Luffy and the world’s worst traitor Rick Wald.”
Sengoku’s face paled so much ghosts would have been jealous. It didn’t last however before crimson red replaced white pretty quickly, followed by an earth shattering scream that could be heard all over the base.


*A few minutes earlier in another office across the other side of the headquarters*

Garp, Tsuru and Aokiji were enjoying tea and cookies that Garp had provided. It had been a while since the three of them were together to enjoy some downtime. Usually Sengoku was with them and this tea break happened in his office but it has not been the case in a few months.
“You should apologise already.” said Tsuru to her oldest friend.

“I already did, Sengoku is just being stubborn.”

“What did you expect? You really messed up this time.”

“As if it was the first time.”

“Letting the pirates who destroy Enies Lobbies and sank a buster call free because they are your grandsons is taking the top spot on your blunder’s list Garp.” added Aokiji.

“I did worse.”

“But this time what Rick did upset him a lot.” said Tsuru.

“What he did?” asked Garp.

“Rick impersonated a CP0 agent, infiltrated Enies Lobbies in broad daylight roaming free on the island under everyone’s watch. Stole Spandam golden den den mushi and activated the buster call. He shamed the Marines forever thanks to their incompetence.” explained Aokiji.

“That’s not what I’m referring to.”
Aokiji and Garp looked at Tsuru with a questioning gaze.
“On the island Rick contacted Sengoku.”


“He… was ready to take the deal and come back into the corps.”

“I didn’t think he would, honestly, though I hoped.” said Aokiji.

“What happened to change his mind then?” asked Garp.

“Rick had two conditions for his return. One, to clear Nico Robin's name. Apparently she’s not interested in revenge against the world government and the ancient weapons, only the missing history. Considering she didn’t find anything for the past twenty years about either, it’s unlikely she ever will if we are to believe Rick.”

“I don’t see Sengoku agreeing to that, that would be a public blunder from the Marines if he did. Why did he ask that in the first place?” Garp wondered.

“Because she’s his girlfriend.” declared Aokiji.

Garp was dumbfounded and Tsuru… just… narrowed her eyes and she frowned ever so slightly. She was clearly not happy with the news. They may have been secret lovers a decade ago but she never really moved on. Kaza was one thing as she thought of her as a daughter and the two were really close but another woman? She knew it was irrational, ten years had passed but still, she couldn’t help but dislike the idea of Rick being with someone else a lot.
“Setting aside how you know of this Kuzan, you’re right Garp, Sengoku didn’t agree to that, but he did promise to leave her alone and let her go if she was ever apprehended. No, the problem comes from the second condition.” announced Tsuru.

“Which is?” asked Garp.

“Have Sakazuki disgraced for the next ten years and force him to live by constantly watching behind his back.”
That didn’t surprise Garp and Aokiji in the least. It was a fair punishment for Akainu after what he did to Rick.
“Yeah I don’t see that ever happening. The marines' public image would be tarnished forever. No wonder Sengoku refused.” Garp said.

“That took a lot out of Sengoku because when he said ‘No’ Rick just cut  the call off. He couldn’t try to negotiate or anything. He was so close to getting him back. He was hoping with you capturing him he could try again but well…” explained Tsuru.

“I really screwed up this time.” said Garp deflating.

“That you did, but at least now your confined on the base, you can’t do anything stupid for a while and in no time you’ll be out of the dog house.” Tsuru said, trying to cheer him up.
It was right at this moment that they heard a familiar scream.
Tsuru and Aokiji just sighed, and Garp deflated even more.
“That’s what you get for giving people fake cookies made with raisin instead of chocolate.” announced Aokiji looking at the partially eaten biscuit next to his cup of tea with narrowed eyes, making Tsuru smirk slightly.


Back on Sabaody’s Archipelago, our favourite pirate crew were having a talk with a pirate of legend in a deserted bar.
“Wait, wait, wait! Rick! You were telling the truth?!” exclaimed Usopp.

“I’m offended you thought otherwise.” said the ex-marine.

“I mean… Riding on the shoulders of the pirate king’s first mate to sneak in to watch his execution…” began Sanji.
Rayleigh laughed at that. True if someone told him one day that he’d do that he wouldn’t have believed it either. Thinking back on it, it was quite extraordinary, way out of common sense but to Rayleigh who spent years with Roger it wasn’t anything new. The man had the knack to find himself in absurd situations and drag everyone around in them. That thought jolted a memory from years ago in his head and pushed him to ask a question he had.
“I received your message by the way. I took care of her and her sisters but I do wonder how you knew our paths would cross.”
Rick just smirked, perfectly aware of what and who Rayleigh was referring to but didn’t comment. Sadly the shark of the crew smelled blood and wasted no time attacking where it hurts.

“Who’s her ?” asked Nami.

‘OH GODDESS!’ though Rick.

“No one.” he answered as best he could with a deadpan and detached face.

“Right…” said the navigator, not believing that for a second. She turned to the dark king for an explanation.

“Mister Rayleigh?”

“A young teenage girl he saved a bit more than ten years ago from the marines.”

“A young teenage girl, eh?” said Nami with a Cheshire smile looking at Rick.

“One among many I saved during my time in the marines. Nothing to fuss about for an irrelevant random girl.”

“I wouldn’t call Boa Hancock, the pirate queen and one of the Shichibukai, an ‘irrelevant random girl’. Especially when she’s madly in love with you. Still, that didn’t answer my question; how did you know?” declared Rayleigh with a knowing smirk.

Before the sha… Nami could attack again, Rick took the lead.

“My intuition is out of this world old man.”


Sanji couldn’t hold himself anymore and pounced on his vice-captain, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him, hard, while crying rivers of tears. That didn’t last long as Nami love-punched him to unconsciousness.

“He does have a point though. Answer.”

“She was running away from the marines for a crime she didn’t commit. I just gave her money for some clothes and food, that’s it.”


“Believe what you want Nami, it won’t change the truth.” Rick replied, clearly done with the conversation.
At that moment Shaki, the owner of the bar and Rayleigh’s friend, came back from the backroom behind the counter and handed a wooden box to the Dark King. He thanked her, opened the box and took out something he handed to Rick.
“Here, as promised, I took good care of it.”

The ex-marine took what was given to him. It was his old marine cap. The one he wore proudly when he entered the corps under Garp in LogueTown more than twenty years ago. A symbol of his dream to become Fleet Admiral and spread real justice across the world among other good things for the people. Sure, his plan has always been to one day join the straw hats and save the world with them. But Garp's charisma was strong. He didn’t have to save the world with the crew, just to save the world to earn good karma and at the back of his mind, that early, he wished he could have stayed in the marines. But now…
That dream was dead.
Rick just stood up without a word and exited the bar, dropping into the trash bin near the door the remnants of his dead dream.

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