Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 81: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to th

Chapter 81: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye

“What did you say? Did you hear who I am?” asked the fake Luffy.

“With how you squealed like a pig I think everyone at Marie Geoise heard you.” replied Brook dryly before adding.

“I don’t know who you are but you’re not Luffy, that’s for sure.”


“Camera and spot lights on the V.I.P. area please.” asked the skeleton in the mic.

The staff being professional immediately did as they were told. The cameraman was faster and on the giant screen on stage people could see  eight silhouettes standing in the dark.

Then the lights focused on them revealing the entire straw hats crew, minus Brook who was on stage. Their faces said it all, they were furious.
“Ca-captain! That's them! The girl and the bob guy!” said fake Sogeking

“They.. They are the real deal! Their faces are just like on the wanted posters!” added the fake Nami.
Even sheets were not as white as the fake Luffy’s face.
“Impersonating my captain, and the rest of my friends? We don’t care. But ruining the tribute to our late vice-captain. THAT… will not stand.”
The overweight man didn’t know what to do anymore. He had passed himself and his friends as the straw hat crew to gain powerful subordinates, more powerful than him. Now? Looking around he could see that some of them were not happy of having been duped.

But before he could do anything, the real Luffy disappeared from the roof and appeared on stage. He walked slowly towards the man impersonating him and stopped inches away.

“I’m giving you 1 minute for you and your men to leave this stadium. If after that…”
The straw hat captain didn’t even finish his threat that the fake was running down the stage, screaming. He was quickly followed by his acolytes. As for the subordinates he duped… Some of them were smart enough to flee as well while the rest tried to appeal to Luffy to take them in his crew.

In the end those ones fled too when Luffy stared at them.
Once the stadium was cleared of any intruders, Luffy waved to Brook.

“I love your songs!” was all he said before disappearing and reappearing again on the roof.
Brook went in position, apologized for the interruption and asked if the public was alright. A chorus of yes was the answer he got, making him smile. The drummer began again and the song started anew from the beginning. Everyone's favorite idol was determined to play this song fully without anyone interrupting. 

While everyone agreed non-verbally that this song was Rick’s because of the willingness of the singer to do anything for someone, to Robin it meant more. It meant anything for her more than anyone else. She realized two things at that moment. One, that Brook knew just as Franky had suspected. Two, that Franky was right. The little time she had spent with the man she loved meant much more than she ever knew before and that for nothing in the world she could change that. Even for more time with Rick. She got to know and enjoyed what true love was after more than twenty years of pain.
The song ended and the public made an ovation for at least 5 minutes. Brook had tried to calm his fans down but to no avail, so he just let them. Once the applause stopped and people quieted down, the skeleton began the last song. Every single musician, every single singer participated. It was like having a full orchestra and a full choir boosted with modern instruments.


"This one is catchy too! " said Usopp.

"Yes, and sweet."added Nami.

"Sweet?! It’s like adventur-y or something!" disagreed Luffy.

”I find it pretty funny.” said Franky, giving his piece.

”I thought it was a song about friendship?” wondered Chopper out loud.


”Robin-chwaaan?” asked Sanji, saying aloud what everything was thinking when they heard their archeologist laugh. That was the first time it had happened. Sure she laughed now and then but it was a very subdued one. This one was… heartfelt. 

”You’re all right.”

”What do you mean?” asked Luffy.

”I don’t think this song is for anyone but everyone. It’s everything you each said it was because it’s for all of us. Isn’t Brook saying ”we”?.” replied Robin with a smile.

They all took a moment to ponder over what their friend said in silence.


”We are … We are… On the cruuuuuuuuuuise! WE ARE!”

With those words the Soul King ended the song and the concert. He thanked everyone for coming today to share this important moment. Unfortunately the crowd wasn’t ready for him to go. Despite being here for hours they wanted more. Either  because they were having such a good time or because they were afraid they would not see or hear him ever again. The public grew restless  and the staff began to have some difficulties to keep the order and restrain  them. Fortunately before anything could really start, Duval came to the rescue. He picked Brook up from the stage and flew away while his men did the same with the crew.

On the way to the groove the Sunny was, they saw traces of fighting. Duval related the event that happened during the concert on the rest of the island.

”The marines found out that Brook was a pirate of your crew. They were hoping, rightfully so, that you’d all gathered there and planned to capture you.”

”What happened to them?” asked Nami.

”We’re not sure ourselves” replied the one riding the flying fish she was on.

”Reports vary depending  on the groove.” said a third member of Duval’s gang.

”On groove 4, the marines couldn't mobilize  themselves as a violent downpour wet their gunpowder. ” said Duval.

”Groove 5 was subjected to an attack of plants and giant bugs”

”Groove 2 is the weirdest. It was like all of them had suddenly no more will to live. That was scary!”s said the rider of Luffy’s fish.

Usopp, Nami and even Zoro had a knowing smile but didn’t say anything. What happened next would be omitted for the sole purpose of decency but Sanji was sweating bullets and trembling like a leaf.

Soon enough, they were back at the Sunny. Duval and his gang left, not wanting to intrude on the actual reunion between the crew. Everyone congratulates Brook after Nami love-kicked him until she was satisfied all the while, complaining to him about his song for her. The rest of the crew didn’t dare to say it out loud but she was proving his point.

It was late and early in the morning they would sail to fishman island. They all went to bed. Seeing Robin was not coming with here Namis asked:
“You’re not going to bed?”

“In a moment, I’d like to talk with Brook first.” replied the brunette.
Nami nodded, having a good idea what it was all about and went inside.
“What is it you want to talk to me about?” the skeleton asked.

“Franky suspected you knew about… well…”

“I’m a skeleton, I do not sleep, so sometimes I wander at night.” stated Brook.
Robin blushed crimson red, understanding what she was implying.

“I-I’m sorry you had to hear… that.”

“Yohohohoho! Don’t be!” laughed humorously at the musician.

“Though worry not, I didn’t wander often this way of the ship after that.”

“I-I..” she didn’t know quite what to say due to the embarrassment.

“T-thank you… I guess?”

“No need to be embarrassed about your love life.”

“T-that’s not.. I mean. Thank you.” she said again not finding the strength or the words to say what she wanted at the beginning of her sentence.”

“You already did thank me.”

“I meant about, not saying anything about our relationship. And about… the song.”

“Which one? Yours or his?”

“Both but mainly his. It was very beautiful and a good description of him.”

“Now, I thank you. I did my best. Rick was one of the few people who treated me as a peer and not some sort of abomination or monster when we first met. Just like Luffy.”

“Well, even though not by blood, they are brothers.” said Robin with a laugh.

“Quite true. Both are so easy going and so easy to read.”

“When we first met, I couldn’t read him that easily. To be honest I couldn’t read him at all.”

“Really? How so?”
The conversation begining to last Robin walked towards the bar and took a seat. Brook did likewise and sat next to her, understanding that she was unberdunning herself. Of what he didn’t know, but she was his friend, and she was sharing something that, he knew, never shared with anyone. He wasn’t about to let her down. Besides, it would pass the time until morning came and the crew wokes up.
“At a very young age I had to learn how to read people. It was a matter of survival. People had mostly an agenda when they took me in, I could tell, there was no hiding from me. Then I met the crew and while I Luffy is an open book that I have no trouble reading, I thought Rick was the most shrewd person I’ve ever met. I couldn’t understand what he was thinking. It stressed me like no thing else did before.”

“That much?”

“Yes. Because he was genuine. In his actions, in his words. When he didn’t want to talk about something, he didn’t explicitly say he didn’t want to but he joked about it being a secret or something like that. But those were very rare occurrences, most of the time he was honest and open about anything I would ask. Did you hear about the others about our adventure on Skypiea?”

“The sky island? Yes, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper, told me many things about this adventure.”

“So you know about how the old lady who asked for payment and Rick stayed behind and joined us not soon after?”

“I do.”

“Did you ever wonder how he did it?”

“... I did not.”

“I knew. The others never cared and that’s why they didn’t even think about asking but the moment he landed on the ship I knew what he had done.”


“He killed her. I stated as much when we were the only one left on the ship and he didn’t deny it.”

“... Did he tell you why?”

“Yes. Apparently, the old lady was scamming newcomers for their money and, if they were pirates, sold them to the authorities for extra cash, once they left her position. He didn’t explicitly say so but I believe he sent her falling towards the blue sea.”

“Oh my..”

“When he told me what he did, I didn’t understand why he did it. Telling me I mean. He was new to the crew, just like I was. I could have easily outed him and I don't think it would have gone well with them, with him being an ex-marine and all. Yet I asked and he honestly answered. And the first thing that came into my mind at the time was “ What’s his angle? “. I couldn’t possibly understand the reasons why. On the other hand, he could read ME like an open book, which no one has ever done before. And that terrified me. And despite having my guard up, despite my suspicion and my fear, I came to enjoy his company and his silliness. “

“And that terrified you even more.” stated Brook.

“Yes. And when I learned that he worked for Akoji, I thought…” This is it girl. You knew it wasn’t real, just like before. You knew it and yet you stupidly believe otherwise.” I avoided him like the plague after that. And when finally he presented himself as an agent of the World Nobles. I despaired.”

“But it was all a lie.”

“But it was all a lie. And then Back at Water Seven, when Aokiji secretly confronted me, he intervened; made him go away and then…”

“And then?” asked Brook, interested in the rest of the story.
Which Robin happily told, smiling while doing so remembering his stubbornness. And his kisses.
“I understood then that I couldn’t read him not because he was the most talented actor I’ve ever met but because I read him incorrectly. That I didn’t understand what I was seeing. That he was an open book all along. Cunning and shrewd but open nonetheless. He was always saying that his job was to take care of everyone but I didn’t understand as no one ever cared for me like he did. Anything for you… yes, he would've done anything to protect the people he loved, staining his hands if he had to, even becoming a demon. That’s why I loved your song so much. Everything he was… you described perfectly the core of who he was.”

“I did my best when I was writing it. Despite not knowing him for long, when I tried to remember him one of the things that kept coming up was his transformation against Moria and how you stopped him with just a few words when everyone was giving their all and still losing badly. I knew then that there was more than a simple friendship between the two of you. Then I heard you one night and the timing of his transformation made sense. And from that I wrote the song.”

Raising from her seat, Robin joked.

“I’m sorry, it was a very long conversation to thank you for your song, and for being quiet about our relationship.”

“Think nothing of it, it’s not like I had anything else to do anyway.” Brook joked back.
Robin bid him good night and joined Nami into their bedroom. To her surprise, she wasn’t there. She didn’t have to wonder where her kitten was, she knew and immediately left to find her.

Opening the door of the room she saw Nami on the bed curled into a ball hugging a pillow. Without making any sound, she removed her jacket, sarong and glasses and spooned her lover who jumped in surprise.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” Robin said.

“And I’m sorry for being here. I felt so lonely waiting for you, and I… needed to feel him.” answer Nami while hugging the pillow tighter.

“It still has his scent.” she added before turning around facing the brunette.
Robin didn’t dare to have a sniff, else she’d break again in tears. Instead she changed the subject.

“Well, it is night now my little kitten.” she said, lighting a powerful glint in Nami’s eyes.

“It is! And I behaved!”

“That you did, kitten.”
Without any warning, hands bloomed all around Nami and restrained her. Her pajamas were quickly ripped apart revealing her naked body.

“Oh my! No panties? Naughty girl.” said Robin.

“Only for you.”

“Good. Now are you ready to purr and meow ?”


“Good answer.”
And indeed Nami meowed and purred for the next hour.


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