Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 84: Fatality

Chapter 84: Fatality

Despite being tired everyone, except Luffy who was outside the island, was frantic. They were searching desperately for Rick all over the place.
“Sanji!’ screamed Usopp to the cook high up in the air, using his own version of Geppo to have a better look at the surroundings.

“Did you find him?” yelled back Sanji.

“No! But take me with you, I have better eyes!”
Acknowledging the idea, Sanji lost altitude to pick Usopp up and went back where he was. The sniper looked around, analyzing every one on the hills near the plaza as the rest of the crew were on the ground conducting their own search there, while Sanji was slowly turning him around in a 360° circle.
“Wait! Get back!” said Usopp.


“To the left! Turn me to the left!”
Sanji did as he was asked and Usopp focused on the highest hill where he had caught a glimpse of movement in the corner of his vision. Taking a better look he saw,dressed in clothes the same color as the coral he was on, someone struggling to get on all four before falling to the ground.
“There! It’s him” said Usopp pointing his finger in the direction of their friend.

He didn’t have to tell Sanji twice as the latter rushed to the hills and landed next to Rick. they both got closer to have a better look at his condition. It was dire. Their vice-captain was bleeding from every orifice on his face.
“That’s not good, we need to get Chopper here.” said the sniper.

“We may not have time.” replied Sanji picking Rick up on his shoulder, while grabbing Usopp by the arm.
They were in the air once again and saw that Chopper was not far. Faster than a heartbeat he was already moving towards their doctors. Landing by his side he quickly let go of Usopp and put Rick on the ground.
“Chopper quick!”
The reindeer immediately began to assess the situation. Rick had no wounds but was bleeding profusely.
“That’s not good.” said the doctor.

“What’s wrong with him?” asked Sanji.

“I need to operate now!” announced Chopper.
As the rest of the crew, including Jimbei, came rushing towards them, Chopper called out to Franky.
“Franky, can you sterilize the place?”

“What?!” exclaimed Usopp.

“You want to operate here!” added Sanji.

“We don’t have time!” yelled Chopper in a grave tone.

“Everyone move!”

Everyone did, and Franky used his flamethrower and lasers right by the side, hoping to kill every germs in the space he was targeting.
“Chopper, do you need anything else?”

“If you can build something,cutting the place from the outside, do it. I also need a lot of blood.”

“What type ?” asked Usopp

“X! Nami please!”
Nami nodded and came forward, having that blood type. At the same moment Shirahoshi landed next to the group with Luffy in her arms.
“Mister Luffy is hurt! He needs help”.
The situation was definitely not good. First Rick in a critical state now Luffy? Chopper took a deep breath before barking orders.
“Usopp! Check for the source of Luffy’s bleeding! If it’s a wound, put pressure on it to stop it or at least reduce it.”

“On it!” said the sniper before doing as he was told.

“First I’ll make a blood transfusion for Rick, it will give us a bit of time, but I will need a lot more blood than Nami can give, so find me someone with the X blood type. The same goes for Luffy, his blood type is F, and none of us have it.” Raising his head to look around he asked the people of fishman island.
“Does anyone have an X or F blood type?!”
Both types were not rare, but no one in the crew had the same blood type as Luffy, as for Rick, Chopper was also X but was unable to be a donor. Yet no one answered Chopper’s question. Some of the fishmen just hung their heads low, looking at the ground. They couldn’t commit themselves to speak up despite having the correct blood type as exchanging blood between a fishman and a human was taboo. Fortunately Jimbei spoke up.
“My blood type is F, take as much as you need.” he said, removing his sleeve.
Chopper hurried to finish with Nami and Rick before getting more of the equipment needed out of his bag for Luffy and Jimbei. Usopp had stopped the bleeding a bit making it possible for the reindeer to take care of Luffy’s wound in less than two minutes.
He then went back to Rick and Nami. While the latter was fine the former was ghostly pale. Franky was finishing the construction of a small wooden room in record time.
“Zoro, Sanji, please carry him inside.” he asked, but before the two could move, a dozen feet bloomed under Rick and moved him.

“I have plenty of hands, Chopper, do you need any?” said Robin.
She appeared calm and collected but inside she was in turmoil. The man she was in love with was alive and she was perhaps going to lose him again just after getting him back. She would not allow it. She decided that she would do anything she can to save him, and while she may not be knowledgeable in medicine she could still assist Chopper with the power of her Hana Hana no mi.
“Yes Robin, thank you.” answered Chopper.

“Please guide me.”

“Please wait!”
Turning around Robin and Chopper looked at the person who stopped them.
“I.. My blood type is X.. Please… take as much as you need for mister Vega.” said the princess in a shy and worried voice mimicking Jimbei.
Her words jolted the mind of the fishmen around. First their hero, Jimbei, ignored the taboo and offered his own blood and now the treasure of their island, the princess herself did it too. Some let out their voice calling out to the princess but she didn’t seem to care. Chopper was relieved as the mermaid was a good ten meters tall at least. She perhaps had more than five times the amount of blood Nami had.
“Thank you princess, it will help a lot.” said Chopper with a smile before asking one more thing from Franky.

“Franky, do you think you could make a needle big enough?”

“No problem, I’ll need Zoro’s help though.”

“What do you need me for?”

“There are plenty of metal around, I’m sure we can find some with a cylindrical shape and empty inside. I’ll need you to cut one of the extremities in a way that makes it sharp enough to break the skin and a vein. Brook, Usopp if you could find alcohol so I can sterilize the needle …”

“We’re on it.” said Brook dragging the sniper along with him.

“What do I do?” asked Sanji.

“Go back to the Sunny and take as much medical supplies you can, I may not have enough.” said Chopper before entering the makeshift room where Rick and Nami were resting, followed by Robin.
Sanji was gone and back in a flash, Franky didn’t take too long to find what he was looking for. Once Zoro did his job perfectly the cyborg heated the giant needle and the alcohol it was soaked with. There was no chance for the princess to get an infection now with how through he was with the sterilization process.
Meanwhile, all around, people were quiet, some holding their breath here and there waiting anxiously from Chopper to come out of the room with news. King Neptune and his sons got close to Jimbei.
“Your majesty.”

“Jimbei, who’s that man?” asked the king.

“The one being operated on right now?”


“His name is Rick Wald, or as he calls himself now Wal D Rick.” said the fishman.

“Who is he? He seems important to their crew.” asked the first prince.

“He’s their vice-captain.”

“Oh! That explains their worry.”

“He’s also the man who saved me from Impel Down two years ago, and put an end to the war between Whitebeard and the Navy.”

“He’s that man? But, didn’t you tell me he died staying behind to let everyone escape?” asked Neptune.

“I thought too, until I saw that dark purple light on Noah.”

“That was him?”

“Yes, that purple light is him controlling gravity. He probably tried to reverse the gravity of Noah and send it away but it was too big. I think that’s why he’s in that state. He must have gone beyond his limits.”
Neptune didn’t ask anything more to Jimbei, and just stood solemnly, staring intently at the makeshift room.
Robin exited the Room, while supporting Nami. She made sure she was alright then turned to the princess.
“Princess Shirahoshi, are you still willing?”

“Yes.” replied the princess, not in her usual weak voice.
Seeing this her father wondered, why his daughter would do this for a stranger. Turning his head to look at Jimbei he let out the question he had in mind.

“Your majesty?”


“Because it doesn’t matter. Fishmen, merefolks, humans… Someone needed my blood, so I gave it. I’m not saying that I would have done it for every human, but this one…” said Jimbei looking at Luffy with a smile.

“He’s a good one. We only have been in contact with humans persecuting us, but the world is vast. I'm sure there are plenty of humans out there who don't care either if we’re different. Besides, he’s my friend. What kind of friend would I be if I couldn't help him in his time of need when he just did the same for me when I didn’t even ask for his help in the first place?”
Hearing those words Neptune became pensive, still looking at his daughter and the makeshift room. The answer Jimbei gave was so simple and yet…
“The man in there…” began the fishman

“He did far more than just put an end to the war by himself.”

“What did he do?”

“He declared war on the celestial dragons.”
The king turned his head immediately to look at Jimbei as if he hadn’t correctly heard him.
“Twelve years ago, he tried to assassinate a celestial dragon and two prominent members of the navy, while being a marine himself. From what he said he was framed, but he has absolutely no love for the World Government that’s for sure. And then two years ago, when a mermaid friend of them was capture and brought to the slave auction, both him and his captain knocked out a family of them.”


“During the war, while he faced ten vice-admiral and admiral he made a resounding speech about the tyranny of the celestial dragons, how they unjustly enslaved people just on a whim and treated them like cattle.”

“Did he really declare war on the World Government?”

“They both did, for the freedom of others.” said Jimbei with a small smile.
King Neptune went quiet and looked once again at his daughter, sitting next to the room, a needle in her arm and her blood flowing into a tube that went inside the shack.
Perhaps there was still hope for humans and fishmen and merfolk to co-exist.
He went to sit next to Shirahoshi.

“My blood type is X too. If you’re getting tired I can take over, I’m not that hurt after all that fighting.” said the king with a smile.
Seeing the king himself joining their hero and their princess in their endeavor was a declick for their people. Some went to the crew waiting around and told them that if needed they could use their blood too.
Looking at his people, Neptune's smile grew.
“Yes there is definitely hope. Do you see that dear? Your dream is still alive.”  he thought.
“I don’t understand.” said Chopper, shaking his side from side to side.

“What is it, Chopper?” asked Usopp.

“He’s healing too fast, faster than he ever did.”

“You mean Rick?”


“How is he alive in the first place?” asked Franky from the side.
They were all having breakfast inside the dining room of the Ryugu Palace. They were invited and welcomed as guests by the entirety of the royal family, for saving their island and everyone's lives, after the end of the fight two days ago.
“The navy may have lied about his death.” said Brook.

“They didn’t.” said Zoro.

“What makes you so sure of that?” asked Usopp.

“Because at the time Rick had only a few months left to live.” answered Nami.

““““WHAT?!”””” exclaimed the members of the crew not aware of their vice-captain health two years ago.

“Wait! How do you know that?” asked Zoro.

“He told us, Robin and I, when he gave me the Tenki Tenki no mi.” replied Nami

“We actually learned about it the same way you two did.” confessed Robin, looking at Zoro and Sanji who had a quizzical face.

“I knew something was fishy when you took those two pirates outside on Thriller Bark, so before you all went out of sight I bloomed an ear on one of their backs and listened to your conversation.”

“He told me himself on our way to Impel Down.” announced Luffy.

“So, Chopper, Franky, Brook and I were the only ones in the dark?” said Usopp, clearly not happy with the news.

“I’m the crew’s doctor! He should have told me!” exclaimed Chopper

“I think he intended to tell everyone next but we got separated.” said Nami, trying to calm the four down.

“How did he know in the first place? I didn’t find anything back then.”

“He just… knew?” said Nami, not really knowing either.

“I think he had one of his feelings.” commented Robin.
Upset at what he heard Chopper got up from his chair and left in the direction of Rick’s room, wishing to examine him again. He was followed by Robin who had finished her breakfast and just wanted to be near her lover.
When they entered the room, she took her place right by his side on the chair next to the bed and took his hand in hers while Chopper did what he came in for. Once done he left the two lovers alone.
Robin just sat there, his hands in hers. She wasn’t asking herself any question about his survival. No, she was focused on him, lying on this bed and was hoping he would awake and open his eyes. Nothing else matters but him. He was safe and on his way to be sound, but she was still afraid that somehow, someway she would lose him again.
She was brought out of her thoughts, when Nami entered the room. The redhead got closer and gave her friend and master a peck on the lips before taking her mistress’ free hands.
“You need to take some fresh air Robin. You can’t be here all the time, it’s not good for you.”

“I know.” replied the brunette no moving an inch, her gaze fixed on her man’s face.

“He wouldn’t like it and you know it.”

“I do.” replied Robin.
Inhaling deeply and letting out a long sigh, she stood up and looked at her kitten.
“Where are we going and what will we do?”

“That’s a surprise, but Shirahosi will be with us! Now that she can safely leave the palace she wants to explore fishman island.” said an enthusiastic Nami.
That had an effect on Robin who smiled and left the room with her friend to join the princess.

The day had gone so well, everyone had fun and were back at the palace for dinner. Most of the crew were on their way to the dinning hall when they heard some enraged screams. They immediately sprinted towards it as did the palace guards. They knew those voices, they belonged to Chopper, Nami and Robin who went to check on Rick. Entering the room they were ready to deal with everything threatening their friend.
What they were not ready for however was Nami with her clima-tact out, Chopper in his bipedal form and between them Robin with her arms raised.
What they were even less ready for was seeing their vice-captain being restrained by multiple arms at least half a foot above theground and against the wall in only a shirt and his boxer, his pants dangling in the air around his ankles.
“Rick! You’re awake!” Yelled Luffy happy.

“What the hell is going on?!” asked Usopp

“We thought an intruder was there,” said Franky.

“Yeah, about that…” began Rick.

“Silence!” screamed Robin while blooming another hand on Rick and slapped him with him.


“Our vice-captain over there, was caught trying to sneak out.” said Nami sending a murdering glare to her master, electric spark buzzing at the end of her weapon.
Among them was Jimbei and Shirahoshi who had followed the crew when they rushed towards the room.

“I was totally not…” he said before being slapped again.

“I said SILENCE!” yelled Robin even louder than the first time. This time her tone was murdering cold and everyone in the room shivered. Shirahoshi was so scared that she began to tear up and shrink herself before hiding under Luffy’s straw hat.
“DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?!” asked the archeologist.

“Oh, I can speak now?” replied the ex-marine with his own question
That was the wrong thing to say to his girlfriend as she let her fury erupt with a banshee scream and began to love-slap him again and again while berating me.
“Is it just me, or it seems like a déjà-vu?” said Franky.


“Shouldn’t we… stop her?” asked Jimbei, dumbfounded by the situation.

““““No.”””” Replied the five who had witnessed the same scene during their escape from Enies Lobby. Brook, who was not part of the crew yet, had a similar answer.

“I like to live thanks.”
It went on and on and the end of the punishment was nowhere in sight. Noticing that Chopper wasn’t doing anything, Usopp asked.
“Chopper shouldn’t you… Stop her? He’s still convalescing and he just woke up.”

The reindeer didn’t spare a look for his friend but spoke up.

“ Robin…”

“WHAT?!” replied Robin turning around to look at Chopper who answered with two simple words.
“Finish him.”
Robin smiled an evil smile and turned around again facing the man she loved before moving her arms.
“Dos fleurs”.

“HO CRAP!” yelled Franky having a PTSD flashback. He knew what was going to happen. Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy knew too and began to sweat profusely.
At the same time bloomed, on each of Rick’s inner thighs, an arm. He immediately realized what was going to happen and his eyes grew as big as saucers before he began to beg her for mercy, and apologizing..
“Robin, please don’t! I’m sorry oka … aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!”
He was cut off mid-sentence by letting out a bloody scream who went high in the octaves.
Usopp passed out right here and there, his eyes rolling in his eyes along many of the palace guards. Brook tried to hide himself under his hat and had his teeth chattering, while Jimbei had completely blanked out.
“Have your high regeneration heal that.” said coldly Robin before letting go of his family jewels and leaving the room.

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