Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 99: All girls want is to be warm and cuddle [R-18]

Chapter 99: All girls want is to be warm and cuddle [R-18]

Alabasta kingdom - Grand Line
“Princess! Please get down from the nest! It’s dangerous! It’s not the behavior a member of royalty should have!” Yelled Ingaram at the sight of Vivi behaving like a kid.

“There is no need to worry Ingaram, Princess Vivi is just excited to set sail again after all this time. Perhaps it is some remnant of her time as a pirate.” replied Pell, jesting.

“SHHHHH! If the people would learn of the Princess' time with…” He stopped mid-sentence as he saw Vivi jump from the nest. His eyes left their orbits like comic book characters, and he nearly had a heart attack.
Vivi landed on the deck as if it was a natural thing to do.
“Come on Ingaram, you know the princess is strong, there’s no way she’ll get hurt for such a fall.” Chaka said.

“I know, but I can’t help it.”

“That's because you still see her as the helpless child she was.”
Vivi got close to her father who was having a fitting cough.
“Father, are you alright?”

“Enough for the journey, Vivi. Though I would feel better If my one and only daughter was married. I wouldn’t worry about her future so much.” replied king Cobra.

“Guilt tripping me won’t work father. You can bring me all the suitors' pictures in the world, they would just be thrown away.”

“Vivi… He’s …”

“The only man I would ever take as a husband’s father. I knew it ever since I was six and neither my mind or my heart would ever settle for someone else.”

“Vivi, the world is vast, you don’t know that.” protested Cobra, trying to make her see reason

“When you know, you know, father.” Vivi replied putting an end to their conversation.
They had all seen the new wanted poster of Rick, where he was embracing Nico Robin. Vivi was not devastated when she saw the picture, instead she became more determined than ever. She will get to the truth and no matter what, she will not give up.
Sunny - Grand Line - New World
The group had left Zou a few days ago and should have been a one man cell, or rather a two man, one woman, one reindeer and one skeleton cell. However there were some additions to the cast.
Pedro, a mink, had joined the mission as he knew Big Mom’s territory, having infiltrated it years prior. He was a renowned swordsman among his people and was Wanda’s mentor.
Pekom was mink too, working for Big Mom; he had been Pedro’s friend and even set sail as pirate together before joining the emperor. He had come to Zou to retrieve Sanji for the wedding but was captured during the operation.
The last addition was… Unforeseen. Carrot had sneaked in on Sunny because she wanted to retrieve Sanji and because she wanted to leave Zou and go on an adventure. It was too late now to bring her back so they stayed focused on the mission. The bunny mink manifested her joy at the fact she could stay by biting every single member of the crew, except one. When she had bit everyone she stop at Rick, giving him a murderous galre.
“She’s clearly not over that ‘ choke to death Wanda’ thing. Meh it’s fine, I’m not getting bit, so I consider it a win.”
“Hey! The newspaper has arrived!” Yelled Pedro from the top of the mast. Getting down he shared the important news.

“The Revolution Army’s Headquarters has been found.”

“Which one?” Rick asked.

“They have more than one?” replied Pedro, surprised.

“No, the one on Baltigo has been their main one for a long time but with the current events since the war at MarineFord and the announcement from Rayleigh that the One piece did in fact exist; the R.A began to worry and decided to create a second one just in case…”

“Well that was a really good idea; Baltigo had been destroyed.”

“Who’s that guy next to Sabo?” Luffy asked, pointing at the wanted posters.

“That’s Dragon.” Rick replied before Nami, knowing their captain would not make the connection added:

“Your dad.”

“My Dad ?!” exclaimed Luffy in surprise.

“You don’t look like him very much.” Chopper said, entering the conversation.

“What exactly happened?” asked Nami.

“It says here that the Marines and Cypher Pol arrived at Baltigo while the Blackbeards pirates were already fleeing. It seems The pirates found the HQ and launched an attack against them. No one from the R.A. was captured.” replied Pedro reading the article.
Suddenly a burnt smell took the nose of everyone present, Luffy jolted and ran towards the kitchen inside. Looking at what was happening everyone could see the Sunny on fire.
“You know, I really thought we could leave him unsupervised for five minutes with how much he has matured.” announced Rick with a sigh.
Luffy got back outside and asked for help when a violent storm began accompanied with heavy downpour.
“Neat! It will pull out the fire!” exclaimed the captain.

He was right, there was so much rain falling that in a minute the fire was extinguished. When Nami raised her hand to try and dissipate the storm, Luffy stopped her. Storms are a fun part of the adventure and he would not have Nami make it boring. The navigator obeyed but wasn’t happy about it.
After an hour of this, the weather changed. The temperature dropped so much, rain was replaced by snow. Everyone changed into warmer clothes and went into the dining room as it was time for lunch. What Luffy had tried to cook was inedible and when Nami and Rick went to the pantry to take ingredients there was nothing left. The two weeks of food they had packed for the journey was gone.
“What happened to the food?!” Nami exclaimed.

“Oh that?I made multiple failures while cooking, so I used them all.” replied Luffy with a proud smile.

“And  now we’re going to starve because there is nothing left.” said Rick, in a matter of factly tone.
Nami didn’t wait to love-punch Luffy. It was perhaps the hardest she went on him. Rick, tired of all this, went back to his room to rest. With Robin not present to help him sleep soundly with her presence alone his anxiety kept him awake. Nami’s had help but not as much.
As he was laying on his back under the sheets with his eyes closed he felt his kitten slyther in.
“The poor kitten that I am is very cold with this weather, perhaps her master can keep her warm? Meow.” she said, tempting him as she straddled him while naked.
Nami had been on cloud nine since Robin told her how Rick had reacted for her well being. She always had a small smile ever since. She had waited a fews days, for the rest of the crew to grow bored and to distract themselves to go to him. With Luffy’s blunder and the weather it was the perfect opportunity. Currently the guys were fishing in the cold for some food and were forbidden to do anything else until they had caught one at least.
Rick grabbed her and pulled her down to him. He gave her a kiss and opened his eyes.
“You’re awfully jovial despite the situation we’re in.”

“That’s because you love me.” Nami replied, giving him her best smile.

“That’s nothing new, I said as much back on Fishman island during our time in the Sea Forest”

“You love me. You went all horny for me.”

“I may have…” he said , trying to be elusive as a tease. That earned him a slap on the chest.

“You. Did.”

“I did.” he replied, smiling at her and letting his hand roam through her hair.

“Now, tell your kitten what’s wrong.” she demanded, prompting Rick to raise an eyebrow out of curiosity.


“Don’t play this game with me. You haven't been sleeping well since we departed from Zou. Proof is, it’s barely past noon and you’re here trying to sleep.

“Didn’t Robin tell you? I thought you shared everything?”

“I didn’t have much time to talk with her. You were either together or she was nowhere to be seen.” she answered with a cute pout.

“Back on Dressrosa I met with Big Sis, and Uncle and… well, remember my ex?”

“The one Garp talked about on Water Seven? The obsessive one?”

“The only one. She’s the only one I had before Robin.”

“Really?!” Asked Namu surprised.

“I know that currently it’s hard to believe, with Robin's wants, but yes. I mean I had a sex friend at the same time but she was fine with it. Otherwise, Robin is only my second girlfriend and it could be argued that she’s actually the first.”

“A sex friend,uhh. Who was it?”

“Big sis.”

“What?! No way!” she exclaimed, not believing for a second that to be true.

“Yes way!”

“But she’s like… almost sixty now!”

“So? She has always been a beautiful woman, both inside and out. And I admired her a lot. I still do.”

“So you slept with both ladies you proposed to. It makes three with Robin, four with Hancock…. Should I expect my proposal soon?” she teased.

“We would need Robin’s permission, you know that. Don’t think you won’t be our kitten anymore if she agrees though.”

“I hope not. I like being your kitten.” she replied while fidgeting with her collar.

“I like it too.”
He lifted up her chin and kissed her lovingly. Once the kiss was over, Nami went back on track.
“So about your ex.”

“Oh, right… Well Remember she left the marines a month after me?”

“Yes. You seemed surprised at the time.”

“Because I was. It wasn’t like her at all. She’s a really good marine and a fierce swordswoman with a strong sense of justice. She wouldn’t have left just like that.”

“Why did she then?”

“She… was pregnant.”
Nami’s reaction was immediate, she raised her upper body up with her arms and looked at him in disbelief.
“You mean…”

“Somewhere, I have a nearly twelve years old daughter.” he stated.

“Gosh, no wonder you can’t sleep well. The things you must be thinking about.”

“Once we got our stupid cook back, I’m leaving to look for her.”

“Do you have any leads?”

“Grandpa helped her disappear. He knows where they are.”

“Why didn’t he tell you two years ago?”

“I don’t know. Either because he forgot which I doubt since we talked about Kaza then or more probably, he didn’t on purpose.”

“What purpose?”

“I don’t know. But I’ll have the truth out of him.”

“What about her? I mean what about Kaza? That’s your ex's name, right?”

“That’s correct. As for her… well nothing. If she still loves me and I still have feelings for her then I will keep my promise provided she agrees to mine and Robin's deal.”

“And If she doesn’t?”

“I’m not leaving Robin no matter what.”



“What does she think?”

“She’s… scared. Kaza is… the only one I had been with before her, and with an almost teenage daughter in the mix… She’s afraid to lose me. She won’t of course, she knows that, but there is still this small doubt at the back of her mind.”

Nami didn’t say anything, she just laid back down on his chest, her head turned so she could look sideways while Rick was still stroking her hair in silence. They stayed like that for a while until she shivered.
“You really are cold.”

“Of course I am.”

“Perhaps, if you weren’t naked…”

“I would be warm with my winter clothes, but I want you to warm me.” she said with lust in her eyes. She tried to move down his body but he stopped her.

“Nuh-huh. It’s my turn.”
He changed their position and Nami was trapped underneath him. He kissed her on the lips and briefly used his tongue on hers before stopping. He began to kiss her neck then slowly started his descent towards her throat and lower parts of her body. Reaching her breasts, Nami pushed his head to make greater contact.
“You promised the next time you’ll mark me again.” she whispered.
Rick did what he had promised, and began to leave hickeys all over her tits. They were more numerous and would last longer as his suction  was stronger. Each one of them made Nami sigh in pleasure when he released from his mouth the part of flesh he was sucking on. With his hands he pushed her breasts together and put both her nipples in his mouth at the same time. He let his tongue do the work while sucking like a baby, until he bit them gently making their owners moan loudly and raising her chest to meet his head more. If it had been Robin he would have bitten hard, but this one Nami and she wasn’t one to enjoy much pain. She pulled his head away when she had enough.
“I love it but I want… I need your mouth elsewhere.” she said, pushing his head lower.
Rick rained kisses all over her stomach and put in tongue in her navel making her giggle a bit at the tickles he was giving her. Done with playing he started back his descent and reached her nether lips. Nami spread her legs more than they already were to give him better access. Diving down suddenly, he went to town quickly, surprising her. She moaned loudly and reflexively put her hands on his head pushing him down while raising her pelvis. She clearly wanted more of what he was doing and he obliged. Using his fingers he put two of them inside her pussy while licking and sucking on her clit. Hearing her coming close he used a third finger. Nami put her legs around his head and locked them. Within a minute or two of Rick’s ministrations she came hard all over and inside his mouth as she pushed him further down.
She unlocked her legs and let her lover breathe. He rested his chin on his pic mound and made back and forth movement all over her red carpet, looking at her from between her breasts. Nami came back down from her high and did the same. Her eyes locked into each other and Rick just used his tongue to lick around his mouth, making her smile, amused.
“You really taste sweet.” he said before going back up to give her a taste of herself with a kiss.

“Not as good as you and Robin together.”

“I have no opinion on that.” he replied with a neutral tone and a deadpan face.



“Up for more?” he asked.

“God, yes!”
He picked her up and put her on all four.
“From behind? I guess I’m in for a good…” she couldn’t finish her sentence as she let out a scream of surprise.
Rick had grabbed her ass cheeks in each hand and spread them, giving him a perfect view of his target. For the second time, he dived in but this time, his lips landed on her asshole.
“N-n-no! It won’t fit!” she exclaimed, shaking her ass right and left to make him let go of her butt.

“I know, kitten. I’m just beginning your training.” he replied, pulling his head out for a bit.

“My training?”

“Your ass is made for fucking Nami. I just can’t pass it up, I don’t have it in me to hold myself back to bury my cock in it to the hilt. My tongue and my fingers are not enough.”


“I’m not taking it today. I’m not insane, I know it would be almost impossible. It will take time but we need no start somewhere. I chose now.”
To make the experience better he played with her pussy too. Not too much, as he didn’t want to make her orgasm, at least not yet, but enough to have some natural lubrication. Nami buried her head into the pillow in front of her and raised her ass higher in the air. The reason she did so was because she was embarrassed. What Rick was doing to her was something new, to a place that wasn’t supposed to be used and treated like that and by god did she enjoy every second of it. She, at the same time, wanted more, hence why she was raising her ass and didn’t want to look like it was the case by muffling her moans into the pillow.
Rick had worked diligently to the point where he could put an index inside her asshole and finger it without any problems. Deciding it was enough for today, he gave it a last kiss and straightened up before laying by Nami’s side. She was still a bit out of it, so he spank her ass lightly making her jump a bit in surprise.


“How was it?”

“Not… so terrible…” she confessed.

“Translation: you enjoyed it a lot.”

“I didn’t! It was an interesting new experience.”

“You don’t mind if I go at it again but rougher, then?”

“No!” she replied vehemently while putting her hands on her butt, barring any access.
That made him laugh and out of embarrassment took the pillow she had used and smothered him with it. Rick defended himself and made her float, turned her around and laid her on her back on his chest. He grabbed her tits in his hands and started to play with them as he kissed her neck repeatedly. His cock was hard as steel and in contact with her pussy; he began to move his pelvis up and down to create friction making Nami even more wet than she already was.
“Please.” she whispered.

“Please what?”

“Please make love to me.”
Letting go of one of her breasts, he gently grabbed her head and turned it his way to give her a languorous kiss. It was a very messy kiss, each using their tongue to dominate the other, not minding at all if the battle was happening inside one of their mouths or not. They didn’t care about the saliva dripping everywhere. Rick won, when he began to suck hers and stopped fighting.
“You got a lot better at kissing.”

“Thank you. Robin helped a lot with that.”
Closing her legs tightly together, she began to move them up and down, effectively masturbating him.
“You need me that much?”

“Uh-huh. You played with my ass for 15 minutes, gave me a very sloppy kiss while playing with my breasts, and rubbing yourself against my pussy. Cherry on the cake is: it’s been more than a month since Fishman island.”
Tired of her master teasing her, she grabbed his cock and put it inside herself. Inch by inch she took them all until none was left. She kept lying back to her chest and didn’t move, preferring instead to enjoy the feeling.
“I love looking at it.” she said with her eyes focused downward.

“At what?” Rick asked.

“You, piercing me.”
She used her hand to grab the big bugle that had appeared on her pelvic region.
“What the…” exclaimed Rick, feeling her hand squeezing with his cock, and looking down at what was happening.

“Is that…”

“Your cock making a big bump? Yes.”

“That’s freaky, and awesome at the same time.”

“You never noticed?”

“No, I am usually too busy kissing you or a part of your body or I don’t have a view of your front.”

“I love it.”

“How… Does it feel? How do you feel?”

“It’s a very… peculiar feeling. I feel stuffed to the brim. As if… your cock was making itself home but was pushing the walls because the space is too narrow.”

“The space is perfect as it is.” he replied, getting a kiss for that.

“Thank you.”

“I’m not hurting you though, am I?”

“No, none at all. It feels really good actually. The tip is trying to push open my cervix and reach my womb. Right now it’s alright but when you really let go of the reins…”

“I’m sorry! Goddess why didn’t you tell me?!”

“Because in the heat of the moment it’s the best of feelings, it’s just… It really hurts afterwards.” Nami confessed.

“You should have told me.”

“No, you would have paid more attention to it than to me.”

“Of course I would have.”

“And you would have stopped the fun, that’s why I never told you.”

“Just… just tell me when it’s too much.”

“I will. Now if you would excuse me I want to try something I always wanted to do.”

“What is it?”
Nami ignored him and put her hands on each side of the bump, intertwining her fingers. She squeezed a bit and began to slowly move up and down along the entire length.
“Are you… giving me a handjob while I’m inside of you?”

“Uh-huh, how does it feel?”

“It’s… so weird but in a good way. Try a bit faster?”
Nami did as asked and her hands picked up speed.
“Oh yes, definitely better! Go Faster!”
Nami increased the speed again and started to contract her pussy at the same time to make him feel even better.
“You little minx! That’s cheating.”

Finally she started to move her ass up and down, and maximize his sensation. Her pussy has always been the tightest Rick has ever put in cock in and without proper lubrication moving inside her was difficult and sometimes even painful. He never lasted nearly as long with Nami like he usually did, and right now his kitten was as wet and lubricated as can be and doing things he didn’t even know was possible.
“Nami! I’m going to…”

“Me too!!”
He lifted his ass up, at the same time Nami downed hers, while squeezing his cock as hard as she could both with her pussy and with her hands. That did it for Rick who let out a torrent of cum inside of his kitten triggering her own orgasm.
Between his tiredness and the dopamine the ex-marine fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.

Rick woke up because of the unsustainable heat. Searching with his arm from Nami, he noticed she wasn’t in bed with him anymore. Getting up he picked up a towel and went to take a quick shower. He was unpleasantly surprised when the cold water turned out to be burning hot. Quickly washing away his activity with Nami, he bolted out back to his room with his skin all red. He dressed up and joined everyone on the deck.
The sun was scorching; Nami and Carrot were under a parasol with the guys on the side fishing. He approached his beautiful redhead to hide from the sun. She raised her head and had a small happy smile.
“Slept well?”

“Wonderfully, thank you. How long was I out?” he smiled back.

“About two hours.”

“And that heat?”

“Half an hour.”
Rick got to her side and began to pat her head before leaning in and whispering in her ear.
“I’m sorry to have fallen asleep like that.”

“Don’t be, I joined you soon after.” she whispered back.

“I missed you by my side when I woke up.”

“I couldn’t leave those idiots unsupervised for too long.”
He held back a laugh, without her keeping watch they would probably have sunk Sunny. Looking at Nami he noticed she was wearing a bandana around her neck.
“How can you wear that around your neck? Isn’t your collar enough?”

“Who’s fault do you think it is?” Nami replied, sending him a murderous glare. In front of his confusion, she sighed and moved the cloth a bit, revealing a huge hickey briefly as it was soon covered again.

“I’m sorry.” he said, feigning shame.

“As if that were true.”

“You’re right, I’m not. I want everyone to know who you belong to. I don’t mind being sneaky but I want to treat you publicly like I treat Robin.”


“Is that so wrong?”


She didn’t have an answer to give, so she stayed silent. Watching his back as he left to see the guys to see how they were doing when Luffy pulled out a big fish. Nami volunteered to do the cooking and went inside to the kitchen to fetch Sanji’s book about fishes. Luffy didn’t want to wait and wanted to take a bite but failed when the fish moved towards Rick who stopped it with his hand.
“Rick!” exclaimed the captain clearly not happy and starved.

“That fish could be poisonous. Chopper used most of the medicine for the minks and the garden is not ready to produce new medicinal herbs.”

“So?” replied Luffy not seeing the point his vice-captain was trying to make.

“If you get poisoned you’ll die because Chopper won’t be able to make an antidote.”


“You would have definitely died!” Nami said come back on the deck. She had the book in her hands, opened at the page of the fish.

“It’s said here that the fish is called armored stone fish. His skin is so poisonous even a giant would die with simple contact.” the redhead red outloud.
Lifting her eyes from the book she saw everyone look at Rick in a deathly silence. Her vice-captain was starting to get uneasy.
“...Please tell me you didn’t do what their facial expressions say you did.”

“... As you wish. I didn’t stop Luffy from eating that fish by attracting it to me and catching it with my hand.”

“““Rick is going to die!””” yelled in panicked Luffy, Chopper and Brook.

“Just my luck.” sighed the posioned.

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