Out of the cage

Chapter 13: Chapter 1.13

Wei Keng, as a commoner in the main world, is very concerned about reducing the cost of living data.

gdp is chicken fart.

In the main world, Wei Keng is good at calculation.

It costs 1.5 yuan to add a fried egg to the fried noodles outside. Oh, then go to the cafeteria, brush a layer of oil on the bowl, sprinkle some old godmother, beat an egg in, and put it in the microwave for one minute (it will explode after more than one minute). A candied omelette cost 50 cents.

The takeaway marinated chicken wings cost eight yuan each, and Wei Keng can reduce the cost to two yuan. Buy frozen chicken wings that cost two yuan each in the supermarket and wash them clean, then sprinkle instant noodle seasoning packets and seasoning oil in the rice cooker, add a small dish of water, and the marinated chicken wings will be more fragrant than the outside—— er, the rice cooker later The pot was confiscated by the dormitory aunt.

In this world, Wei Keng started to work on the issue of increasing employment, and began to design how to maintain the substantive standard of living of each worker while reducing consumption numerically.

Wei Keng: The wealth of the manufacturing industry should mainly flow in the normal consumption of the manufacturing industry and its personnel. Brands and sales design can only occupy an auxiliary role in the economy and must serve the general public. Specialization cannot be used as a gimmick.

High-class temperament and unique taste are auxiliary specialization. A specific example is like giving moon cakes in the Mid-Autumn Festival, wrapped in gold foil on the outside, and silver tableware inside. Eastern culture is obsessed with giving gifts, and the so-called empty-handed is ashamed to come to the door, which feeds a bunch of virtual structures in the society that study how to "golden and jade outside", regardless of "failure inside".

Master Wei felt that this had to be improved.

In 1969, Wei Keng began to enter the e-commerce field with some assets of Luoshui Group. Three e-commerce companies began to register and began to recruit young people with no criminal records in the four western states to enter the logistics post business. At the same time, a large number of basic managers were drawn from part of the basic workers in the industrial park to enter the villages in various parts of China, and in the local ancestral halls, a series of non-staple food processing contracts were signed. And all these arrangements were made, and under the current economic depression, the car manufacturer that was about to go bankrupt was financed, and it began to transform into the production of battery cars, one-person power-assisted mechs and other industries.

These kinds of actions made the leaders of the old industrial groups who hold the country's most important weapons in Shenzhou feel baffled. Luoshui Group can also be regarded as a large-scale industrial group. After doing business, they went back and started tinkering with needles and brains.

In the economic development cycle, inferior goods flood the market. In the history of the world industry, it only appeared during the World War. This shows that the consumption is in short supply.

But the consumer demand of the people during the war is paid by the state finances!

The economy is in a downturn, and the first reaction of the upper structure is always that there is a problem in the market. The leeks stop consuming, and they will shyly admit that they have mastered the means of production, and the prices of their products on the market seem to be generally high. beyond the capacity of the public.

if? What if the price is lowered to a certain extent? The capitalists will say that it cannot be lowered. The first price reduction will cause a panic in the raw material market, and as a result, the primary producers will not be able to get it back! Let the product expire and rot directly.

In the classic case of the economic crisis in the textbook, the farmer dumped the milk in order to maintain the price, and was unwilling to sell it to the market. Why are they unwilling to sell at a lower price? Even if it recovers a little cost, is it good? This question has always troubled Wei Keng in the past.

Later, I roughly understood the logic, and it was often traders who bought milk, and they were unprincipled retail traders!

When the primary producer has ten batches of milk, the price of the first batch is reduced by 10%, which induces market fluctuations, so that the next nine bottles are not necessarily sold when the price is reduced to 50%.

You must know that the fundamental purpose of the traffickers who have mastered the channels is not to buy milk to drink for themselves, but to sell milk to make money. The logic of this group of guys who are staring at the market is that there is room for further decline in market prices, so they will continue to hold funds to lower the price. . They don't care about the life and death of dairy farmers, and consumers want to drink milk. This can be referred to, in classical China, the operation of rice merchants - in the same strain!

And the dairy farmers expected this step, so~ hey! Rather than being constantly lowered in price, it is better for a strong man to throw out five bottles and insist on 100% of the price.

but! If it is a big family who buys milk! It is very sincere to represent the huge market demand to solve the problem of cheap milk.

Every time the upper market shrinks, this buyer clears your entire inventory at a low price (slightly above cost production price)! Sell ​​to the middle and lower market, or reprocess and store.

In this way, no matter how the market fluctuates, when every piece of milk is still a property that can be traded in its entirety, dairy farmers who know well will not have the option of dumping milk.

The history of the main world in the 21st century proves that as long as commodity prices drop to a certain level, there will suddenly be a huge potential for rural consumption!

And what about this world? People with lower productivity are abandoned, can only engage in low-efficiency labor, and cannot afford the meat, eggs and milk sold in traditional sales channels in the world.

So it has not been regarded as a market for a long time.


On April 1, 1969, the Internet grocery store appeared, which provided a large number of extremely cheap grains, oils, and vacuum-packed frozen bacon.

Daily sign-in, you can get a voucher. New members can sign in once a day to receive one time. After joining the membership for 100 days, they can sign in twice a day to receive two times. After joining the membership for a year without interruption, they can sign in and receive one more time.

This sign-in, for those who have a job, there will be no daily task burden.

All factories of Luoshui Group have updated time-card machines. The self-information of the time-card machines can be linked to the e-commerce platform. When clocking in at work every day, they will replace workers to sign in on the platform.

Wei Keng: "This is employment, and consumption is taken together." He added in his heart, "I'm tired of going to work every day, and I don't have time to sign in on the app."

In today's economic crisis, the marginalized classes in China have expanded dramatically. They can't afford to spend more than 20 yuan on toiletries, can't afford more than 100 yuan on clothes, and can't even guarantee food and oil. They refuse low-paying jobs because they are afraid that after hard work, they will still not be able to support their families.

And this year, Wei Keng took over all the supplies that were going to be surplus in the market and put them on these cheap e-commerce platforms.

Of course, the grandiose sale of such defective and inferior products made the mainstream business newspapers in China ridicule. They did not believe that anyone would buy them. Will try" is ninety-nine percent of the answers.

However, it is taught in modern sociology books: when sampling, pay attention to the representativeness and breadth of the sample, and these media surveys don't care about this.

Is buying something a test of taste? Or consider actual needs?

For Wei Keng, who had eaten instant noodles in college in the 21st century, shopping was just a need. When he was holding a thesis in the 27th century, he asked his seniors and his junior sisters to eat kung fu dishes, which was to ask for noodles.

"Different material conditions", understanding social and economic activities are different! Therefore, when some people with inherent values ​​in society gather in a closed circle, they will collectively ignore economic activities in a certain direction.

For example, can people in the 1970s understand the economic activities in 90s and 00s that cost thousands of hands? The daughter of a wealthy family in the city, can you imagine the economic activities of the old man picking up waste under the bridge?

In this era, there are still many poor people.

So the subsequent development caught the attention of the mainstream media. They thought the cheap goods that could not be sold were sold out? In their economic model, each market is oversupplied. According to the market data of previous years, the size of the consumer product population is obviously not so large. This obviously exceeds the demand and is already saturated. How could it be sold out?

These economists who are accustomed to quantifying people may have misunderstood a concept.

Consumers who drink a glass of milk for two days will fill in the questionnaire: "I'm not used to drinking it" instead of filling in "I can't drink it" shamelessly. In fact, teenagers aged twelve or thirteen can drink milk as water.

[For a figurine worth more than 1,000 yuan, the serious and conservative Wei Keng said: "I won't buy it, it's too shameful, it doesn't suit my taste, I don't like playing with plastic villains." The price dropped to 100 yuan , the open-minded Wei Keng: "I think I can follow the trend.\

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