Out of the cage

Chapter 1309 Chapter 2630 (Main) Wuji Sword Dao

In the martial arts plane of the solar system, after Wei Keng's Li Gui clone met with the Lord of the Insect Swarm sent by Gaia's consciousness.

Wei Keng determined that Sun Yong was a newbie below the level of a scholar.

Wei Keng made this judgment: "He Qiuye's reserve team has been exhausted. I am about to raid her core plane area through "influx". She cannot draw out regular troops to stop the attack, so she can only rush like King Zhou." The soldiers have been recruited to join the war."

Ever since, Wei Keng decided to invest in his own split reserve team (the general reserve team in the plane elevator remains unchanged)! In other words, Gaia's consciousness was stabbed hard in the next plane.

Below the Loess Plateau, the Wei Keng split code-named "Wen San" came to the underground base, passed through numerous elevators, and arrived at the base energy center. After entering the arch, here is a space-time tunnel area.

The entire time and space entrance does not have any password input device, but requires a unique unlocking mode

Facing this space-time gate, Wei Keng suddenly drew out his particle blade, and the blue particle light shot out for fifty meters, then shrank. Wei Keng made a pose: "The Way of Wuji!"

On the other side of the time and space gate is Qian Yun, who has established a foothold in another "relic area" and completed the development of human psychology. He was sure that the supporter had made this poss, and responded in a quasi-second way: "My sword is your sword."

The secret codes of both parties matched and they were sure to be one of their own. The two middle school boys shook hands happily, indicating that they were all comrades and would join forces to fight together.

This code requires not only matching lines, but also actions, and of course their respective expressions.

Wei Keng emphasized: If this person shows "shame" when pretending to be a fake person, well, when using a pair of code words, then he is not one of our own.

...Wei Keng has long imagined: how to create a unique time and space confidentiality mechanism when there is no supervisory system...

At this time, this dimensional war is a battle of multiple timelines. The plane where the Lunar Human Alliance is located is the main attack plane, and the biological crystal plane where Qian Yun is located is the feint plane.

The main attack area, the feint attack area, and the heavens and worlds where they are located will eventually merge into the high-energy organic area plane. That is the territory governed by He Qiuye.

For He Qiuye's side, it is a game of throwing dice from which "direction close to the physical rules" the human base system will land. But the Wei Keng reserve is sufficient. If there is no defense there, he will definitely be shot into the soul.

As Gaia's consciousness projected the heart of the swarm into Wei Keng's main battle area. Wei Keng used his backhand to project the combat template of "Condensing Sword Master" to another battle zone.

On Qian Yun's side, with the development of "Golden Elixir" technology, the human population, which was declining year by year due to the biochemical crisis, showed positive growth in the fifteenth year of governance, and some children appeared in the survivor camp. There are now 45 settlements in eastern Asia with a total population of 7.8 million, and there are currently 80,000 children under the age of ten.

The appearance of these children has led to a vigorous increase in governance stability, although these children are not very well-behaved. They run around, throw firecrackers into the sewers, and make noise in public places. But the people in this era who have just passed through the end of the world are very tolerant of all this. They can reprimand and teach, but they are not disgusted.

In the early days of the base codenamed "Liberation Road" set up by Qian Yun, although all the survivors were physically strong, they were basically unable to give birth to stable newborns. After seeing a large number of "abnormal" fetuses, humans suddenly felt "pure" The preciousness of natural human newborns.

Narrator: If it were not for Qian Yun to spread the golden elixir technology, this plane would eventually develop into a doomsday ruins full of aliens. Then, with the martial arts of the solar system (Li Gui), the plane warriors from the other side would open this plane and start adventures.

Qian Yun: It’s a very real problem. If most of the people have no heirs, the leaders’ “long-term goals” will have no appeal. ——For individuals, no matter how hard they work, when they are old and frail, they are the experience of others. You will always be dim-sighted and your ability to accept new things will be weaker than those of the younger generations. You will be deceived by their sophisticated language or robbed of their energy.

Therefore, in the civil affairs system, stabilizing the reproduction of the majority of the people is the most basic responsibility of any government. If it cannot do this, no matter how strong the legal principles are, it will not be able to stabilize order.

Although these children are sometimes noisy and annoying, for the leader Qian Yun: "Let the children be annoying, at least we are not as anti-social as we were ten years ago."

Just as Qian Yun was about to explain his thinking on governing with the new comrades, he wanted this teammate who looked like a "swordsman" and whose brain might also have a "swordsman's thinking" to tolerate the current society.

But Qian Yun saw that Wen San pinched the child who was throwing stones at him, pinched his face, and then stuffed a piece of chocolate with a smile. He knew he didn't have to do anything because the teammate seemed to really like kids.

"Morality, intelligence, physical education, beauty and labor", "morality" corresponds to the "possibility" of the future, so "nurturing young children" is one of the core rules. Children can be taught but not tamed and punished. It strengthens the guardian's responsibility judgment, but cannot Disgusted with childishness.

Wen San, who escaped from the crowd of children and scattered all the popsicle tickets, shook his head and muttered to himself: "With cold brows and cold fingers, I bow my head and am willing to be a bully."

In the city square, Qian Yun squatted by the pool and asked "Wen San": "What does your profile say, swordsman?"

Wen San nodded and said, "Yes."

Qian Yun hesitated: "But?"

Wen San: "What's wrong? It doesn't look like it. After saying that, he twisted a branch in his hand, and with a move of his wrist, the stone five meters away was blown away."

Qian Yun looked at the white marks appearing on the ground five meters away and said leisurely: "It looks a bit cool now, but just now you were like a child king."

Wen San said leisurely: "It was also the way of a swordsman just now."

Under Qian Yun's gaze, Wen San said leisurely: "The sword is a killing weapon. Holding a sharp blade with a murderous intention arises. You have to suppress your murderous intention and know why you are fighting. Just now I was determining whether there is anything in this world worth showing up to." Elements of forward defense.”

Qian Yun smiled slightly, but when he saw Wen San's eyes were particularly serious, his smile froze.

Wen San's temperament at this time was like going through wind, frost and cold iron.

Wen San looked at Qian Yun and said: "As a sword holder, most of the time, the sword is in the scabbard, turning the sword into plowshares in the quiet time of the years, but when you pull out the sword to kill the enemy, you have to die. Awakening. Your Excellency, Commander, I am ready."

…the dividing line between civil affairs and military affairs…

In the military base, Qian Yun guided Wen San to his army.

The Qianyun military base is very modern. Rows of soldiers are running and training here, and there is no shortage of machine guns and artillery.

But Wen San came here to bring in a new "war technology system", and this system is the swordsman system.

Qian Yun nodded, blew the whistle and ordered to assemble!

In the trainer camp, one hundred and forty-five school officers gathered in front of such a semi-arc formation. Qian Yun began to introduce Wen San, the technical staff of the "Institute", to all military departments.

Wen San operated the "control arm" to control the large robotic arm of the platform from a distance, and opened up the latest individual combat system brought this time. These are high-powered combat cabins and a combat sword.

Qian Yun's legion commanders held their breath, they had seen this weapon through paper materials.

Wen San patted the energy storage cabin! Introducing the parameters of this cabin, it is three meters long and two meters wide. It can accommodate one person to store energy. The entire cabin can be installed on an armored personnel carrier. As for its function!

Wen San looked at everyone and said, word by word: "After humans enter this cabin! All physiological reaction energy levels will increase by three orders of magnitude."

While everyone was at a loss, Qian Yun smiled and said, "Dr. Wen, this "energy storage" you are talking about?"

Wen San said: "Let me finish."

Wen San: "This kind of energy storage is the product of the "Golden elixir" technology. When the Golden elixir technology just appeared, we have already discovered that the Golden elixir can make people's carbon-based bodies enter a super explosive state. After several years of Research has determined that with appropriate training, human soldiers can control this state with sufficient effort."

Wen San opened another box. In this box was a short stick. As Wen San held the short stick, he leisurely said: This is the "neutron beam shock blade", which is our swordsman's weapon. Next I will demonstrate.

Having said that, Wei Keng took the short stick and entered the battle energy storage cabin. Under everyone's gaze, the battle cabin shone with white light for five minutes as the cold fusion system poured in enough energy. Then, the hatch opened. Opening it, a ray of light flew out into the air, seemingly deliberately paused for a moment in order to let everyone see clearly.

But then, it instantly became a line! It was so fast that no shadow could be seen. When the white light flashed, the tank serving as a target vehicle 300 meters away seemed to be torn into a can, and it broke instantly. This speed was like a bullet cutting tofu!

All the officers looked horrified. Although they had already heard in the report: "Physiological energy level increased by three orders of magnitude" (a thousand times), they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

This is like a person in the age of the internal combustion engine suddenly seeing the emergence of a nuclear weapons system!

Under nuclear bombing, traditional large-scale troop gatherings no longer have operational significance. Now that the swordsman system of this energy storage cabin appears, it also makes the traditional biochemical system meaningless.

At this time, Qian Yun's place was no longer strictly considered a biological crisis. It belonged to the spiritual energy recovery plane, so the energy was more active than the original plane. The biological fusion of zombie brain cores results in supernatural warriors who can control thunder and fire. At the same time, the alien beasts in the deep sea can also spray fire and acid.

And the rules of physics have changed so much! Wei Keng, a top veteran time traveler, also developed contingency technology after sensing the rule situation.

Narrator: There are billions of people in the martial arts plane of the next door solar system. Gaia’s consciousness is invested in the Heart of the Swarm. Wei Keng is concerned about the receptivity of human consciousness there and does not respond. However, in this feint plane, humans can only Seven million left! Master Wei wanted to show He Qiuye how much he was guilty by playing the "cutting edge combat power of the plane".

After the military technology demonstration, Qian Yun announced the training plan and kept Wen San.

In the conference room, Qian Yun frowned: "What is the purpose of the Human Rights Alliance headquarters coming here this time?"

Although it is said that the energy storage cabin can increase the human physiological energy level to a thousand times, Qian Yun heard one word clearly, that is, it has been trained. Qian Yun calculated it by himself. If he used it, the energy level would be at most three hundred times. But Wen San is really a thousand times more powerful. With this combat power, placed on the side of the Human Alliance, even if the top ten martial arts rankings in the solar system join forces, Wen San can defeat all the heroes with one sword.

Qian Yun: So this "Wen San" is definitely a super cutting-edge combat power! Now I run to my own plane and start a large-scale battle in time and space on behalf of my headquarters.

Wen San: "Swipe out the Gaia system group here." Then he added: "The plots of all the dimensions where our human system travels are likely to change suddenly, so we must seize the initiative in this plane."

Qian Yun saw his mission information and nodded: "I understand." Then he opened the map and pointed out three empire-level infection areas in Asia, namely Puhai, Nandu, and Hangfu.

In these three big cities, there were tens of millions of infected people in the early stages of the biochemical crisis. Later, they were immunized on a large scale and S-level biochemical behemoths appeared.

Qian Yun said: "This is the current battle goal. Should we train first?" - He wanted to know whether Wen San, a cutting-edge combat force, would be available!

Wei Keng said: "You train first, but the battle must begin."

Wei Keng pointed his finger at Nandu, then pointed at the node west of the river, and pointed at Ma'anxian across the river.

Qian Yun: "There are three sources of A+ level biochemical radiation in this area."

Wei Keng replied succinctly: "Leave it to me!"

…the dividing line of cheating…

In autumn, the amount of water on the Yangtze River decreases, and some of the riverbanks begin to be exposed. But now in the biochemical era, a bunch of large reptiles stay here.

But today, as usual, the group of reptiles emerged from the cross-river tunnel and prepared to bask in the sun. The earth shook.

Qian Yun's regiment began to recover. The total force was not large. It assembled fifty-three pickup trucks and a team of 600 people. In addition to traditional weapons such as firearms and rocket launchers before the Great Destruction, there were also several death squadrons carrying chemical tanks. Wave radiating vehicle.

In the confrontation with Gaia consciousness, the "death wave" is just a weapon. It is only suitable for dealing with large groups of small-sized biological groups, such as mosquitoes. For large-sized targets, the death wave is not a general kill. Death wave radiation can even cause terrible mutations in large biochemical species. For example, these high-risk biochemical species will have new skills such as toxin spray.

Narrator: Never underestimate the ability of Gaia consciousness to change biological genes. Any attack by humans is not just against one species. In the series of Gaia consciousness, it is against the entire natural gene pool.

Qian Yun used this weapon with caution in past battles, but now. With the dead wave radiator, it was divided into three radiation sectors five kilometers away and radiated towards the target city.

Then the human members of this operation saw high-energy reactions in the city on the carbon-based radar interface.

In the underground parking lot of Ma'an City, rusty cars were discharged like mounds next to an ant hole.

The entrance to the parking lot is covered with shining vines, like a beautiful fairyland, but this kind of "beauty" does not belong to human civilization now.

As the "silicon-carbon transformation" petrochemical beam was swept, the vines at the entrance of these caves were shattered like ashes, and violent roars were heard in the underground parking lot.

Ten minutes later, on the east side of the parking lot, as the ground shook, a monster as thick as a bus emerged from the first floor of the building, and began to climb to the top of the building like a snake. Among these dozens of tons of body, each The speed of twenty meters per second is not slow at all.

When this A-level combat species appeared, the mechanical armor soldiers with "golden elixir as energy" in Qian Yun's legion aimed their field guns at the target.

It is worth mentioning that the current "full power armor" and these howitzers of the last century form a wonderful combination of "new and old". Qian Yun's heavy firepower was dragged out from the military museum. Although it is an old-fashioned product, as humans are now unable to restart large-scale steel rolling mills, these artillery are very valuable.

Mind language was exchanged between dozens of vehicles, and after the intelligence sharing was completed, the howitzers began to fire.

The projectiles ejected from the muzzle are equipped with "carbon-based chips", and metal sheets are pushed in the small holes around the projectile body to fine-tune the ballistic trajectory.

The cannonball containing nano-decomposable liquid accurately hit the "giant earthworm" climbing on the building.

Once this earthworm climbs to the top of the tower, it will spray out a large number of flying species, but now as the nano-decomposition liquid corrodes the body of this super giant beast that was originally covered with blue stripes, corrosion like bacteria appears, and the yellow-green lines spread to the whole body. Then it started to smoke, and with the subsequent incendiary bombs, the dozens of tons of giant insects began to burn on the building, and then fell heavily to the ground.

At present, Wen San has not yet appeared as a margin.

In the battle headquarters, Qian Yun methodically presided over the deadly wave of fire, and the artillery shells hit key targets. ——His attitude towards doing things is somewhat similar to that of "Sun Sheng" (No. 2525, Tianxianren, Wei Keng Rubik's Cube Space) when he was in the Ming Dynasty.

It can be said that this side of the plane and Wei Keng is the "melting pot", which will eventually be forged into steel.

…furnace dividing line…

In the frontier of Ma'an City, Qian Yun looked at the suppressed frontier biochemical clusters, as well as the S-class biogroups in Nandu on the east bank of the Yangtze River that were still on standby.

Qian Yun found Wen San who was also on standby.

Qian Yun: This biota is also very cautious, just don’t cross the river!

Note: Although the artillery and death wave troops deployed by Qian Yun at the front of Ma'an City were only 600 people, he deployed five times the reserve team behind to form a larger encirclement.

Wen San: What is your plan?

Qian Yun: Someone needs to break the situation.

Wei Keng thought for a while: "The number of 'Condensing Sword Masters' who are still training is not enough. You don't want me to be here for a long time, right?" "——Wen San does have long-term plans here, but he doesn't want Qian Yun to give up his independent nature.

Qian Yun showed a sly smile: "Of course it's not up to you, um, but it's not going to undermine the success,"

Then Qian Yun looked up at the sky and said: "This plane, in the martial arts plane of the solar system, turns out to be a relic that can be opened!"

Wen San understood the meaning instantly. Yes, now open the passage from this plane to the solar system and guide the martial arts personnel from the solar system over! This is called "attracting investment."

The most important point in "attracting investment" is that local capital must be strong enough (monetary sovereignty) so that the outside world will not take away the right to speak. Qian Yun didn't have this confidence in the past, but now "Wen San" has brought the inheritance of the Condensing Sword Master, and he feels that this can control the warriors of the solar system. .

Wei Keng thought for a while and suddenly realized that Qian Yun wanted to "use waste" from the martial arts in the solar system.

At this time, in the martial arts plane of the solar system, with the rise of the moon, the development direction of "martial arts" has been redirected to information-based command, and the warriors there are very embarrassed. However, the old glory makes these martial arts people who have existed since the Ming Dynasty unwilling to give up their orthodoxy, but the general trend in the solar system cannot be changed! After the heavenly beings came out, their road became even more dilapidated. So in this plane with only a few million people, leave an opening for these martial arts people to spread their martial arts!

...After being tricked, you will trick others,...

Qian Yun opened the space gate on the front line of Ma'an City, and the reflection of the blue hexagonal wellhead was projected from the facility, successfully growing to connect to the martial arts plane of the solar system.

At the same time, on Earth in 2846, near Mount Emei, a ruins gate opened. After the nearby federal government detected space fluctuations, it quickly dispatched personnel to block the area.

In recent years, the Earth Federation has been frightened by uncontrollable elements in the ruins. A few minutes later, the four martial arts generals arrived at the scene and looked at the hexagonal shuttle interface that emitted a faint blue light on the rock barrier of Mount Emei.

Wang Ge said to his comrades: "Everyone, our enterprising spirit will not allow us to retreat. Let each faction send people to enter this secret realm of the ruins."

…Secret realm interface dividing line…

On the Golden Core Plane, Qian Yun looked at the fully armed warriors of the solar system who had traveled through time, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Wang Ge had just traveled through time and was stunned when he saw the traces of human civilization, but then he smiled slightly when he saw that these were just artillery weapons. But before he could put away his smile, a shining light flashed in front of him at an incredible speed on the left side. During this flashing speed, it was at least the speed of sound.

After Qian Yun stood still after flashing, with himself as the center, the air shock wave spread in a ring, shocking these solar system warriors.

Qian Yun's physiological energy level is "three hundred and forty-five times" that of ordinary people. The combat power of this level can already crush the warriors of the solar system. After all, the only martial arts in the world is fast and unbeatable.

Even when Qian Yun steps on the air now, shock waves will appear directly on the soles of his feet, and he will be suspended in the air (just like a person floating on water in a swimming pool)

Qian Yun, whose whole body was in a high-energy state, said to these solar system warriors: Welcome everyone, I know what you want to pursue! Come with me, everyone!

Narrator: This opening was specially researched by Qian Yun, imitating the words of the two island owners Long and Mu of "Xia Ke Island" who seduced the martial arts heroes in depth. ——As for those scum in these martial arts circles? Those are heroes, as time travelers, and they have clear information in this regard.

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