Out of the cage

Chapter 1314 Chapter 2632 (Part 1) Yucheng Model, Endure

Chapter 1314 Chapter 26.32 (Part 1) Yucheng Model, Endure

Although Wei Keng kept a low profile after "Ascension", Wei Keng consciously kept a low profile.

Wei Keng: We (Celestial beings) just fired dozens of tungsten steel bullets over the Pacific Ocean. Oh, this warhead is mainly to warn Sun Yu, the heart of the swarm, just like Grandma Rong used a needle to warn Ziwei.

The warhead fired from space was very accurate and hit the source of Sun Yu's consciousness directly (Wei Keng used the earth and moon system to observe the weapons on Sun Yu's body, so he hit it so accurately).

Although Wei Keng felt that he had exercised great restraint, every move of the "giant" would undoubtedly put the "villain"'s Earth Federation government at risk.

In the lunar orbit, heavenly beings began to weld warships, and merchant ships under the banner of the Earth's federal government observed this giant working at the "construction site" in space from a distance. This giant uses a flexible field to dock various ship parts together and then assemble them using energy welding.

Over the past 47 years, the entire Human Rights Alliance has continuously launched three "faxiangs" into space, namely Wu Xuan, Mo Ya, and Wang Tianlu.

Wei Keng is still in the center of the moon, using his umbilical cord to support other people, and plans to go into space in 49 years. Current plans call for six more people to be launched within two years.

The launch of this kind of celestial being is very simple and unpretentious. There is no bright rocket tail flame, but it is full of a "sporty" beauty.

The giant first ran quickly on the surface of the moon to a thousand kilometers per hour, which is a speed of about 277.78m/s. Then he started the booster rocket jet behind him. After thirty detonations and acceleration, he reached the first cosmic speed, which is 7000km/h.

This method for heavenly beings to step into space is more like taking a leap and physically crossing the universe.

Although there are currently only three "celestial beings" in space, the productivity of lunar shipbuilding enhancement is already very strong.

The large-scale equipment originally needed to assemble the spacecraft was replaced by the presence of these three Dharma-Xiang Tiandi, making everything as easy and freehand as "folding paper airplanes".

Tianren has not reduced its accuracy because of its "bigness". Each of Tianren's big fingers can pop out tools of different specifications, just like an embroidery worker passing a needle through a needle, allowing rows of battleship welding points to be accurately welded. .

The original assembly process of a space battleship took hundreds of hours, but now it can be completed in only four or five hours.

Within a month, four hundred of the one-kilometer space frigates were assembled like assembled models. And after assembling the small ones, I have already started to try to assemble the large battleships and battle fortresses.

And after practice makes Wu Xuan perfect, his arm can move parts much faster than a space robotic arm. During the entire process, all parts were protected by nano clouds, and there were no collisions.

At this time, there is a gap between the Human Alliance and the rest of the solar system with "celestial beings", and those corporate groups have widened the gap between adults and children, sapiens and chimpanzees. Although there hasn’t been a battle yet, the outcome is already decided!

...Wei Keng also became as calm as an adult facing a child at this time: I am not trying to win against the people in this plane, but I want the civilization in this plane to accept a new path...

With the emergence of new technologies, the space battleship system has encountered major challenges.

All forces in the Solar System Federation came to the aerospace science and technology department and hurriedly listened to their scientists talk about new things in space!

Ever since Zhu Hesi, a warrior wearing power armor, was stared back by Faxiang Heaven and Earth in the void.

This careerist from the Zhu family told their scientists in the laboratory to develop weapons that could defeat this kind of thing.

For example, special nuclear explosive kinetic energy shotguns, or ion beam energy weapons.

However, these studies of theirs are only theoretically able to break through defenses and assume successful sneak attacks under perfect circumstances. They have not considered competing in terms of "space productivity represented by heaven and man". Not to mention, the gods have already prepared shields in the "contradiction" system. Just like the large-displacement battleships of the 21st century, how to defend against a sneak attack by a country with only speedboats?

There are absolutely no ways for ants to deal with elephants, there are absolutely no ways for elephants to defend against ants, and there are many ways to crush ants to death. In the vast territory of space, bigness is beauty!

In terms of "margin", Wei Keng is much ahead of them.

Wei Keng: "I'm a student of the Theory of Contradiction. The shield I made is the spear of Ke, and the spear I made is the shield. This is a brand new system, and we have made great determination in this system. It’s been a long time coming.”

Nuclear bombs, kinetic energy bombs, and ion beam energy weapons all have the ability to sense forward electromagnetic waves in advance.

As for kinetic energy warhead weapons, there are magnetic induction facilities within 50 kilometers of space orbit. Whenever the electromagnetic warhead touches the warning satellite, it can also sense it.

In space, the Dharma of Heaven and Earth has achieved a "great advantage". This does not mean that those who separate the consciousness of Heaven and Earth from the mortal body will no longer be able to fly a spaceship. Driving a single aircraft can compete with traditional fleets, aerospace fighters, and mobile suits. Continuing to maintain confrontation under the system is "I have you but you don't".

The margin of human beings is always much greater than that of ants.

Just as the warriors of Earth, Mars, and Venus were waiting, the Moon, which had the technological advantage, turned its back.

The Human Rights Alliance is unusually calm, like a well-fed lion on the grassland...

After 2848, four celestial beings began to be launched on the moon in succession, bringing the number of celestial beings in the entire lunar orbit to 7. They began to dismantle a large number of raw materials sent from the moon to build large ecological warehouses.

After the "Middle Man" gained the upper hand, after all, the Human Resources Alliance inherited Wei Keng's temperament more, so now there is no hasty war, but "farming", "polishing weapons", and silently seizing the advantage.

The vast earth monitors in the dimension are also helpless to do anything about this. Wei Keng has the advantage and does not move, and directly relies on inertia to push over, making any time-travel delivery a clown.

Looking back at the pastoral era, when Wei Keng first traveled through the Pandora plane, he also had the advantage of "a cluster of wise people". What Tukang gave to Yucheng was not a sudden fierce war, but a long period of oppression. Even though he could clearly win Under such circumstances, we will continue to expand our advantages.

Bai Linglu clearly remembered that the last chief spirit (Eagle Summoning) of Yucheng in the Pandora plane went crazy under this kind of pressure. In this current plane, due to the sudden explosion of technology, the mentality of the old forces such as the Earth Federation has exploded, and they are wandering in the "low fever" of waiting for war.

Bai Linglu smiled: He (Wei Keng) is very good at teasing people.

At present, all the factions of the "Gaia Route" are being driven into a crazy rhythm. If He Xiang is a woman who can turn the supervisor ladies into a small-bellied woman, Master Wei has already made a queen like He Qiuye completely lose her royal bearing. How did He Qiuye turn out to be "magnanimous"? Well, Wei Keng had no such impression.

Maybe it's because Wei Keng is too old. As an "old-timer" from the pastoral period, he has never put He Qiuye, a little girl, in a high position. Or maybe He Qiuye simply can't be like Qin Tianfang. In this way, he showed every trace of his superior aura in front of Wei Keng.

Yes, any wise king or emperor will be disqualified if he encounters unruly people.

Qin Tianfang: As a wise king, it is best for the emperor to understand that "water can capsize a boat" and not to offend people's minds.

On the other hand, what Bai Linglu didn't know, Qin Xiaohan also noticed when he saw this scene: When he was making egg fried rice and living an ordinary life for decades, the contemporary kings were all "free and easy", hey, compared to No one can match his patience.

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