Out of the cage

Chapter 1318 Chapter 2634 (Part 2) A slight difference in the beginning, but a thousand miles in the

In space, Wei Keng (Celestial Being) looked at the new generations below as they approached with overwhelming force. Nod slightly. At the same time, he nodded to the sun. (No one else on the plane knows what Wei Keng often says to himself about the sun. But Bai Linglu understands that this means margin.)

The result of such a battle is in line with Wei Keng's prediction of the "human base route". But we still need to make a strategic summary with the comrades here.

In space, in the Earth-Moon system shipbuilding base, Wei Keng suddenly said to the celestial body of Mo Ya, who was also in the air: "It is also carbon-based communication. Our technical system is similar to that of the insect swarm in many aspects, but every In all aspects, due to the differences in initial concepts, they eventually developed into a difference of a thousand miles."

Mo Ya: "Well, it seems that the information efficiency of the insect swarm is a little higher than ours."

The insect swarm communication constantly modified by Gaia's consciousness is no worse than the spiritual language in some indicators. There was just an error in the route.

…The difference between communication and command is that communication leaves a margin, while command leaves no margin…

Wei Keng: Under the same physical rules, there is no hard-core technical difference between mind language and insect swarm mind control. The only difference is the attitude towards the individual.

Theoretically, as long as a small individual is constantly connected to a powerful information output body, it is difficult for the individual not to be completely affected! (This is what the Internet is like in the 21st century. Large-traffic self-media can easily catch the rhythm of ordinary people.)

When the insect swarm designs the teleportation, it describes the "perfect information" to perfection. As an individual of the sub-insect swarm, under this information output from above, even a little bit of self-awareness will enter the information cocoon.

Although the language of the mind can also do this, in addition to describing the objective physical elements in detail, leaving "if" and "but" in many "analytic fields" is similar to half-speech. ——This kind of margin of expression was deliberately done by Wei Keng when he designed the language of the soul!

At present, when the heavenly beings, as the information center, express information to the lower body, they do not describe the expected situation absolutely perfectly, but leave "uncertainty". This is equivalent to transferring the "dominance of thinking" of a considerable number of people. To the human individuals on the ground.

This allows humans who are connected to the communication system between heaven and man to still maintain their subjective initiative!

There is actually no difference in the physical level between the analysis speed of the Brood and the analysis speed of "Dharma Xiang Heaven and Earth".

The difference is that the mother nest is a "one super and many weak" model. Its central super mind expresses too much, suppressing the ability of other terminal bodies closer to perception to deal with crises.

This is one factor that makes the "Gaia Route" inferior to the "Human Base".

That is: under the link of Gaia consciousness, there is no possibility of a body weaker than the main body. Gaia consciousness has no possibility of protecting the end (the practical individual)!

What does it mean to have the ability to think at the grassroots level? It means that in the current tough battle against each building.

The tactical activities of the dragon guards at the grassroots level within five minutes, before the reflex arc of the insect swarm mastermind was transmitted back, the victory of the small group battle was already decided.

The leader of the swarm is like a "handicapped" player, watching helplessly as his troops are destroyed by novices.

Both parties serve as clusters, and their communication systems are based on the same physical basis. The differences in thinking between the two parties determine the evolutionary gap.

The orders issued by Gaia's consciousness are perfectly one-way and do not leave any room for the individual to think.

As for the human base, due to the "limited individual life span", as the lower individuals continue to compete for freedom, the thinking system flashes and grows.

...The immortal jellyfish was ultimately defeated by the orderly inheritance of the "Shou Ding species"...

From 08:00 on April 20th to 08:00 on the 26th, within six days, the Humane Alliance Corps swept away all the insect swarms on the Thousand Islands of Southeast Asia like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

In the dozens of remaining encirclements that are as narrow as a few kilometers, the remnants of the insect swarm are increasingly able to "communicate". Because under the blow of the war, the old heart of the insect swarm was destroyed, and now the humans are surrendering to the insect swarm and beginning to take over.

These elite humans were originally controlled by the spiritual power of the insect mother, but now they are the main representatives of the insect swarm and have a final showdown with the Human Alliance.

Of course all these efforts were in vain.

The brown-red insect swarm's mother nest ushered in the final battle. The three-hundred-ton attack mecha rushed towards the insect swarm's main base with earth-shaking steps. This powerful mechanical sword master raised the gamma particle shock blade and used the most powerful force. The unpretentious dark red energy flow swept away the guard force of the insect swarm's nest.

The insect swarm nest lost its air force and large units at this time. At this time, the last crazy insect swarm ocean could only turn into flesh and blood mud under the energy sword energy in the face of such a combat weapon specially used to attack difficulties.

Finally, the mother's nest, half buried a thousand meters underground, was unearthed like a potato being peeled.

After cutting open the mother nest, the robotic arm found that humans who had been corrupted by the insect swarm and thought they had inherited the insect swarm were embedded in the core of the insect swarm like "blackheads embedded in pores." When a thirty-meter mechanical shovel pried open the chitin shell of the insect swarm's mother nest, then inserted the drill pipe and drilled towards the core of the insect swarm, finally pulling out the elongated ones.

Human League soldiers took these die-hards into the colonization cabin.

But for those corrupted individuals captured outside the swarm's mother nest, even if you repeatedly use a loudspeaker to tell them that they can survive by crawling and squatting, it will not help.

An autopsy later revealed that the nervous system of his brain had been damaged and had been replaced by a neural network composed of magnetized blood cells.

Although the Humane Alliance medical system can provide emergency treatment to these humans and restore their sanity. But addiction is hard to quit.

Because the mental stimulation from the mother's nest will bring a variety of pleasures that far exceed those of humans. ——The bottom-line indoctrination of the carbon-based information system has resulted in a complete loss of their ability to develop as independent intelligence. This "loss" is similar to the permanent damage to the nervous system caused by drug addiction.

Narrator: The dependence of human individuals fused under the swarm consciousness on the swarm consciousness is a feeling mixed with "sex", "honor" and "satisfaction". That's right, the spiritual power of contacting the insect swarm is more powerful than the psychedelic brain caused by taking drugs.

Therefore, in a certain classic plot in the world of the heavens, after the Queen of Blades is rescued, she will still return to the insect swarm.

Wei Keng immediately checked the global carbon-based frequency band: This is true for these humans who joined the day after tomorrow, but what about Sun Yong, who was loaded with the entire insect swarm mind by the Gaia system?

This time traveler's brain has been knocked out of the human pedestal.

May 14th, the second phase of the battle, this phase is when humans are waiting for the opportunity, and the insect swarm launches the first attack.

Sun Yao gathered the insect tide military forces across Australia and prepared to fight back to the equator. On the equator, thousands of large black and white biological warships that looked like killer whales broke through the white waves and attacked the Humane Alliance's defense zone.

But just as the insect swarm was gathering and moving forward, the human dragon guard regiment easily bypassed the main force of the insect swarm and directly attacked Australia in a roundabout way.

Note: Heavenly beings have known about the deployment for a long time through biological quantum tracers. Therefore, in battle, whether you can steal something or not, oh, the technical term should be, seize the "battle opportunity."

...During the great battle, the time travelers quietly began to fight each other...

Along the coast of Western Australia, Wang Zijian's 023 team accepted a new mission. Qian Yun and other time travelers blended into this team. In the pocket watch space mission system to which Qian Yun belonged, a mission team of "Beheading Generals" was released.

This team wore mechanical armor. During the chaotic occupation, they activated large-scale equipment according to the intelligence and began to drill a "worm nest" well. After entering the wellhead, the mechanical soldiers descended several kilometers and encountered a large number of biological tumors.

Whenever the team went down to the biological area below, and failed to cover up the disguised carbon-based fluctuations without paying attention, these biological tumors would emit green smoke.

This is the physiological reaction of the insect swarm when their minds are fluctuating and asking for help. It is similar to the sweat that breaks out on the forehead when humans scream for help in extreme panic!

Yes, the "emotionless" insect swarm's nest has already suffered from stress response due to constant raids.

…The perspective comes to the external battlefield. The insect swarm is resisting in all directions, so it is already difficult to deal with the partial penetration of the 023 group...

In wars on the surface, the insect swarm often encounters the dragon guards a hundred kilometers away, and the east wind blows in the sky and thousands of pear blossoms bloom.

On various battlefields, those biological sources with relatively shallow burials (less than 500 meters deep) will instantly form a crushing depression on the ground as the earth-penetrating nuclear bombs penetrate.

In the past, under nuclear strikes, the underground part of the nest could still remain active. If left alone, tentacles might stretch out from the cracks in the ground and regenerate after a few hours.

But in front of "intelligent people", other carbon-based biological routes and "regeneration ability" are a misconfiguration.

Wei Keng: Sun Tzu said in "The Cost of War" that fighting is an explosive process and must be crushed in one go, without giving it a chance to consume itself.

On the earth's battlefield, ten minutes after the Dragon Guards guided the nuclear strike to precise destruction, large transport aircraft landed on the ground, dropping lightly mechanized troops, and three "Army-Breaking Golden Armors" holding telekinetic light blades ", and also arrived at those frontier nest areas.

The huge mecha established the signal coordinates in front of these hot and steaming collapse pits, and the warships in space began to deliver forty-meter-long "needles" for "final penetration"

These needles are the "Holy Spear of the Human Emperor". Yes, they are clearing out the black mud on the moon and adding hundreds of "Gaia girls" to the moon.

The Contemporary Humanitarian Alliance has accepted this "human reproduction" technology in war. And it seems like "I keep using it, it always feels good".

As the war progressed, Sun Yao was forced to "enjoy" the blazing power of the Human Emperor.

As these red needles are inserted into the mother nest, the remaining organic matter below it can no longer gather with the nest gene as the core.

The insect nests that were preparing to regenerate on the west coast of Australia suddenly began to collapse like jellyfish exposed to dehydration. The ground that was originally prepared to rise again to form the mother nest collapsed once again.

Sun Yao let out a weird "roar" in his telepathy.

He was like Sun Houhou who was trapped under the Five Elements Mountain. He once wanted to break away from the Five Elements Mountain, but was pinned down by the Buddha's seal. Of course, he was even more aggrieved than Sun Houhou, because Sun Houhou was trapped under the Five Elements Mountain, but no one teased Brother Monkey. red butt.

In the Pacific Center base where Sun Yao is currently located, stimulated by the intense carbon-based signal from Western Australia, the opening above the brood nest opened and closed, spraying out a large amount of organic liquid like a geyser!

Therefore, in this way, the Australian insect swarm turned into a "human inheritance center" almost overnight.

...But there was no such famous saying in the Five Wars: Let us show off! …

As Sun Yao, the mother nest of the insect swarm on the west coast of Australia, went offline, the monster swarm in the entire Pacific also instantly lost the carbon base supply behind it. Those swarm bases that are still waiting for the "Gaia Center" to reconnect are now "haaaah, oh, oh." Weirdly humming in the carbon-based fluctuations.

...Perspective, back to the present, in the Dongan Mine in Australia, the underground exploration operation of Team 023 has reached the final stage...

Within three hours, it headed toward the equator, but was hit by a swarm of sixty-five precision-guided bombs along the way. These guided bomb swarms exploded the Leviathan mother body of the insect swarm into tiny pieces, and the insect swarm did not hesitate to devour each other to re-form Leviathan in order to keep moving (the fragmented state was unable to maintain a high speed of thirty knots).

However, as it engulfs and accumulates organic matter toward the center, a large number of carbon-based signals are released, exposing itself.

Finally, fifteen hours later, the insect swarm's forces at the equator crashed into the human sea defense front dominated by nuclear-powered battleships.

These 30,000-ton battleships deployed electromagnetic guns to project shells with ramjet engines.

Mushroom clouds of white water mist were blown up from the sea water. The swarm group was on the verge of collapse under this near-infinite firepower.

On May 24, the second phase of the campaign ended. In less than thirty hours, the global insect swarm was cleanly reduced to 40% of its pre-war number.

This battle has shocked Sun Yao and the plane system behind him. ——And in this case, the remaining amount Wei Keng was prepared to invest at the "best time" has not yet been used.

...This huge change in the world has directly shaken Tian Ting. Those supreme beings in heaven finally know the gold content of the Human Emperor...

This made the Gaia faction in the heavenly palace of Saturn's "Star" have no choice but to believe in the Human Emperor of the "Human Base" recorded in the long-standing data.

It is recorded in the information blocked by Bai Hengqian: That is, in certain planes (Pandora planes), the human base route requires thousands of people to penetrate a planetary insect swarm!

That year, when He Qiuye first entered the vast land, she didn't believe it. She was arrogant and walked her own way. (Wei Keng: Of course, you should be encouraged to follow your own path, but on your own path, you should be cautious and responsible for those who follow you later.)

"Gaia Palace", standing on the top of the Great Library of Life building, He Qiuye looked down at the current situation of a series of planes in his crumbling "Dimension Kingdom": with the appearance of "Spirit Man Traveling into the Universe", space surveillance, ground impact, In combination with long-range firepower at the second level, it is no exaggeration to say that the human prince's descendants will easily break through the insect swarm when they merge into the "biological" territory in the future.

At present, the plot plane of the heavens is still too small to support a few heavenly beings.

You should know that He Chongyun previously learned from Qin Tianfang that his comments on Wei Keng were described as follows: "He (Wei Keng)? All abilities are mediocre, but what he is best at is group fighting. - Yes, so far. , this number of heavenly beings can still be considered "beaten by a group".

"Gaia" can't block the key plane at all.

As the planes advance, the descendants of the human prince will establish "clans" in those stable plane universes and start hunting. (End of chapter)

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