Out of the cage

Chapter 1321 Chapter 2636 (Part 1) Collapse of the world, humans emerging from the cage

In the blank space, Sun Yao looked at the ball of light. After sorting out his emotions, he finally accepted the reality of his "sudden failure".

Sun Yao looked at the plot of the "collapse" of the world at the end and asked Guangtuan: "Is it impossible for me to win from the beginning? Those who take the insect swarm route are also on a road of no return! Is that right?"

Sun Yao had previously thought about what would happen if the human elites who turned against him would inherit control of the Brood after his failure.

But in fact, Sun Yao found that he had thought too much. Under the irradiation of the "carbon-based decomposition beam" at the stellar level in space, his insect swarm was like a sandcastle on the beach, disappearing in a single wave. It's just that this guy who can make big waves has put in a lot of effort in pretending before, making Sun Yao think that his sand castle is impregnable.

"Why?!" Sun Yao's various unwillingness and confusion finally converged into these three words!

Wei Keng, who was guiding the light group, poured a basin of calming ice water on Sun Yao, who was starting to become agitated: "Actually, in this plane, when you will be finished does not depend on your ability on the Gaia route. How to toss depends on whether the "people to grow" on the road to "human base" are ready..."

Sun Yao froze. When faced with such a "cold look", he was speechless and silent in his heart: From the beginning, I wasn't important, was I?

Wei Keng didn't answer. At this time, he just gave him the plan of "accepting route modification" in the system column.

Wei Keng gives him a free choice, if he consciously chooses not to accept it.

Then his consciousness will be shocked and replenished by Gaia, and he will become a woman. Because when a young boy was growing up and in a spiritual environment, he did not develop the strong bones in his consciousness and indulged in the joy of succeeding in conspiracy. Well, Qian Yun and Qian Shengzhao, who were once so wise as demons and scheming, had just fought in the war. In the middle, the "arrogance" that persisted was shattered again. If you are unwilling to face your mistakes and take up the responsibility of a man, then if you keep complaining, you will be repaired by Gaia, just like a female ghost. A sad existence.

…the dividing line at the end of the world…

In the martial arts plane of the solar system, in 2850, the insect swarm leaked from the Earth 423 ruins area was completely annihilated, and the human base became the mainstream of the earth-moon system.

But just like in the "Renyou" timeline and the space-time storm plot, the planes of the emperors who are almost exhausted are irredeemable. The only way out is for human consciousness to master the ability to "come out of the cage" to save itself.

When the Earth-Moon human civilization found the "Human Base" route, on this new historical line of the heavens' plot, time dropped to a speed only seven times that of the main world. (The slower the time, the thicker the consciousness)

But the heavens, which are inherently incomplete and whose physical constant rules are unstable, cannot carry this surge of consciousness. "The world has finally arrived ahead of schedule."

Beginning in 2851, in astronomical observations of the solar system in the planes of heaven, the outer Milky Way began to disappear.

This process of disappearance is that the starlight one hundred thousand light years away disappears, a few months later it is 90,000 light years away, and a year later it is 70,000 light years away.

In the eyes of physicists, such a scene is like the "computer space" where "the entire universe" is shutting down!

According to this trend, it will only take a few hundred years for the information in the entire outer space of the solar system to be wiped out, and then the entire solar system will eventually become nothing!

This is because when powerful consciousness is born in this "box" and this "box" is super-observed by consciousness, it begins to "collapse the wave function."

Narrator: Human beings in the solar system, as the center of "out-of-cage consciousness", are not clear at this time that they are the ultimate "source of destruction" of this fragile world! When your consciousness is weak, the world can still run like a computer program, but when your consciousness is strong enough to light up civilization. ——That means the ten directions will be destroyed.

At present, in the process of the collapse of the planes of the emperors, all the space collapse nodes of the "plane promotion" previously explored by Haotu will become time-traveling doors and open in the solar system. This timeline will follow the "human base" Tens of billions of human beings will emerge from the cage and enter multiple related "constant stable planes" disasters.

Even after the collapse of the world of the emperors, the huge amount of "information enthalpy" cannot be recovered by the vast land.

Those who emerge from the cage will use the "information enthalpy" after the collapse of their own world, oh, it can also be said to be the vacuum zero-point energy, to establish a civilization foothold in the plane they are about to arrive.

In 2852, Li Gui, who was in charge of observing the starry sky, gave the last observation report of the Celestial Beings of the Human Science Alliance:

The report stated very plainly that according to the current development rate of human consciousness, the sun will be destroyed between 300 and 500 years!

And the report does not advocate extending the world’s lifespan as much as possible!

Wei Keng: "The ultimate fate of the universe here (the plane of heavens) is determined by our expansion in the field of human consciousness. When we become more passionate and face the future, the world here will collapse faster. However, if we also If we become conservative, the end of the universe will be slower. However, the price is that most of the people in our world are ignorant and unable to be our comrades and leave this world together.

Therefore, Wei Keng's observation report focuses on the "Great Dimension Migration" plan.

By measuring the physical constants of various "relics" currently discovered, and using space technology, we aim at stable dimensional territories and migrate, and determine the target universe area (the universe on the Gaia route) to explore before the world is destroyed.

As Wei Keng delivered this last inspection report, two years later, the Humanitarian Alliance's fleet was slowly heading towards Taibai. Of course, the team heading for Mars would set off in the year after next.

The Humanitarian Alliance will survey and map the "relic" spaces that appear throughout the solar system.

Compared with waiting for destruction in ignorance and going crazy while waiting, this kind of self-rescue is carried out step by step and planned. Although the final countdown to destruction has not stopped, and has even accelerated to some extent, but in the "self-rescue plan" Human beings now face crises with the attitude of "ten thousand years is too long, seize the day", which is the real life.

This process of racing against time makes the world that is supposed to be doomsday full of vitality.

…crossing the dimensional dividing line…

The Nuwa plane is one of He Qiuye's core consciousness areas. On each carbon-based planet in this world, life consciousnesses of different "Gaia routes" are entrenched, and then the "carbon-based life" in the entire universe is represented by them. .

In this large universe of biological territory, there are some "vacuum zero-point energy" explosion areas, well, that is, the space folds obtained from micro black holes by the Gaia Route Controller on the Nuwa Plane!

In the past, these spaces would have ushered in a transition to the "story world". This is the "time and space feeding" of Gaia's time and space lords, but in this timeline, it is "forcibly inserted"

In the starry sky of Nuwa's plane, a different "computing consciousness" appeared in the folds of space, and then an unexpected jump occurred that was beyond the Gaia consciousness of this plane.

With a buzz, Wang Shan stared at the world from the space door. After confirming that the constant physical rules here were stable, they were at least seven orders of magnitude higher than his original plane! He sent a message that he had "arrived ashore" to his mother plane, which was about to be destroyed.

Subsequently, on this lush planet, more than 10,000 travelers arrived on this planet, followed by a forging factory that conformed to the rules of this plane, three cold fusion generators, eight superfluid shield machines, and three More than a hundred ground hovercrafts and other production materials.

About five years later, as the explorers figured out the rules of the Nuwa plane, large-scale migration began. Before the destruction of the mother plane, tens of millions of people migrated to this plane one after another. Start competing with the Gaia system on this plane.

…the dividing line of time…

In the year 2881 of the Qin Dynasty, in the solar system, beams of light penetrated into the interior of the earth like elevators.

The Celestial Being's facility on the sun modulated the gravity controller and began to expand the dimensional gate it wanted to go to. This active expansion of dimensional rules squeezed the "dimensional loopholes" in the previous ruins area (the vast earth monitor) to a certain extent. , so that the Haotian Supervisor Group completely lost control of the situation in this doomsday plane,

Thousands of passages leading to various target planes began to open. In the airport, the huge countdown to the end of the world is ticking away, and the announcer at the time and space port says, "Everyone, there is no banquet in the world. Please set sail with courage and ideals."

Standing in this port, Wei Keng watched groups of people leaving this world of drama and thought in his heart: "This is a perfect escape."

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