Out of the cage

Chapter 1328 Chapter 2705 Against death, fighting for life

In January 2600, Wei Keng's base vehicle began to build a large number of "space jump points" throughout the Yuchuan Mountains. In the cellar of a classroom or in the storage room of an office on a pig farm in the mountains, there are space teleportation cabins.

Because of the "Bu Tian Xin" system, consciousness can always be "interested" in the development of the world.

Wei Keng broke the federal theory that the human body would collapse after multiple jumps.

This theory is that a consciousness cannot exist simultaneously in a space-time body.

Star Sea Federation scientist: A person with independent self-awareness, when there is already a real-space body carrying consciousness, if the backup is made a second jump, the real-life body will be "conscious" and communicate with the jump process. The emergence of new thinking "Second consciousness", when the second consciousness is at its weakest in the early stages of emergence, will collapse due to unclear self-recognition, which will actually lead to the collapse of the body's quantum jump process.

These days, business and private affairs place special emphasis on "self-independence" and limit this "unique self" to the body rather than the "ideal" level.

Weikeng is a veteran "split cluster" that believes that "execution of ideals" is the real self. Different splits promote a development goal from different angles, that is, they can exist in multiple locations simultaneously.

Therefore, through these turning points, Wei Keng appeared in hundreds of mountainous areas and began to work here in the name of teacher, village chief, and uncle.

The base area began to expand to various mountainous areas in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in a state of "starry sky". ——The name "Guantianshe" appeared in the vast western China.

And because Wei Keng clearly established the common concept of "Bu Tian Xin", this made the "Guan Tian Society" completely different from the bandits who were despised by the Star Sea Federation military in the past.

The current comrades in Guantian Society do not have much education. They are all from the mountains and have never seen the prosperous world in the city. However, they hold long guns and short cannons and walk in their own mountains and rivers with simple pride in their eyes. Perhaps, if they come into contact with big cities now, they will be tempted and corrupted. But - as the accumulation of logs becomes longer and longer, and the years of growth become longer and longer, a strong will can finally despise those hypocritical wealth.

In the process of recruiting people, "Guantian Society" can give everyone a direction of "constantly accumulating themselves."

This makes people who join the "Guantian Society" basically join the organization. After learning to understand themselves and even the development direction of human society, they will not leave.

"Guantian Society" gathered 300,000 people in just half a year.

When the "middle man" reveals the secret of the "qualifications" of the upper class, it makes those outstanding people at the bottom who are unwilling to be mediocre suddenly realize, "It turns out that in the past, the people above were hiding the method, but now the method is made public, I You can fuck me too”

As the organization grew, the determination to revolt began to emerge.

Even if Wei Keng does not want to revolt, the situation does not allow Wei Keng to put on the brakes. This is the same as in the Shenzhou plane back then.

But Wei Keng knew that he had set off a trend. If he did not lead correctly and hit the wrong direction, the momentum of the revolution would suffer a major setback.

So at the beginning of the year, Wei Keng began to discuss the location of the uprising among internal decision-makers!

In Guantian Society, Wei Keng told his comrades: Although we must have the spirit to show our swords now, we must admit that we are still very weak. If you have a dagger, don’t shovel the tiger. Find a dog to test the knife first...

…the dividing line where restlessness is released,…

The mining station in the Chongqing No. 34 area is called Tongnan by the locals. Fifty kilometers further south is the small urban area 'Hechuan' controlled by the Human Federation.

This city is named after the confluence of the Jialing River, Qujiang River and Fujiang River. Further south is Chongqing City.

No matter where it is, Chongqing is a "central city". In this plot line, there are six million people here.

Master Wei's initial plane is the "Shenzhou plane", so he has not studied the strategic terrain of the East at all.

In the future storm plane, to determine whether river conditions have changed based on history. Wei Keng did not lazily collect old materials, but conducted on-site inspections. (Bu Tian Xin makes people willing to repeat things that others feel and give them their own meaning)

In Base Area No. 3, Wei Keng began to unfold the map after confirming that all participants had completed confidentiality work!

Wei Keng pointed to the strategic points on the map: All mining stations directly controlled by the federation are on large rivers. These large cities with millions of people can mine 50 million tons of "ore fuel" on a coal-fired scale every year.

From the current strategic point of view, it is quite necessary for Guantian Society to occupy the mine point and maintain the mine point.

In today's world, the three bases of the Star Sea Federation and the Condor Empire can easily drill through a hundred kilometers under the earth's crust through gravity extraction beams to extract nuclear fuel minerals from the mantle.

Currently, the Guantianshe base system does not have this technology. It must occupy the mine to research the gravity extraction device to achieve independent mining technology.

Wei Keng knocked on the table: "The strategic goal has been determined. All actions will be based on this goal. If someone deviates from the goal and does not obey the command, he will be punished according to discipline. Next, we will analyze the difficulties."

Wei Keng came up with a detailed plan.

All the details of the plan are more than one million words long. Such a detailed plan cannot be completed by one person in a short time in a normal plane. The new uprising forces currently do not have a qualified affairs team.

Therefore, this plan relies on Wei Keng's "time and space retrieval ability" to complete.

Wei Keng will realize one time and plan a thousand times in the rehearsal. In each time, he will perform his own duties!

This allowed Guantian Society to have a strong leadership team in the early days of the uprising!

...Bu Tianxin system can allow a person to exert superhuman working abilities in this technological plane where "time and space jump" exists...

In the underground tunnel studio, Wei Keng gave ideological education to the comrades in the summary meeting: "The mining point of the Star Sea Federation depends on the consumer market. Well, to put it simply, "consumption" in the eyes of the upper class and "consumption" in the eyes of the lower class The concepts are different. The bottom-level concept of "consumption" is to satisfy one's own interests, that is, food, drinks, and games. The upper-level consumption is to "control" all key production means, including raw materials and everyone's labor force!"

Wei Keng emphasized: This results in different desires between the upper and the lower! All top-down policies will be distorted by "different desires" at the end of the chain.

Wei Keng opened the projection model and displayed the details of the city of six million people in Sanchahe. He pointed to the administrative hall, public security bureau, court, financial center and other facilities marked in it. He revealed in detail that the Xinghai Federation relied on a few How does one manage to rule such a large city effectively.

In this megacity, every street is filled with artificial intelligence, and everyone involved in maintaining security and public administration is controlled by the command framework in the information helmet!

You know, when Wei Keng first came to this world, as a soldier in troubled times, he learned about the ruling machine. He was quickly caught and imprisoned when he escaped for the first time. Now that he finally escaped, of course he had to start "prying the cage" from the outside.

Under the strict and perverted rule of the Star Sea Federation, the public opinion in big cities, guided by business and private interests, shouted "freedom", leaving only degenerate freedom. If the lower-level people try to make progress, the higher-ups will immediately hammer you down with an iron fist. .

However, the forced oppression of the Star Sea Federation's big city order is anti-human and cannot be carried out without the "dog-leg" social organizations in the middle as a buffer.

Therefore, the Star Sea Federation will rely on the local power of local snakes in second- and third-level cities to reduce the cost of governance.

The “costs of rule” in the cyber era include rebels cutting off power to power plants, rendering artificial intelligence ineffective, or engaging in theft and smuggling, rendering most of the surveillance artificial intelligence ineffective.

These are the means of struggle used by organizations pursuing anti-oppression in the past. However, as local clans and social guilds were bribed by the top officials of the Star Sea Federation, they acted as minions of suppression.

Next, is the essential information of this struggle movement.

Wei Keng: When the oligarchs at the top of the Star Sea Federation who concentrate all resources lack a chain of control other than "money" and "interests", in order to control such a huge country, they can only maintain a balance of power with local cowards with "shallow ideals" at the grassroots level.

For example, now: in remote mines, the heads of city halls in big cities tacitly agree that local forces can operate mineral mining and pay tribute shares. .

And because there has always been a desire for "absolute control" at the top of the Star Sea Alliance. Therefore, there is an irreconcilable contradiction with the "powerful" middle and lower classes.

For second- and third-tier cities in East Asia. For civil servants from the municipal pro-establishment camp, even when they lack ideals, they still seek personal gain, hide things from the upper management, mine privately, and build small local treasury.

Wei Keng knocked on the table: "Don't expect these "centrists" to compromise because of the pressure from the upper levels. Let's just rob their little treasury! Don't be afraid to force them to the Star Sea Alliance. These local forces are just cheap. Beat them first." , and then reason with them!"

The Yu 034 abandoned mining station in Tongnan was a force selected by the "Guantian Society" to mine deep energy at a depth of 100,000 meters.

Wei Keng conducted an intelligence investigation based on the personnel sent out. Due to inefficient management, the amount of energy mined every day was only the equivalent of two hundred tons of standard coal mines at most, which was about hundreds of thousands of tons a year. About 30% of the stolen coal mines belong to the pockets of upper-class bosses. The rest is provided for the debauchery here.

For the Star Sea Federation, no one paid attention to the beginning of the great uprising that would shake the world at first. They just thought it was a local gangsterism...

February 11, 2600. Wei Keng was lying in ambush at the ambush site wearing a simple gray camouflage ceramic mechanical armor.

Wei Keng's chest armor creaked as it rubbed against the slag gravel on the ground.

In the area where the forward guard Keng's "perspective" was looking, those garrison forces were driving large dusty trucks to the oil depot area of ​​the "private mine".

Wei Keng's space-time preview is now thirty-six seconds long, and the range is six thousand meters.

At this time, the sniper rifle on Wei Keng's body can accurately crush the head of the guard at the gate at the extreme distance, and then break in.

The powerful ability of time and space rehearsal means that it can be archived infinitely. When two people with the ability of time and space rehearsal overlap each other, there will be a time and space confrontation.

That is, if a space-time person finds that the future he perceives is different from reality, but occurs in the form of another crisis, then another space-time person will revise the plan based on variables.

In that small mine, the probability of a "crisis perceiver" appearing was very small, but Wei Keng still used the most "prepared" attitude to lay an ambush.

Narrator: In fact, most people can only perceive the future when they face a crisis. Wei Keng, a freak whose brain directly receives the energy of time and space and rehearses every minute, is already the difference between a hare and a lion, but Wei Keng is still It's a lion fighting a rabbit but still trying his best.

Wei Keng solemnly located in different hidden areas in the rehearsal space, remotely controlled firearms, launched trials, and carefully observed the details of these garrison military forces.

Wei Keng reported to the command system in his information helmet: First, on the cement platform three hundred meters behind the mine, there were two squadrons of biplanes. The flight control system on the aircraft was loaded with a video game console. After modifying the system, it is completed. Of course, this kind of thing can take off and fight through rockets.

The system entered by Wei Keng immediately made arrangements for the surrounding ambush groups: the fighter jets of the two squadrons were a considerable threat and could take off quickly within thirty seconds to form ground support firepower. So always pay attention to the order and complete the suppression within thirty seconds of the surprise attack.

However, Wei Keng could also see that the variables in the battle should be very small.

The security personnel of this "small company" who defended the minerals had very bad military discipline. The safety of the machine gun on the sentry tower was not turned on at all. There were even curtains on the windows of the sentry tower. When they were drawn up, the sentries did not know what they were doing inside!

If people have no ideals and no goals to implement, they will be free and loose, and there will be a lot of loopholes in the entire organization.

As a seasoned veteran with ample fishing experience, Wei Keng understands this disorganized state: there is a difference between a promising team and a unit that hopes to bring out a common belief, and a security group that has no faith and just gets paid to satisfy specific needs and desires. .

...Wei Keng was trained in schools in eight base areas near Chongqing. In just four months, he had unearthed three natural "awakenings of time and space"...

Narrator: Some of these three guys accurately judged the opponent's shots in tennis matches, some developed "god consciousness" in e-sports, and some started riding motorcycles on 90-degree hillsides. Go down the mountain. Was discovered by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng interrupted these silly children's "splendid literary journey" and took them on a "three-year college entrance examination, five-year simulation" course suitable for them.

Wei Keng faced these awakened children who tried to resist by rehearsing time and space, and carried out playful suppression.

That's right, Mr. Wei, a monster, rehearsed more than a hundred times per second, ranging from three to ten minutes. These silly children thought they were superior to others in terms of time and space, but Wei Keng predicted them step by step.

For example, one of them always stepped on banana peels when he wanted to leave the dormitory at night. When he fell, his butt always hit thumbtacks.

Being pushed, his center of gravity was lost and he fell back. This silly boy knew that this was a lesson from his instructor, and after seeing Wei Keng, he asked in surprise: "Why didn't I see you in my future observation?"

Wei Keng responded to him: "To me, any future observation you make is predictable, so I didn't let you see it."

These untrained children can only rehearse once an hour, but Wei Keng can rehearse hundreds of times per minute.

In short, this child's preview of time and space is like a one-meter ruler! It can only leave traces on the one-meter scale, but Wei Keng is a millimeter-scale ruler, leaving thousands of observations on the densely packed scales at its intervals! The only thing I didn't observe was her "meter scale".

As a "teacher", Wei Keng became more and more in awe of "Lu Yun" as his abilities continued to grow, even though more and more people were interested in Bu Tianxin. But at the same time, it made everyone feel "reliable", because Wei Keng did not need to do any bad things in Bu Tianxin, just like a backbone holding up the dark sky, supporting a dream.

...For a team, the most precious and core thing is that everyone can touch the "upward hope"...

The attack on Yu 034 Mine began quickly. In Wei Keng's thousands of drills, each team in the actual attack began to act in unison according to the plan. Everyone communicates with their own team in a well-organized communication system. Each person communicates for no more than ten seconds, and then transfers communication to other groups. This process is very intense and very disciplined. ——Therefore, in the case of insufficient communication bandwidth, the organization is completed and the maximum information transmission is completed.

Among them, Guantianshe's special team used crossbows to kill peripheral targets at once.

In the mine, these security personnel, who had rings in their ears, nails in their tongues, and were high on drugs, only felt their bodies go numb and then collapsed.

There were no accidents in the whole process. Even if there was an accident, for example, once a group lost contact, Wei Keng had a plan to switch to a strong attack.

In the armament area of ​​the mine, those welded armored vehicles were parked neatly without any sign of starting.

Some of the vehicles owned by these mining motley crews were equipped with machine guns, while others had round-headed 100mm rifled tank turrets from the museum welded to the top of buses, but these weapons were all taken down without firing a single bullet.

Near the mining headquarters, there were three groups of death-breathing infantrymen carrying oil tanks on their backs. It was the only unit that was captured by force in this battle.

These death infantry were soldiers missing arms and legs, leaving only their heads, internal organs and mechanically welded nerves. When they were enjoying a syrup injection at noon, they suddenly encountered a magnetic pulse warhead and were knocked down without firing.

After taking down all the important positions in the base, Wei Keng ordered everyone to enter defense positions.

Wei Keng entered the blocking position and issued a warning to his teammates. If the mining boss could not be captured alive, the mission would fail and everyone would move quickly.

Finally, ten minutes later, Wei Keng sniped down the helicopter that was trying to escape.

The chubby mining boss fell from the cockpit of the plane before the plane lost control. His fat body fell from a height of five meters and broke his leg.

Of course, in the preview, Wei Keng wanted him not to die. exist

After the helicopter's fuel exploded, Wei Keng ordered the mechanical dog to drag out the burning boss and throw him into a sewage pool, allowing him to save his life in the aftermath of the explosion.

...After capturing this place, the next most important thing is to control it. …

This time, the owner of the mine did not know the origins of the "violent bandits" who raided his base this time. He asked for a cigarette in the solitary room and bargained gently. Claiming: "Hero, if you want money, I have people in the city."

Wei Keng was also stalling with him to get information about his backers in the city, and at the same time, he quickly took control of the place.

Internally, the goal was to win the hearts and minds of the stronghold first. Six days later, the "Guantian Society" took over full control of this small mining base. There were a total of 3,000 people living in this settlement, both men and women, but the "Bandit Society" only had less than 40 people. .

Wei Keng: Such a small number of gang members can bully men and women, which shows how strong the shackles of rule here are. This mining boss gave almost everyone else a chip. After breaking through this place, he even went to the "Collection Room" in his Twenty-three young men and women were even found in the underground cell. Some of them were mentally disturbed when they were found.

As for the control rings around the necks of those oppressed in the mines, Wei Keng did not immediately remove them at his request.

Wei Keng dispatched cadres to explain to everyone: "We are currently screening personnel, please be patient."

In the office of the mine base, Wei Keng cleared away the unnecessary root carvings of the mine owner and various leadership photos. He picked up a pen and made a note about the work center: You take the initiative to squat down and talk to the kneeling people, and ask all kneeling people to stand up. Listening to you speak is different. The former will make the kneeling person feel equal. Their knees that have been kneeling for a long time will slowly stand up when you squat down to support them. As for the latter, when they stand up suddenly, their knees are still soft and they can't help but lean against you. , and the sheer weight will force you to end up on your knees with them.

It is easy to stand up in terms of identity, but can you continue to stand up after your knees are broken mentally? ——Wei Keng: Yes, but you have to work hard.

Historically: These oppressed people will be confused if they are suddenly released from their shackles, just like people who have been imprisoned in the dark for a long time will suddenly see the light and become blind.

Because they did not break the shackles themselves, and they do not know who broke the shackles, so they seek stability and even want to put the shackles back on. ——The real liberation should be to hand over the historical work of finally taking off the shackles to the masses themselves.

Therefore, Wei Keng did not untie the "electronic collar" immediately. Instead, he started to speed up the process mentally and asked internal comrades to start monitoring and assessment, and started to divide people step by step.

After passing the identity screening, Guantianshe's ideological supervision team began to explain the situation of their team to these people, and then asked them to conduct a "thirty-day" assessment in accordance with Guantianshe's organizational discipline.

In fact, it was only a month, but some people with strong understanding understood the spirit of "Bu Tian Xin", carried out ideological transformation, and released the shackles in one morning.

Since the purpose is "liberation", slowly and gently encourage everyone to take off the shackles. Of course, in the future, someone may use this "failure to take off the shackles immediately" as an example, under the slogan of liberation, in the name of test, Deliberately put on shackles.

Although they were still wearing collars in the mining base, when they saw someone being untied, they began to feel confident and bold enough to accept ideological reform. They worked during the day and went to class at night. After more than ten days, they all took the oath to join the "struggle" team. At this time, under the ceremony, they unlocked the electronic shackles and smashed them directly.

Ever since, a group of people stood up and began to pull others to their feet.

In thirty days, as groups of people scrambled to pursue progress, taking off their shackles, the confusion on their knees disappeared, replaced by the spirit of making their own decisions.

At this time, Bu Tianxin distributed his own personal communication system, and everyone began to divide work according to the goals of the struggle.

If there is no previous process and this communication system is directly transferred, it will soon be turned into shackles by the "smart" slaves who are good at imitating the slave masters and put on everyone's head.

In just one month, more than two thousand obedient slaves suddenly became purposeful and began to unite a team that obeyed orders.

"Faith" is like a flame, how to ignite wet wood with a small amount of dry kindling!

There are cases in history, but no detailed records...

In 205 BC, Han Xin formed an army of 20,000 newly recruited farmers, old and weak soldiers, and defeated Zhao's army several times larger in the Battle of Jingxing. This allusion of a last-ditch battle was well-known among later generations of military strategists who only focused on "putting their lives on the line for future generations."

But in the past and present, there have been many total annihilation battles involving large-scale siege in a dead end. There are few people who can recreate the classic last-ditch battle.

The transformation of 20,000 peasants into deadly warriors was not just as simple as forming a deadly formation.

Han Xin was a soldier, so how did he instill in the recruits the belief of fighting back before the war?

Wei Keng: How to instill hope and beauty into these confused people who have just seen the light, while pointing to the place of death in the distance. Tell everyone there is no retreat.

..."Yes, there is no way out." Wei Keng emphasized the situation to all comrades in the mining stronghold on March 11...

The mine boss of this stronghold is connected to the family interests of the Xinghai Federation magistrates in Chuanhe District.

The repressive forces will arrive at any moment.

Twenty days after the mine was seized, the big shots in Sancha City were finally alerted because this month's monthly payment had not been collected. These big men in suits were planning to pay for the money they would distribute to the people below next month, so they had a group meeting over tea to discuss it.

Fifty kilometers away, a municipal official who had just gotten up from the big silk bed had put on his glasses. Looking at some "sudden" minor problems in the family industry, he started to open the system, sign a warrant, and order the nearby military camp troops to mobilize troops to solve the problem. Mine chaos.

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